Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 105 Determining the Acquisition of a Traditional Home Appliance Manufacturing Company

Moreover, large traditional home appliance companies have huge sales channels and strong technical reserves.

Then there are unique conditions for the development and sales of new products.

The disadvantage is obvious, that is, Kunpeng Technology Company may be taken over by the other party.

The opponent kicked Kunpeng Technology Company away, and then the opponent went it alone.

After all, the other party has unique strengths in channels and product development.

And Kunpeng Technology Company only has intelligent design.

However, medium-sized home appliance manufacturing companies are inferior to large-scale home appliance design and manufacturing companies in terms of channels and technologies.

But the advantage is that Kunpeng Technology Company can take the initiative.

Although Shen Fangnan is not interested in the company's power.

But Shen Fangnan must be thinking that the other party is the same person as himself, and then move forward at the same pace.

Of course there is a third option.

That is, Kunpeng Technology Company acquires a company with complete home appliance technology, and then designs and manufactures it by its own company.

After all, the current Kunpeng Technology Company has built a complete online sales channel.

After Lu Weibing thought for a while, he felt that the third solution was the best solution.

Kunpeng Technology acquired a home appliance manufacturing company and made it a subsidiary.

However, it is impossible for a powerful medium-sized home appliance manufacturing company to sell its own company.

And the home appliance industry is also a huge profiteering industry.

Even if there is a medium-sized home appliance manufacturing company that wants to sell, the price must be no less than 1.5 billion.

And the price may double.

"Mr. Shen, is it possible for us to acquire some home appliance technology that is a generation behind from the large home appliance manufacturing company in Yanguo?"

"Then acquire a small and medium-sized home appliance manufacturing company."

Lu Weibing put forward his idea again.

It is impossible for those large home appliance manufacturing companies in Yanguo to sell or license the latest home appliance technology.

Therefore, Lu Weibing adopted a roundabout tactic to acquire its home appliance technology of a generation behind.

Lu Weibing doesn't believe that Kunpeng Technology will not be able to catch up with the other party with its strong scientific research ability and huge financial ability?

Lu Weibing's words instantly opened Shen Fangnan's mind.

Yes, Kunpeng Technology has a strong online sales channel.

As long as you have a small and medium-sized home appliance manufacturing company and acquire part of the home appliance technology, and finally add your own artificial intelligence technology.

Shen Fangnan does not believe that consumers do not pay the bill.

Shen Fangnan immediately looked at the other party.

"Hey, my life is miserable!"

"It's really the boss who is talking, and the subordinates have lost their legs!"

Lu Weibing immediately pretended to be pitiful.

Shen Fangnan said in embarrassment: "Ahaha, those who are able should work harder."

"I can give you a choice."

"That is, you look for someone with outstanding ability among the top executives of the company, and then you hand over this matter to the other party."

"Of course, the company will be responsible for it in the future."

Shen Fangnan gave his proposal directly.

Lu Weibing once again felt a strong sense of trust.

As long as Lu Weibing discloses this news to the Kunpeng Technology Company, those people will definitely fight for their own reasons.

The person in charge of a company, this day's big pie, doesn't fall every day in Kunpeng Technology Company.

Therefore, the top executives of Kunpeng Technology will definitely work hard to express themselves.

"Mr. Shen, I need to give you this candidate in a few days." Lu Weibing knew the way.

"no problem!"

Shen Fangnan was not in a hurry.

Afterwards, Shen Fangnan and the two discussed other matters.


Teito Rice Company.

Previously, Rice Company has received all the technology and business of Nvidia's mobile phone processor chips.

And Rebs named his mobile phone processor chip: The Paper.

The stormy waves are violent and surging.

Now Rebs and others discovered that the 4G mobile phone processor chip designed by Nvidia was a big pit.

It turned out that the surging 900 mobile phone processor chip was improved on the basis of the original Tegra 4 processor chip, and then added 4G technology.

And the surging 900 processor chip still inherits various shortcomings of the Tegra 4 processor chip: severe heat generation, serious freeze, unsuitable applications, etc.

Now the rice company's mobile phone processor chip design department can only make up for it.

Continuously optimize the surging 900 processor chip directly.

So they can't be sure when this surging 900 processor chip will be installed on their company's mobile phones.

But it's useless for Rebus to regret now.

After all, the contract has been signed, and the acquisition funds have been transferred to Nvidia's account.

It's too late to regret now.

When Rebs acquired Nvidia's mobile phone processor chip business, he already estimated that the various technologies in the hands of the other party were a pit.

I didn't expect the pit to be so big.

"Hey, if this is the case, the original price can be lowered even lower."

Rebus regretted it back then!

Did Kunpeng Technology Company design Tianheng 600 processor chip at the beginning, otherwise Rebs might hang Nvidia on it?

But Rebs had no choice. Kunpeng Technology Company released the Tianheng 600 processor chip. If Rebs didn't sell it soon, it would be impossible for Rice to acquire the technology in the hands of Nvidia for $180 million.

"Mr. Lei, I have received a gossip about Kunpeng Technology Company."

"And it was the high-level personnel of Taijixin foundry who exposed the news."

Lin Ziyu said slowly.

"What news?"

Rebus looked at the other party in bewilderment, and suddenly he thought of something.

"Could it be about Kunpeng Technology's high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip?"

Rebus spoke out what was on his mind.

After all, it is about two companies, Kunpeng Technology Company and Taijixin Foundry.

Then it must be about the foundry of mobile phone processor chips.

"That's right, it's the news about Kunpeng Technology's high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip."

"The news indicates that Kunpeng Technology has placed an order of 1 million for Taijixin foundry."

"And its code name is Tianheng 800."

Lin Ziyu explained directly.

Rebus propped his head on one hand, and then thought.

"Tianheng 800 processor chip...I didn't expect Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone processor chip design capabilities to be so powerful."

"I remember that Kunpeng Technology Company's mobile phone processor chip design took less than a year from scratch!"

Rebs had to marvel at Kunpeng Technology's strong scientific research capabilities.

And Rebs was more envious.

"Now the two sides are negotiating intensely because of the price issue."

Lin Ziyu was very anxious!

After all, the rival Kunpeng Technology Company has completed the design of its own processor chip, and now it has reached the chip foundry step.

The surging 900 processor chip of rice company is still in the experimental stage.

This is really slow step by step, slow step by step!

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