Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 112 Announcing the 6.18 Shopping Festival Plan

Due to the previous acquisition of Nvidia, the capital chain of rice company began to be tense.

And it was cheated by Nvidia.

Rebs had to increase capital investment in its own mobile phone processor chips.

I don't know if I don't invest in it, and I'm startled when I vote.

This is simply a bottomless pit.

So Rebs thinks it is better to reserve a wave of funds to deal with the problems that will be faced next.

"Mr. Lin, are you ready for the 6.18 shopping festival?"

Rebs asked anxiously.

After all, this is an important moment for the rice company to recover a wave of blood.

This 6.18 shopping festival must not be sloppy.

On the day of the 6.18 Shopping Festival, consumers do not regard the money in their pockets as money.

After all, all the shopping platforms had big promotions that day, so it was rare for consumers to have such an opportunity, so of course they would not let go of such a rare opportunity.

For Rice Company, a wave of promotions may directly sell all the digital products in stock.

Of course, the discount has to be big.

"No problem, this is our company's 6.18 shopping festival related matters and discount strength, Mr. Lei, please take a look and see if it needs to be revised."

Lin Ziyu took the opportunity to hand over the 6.18 plan he made to Rebs.

After receiving it, Rebs began to read it.

Fifteen minutes later, Rebs stopped flipping through the plan and said with a deep sigh, "Boss Lin, follow your 6.18 plan!"

"This time Rice Company will definitely be able to bring back a wave of blood on the 6.18 Shopping Festival."


Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, the news about Hu Ge, Da Mimi and Zhao Xiaodao suspected to be invited to be the spokespersons of Kunpeng Technology Company intensified.

There are more netizens who continue to come out to explain a wave of Aite Kunpeng Technology Company.

At this time, Kunpeng Technology Company gave a response.

# Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while. #

Although Kunpeng Technology Company did not directly respond to the questions of netizens.

But the literal meaning is already very obvious.

That is, Kunpeng Technology Company is already negotiating with Hu Ge, Da Mi Mi and Zhao Xiaodao.

Now that Kunpeng Technology Company is on the scarf hot search list, Shen Fangnan directly asked the company's publicity department to publicize his company's big discount activities on the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

How could Shen Fangnan miss the opportunity to promote Kunpeng Technology Company!

Shen Fangnan believes that after his company announces the activities on the 6.18 Shopping Festival, consumers will definitely be excited.

Kunpeng Technology Company directly uses money to make friends with a group of consumers.

Although it is only the beginning of June, Shen Fangnan feels that it is time to announce related matters about the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

Following Shen Fangnan's order, the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company began to announce the 6.18 Shopping Festival on the Internet.

# 6.18 Big discount for shopping festival. #

Immediately detonated the entire Internet heated discussion.

Many netizens did not expect that Kunpeng Technology Company would offer such a big discount for the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

# The original price of Tianyan 1 mobile phone is 799, and the discounted price of 6.18 is 759.

The discounted price of Tianyan 2 Mobile Beggars’ Edition is 1199.

Tianyan 3 mobile phone maintains the original price of 1999, but a pair of wired earphones will be given away.

The discounted price of the Beggars’ Edition of Kunpeng 1 mobile phone is 1299.


The discounted price of Kunpeng 3i Mobile Beggars Edition is 2899.

The Kunpeng 3 mobile phone maintains the original price of 3999, but a "Yutu" Bluetooth speaker will be given away.

And as long as you buy digital products of Kunpeng Technology Company on the 6.18 Shopping Festival, you can get at least one lucky draw chance.

The highest reward is 10,000 yuan in vouchers.

And there are digital products as rewards.

And Kunpeng Technology Company also announced that it lost 500 million for this 6.18 shopping festival.

The first thought of many netizens is that Kunpeng Technology Company is crazy? Is Shen Fangnan crazy?

Is this really using money to make friends with a group of consumers?

After all, a net profit of 500 million yuan is such a waste of money!

Could it be that the capital chain of Kunpeng Technology Company is broken, and it needs to clear the warehouse to maintain the normal operation of the company?

A group of netizens have different opinions.

But it doesn't affect Kunpeng Technology's big discounts for the 6.18 shopping festival.

"Damn, Kunpeng Technology Company has big melons again? Just now it suspected that it invited Hu Ge, Da Mimi, and Zhao Xiaodao as the spokespersons of the company, and now it blew up its own company's discounts on the 6.18 Shopping Festival. Just close your eyes and buy it.”

"Kunpeng Technology Company is doing charity. If I don't rush, I'm a fool. If I don't say anything, the brothers in front leave a place, and I will grab the phone."

"Before I made a wish to use my brother to be single for 20 years to realize the big discount of Kunpeng Technology Company on the 6.18 Shopping Festival. I didn't expect it to come true. Now I will use my brother to be single for 10 years to grab a Kunpeng 3 mobile phone."

"Being the brother upstairs is really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

There will always be sailors there.

"The discount is so big, Kunpeng Technology Company can't do it!"

"If you have the money to invite celebrity endorsements, but you don't have the money to do research and development, you will go bankrupt sooner or later."

Of course, such remarks are only a minority.

More netizens are looking forward to the arrival of the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

And they are also looking forward to the discounts offered by various mobile phone manufacturers during the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

After all, a flower blooming alone is not spring, and a hundred flowers blooming together make the garden full of spring.

After all, there are a large number of consumers in Yanguo, and they all want to buy digital products during the 6.18 shopping festival because they are cheap.

If only one mobile phone manufacturer, Kunpeng Technology, has a discount, then a group of consumers will not all compete for the company's mobile phone.

Then thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge.

How could it be possible to grab it!

And more consumers believe that various mobile phone manufacturers will definitely not let go of this opportunity to clear their warehouses.

Therefore, each mobile phone manufacturer will have a big discount.

But the strength of the discount is definitely different.

Soon, a group of netizens continued to post on the bib accounts of various mobile phone manufacturers.

A group of netizens meant to let mobile phone manufacturers quickly announce their discounts for the 6.18 Shopping Festival.

And after a group of mobile phone manufacturers released the discount plan for the 6.18 shopping festival of Kunpeng Technology Company, the heads of a group of mobile phone manufacturers were surprised to see the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company's discount.

But after comparing the discounts of their own company, all the heads of mobile phone manufacturers immediately greeted Shen Fangnan in their hearts n times.

"Shen Fangnan doesn't make money, don't stop us from making money!"

But after all the mobile phone manufacturers have set the discounts for the 6.18 shopping festival, it is difficult for them to change.

And they will not be as crazy as Shen Fangnan, who actually only wants to clear the inventory on the 6.18 shopping festival, but does not make money.

But what he doesn't know is that Kunpeng Technology is still making money.

Just earn less money.

After all, as the cost of various parts of mobile phones decreases, the net profit obtained by Kunpeng Technology Company will be more.

However, due to the excellent performance of the mobile phones released later, the performance of the previous generation and the previous generation of mobile phones will lag behind, so price reduction is the best way.

Moreover, Kunpeng Technology Company has a slightly complete supply chain, so the price of mobile phones can be kept very low.

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