At the beginning, there were still many middle-level managers and employees who felt that their English skills were good and wanted to earn some extra money. After all, the net income of 200,000 Xia Yuan a month was really quite a lot.

But Boss Gu took out the announcement and sent it to them to read it.

"The employees of our company, if they are from Daxia, they can speak Daxia Mandarin. If you want to make this money, you can report directly to the HR department, and the resignation report will be approved on the same day."

Many people looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, none of those who proposed to engage in translation business offered to resign.

They are not stupid. After leaving the company, did they accept the translation order?

Moreover, the entry threshold of Kyushu technology companies is getting higher and higher, and the benefits are getting better and better. Many people are reluctant to give up their current positions.

But they didn't know that this action made Boss Gu aware of something wrong.

I have been in the state of research and development for a long time. Although the company has Xuanwu to control the financial and personnel aspects through [Boundary Monument], the newly recruited middle managers and new employees seem to be a little ignorant.

It is right to strive for one's own interests, and it is right both publically and privately to leave the translation position to the company for internal digestion.

However, in this small disturbance, some people actually wanted to take kickbacks from these teachers and students.

This is wrong.

As the saying goes, if you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside.

It is unavoidable and normal for me to unite with my teammates outside, and the insiders want to eat and take cards, really needs to be punished.

In one meal, Boss Gu got a lot of inspiration from the staff canteen.

"Xuanwu, I am planning an announcement that the company's internal management, whether it is administrative or technical management, whether it is an overseas employee or a domestic employee, whether it is a senior executive, a team leader or even an ordinary employee, must undergo a property review before the Chinese New Year.

On the contrary, those who want to take cards secretly and embezzle the company's property will report to the president's office before December and be given a lighter punishment.

After the early morning of December 1st, it was found that there was something wrong, and everyone will see the court. "

This announcement was written by Runbi three seconds later. After Gu Qing reviewed it, an additional announcement appeared in the internal group and employee account mailboxes of Kyushu Technology's internal office software [Boundary Monument].

There was no management meeting or staff meeting, and the decision was made in one word.

After Dong Qi saw the announcement, he called directly.

Of course, he was not objecting, but asking how to punish this matter, and whether the personnel department and human resources department needed to increase their efforts to expand enrollment.

"According to the normal progress, the human resources department is spending money to recruit people, and there is no need to expand recruitment.

And Lao Dong, um, you know me.

So both you and Huang Chaoren need to be censored. "

"I know, just ask yourself, you are not mean to us, if Lao Huang and Bloomberg or I have something to do to you, to this company's place, you should go to prison." Dong Qi's voice on the phone Very clear.

Perhaps this is the self-consciousness and habitual speaking skills of the children of the big family?

Anyway, Gu Qing is quite useful.

"Well, you can tell them about this. Other people's ideological work has troubled you. Recently, the research and development department has been under a lot of pressure, so I'm busy."

At this time, Huang Chaoren of the former Zmelmann Warehousing Company in Germany and now Kyushu Technology Ou Warehouse Service Company hung up the phone that had been on the phone.

"The phone has been busy all the time. Is there something wrong with the company?"

Of course, he mainly wanted to ask Gu Qing or Dong Qi, now that he is working in a foreign company, does eating, drinking and receiving gifts every day count as food and card.

Because when he went to the United States to participate in the Pingguo new product autumn conference, Pingguo company gave a lot of things.

In Germany, the 30 employees left by the original Zmelmann storage company, now the veteran employees of Kyushu Technology Ou warehouse service company deliver food and drinks every day.

Although the German bread is really hard and the wine has a high alcohol content, but... these things are still a bit expensive in China.

It's a pity that after Gu Qing communicated with Dong Qi, he entered a state of letting go of his body and mind—sleep.

And Dong Qi also started to get busy after hanging up the phone.

Although [Boundary Monument] has been filed and recorded since the procurement process, people are really complicated animals.

The need for openness and transparency is stronger than anyone else.

There are some things that are difficult to handle in the normal way. You need to make black money and dirty money.

So unless Xuanwu can monitor everyone's every move 24 hours a day, there will always be something wrong behind the scenes.

An announcement was sent out, and Boss Gu slept peacefully.

But all employees in Kyushu Technology were shocked.

What exactly is eating and taking cards?

The chef in the back kitchen of the staff canteen is responsible for purchasing food raw materials and kitchen utensils: "Every time I buy, I go to my acquaintances. I buy good products at a discount, and my acquaintances often give me small gifts. ?”

The reply from the President's Office is very official: "Invite people to dinner, take kickbacks, take things and money from others, and take benefits, etc.; shirk things, have other purposes, do not follow the company's rules and regulations, deliberately make things difficult, and do not give benefits. Don't do it; ask for favors, others will ask for them, and others will not give them.

As long as there are the above-mentioned problems, they all belong to eating and taking cards.

Employees who engage in such behavior, whether they are overseas employees or domestic employees, please go to the headquarters office building, report to the President's Office before December 1, or add the account number of the President's Office through [Boundary Monument] and submit materials. "

This incident was like a thunderstorm in the clear sky. The management personnel from top to bottom have not received relevant detailed notices, so they are unclear about the severity of the company's punishment and the scope of the review.

Ignorance is what scares people.

Many people feel a little guilty when they think of how vicious the law sticks in the company's legal department were before.

So that night, the people in the president's office started working overtime, and Xuanwu also received a lot of real-name self-reporting materials.

It's just that most of these materials belong to ordinary employees.

Introduce the recruitment channels for acquaintances and relatives to work in Kyushu Technology Company.

At the very beginning, when we cooperated with the military in the experiment, many of the family members of the employees who came to surround the factory also self-reported.

Anyway, when Boss Gu woke up and casually browsed through dozens of copies, he was already dumbfounded.

"So these lovely people, as long as they have stable jobs with sufficient wages, they cherish them more than anyone else."

People who have nothing to do think they have something to do, but some people who really have problems are just and awe-inspiring.

But there was still time, and he could afford to wait.

The internal security of the company can only be guaranteed when the company's interior is tidied up, and big gift packages are given to Korean stars and other companies at the end of the year.

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