Just when everyone thought that this professor was going to stop here...

Unexpectedly, the professor in protective clothing was still connected to the microphone in the conference room, and said in a heavy tone: "Although the concentration of uranium 235 in the fuel rods working in nuclear power plants is very low, it will still be released when a chain reaction occurs. Extraordinary energy.

This energy has never been truly safely controlled. In the event of an accident, the nuclear reactor will go out of control due to overheating, and it will cause terrible disasters.

The company wants to build a nuclear power plant in Neon Island, which has a lot of criminal records. From the perspective of economics, material safety, and working environment, it is not a good choice.

According to the current level of cooperation between the company and Daxia officials, it is completely possible to apply for land for the construction of nuclear power plants in remote areas along the coast or along the lake, and we can also rely on the power transmission technology of our Daxia Federation leading Bluestar and other Guo Jia, which will The electricity generated by the nuclear power plant is transmitted to the power grid, and a lot of income is obtained.

I learned that the company has many intelligent manufacturing factories, manufacturing factories, and office buildings, and the electricity they need to consume every day is not a small number.

The establishment of nuclear power plants in the local area can completely feed back the energy consumption of the company and reduce the expenditure on purchasing energy.

Moreover, our Great Xia Federation has a complete nuclear power industry chain, a mature talent team, and nationally produced equipment, which can prevent the company from being controlled by others in these projects.

Moreover, the probability of accidents in our Daxia Federation's nuclear power plants is extremely low. Even if the level of danger is not high, we have carried out safe handling in the first place to minimize the accidents of nuclear power plants and even solve them perfectly.

As for the accidents in Neon Island, there is no perfect and successful solution. The development of nuclear power projects there will inevitably lead to a decrease in our company's international reputation. "

It can be seen that this dean-level professor is sincerely trying to persuade the senior executives of Kyushu Science and Technology Company to "get back and change their minds". However, many of the things he said are serious in the eyes of outsiders. According to experts related to nuclear power, there are quite some "fake compassionate lies".

Just after the leading professor finished speaking, a young scientist in the conference room grabbed the microphone to speak.

The young scientist in protective clothing stood up, and after bowing to the professor on the podium and other people in the meeting room, he said in a clear tone: "Hello, professor, I found something wrong with the nuclear power issue you raised. A factual description, now put it forward, I hope you can correct and teach."

Hearing the approval of some vicissitudes of life, the young scientist continued: "When the chain reaction of uranium 235 you mentioned occurs, the nuclear reactor will run out of control due to overheating, which will cause terrible disasters.

We have already overcome this problem.

It is only necessary to add control rods to the nuclear reactor, which can absorb neutrons and effectively control the rate of the chain reaction.

And based on the most simple physical and chemical reaction properties, we can even control the operating speed and energy release efficiency of the reactor by relying on the depth of the control rods in the reactor without relying on those electronic devices to penetrate into the nuclear reactor.

It's like a power contact switch, pull out the control rod a little bit, and the reactor can start running.

To reduce or stop the reaction, place these control rods all the way into the reactor.

The mushroom bomb, which also uses the principle of nuclear fission, explodes because it does not need to be controlled, and it even needs to be detonated actively.

As for the pollution issue.

Our local nuclear power plants in Daxia generally use pressurized water reactors. As long as the nuclear power reactor is covered with water pressurized to a pressure of more than 150 atmospheres, the boiling point of this water can exceed 300 degrees. At the same time, it can also ensure that the fuel rods are completely isolated from the outside world. The substance will not escape into the natural environment.

After the pressurized and heat-dissipated water leaves the reactor link, it exchanges heat with the steam generator in the next link, which can make the ordinary pressurized water in the steam generator boil and gasify, and then drive the steam turbine to drive the generator to generate electricity.

As long as the construction is carried out in accordance with the manual and regular inspections are made in accordance with the rules, the probability of accidents is extremely low.

And even if there is an accident and all the measures taken by the nuclear power plant fail, as long as the company is willing to abandon the nuclear power plant and use the final treatment method, the nuclear pollution problem can still be solved.

