Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 132 Hot Discussions on Kunpeng 4 Series Mobile Phones (Chapter 3k)

Shen Fangnan had already talked about the bonus with all the employees before, so he didn't mention it again.

After all, the bonus is already a certainty.

"Mr. Shen, we know."

All the employees nodded in response.

"Please keep an eye on the data of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones. If there is any abnormality, you must tell Mr. Han."

Shen Fangnan felt that it was time to leave the statistics department and go home to rest.

Now Shen Fangnan is very tired all over.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I will keep an eye on the sales data of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones. You and Mr. Lu have been busy all day and are very tired. Go back and rest first!"

Han Yizhou patted his chest and responded affirmatively.

"Well, then I'll leave it to you here."

Shen Fangnan did not reject Han Yizhou's kindness, and he also felt tired all over.

Then Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing left the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The employees in the statistics department all sighed deeply.

The atmosphere of the entire office changed 180 degrees in an instant.

After all, if there is a boss or superior standing in front of him, the employee will definitely be very serious and complete his tasks meticulously.

"Everyone do the task at hand."

"I also know that when Mr. Shen is here, the atmosphere in the office must be serious and depressing, but you need to get used to it."

Of course Han Yizhou would not blame the members of his team.

When Shen Fangnan was here, Han Yizhou would also act very serious.

Although Shen Fangnan is approachable, but his aura always intentionally or unintentionally overwhelms the people around him a bit out of breath.


Shen Fangnan, who returned to the office, did not leave Kunpeng Technology Company immediately to go home.

Shen Fangnan still needs to discuss with Lu Weibing.

"Old Lu, you should immediately call Zhuang Yanling, the person in charge of the publicity department, and ask her to contact Han Yizhou, and then announce the sales of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones."

"I believe that all netizens and our business partners want to know the sales volume of our Kunpeng 4 mobile phone."

This is a good opportunity to promote the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone, how could Shen Fangnan give up!

Moreover, the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone can sell 50,000 units within one minute, which is a milestone.

After all, the beggar’s version of a Kunpeng 4 mobile phone is priced at 5199.

"Boss Shen, I know."

Lu Weibing nodded again and again, of course he knew the significance of selling 50,000 units of Kunpeng 4 mobile phones in one minute.

If the first batch of 500,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones are all sold out, then Kunpeng Technology can officially announce that its company has gained a firm foothold in the high-end flagship mobile phone market.

"There is one more thing. Please inform me that a high-level meeting of the company will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Shen Fangnan made a decision after thinking for a moment.

The theme of the meeting is about the pricing of Kunpeng 4 mobile phones abroad.

"Okay, I'll let you know later."

Lu Weibing recorded it immediately.

Afterwards, Shen Fangnan and Shen Fangnan discussed in the office for a while and then left each other.

Shen Fangnan went home by car.

And Lu Weibing stayed behind to arrange the two things Shen Fangnan had arranged.

Then Lu Weibing called Zhuang Yanling, head of Kunpeng's publicity department.

And Lu Weibing explained and explained the importance of the matter to Zhuang Yanling.

Zhuang Yanling didn't take it lightly, she immediately got the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company up and running.

Then Kunpeng Technology Company's bib account posted a message saying: # Kunpeng 4i mobile phone sells 30,000 units a minute, and Kunpeng 4 mobile phone sells 50,000 units a minute. #

Immediately, a group of netizens were chatting and commenting continuously.

There is no way, the title of Kunpeng Technology Company's popular fried chicken is not covered.

Soon, another article from Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. was listed on the hot search list of bibs.

The strength of Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. on the hot search list of bibs has made some people envious and jealous!

After all, there are only so many positions on the hot search list for bibs. Now that Kunpeng Technology Company has several items on the hot search list, some of them will definitely be squeezed out.

There is no doubt about it.

"I'm going, awesome! With 50,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones per minute, Kunpeng Technology can make money faster than the money printing machine."

"Sell 30,000 Kunpeng 4i mobile phones and 50,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones in one minute? This is not common! The more expensive the better, the better the sales, there is no reason!"

"Kunpeng Technology Company actually doesn't even want a little bit of face because of the popularity. How is it possible to have 50,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones per minute? The price starts at 5199."

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet about this.

No way, the sales of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are a bit weird.

The sales volume of the cheap Kunpeng 4i mobile phone is actually not as good as that of the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone.

But no matter how netizens comment, what Kunpeng Technology announced is the truth.

After seeing the sales of Kunpeng 4 mobile phones, the heads of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers all took a deep breath.

This is too exaggerated.

After all, the sales volume of 50,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones per minute.

Pengcheng Hilton Hotel.

Since the press conference of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones started at six o'clock in the evening.

By the time the press conference ended, it was already half past nine in the evening.

