Hearing this, Li Zhang frowned.

Blade batteries do have these problems.

There are no worthless people under the reputation, Kyushu Technology really has two brushes.

Of course, the man from the Northeast, who has always been straightforward, continues: "You claim to have more than 300 patents and core process control points. When we researched batteries, we did find many aspects that are more advanced than other manufacturers, but among them It also involves a lot of customized materials, cells, batteries and production, so it has high requirements on the supply chain, and due to the characteristics of raw materials, the car equipped with blade batteries is extremely low cost performance in places with large temperature differences."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhao realized that the atmosphere around him was not right, and quickly looked at Gu Qing.

Of course, there is no bloody face-slapping plot, and my family knows my own affairs.

Li Zhang first said: "So, I believe that your company's electronic control system should be helpful to Biarty."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianhao was a little nervous, and he nodded in response: "Of course, it's because your blade batteries have delayed some time and energy."

The voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

It was Gu Qing who stood up, "Tianhao is not good at words, what he means is that our Kyushu Technology has not only adapted and optimized the electronic control system for your company's blade batteries, but also made electric adjustments for several mainstream car series of your company." control system."


With his right hand on his back, Li Zhang clenched his fist.

Although I know that Kyushu Technology is very technical, but I suddenly want to hit someone, is it because the idiot on the other side doesn't like me?

"That's why we, Kyushu Technology, want to cooperate with your company to apply this electronic control system to Biati's products, and maybe 30% of the energy consumption can be optimized."

After Gu Qing finished speaking, Li Zhang took a deep breath like smoking a cigarette.

Randomly relaxed, and walked in front of Gu Qing.

embrace each other.

"Everyone is a son and daughter of China, and we, Biati, have always wanted to cooperate with your company, such as car-machine systems."

"This electronic control system includes a whole set of car-machine systems."

"Haha, thank you, Mr. Gu."

Gu Qing only felt that the palm slapped on his back was very sincere and happy.

I was overjoyed, it seemed that there was another way to make money.

After sorting out his thoughts, Gu Qing continued: "Other manufacturers are thinking about building cars. New energy projects are indeed industry outlets, but this industry can be produced by spending money. We have a good system at Kyushu Technology, but But there is no mature automobile manufacturing industry, so we still hope that our brother companies can develop well.”

Showed the side of the little white rabbit, although I don't know if the other party believes it or not, but after several times, the atmosphere at the scene is much better than before.

Of course, these people and Biati's management cannot be worried.

With the generous support of relevant departments in Daxia and the creation of public opinion and the global environmental protection environment, now it is a large-scale enterprise that wants to build new energy vehicles.

Companies that sell houses in debt to build cars.

Assemble mobile phone companies to build cars.

Companies that code and unload software will build cars.

Companies like Biati, which are really deeply involved in the auto industry, are really scared.

Fortunately, Kyushu Technology is here as a teammate to deliver ammunition this time, otherwise this project will be left out in the cold.

After strolling around the research institute, and met some bigwigs at the dinner party of Biati's senior management, Boss Gu went back home.

As for Zhang Tianhao?

He will be stationed in Biati's battery research institute for a week to a month. He will not only adapt the electronic control system of Kyushu Technology to the car series that Biati cooperates with, but also act as a sponge to transfer the research institute The knowledge that can be learned here is packaged and learned.

For this reason, Gu Qing also specially approved a few large boxes of Taoyao for Zhang Tianhao and his party, so that they can devote themselves to studying energetically every day.

"Kyushu Technology is really so grand?"

"Their car-machine system is the Gonggong system?"

"There is also a complete set of monitoring equipment, which can increase the accuracy of energy consumption control and airframe status display by about 30%?"

With a wave of his hand, Boss Gu did not take away the clouds, but took away the thoughts of many Biati executives.

As Zhang Tianhao and his team stayed longer in Biati Battery Research Institute and worked on more projects, Vice President Dong of Kyushu Technology received more and more cooperation intentions from Biati.

Who would have thought that a person who is obviously doing electronic control of mobile phones would be so good at cars.

And with the deepening of the cooperation, when the news of the cooperation was exposed, Biati's stock, which had already been on a good rise, rose again, as if it had been suddenly fertilized, with a single-day increase of up to 5%!

We must know that this kind of increase is often driven by the announcement of very eye-catching financial reports or the release of relevant support policies.

Many outsiders are quite critical.

"Come on, any company makes cars~"

"Don't listen to the wind and rain upstairs. It is said that Kyushu Technology is only in charge of cooperating with the systems of certain car series of Biati. Why is Kyushu Technology manufacturing cars? Do you know that spreading rumors is illegal?"

"It won't be the Gonggong system transplanted to the car-machine system? Biati will be willing? This is putting the lifeblood in other people's hands."

Netizens are arguing and making suggestions, but they are not the ones who can call the shots.

Biati executives are also weighing this matter.

The car-machine system is a very large project, and Biati has its own independently developed car-machine system.

"The car-machine system is an important window for OEMs to interact with users. Whether it is good or bad directly affects the competitiveness of products. In the future, I believe that everyone will have a concept of the importance of data.

We need to plan for the future. "

Wu Li, chief engineer of BYAT's product planning and product development department of the Automotive New Technology Research Institute, said so.

Although she was a woman, none of the elders present took her lightly.

Seeing that other people were contemplating, Wu Li continued: "With data, you can provide users with accurate portraits through the collected data, and actively provide services for them.

When energy consumption, materials, design, motors and other components are not much different from other manufacturers, service is our biggest advantage.

Moreover, our system has been updated for several generations, and users have responded well. I don't agree with it being destroyed so easily. "

Resonant, but also thought-provoking.

But some executives said: "The system and testing equipment provided by Kyushu Technology have indeed improved the overall performance of the car, and most importantly, they are willing to supply us with high-end screens, even if they are curved screens, they can be opened to us."


Someone took a sip of water.

Kyushu Technology's OLED screen is the top choice among all products that need to use high-end screens.

However, its external shipments have always been tight, and now according to gossip, only Xia Wei and other companies that have signed the relevant in-depth cooperation terms have obtained the purchase authority.

Do cars use screens?

Of course it is very much needed.

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