Nihong is rich in water resources, but it is located in an earthquake zone, which puts forward higher requirements for the construction and maintenance of nuclear power plants.

If our nuclear power plant can be successfully constructed on that piece of land and can operate stably and generate electricity, it can also provide our company with excellent experience in nuclear power plants. The rainbow branch is carried out.

The nuclear power plant of the Neon branch can provide stable, efficient and clean energy for these experiments. "

Finally, the young scientist added a word.

"Our company is vigorously developing aerospace technology and intelligent manufacturing factories. These research projects require a huge amount of energy and resources. They really only rely on the local energy supply in Daxia, and the annual energy costs are sky-high!

Moreover, if the nuclear power plant is built overseas, even if it fails and needs to be dealt with, it will not have other bad effects on our mainland of Daxia. Instead, it will let the land experience the temperature it experienced before. "


The conference room suddenly fell into an inexplicable silence.

I was surprised at the bravery of this young scientist, and I felt some special emotions when I mentioned some mushroom deeds again.

It's not that no one said: "We want to use nuclear energy in a safe and environmentally friendly way, instead of handling it in such a rough way."

However, in some special circumstances where they knew more about the company and Daxia officials, and even they themselves were members of the large project team that was split up, these scientists and engineers still chose to keep their mouths shut.

Let Daxia officially support it?

Gu Qing was speechless when he heard the old professor speak just now.

The official is definitely willing to support it now, even willing to fully support it.

Gu, who closed his eyes and thought about it, knew that in order to slow down the progress of Kyushu Technology's nuclear energy research and development, the government would definitely be willing to be that kind of good mother who considers everything.

Technology licensing?

Give! Even more advanced technologies are absolutely willing to come up with authorization.

Technical team and construction drawings?

Give! Even actively subsidize the engineers and scientists of these technical teams to work in Kyushu Science and Technology.

Such cooperation is to let Kyushu Technology sit back and enjoy the benefits, and then give up the idea of ​​​​developing nuclear energy.

It's that simple, and it will definitely win the support of widespread public opinion. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, by doing this, the Daxia government is helping Kyushu Technology to avoid energy worries.

But can Gu Qing be willing?

Once accepted, how can the core team of Kyushu Technology independently develop nuclear energy?

Without actual data and experience in research and development of technical equipment, how to advance nuclear fusion after nuclear fission?

In the display area of ​​the SR1 glasses, the young scientist's information is very interesting.

[Zhou Yiheng is 23 years old and a member of the Kyushu Science and Technology Titan Star Energy Research Group Hobbies: "Book of Changes", "Yin Fu Jing", Taoist culture]

The genius boy at the beginning changed his job to become a "Taoist alchemist" after living in the Titan star community.

At the beginning (Chapter 1107) Gu Qing personally announced that the energy department, a sub-department of the Titan Star Department, would be upgraded to an independent first-level department.

It is also specially ordered that the titanium star department, semiconductor department, software engineering department, and aerospace department should cooperate more closely with the energy department and 6G communication engineering department. Whether it is personnel coordination or resource exchange and mutual assistance, it will be upgraded to a higher level.

Under such "heavy resource irrigation", the 6G communication engineering department has come up with 5.5G communication engineering technology, which has laid a solid foundation for the future 6G communication engineering. The first-stage layout of the Tianxingdou project.

During this period of time, these two major projects have won a lot of benefits for Kyushu Technology, and also helped Kyushu Technology defend its own interests.

The energy department, which has the same treatment as the 6G communication engineering department, has now "merely" established the Neon Island branch to promote the implementation of the nuclear power plant project of the Neon Island branch.

Compared with other companies, the work progress of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Energy Department is not slow. After all, the team has already seen its scale, and the qualification review is short.

However, compared with the 6G communication engineering department with the same resource treatment, it is really far behind.

Under Gu Qing's scrutiny, the old professor at the leading level was speechless by the young scientist. He raised his hand a few times, trying to say something, but in the end he just sighed: "Nuclear energy is not something that can be developed and utilized by a single enterprise." Special energy, since I took on this big project, I naturally want to make the project go smoothly, and provide better clean energy for the company and Daxia.