So Rebus and Lin Ziyu didn't hurry back to the imperial capital.

At this time, Rebs and Lin Ziyu were concerned about the sales of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones.

When Kunpeng Technology Company announced the sales of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones in one minute, Rebs frowned.

Then Rebs sighed deeply and said, "Hey, Kunpeng Technology has gained a firm foothold in the high-end flagship mobile phone market with the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone."

"And now we are still hitting the high-end flagship mobile phone market. This is the gap."

Now the gap between Kunpeng Technology Company and Rice Company is getting bigger and bigger, which is a problem that Rebs has to face.

But Rebs was not defeated. The stronger Kunpeng Technology Company was, the more Rebs wanted to defeat it.

Rebs's rise from a senior programmer to the owner of a large mobile phone manufacturing company is a testament to his strong beliefs.

Rebus is not one to throw in the towel easily.

Since Kunpeng Technology can hit the high-end flagship mobile phone market and gain a firm foothold in the high-end flagship mobile phone market, so can Rebus.

Then a golden light appeared in Rebus' eyes.

And Rebs put his rice company's road to high-end on its own surging 900 processor chip.

When it comes to the surging 900 processor chip, Rebs has a smile on his face.

That's right, Rice's Pengpai 900 processor chip has finally been designed.

Now the surging 900 processor chip is in small-scale mass production, and then officially entered the testing stage.

"Mr. Lin, did the company grab Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones?"

Rebs asked anxiously.

After all, this is related to Rice's research on Kunpeng Technology 4 mobile phones.

So it is to study the solar charging technology equipped with the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, the company has already snapped up 10 Kunpeng 4i mobile phones and Kunpeng 4 mobile phones."

Lin Ziyu certainly knows the importance of the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone to his company.

Lin Ziyu directly asked the company's procurement department to snap up a batch of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones.

"That's good!"

When Rebs heard that he had snatched the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone, he was immediately relieved.

After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. If Rice Company wants to defeat Kunpeng Technology Company, it must conduct an overall research on Kunpeng Technology Company.

Not just mobile phone products, but also the various responsible persons of the company.


Pengcheng Kirin Company.

At this time, Yu Chengdong and Zhao Ming rushed back to Kirin Company, but he did not leave work, and notified the company to snap up a batch of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones.

The Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are equipped with various black technologies of Kunpeng Technology Company, so it is very necessary to snap up a batch of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones and come back to study them.

"I really didn't expect Shen Fangnan to take out his own Wang Bo in order to gain a firm foothold in the high-end flagship mobile phone market."

Yu Chengdong really didn't expect that Kunpeng Technology Company could realize solar charging technology on mobile phones.

"Well, Mr. Yu, I originally thought that the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone was a concept phone. After all, it has a 2K resolution LCD screen and solar charging technology."

"I didn't expect Kunpeng Technology Company to mass-produce the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone. I have to admire Shen Fangnan."

On the side, Zhao Ming said convincingly.

Now don’t say that Kirin cannot realize solar charging technology, even the international mobile phone giant Fruit Company and Samsung cannot realize it.

Now many mobile phone manufacturers want to try to study solar charging technology, so they must buy a batch of Kunpeng 4 mobile phones to study.


In less than three hours, 500,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones were sold out directly.

Five hours later, one million Kunpeng 4i mobile phones were sold out.

Consumers who did not get the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone can only buy a Kunpeng 4i mobile phone to relieve boredom.

Although the Kunpeng 4i mobile phone lacks an important black technology compared with the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone: solar charging technology.

However, the Kunpeng 4i mobile phone is not bad overall. It is equipped with Tianheng 800 processor chip developed and designed by Kunpeng Technology Company.

Subsequently, Kunpeng Technology Company's bib account released and said: # 500,000 Kunpeng 4 mobile phones were sold out directly in three hours; 1 million Kunpeng 4i mobile phones were sold out in five hours. #

Some night owl netizens commented one after another.

There is no way, the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company is too strong.


July 21st.

Because Lu Weibing posted a message in the high-level group of Kunpeng Technology Company last night.

That is to hold a high-level meeting in the conference room at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Before 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company were already sitting in their conference room.

Now when Shen Fangnan arrives, the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company officially begins.

Soon Shen Fangnan walked in slowly through the door of the conference room.

And Lu Weibing followed closely behind.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

The senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company in the conference room greeted the two of them one after another.

And Shen Fangnan nodded in response.

With Shen Fangnan sitting on the main seat.

The high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company officially started.

"Everyone is more or less concerned about the sales news of our first batch of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones."

After Shen Fangnan announced the news of the first batch of Kunpeng 4 mobile phones, the entire meeting room burst into thunderous applause.

Thanks for the reward of 100 starting coins for driving a five-cent Ferrari.

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