Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1408 Participate in the space station?

Playing games can not only solve the problem of making money to make ends meet, but also solve work problems! ?

If it is a job in a game studio, unless it is a formal game development studio, no one within the industry will be interested in it.

And now, what did they hear from the founder of Jiuzhou Technology?

Job offer from Jiuzhou Technology? !

Not Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, but Jiuzhou Technology? !

Gu Qing even thought of the doubts that would arise in these people's hearts.

Baymax robot snapped his fingers, his expression even more enthusiastic.

"Of course, gaming shouldn't be work.

Therefore, after this player joins our Jiuzhou Technology, even during the internship period, we will give him the opportunity to change positions, change learning tasks, and assessment tasks.

In addition to our Jiuzhou Technology, you can also choose normal positions in branches and departments such as Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, Jiuzhou Food and Beverage Co., Ltd., Jiuzhou Factory... etc. "


Some studio executives who had just been thinking about whether to change the studio's work projects all let out a long sigh of relief at this time.

In the office room of a game studio that looked more like an Internet cafe than an office, someone burned his finger with a burning cigarette before he came to his senses.

"So, is Jiuzhou Technology serious this time? Not only can you make money by playing "Cosmic Adventure", but you can also work at Jiuzhou Technology and become a regular employee of Jiuzhou?"

"Not only that, but according to what Mr. Gu said, entering Jiuzhou Technology through this channel does not depend on nationality, race, certificates, or diplomas.

As long as you play the game well, you can enter Jiuzhou Technology, or even the massive branches and institutions of Jiuzhou Technology. This, is this simply his philanthropic intention? "

The release of a game was said by industry insiders to be a act of charity.

No one objected to this manager's evaluation.

Because the person who announced these rules was named Gu Mingqing, and he was the well-deserved number one person in Daxia's private technology companies.

He has never made false claims, nor has he ever gone back on his word.

Even among the group of college students watching the live broadcast of the carnival, some people hurriedly forwarded the live broadcast to social groups such as dormitory groups and loving families.

And exclaimed: "Family members, Jiuzhou Technology's biggest recruitment is coming! As long as you play the game "Cosmic Adventure", you can get a job offer from Jiuzhou Technology immediately!"

The number of people online in the official live broadcast room of Jiuzhou Entertainment Carnival has once again risen to a new level.

Even those students who are rushing to take the postgraduate entrance examination and Ph.D. examination have been invited by various channels and learned about the "recruitment" situation of "Cosmic Adventure".

Is there anyone who really loves academic research these days?

Yes, but definitely not all those who take postgraduate entrance examinations and Ph.D. degrees love to do research. A considerable number of people in these groups work hard for that academic diploma.

Now the official employees of Jiuzhou Technology are among the first teams in the blind date market, at the same level as teachers, doctors, and staff.

Even in some areas, the identity of Jiuzhou Technology's regular employees is more "reliable" than other work identities.

Gu Qing still underestimated the benefits he threw out.

But he didn't wait for the applause and exclamations to calm down, and began to control the Baymax robot to continue speaking.

"Please don't get too excited. We at Jiuzhou Technology have always adhered to the principle of distribution according to work, so there is no such thing as easy work and so-called leisure work where you can make money while lying down.

Within our Jiuzhou Technology Company, those who can hold relaxed and leisure positions are all heroes and their families who have contributed to the company, society, and Blue Star.

Moreover, the salary level of these jobs is not comparable to the salary level of actual jobs, and there will be no open recruitment, nor will they be included in the list of player welfare positions in "Cosmic Adventure". "

In other words, those bad guys who just wanted to play games and get a leisurely job were eliminated from that section.

The Dabai robot linked to Gu Qing continued to tell.

"The first gift Kyushu Carnival gives to all players around the world is remote robot control. This is the name of the internal project of the Titan Star Department. The game "Cosmic Adventure" is a special game developed based on this technology.

After players have gained a certain amount of experience in the "Cosmic Adventure" game, passed relevant assessments, and signed relevant contracts, they can begin to prepare to receive express delivery and start remotely controlling robots to play another version of the game.

I want to emphasize here that this remote control robot is a paid service, and the starting price of the basic service is one million Xia Yuan. The more complex and higher-level the real-life robot that players apply for, the more cash they need to pay. , I have collected robots worth hundreds of millions of Xia Yuan in the product library, so please do what you can.

After buying this alternative gaming device, players can play this game that many netizens jokingly call Blue Star OL.

As I just said, at this stage, players can control a robot that is their own, go to parties that others may not want to join, and experience the joy of alternative life and work.

Of course, this also has a prerequisite, that is, the player must complete the work content signed in the contract and pass the assessment every time, so that he can always have the authority to control the remote robot and the right to use the robot of his choice. "


Jiuzhou Technology not only wants to sell games, but also sell game equipment, even with a starting unit price of one million...

But before everyone could react, Dabai Robot continued to speak: "After purchasing this equipment, if the player chooses engineering-related robots and mechanical equipment, then subsequent players can control this equipment and enter our Jiuzhou Technology, which is about to launch , established the Jiuzhou Space Station, using robots to experience space life and work.

There will even be subsequent lunar exploration projects that will be opened to a limited extent to players who own related robots and mechanical equipment.

In a certain sense, as long as the player is willing to delve into the depth of the game of "Cosmic Adventure", and is willing to spend money and learn engineering techniques, then he is very likely to be taken to the space station and to the moon. "

This time, not only gamers, game studios and those who want to get a job are confused.

The audience at the Kyushu Carnival were also stunned.

Seeing this scene, the Dabai robot controlled by Gu Qing said in a very humane manner: "Yes, this is a different kind of fundraising for aerospace projects.

If everyone can study and work hard in "Cosmic Adventure", maybe in a few months some players will be able to participate in our Kyushu Technology's Kyushu Space Station project. "

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