Satellite frequencies primarily refer to the portion of the radio spectrum used for space radio services.

The information perception, information transmission, and measurement and control units of any satellite system need to use the electromagnetic spectrum.

Different frequency bands have different propagation losses. For example, the "radio window" refers to the frequency band from 0.3 to 10 GHz with the least loss. The "translucent radio window" refers to the frequency band around 30GHz.

With the increasing number of satellite application scenarios and functions, satellite frequency resources, a limited resource, are naturally used less and less. At the same time, since a satellite must use a certain orbital position in outer space during its operation, resources are limited no matter whether it is a geostationary orbital position or other orbital positions.

Out of the consideration of maximizing profits, some Guo Jiahe organizations started crazy registration and delivery of junk satellites.

Some countries, including Neon, India ↑↓, and Korea, have either independently or jointly manufactured communication satellites to seize orbital resources.

"Collisions" between satellites of various countries and the need for coordination are common occurrences.

As of 1023, the United States still ranks first in the global ranking of satellites in space, with about 1950 satellites in orbit. The second place, Rabbit, only has more than 600 application satellites in orbit, and the sum of other countries and other countries is not as large as the sum of the first two.

Mao Xiong has hundreds of satellites, but half of them are old satellites that have exceeded their service life...

Although the field of low-orbit broadband satellites has just started for a few years, there are not a few people who are staking their land on this project.

When foreign giants started planning low-orbit broadband satellites a few years ago, why didn't Gu Qing want to get a piece of the action?

However, the threshold of the aerospace industry is too high. It is not possible to do it only with money. To make great strides in this industry, a large amount of capital is a necessity, and a large number of relevant professionals and technical product support are necessary factors.

Daxia is an aerospace field that was opened up in 1014, allowing market-oriented means to enter this industry. However, in this industry today, except for Kyushu Science and Technology, which relies on official help and is developing well, other private enterprises still need to be strengthened.

In addition to installing "defensive equipment", the satellites of Kyushu Science and Technology can also climb and move down in space orbit. They belong to the category of "both fighting and running". Some people in the satellite research and development and manufacturing department of the company called the satellites that will be networked regionally today guerrilla networks.

Although it is a joke, it may not be that I have not thought of "playing guerrilla" at certain times.

The special titanium alloy and polymer materials developed by the Titan Star Materials Department endow these guerrilla satellites with high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and at the same time the advantages of dexterity and lightness, and their mobility far exceeds other satellites of Guo Jiahe Company.

As one of the Chief Aerospace Engineers of Kyushu Technology, Li Jian reported the latest situation to Gu Qing.

"The final assembly test has been completed, and the official application has been passed. Mr. Gu, please light the fire."

After all, his eyes fell on the special button on the console of the command center.

The other engineers, academicians, doctoral supervisors, and technicians present also all set their sights on Gu Qing.

Because of this man in front of them, they will continue to rekindle their enthusiasm for Daxia's aerospace industry, and they will no longer be stuck in the quagmire of human accidents and academic fraud.

I no longer have to be caught by my boss to help the children of the "mentor" with projects.

The project wants funds, and the report and plan are written directly, and sometimes the budget is even bigger than the pie drawn by myself...

For such an "outsider" who firmly supports the cause of themselves and others, they are willing to put this special event symbol on Gu Qing.

Facing everyone's expectations, Gu Qing looked around without hesitation.

Xuanwu also made a simulation animation for the projection of SR1 glasses to help its creators complete this step better.

"Only by believing in the future and working hard towards it can we finally get the future."

With emotion in his heart, Gu Qing put his right hand on the button without haste.

The old academician Li Lun stood nearby, squinting his eyes subconsciously. He seemed to see many familiar shadows on Gu Qing in his vision. Those people who have been recorded in history, such people have never disappeared in Daxia. .

The touch of this special physical button is different from that of keyboards, mice, and button phones. It has a very obvious sense of damping, and there is clear feedback at every level.

Determine the identity of the presser, press down, and confirm the function.


Although the transmission of the signal was fast, Gu Qing's keen senses still felt a slight delay, but it was precisely because of this slight delay that he felt the reality.


Even in order to protect the surrounding facilities, Kyushu Technology’s launch pad is equipped with a large pool. When the fuel is injected, a large amount of water will be directly vaporized into water vapor by the high temperature of the injector, while absorbing noise.

But the yearning of human beings for space cannot be covered up by water.

After hearing the noise of roaring lift-off, the high-temperature water vapor generated during the rocket launch liquefied into small droplets when it came into contact with the cold air in Xishu, and became the white gas of the rocket flying through the clouds and fog.

The sharp arrow that pierced the sky is carrying the three most important core communication satellites of Kyushu Science and Technology's 6G regional network experiment. Fiery wish.

The rocket power unit of the 130-ton reusable liquid oxygen kerosene supplementary combustion cycle engine independently developed by the Sixth Academy of Daxia Aerospace Science and Technology Group is crazily exerting thrust to accelerate the rocket forward.

After the first stage of acceleration is completed, the rocket enters the breakaway velocity.

At the same time, some rocket components also began to separate. In the twinkling of the stars, multiple engines and equipment began to operate according to the program. The command center and the intelligent program controlled the separation of the components to land, and the main part of the rocket began to enter the next stage, heading outside the earth. track away.

If it was ten years ago, the launch command center must have been cheering at this time, but since all the recoverable rocket technology is used now, everyone still needs to wait patiently for the success of the recovery process.

Gu Qing looked at the rocket that lifted off and pierced the sky, going to space, and suddenly felt a little sad in his heart.

When I left the earth, did my soul ascend into the sky and become a star? Or did he travel directly to this blue star?

The planet and the universe so similar to the earth have set foot on the sea of ​​stars. Is it possible to see that familiar planet again in the future?

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