Technological supremacy starts with acquiring alien spaceships

#276 - Chapter 276 The Remains of the Crystal Monster

The Millennium Falcon flew towards the location where the mining robots had been deployed.

Before long, they arrived at the mining site.

When Chen Yu saw the scene on the ground, he couldn't help but gasp.

At that moment, on the ground, illuminated by the intense light from the Millennium Falcon,

thousands of mining robots were battling countless, densely packed crystalline creatures.

These crystalline creatures seemed impossible to kill; they would be dismembered by the mining robots' mechanical arms.

Then, the fragmented pieces would recombine with the nearest crystalline monster, forming new creatures.

From this perspective, it seemed impossible to eliminate them completely.

"Damn, what are those things! AI, open fire and destroy those damned things!"

[Affirmative, Captain.]

Subsequently, the Millennium Falcon fired beams of laser light.

The crystalline creatures were scattered one by one, only to reassemble.

"Damn it, regular lasers can't destroy them. Try using other lasers!"


The Millennium Falcon began firing different types of lasers.

The power increased gradually, and finally, the AI identified a laser capable of destroying these damned things.

It turned out that antimatter annihilation lasers were needed to eliminate these monsters, turning them into a pile of particulate dust.

However, antimatter annihilation lasers required a large amount of antimatter energy, and the Millennium Falcon's stored antimatter energy was not unlimited.

Once it was depleted, time would be needed to absorb and replenish it.

As expected, after several hours of intense battle, countless monsters had been killed.

However, there were simply too many of these monsters on this planet, and the surrounding crystalline monsters continued to emerge in countless numbers.

"Damn, we can't continue like this. Our antimatter energy will be depleted sooner or later. Cover the mining robots and have them all fly back to the mothership."

[Affirmative, Captain!]

Subsequently, the Millennium Falcon flew at low altitude, and the mining robots quickly took off.

Some small transport ships carrying minerals were destroyed.

Even more mining robots were reduced to wreckage.

"Damn it, this time the losses are huge!"

Chen Yu spat.

Under the cover of the Millennium Falcon's antimatter laser cannons, the mining robots and transport ships gradually returned to the landing bay.

Those that couldn't return had already been destroyed by those damned monsters.

The landing bay closed, but the crystalline monsters were still relentless, even flying up and attacking the Millennium Falcon.

However, after the crystalline monsters collided with the Millennium Falcon, they would be smashed into a pile of fragments.

Then they would continue to reassemble, and the size of the reassembled crystalline monsters actually became larger and larger.

"AI, increase altitude and shake off those monsters!"

If those crystalline monsters were to reassemble to a certain extent,

and turn into some high-level creature, causing damage to the Millennium Falcon's hull, it would be a greater loss.

The Millennium Falcon flew directly out of the planet's atmosphere.

Those crystalline monsters finally stopped attacking.

"AI, tally the casualties of the mining robots."

[Captain, according to statistics, of the 5,000 mining robots and 200 transport ships we sent out, 1,378 mining robots were destroyed, and 76 transport ships were destroyed.]

"Damn! Such heavy losses!"

Chen Yu was speechless!

"Were any remains or corpses of those crystalline monsters collected?"

[They have been collected, and the laboratory is analyzing them.]

"Project the analysis footage onto the holographic screen."

[Affirmative, Captain.]

In the Millennium Falcon's command center, a huge holographic screen displayed the scene in the laboratory.

Some mechanical arms were studying the crystalline remains inside a glass罩.

To Chen Yu's shock, those crystalline remains were actually trembling.

It seemed that these tissues had not died, and once they came into contact with more crystalline matter, they would reassemble into a crystalline monster.

"AI, have you detected anything?"

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