At the same time, it is also to reduce the frequency of nuclear power plant accidents as much as possible. Many people sitting here should have the same idea as me. It is for this reason that today's meeting was held. "

It is also fortunate that the participants in today's meeting are all high IQ talents or high-level managers. Otherwise, if this old professor uses this brand of justice in other forum meetings, he will probably be criticized by many people.

Take the money and pay back the mother-in-law's inaction!

And everyone knows that the reason for inviting this old man is entirely for the disciples and grandchildren behind the old man and the influence in the industry.

Do you really expect such an elderly person to work on the front line of the project?

What should I do in case of a work-related injury?

Who can be responsible? Who dares to take responsibility?

After this young scientist, several scientists and engineers communicated with this leading professor.

From the overseas energy experiment of the nuclear power plant established by the Neon branch, to the collection of real front-line experimental data, and to the current poor employment situation in Neon's home country, the professor was "struck" from almost every aspect.

Although the special protective clothing he was wearing was not too heavy, and there was an air purification circulation system inside the protective clothing, the professor still felt exhausted and finally "strike" and left the podium.

After the old professor took a break, the young scientist who had just spoken came to the podium.

Under the transparent mask, Zhou Yiheng's face was quite tough.

After bowing to everyone, his eyes stopped somewhere in the back row for a second before he took out the tablet.

After sending the materials he had prepared to the display screen behind him, Zhou Yiheng began to preach: "From the beginning of the establishment of the nuclear power plant project, Mr. Gu pointed out that we need to participate in it personally, or even carry out independent research and development, and obtain first-hand information, so that we can Go more steadily and go further.

Therefore, for the research and development of nuclear energy equipment, parts and other projects, our department has already established a project to promote large-scale advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant technology and special air-cooled reactor nuclear power plant technology. The former is learned from Daxia Nuclear Energy, while the latter is from high temperature Research and development of air-cooled nuclear power plant technology.

There are a lot of key special materials used in steam generators in mega-kilowatt nuclear power units.

For example, the high-pressure hot water heated by nuclear fuel needs to exchange energy through countless slender U-shaped tubes in the steam generator, thereby generating high-temperature and high-pressure steam and realizing power generation.

The material requirements for this kind of pipeline are extremely high, not only radiation protection, but also corrosion resistance, high density, and no leakage. Previously, only four Guojiayou companies in the world, Daxia, France, Nihong and Ruidian, could produce such products, and the price was as high as several million Xia Yuan per ton.

We could have directly used the finished pipes provided by Daxia Enterprise, but after a comprehensive investigation, a special equipment research and development department of the company was able to provide better materials than the finished products on the market, which not only solved the material safety problem, but also solved some problems. Technical Difficulties.

In the experimental server of Lingjing Ecology, the hydraulic nuclear power plant using the pipes of this material has been able to operate safely and autonomously for 30 days without human intervention and control.

Even if the experimental server released special natural disasters such as earthquakes and hailstorms in subsequent adjustments, and caused the core control rods to lose control.

The plant is also able to safely release stored cooling water to directly cool the core. Even in a certain test, the nine valves of the cooling water were all closed for failure, and the last barrier shell of the nuclear power plant core persisted in resistance for 48 hours, allowing the engineering robots of the nuclear power plant to inject control materials and cooling water from the outside. , to resolve the accident.

Considering that this is the first time for our energy department to carry out such a project, we have optimized the system configuration and equipment in many textbooks, and even reduced many unnecessary links, allowing intelligent AI programs and robots to take over most of the work throughout the process, even if it is One day, no one is on duty, and there are robots that can rely on the independent energy of the nuclear power plant to perform independent maintenance.

Compared with other nuclear power plants in the world, the total number of valves, pipe lengths, cable interfaces, and pumps in this nuclear power plant we designed has been reduced by 60%, 40%, 80%, and 40% respectively. "

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