Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 125 Kunpeng 4 Series Mobile Phone Conference

After Shen Fangnan saw Luan Libiao's report, a smile appeared on his face.

After all, "Lightning Run" earned him 18 million in the blink of an eye.

No wonder people have always said that making games is a profitable thing.

Now Shen Fangnan realized it.

Of course, this requires the game to explode. If it does not explode, the investment in the early stage may be in vain.


Time flew by.

July 20th arrived as scheduled.

Between July 10th and 20th, the popularity of the entire network was captured by Kunpeng Technology Company.

Kunpeng Technology Company not only released the latest mobile online game "Lightning Run" on July 15, but also detonated the entire Internet.

Today, on July 20, the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones officially met with consumers.

The location of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone conference is the same as before at the Pengcheng Conference Center.

And early in the morning, Kunpeng fans gathered outside the Pengcheng Convention Center Pavilion.

They can't wait to see what black technology Kunpeng Technology will bring to them.

Now the Kunpeng mobile phone brand gives consumers the impression that it is full of black technology.

And this time the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone conference time is set at 6 pm.

As time passed slowly, the time came to 5:30 in the afternoon, and at this time, a group of Kunpeng fans began to enter the venue one after another.

And Kunpeng Technology Company was very thoughtful to give Kunpeng fans who entered the conference site a bag of snacks and two bottles of water.

And there are two packs of big bread in the snack gift pack.

Of course, this was suggested by Shen Fangnan.

After all, the press conference was held at six o'clock in the evening.

And the press conference will start at least two hours.

Therefore, in order for the Kunpeng fans who came to participate in the Kunpeng 4 series of mobile phones not to be hungry, Kunpeng Technology Company prepared a large snack package for them.

The most important point is that a bag of snacks is not worth much, but it can warm the hearts of all Kunpeng fans.

A company that can consider fans is definitely not bad!

Later, many Kunpeng fans who came to participate in the Kunpeng 4 series of mobile phones took photos of the snack gift packs, and then uploaded them to their bib account, and also thoughtfully asked Aite about the official account of Kunpeng Technology Company's bib.

Soon, at the end of the bib hot search list, there was a talk about Kunpeng Technology Company sending Kunpeng fans who participated in the press conference a big snack gift bag.

This made all the heads of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers very depressed.

This can be on the bib hot search list. Could it be that Kunpeng Technology Company gave the bib company money?

Otherwise, why would Kunpeng Technology Company be on the scarf hot search list from time to time.

If there is no py transaction, no one will believe it.

As time slowly came to 6 o'clock in the evening.

The Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone conference is about to start.

And the press conference was crowded with people.

Soon, the lights of the entire press conference dimmed.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground spread to the entire press conference.

Follow Shen Fangnan to the center of the stage.

A beam of powerful lights at the press conference shone on Shen Fangnan.

Shen Fangnan greeted the audience with a smile on his face: "Hello everyone, I am Shen Fangnan, the No. 1 employee of Kunpeng Technology Company."

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to the Pengcheng Convention Center Pavilion to participate in the press conference of our Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones."

Shen Fangnan bowed and thanked the audience present.

Immediately, the entire press conference burst into thunderous applause.

"Since the press conference will be held at 6 o'clock in the evening, I believe that most of the Kunpeng fans have not eaten dinner, so I will prepare a big snack package for everyone, hoping to fill the stomachs of all Kunpeng fans."

"If one bag is not enough, you can ask the staff of our company to ask for another bag."

"Don't be embarrassed, because this is my own personal treat."

Shen Fangnan's words moved the audience to tears.

Not only the audience present was bought by Shen Fangnan, but even domestic and foreign netizens who watched Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones online were moved.

And the number of people in the live broadcast room of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones has been increasing.

And the people in charge of the mobile phone manufacturers in the audience thought to themselves: "As expected of Shen Fangnan, the method of buying people's hearts is really clever."

A big gift bag of snacks is worthless, but Shen Fangnan's mood warmed up all the audience present.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

The audience present shouted in unison.

"Let's listen to my introduction of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones while eating snacks!"

Shen Fangnan then used the presenter to scroll the big screen.

A picture appeared on the big screen.

That's Hu Ge and Da Mimi holding Kunpeng 4i mobile phones.

Brother Hu is holding a Kunpeng 4i mobile phone whose sky color is empty blue.

In the hands of Da Mi Mi is a Kunpeng 4i mobile phone with a purple-blue gradient color.

As soon as the photo was exposed, the audience immediately cheered.

Not only is the mobile phone beautiful, but the makeup photos of Hu Ge and Da Mimi are also very popular.

"Brother Hu! Brother Hu! Brother Hu!"

"Big power! Big power! Big power!"

Fans of Brother Hu and Da Mi Mi stood up and shouted continuously.

The lighting engineer at the scene was very naughty, and two beams of lights shone on Hu Ge and Da Mi Mi.

But Brother Hu could only stand up and wave to the fans present.

After a while, the shouts at the scene fell slightly.

At this time, Shen Fangnan pretended to be annoyed and said: "When the high-level meeting first selected the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand, I was unwilling to choose Brother Hu."

"It is impossible for a man as handsome as me to become the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand. It is impossible to compete with me!"

"At the beginning, I wanted to be the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand, and then I would add Da Mi Mi."

"As a result, it was directly rejected by Mr. Lu and other company executives."

"I once thought Mr. Lu and the others were going to rebel."

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.

Brother Hu waved his hand helplessly.

Although Brother Hu knows that Shen Fangnan, the boss of Kunpeng Technology Company, speaks very jumpily.

I didn't expect it to jump like this.

And Da Mi Mi is blushing.

After a while, Da Mi Mi returned to its original state.

"That's right, at that time I thought Shen was always crazy!"

"Who gave you the courage to be the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand?"

"What about Liang Jingru?"

Then Lu Weibing responded with the microphone.

Immediately, the audience at the press conference booed one after another, they wanted to know the follow-up bloody plot.

"Mr. Lu, next month's bonus will be gone."

Shen Fangnan caught Lu Weibing by surprise and hit Lu Weibing seven inches in the face.


"No, no, Mr. Shen, I was very supportive of you as the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand at that time, and I'm going to send four to the sky!"

Lu Weibing suddenly explained awkwardly.

The audience in the audience was amused by Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing and burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangnan and the two had a good smile.

I'm sorry for the audience if I don't talk about cross talk.

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