Then Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing came to the mobile phone design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Not long ago, Zhou Shuquan reported to Shen Fangnan that his own Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones had been designed.

And it's being tested in the lab.

After Shen Fangnan came to the laboratory, Zhou Shuquan greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

Zhou Shuquan stepped forward to greet him.

"Old Zhou, how is the test of our Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones?"

Shen Fangnan asked anxiously.

This is related to the overall layout of the entire Kunpeng Technology Company, so Shen Fangnan is extremely anxious.

After all, the whole series of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are equipped with Tianheng 800 processor chip independently designed by itself.

And Zhou Shuquan smiled and said nothing, and directly took out the experiment report of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones.

And Shen Fangnan didn't talk nonsense, and directly browsed the experimental report of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone.

On the other hand, Lu Weibing discussed with Zhou Shuquan about the design concept of the next generation Tianyan mobile phone.

It is worthy of the two mobile phones equipped with Tianheng 800 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The performance of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones directly presses the Kunpeng 3 series mobile phones equipped with Xiaolong 801 processor chips, and the Kirin P6s mobile phones equipped with HiSilicon 910 processor chips.

But there is one downside, that is, the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are a bit hot.

Even the newly developed heat dissipation material can't be suppressed.

Under the same conditions, the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are 6 degrees hotter than the Kunpeng 3 series mobile phones.

It is 3 degrees hotter than the Kirin P6s mobile phone.


But Shen Fangnan turned around and thought, this is the first high-end flagship processor chip designed by Kunpeng Technology, so it is inevitable that various problems will arise.

Although I tested my own Tianheng 800 processor chip in the laboratory before and the heat was serious, I did not expect that its "hand warmer" feature would appear when it was installed on the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone.

"Old Zhou, when will our Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones be tested!"

Shen Fangnan directly interrupted the conversation between Lu Weibing and Lu Weibing.

"Mr. Shen, the testing of the Kunpeng 4 series of mobile phones has reached the final stage."

"Mass production and assembly will be possible on July 12."

Zhou Shuquan truthfully reported the situation.

"July 12?"

Shen Fangnan estimated that if the assembly can start on July 12, then the press conference will be on the 20th.

"That's fine, let the brothers carefully check the experiment, and I will release the Kunpeng 4 series of mobile phones on July 20."

After thinking for a moment, Shen Fangnan announced the time of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone conference.

"Okay, Mr. Shen!"

"Our design department will definitely work overtime."

Zhou Shuquan patted his chest and responded affirmatively.


Shen Fangnan nodded repeatedly.

Then Shen Fangnan turned to look at Lu Weibing and said, "Old Lu, you should inform Mr. Zhuang of the publicity department to announce the release date and location of our latest Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones on July 10."

Shen Fangnan is really a scheming boy. The Rongyao 6 mobile phone was released on the 10th, and he asked Zhuang Yanling to announce the release time and location of his Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone on the 10th.

Isn't this competing with Kirin's Rongyao brand for Internet popularity?

And how could the Rongyao mobile phone brand compete with the Kunpeng mobile phone brand!

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company is the most popular online chicken, and Fang Rongyao's mobile phone brand is still a newcomer.

The two cannot be compared in the same breath.

Shen Fangnan just wanted to suppress the opponent.

And Lu Weibing on the side smiled and said nothing.

Since my boss has such a bad taste.

Of course, Lu Weibing, as a subordinate, must implement it 100%.

And it is also good for the Tianyan mobile phone brand.

The mobile phone market share is only that big, and now the Rongyao mobile phone brand is about to enter the market.

Then it will definitely have a little impact on the Tianyan mobile phone brand.

There is no doubt about it.

Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing then left the design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.


Time flew by, and July 10th arrived as scheduled.

Since Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company are in the same city, Shen Fangnan didn't have to catch a plane like attending the mobile phone conference of Rice Company.

Shen Fangnan only needs to leave within an hour of the press conference.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company are not far from each other.

And this time the conference of Rongyao 6 mobile phone is scheduled at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

After Shen Fangnan left Kunpeng Technology Company, the company's publicity department, mobilized by Zhuang Yanling, began to promote Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones on the Internet.

# Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones will hold a press conference in Pengcheng Stadium on July 20. #

Immediately, netizens on the entire network started talking about it.

"The Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone equipped with the Tianheng 800 processor chip developed by Kunpeng Technology Company is about to be released? This news is amazing. I want to know what black technology it will bring us."

"Kunpeng Technology Company today announced the release date of its Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones. Isn't this just to suppress the Rongyao mobile phone brand."

"Don't announce it sooner or later, but announce it on the day of the Rongyao 6 mobile phone conference. Kunpeng Technology Company is killing people and punishing them!"

"If Rongyao's mobile phone brand was not backed by Kirin, who would pay attention to this small brand's mobile phone conference!"

"That's right, Rongyao's mobile phone brand is positioned as a low-end mobile phone brand, which is not at the same level as the Kunpeng mobile phone brand."

Netizens on the Internet welcomed the announcement of the Kunpeng 4 series of mobile phones.

After all, each generation of Kunpeng series mobile phones has brought a lot of black technology to many netizens.

So many netizens like to watch the press conference of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand.

And Shen Fangnan browsed the relevant news about his Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones on the Internet, and he showed a satisfied smile.

And the most important point is that there is only a little bit of news about the conference of Kirin Rongyao 6 mobile phone on the Internet.

The mobile phone being discussed online is the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone.

And the popularity of the Rongyao 6 mobile phone conference on the Internet was suppressed by this news.

"Mr. Yu, it's not good."

Zhao Ming hurriedly ran to Yu Chengdong's side to report the situation.


Yu Chengdong was puzzled, Zhao Ming wanted to prepare for the introduction of the Rongyao 6 mobile phone on stage.

Why are you running over in a panic now!

Zhao Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said to Yu Chengdong: "Mr. Yu, the popularity of the Rongyao 6 mobile phone on the Internet has completely disappeared, and it has been replaced by the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company."

"I think Shen Fangnan should be playing tricks behind the scenes."

Zhao Ming told Yu Chengdong everything about it.

At this time, Yu Chengdong frowned tightly.

Yu Chengdong did not expect that Kunpeng Technology Company would announce the time and place of the press conference of its Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones today.

At this time, Yu Chengdong fell into deep thought.

At this time, Shen Fangnan walked into the press conference, found Yu Chengdong and the two of them and said, "Mr. Yu! Mr. Zhao! Congratulations on the big sale of the new phone!"

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