"Sky Project?"

Afterwards, Mr. Li continued to open Shen Fangnan's proposal with doubts.

The content of Shen Fangnan's plan is about his family's desire to form a satellite chain.

That's right, it is to launch 36 satellites into the sky and form a chain, and then the satellite chain can provide various data to Kunpeng Technology Company 24 hours a day, and Kunpeng Technology Company can also use satellites as data transfer stations.


A deep sigh resounded throughout the living room.

After Mr. Li finished Shen Fangnan's plan, he looked up at the other party for a while, and then said, "Mr. Shen, this is crazy!"

"The value of 36 satellites is an astronomical figure. Can Kunpeng Technology really have the money to support it?"

Mr. Li had to suspect that Shen Fangnan was playing tricks on him.

The amount of money needed to put a satellite into space is astronomical.

But now Shen Fangnan is so whimsical, he wants to launch 36 satellites into the sky, and then form a satellite chain.

This is really crazy!

After all, the minimum funding required for the launch of a satellite is US$8 million.

If it is calculated according to a 10 million US dollar, then Kunpeng Technology will need to pay 360 million US dollars if the 36 satellites go to the sky.

If this is converted into Yan Guo currency, it is almost 2.5 billion.

And because the satellites launched by Kunpeng Technology have special properties, one of them may cost 15 million US dollars.

According to Shen Fangnan's "Sky Project", then Kunpeng Technology may have to pay a total of 3 billion.

But looking back and thinking about it, 3 billion can still be used by Kunpeng Technology Company.

After all, it sold 12 million Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones before, and Kunpeng Technology Company earned a net profit of more than 5 billion yuan.

Of course, the 5 billion must spend 2.5 billion to continue to stock up, and to expand sales channels, and improve offline repair stores and so on.

"Mr. Li, is this deal worth the space agency?"

Shen Fangnan said with a smile.

Moreover, the Yanguo Space Administration is secretly developing the "one shot, three eagles" technology, yes, that is, one rocket sends multiple satellites into the sky.

The most important point is that the data processing of the satellite does not need to be completed by the space agency, and Kunpeng Technology Company can complete it independently.

"Mr. Shen, you are giving the space agency a big gift package!"

Chief engineer Li excitedly held Shen Fangnan's hands.

The space agency can not only earn enough profits from this cooperation, but also use part of the funds to invest in research and development.

Most importantly, Kunpeng Technology Company is the first private enterprise in China to cooperate with its own space agency to launch satellites.

"Mr. Li, I can invest another 600 million dollars to cooperate with the space agency, and we will develop satellite-related technologies together."

Of course, Shen Fangnan had his own wishful thinking.

Shen Fangnan fell in love with the scientific research engineer of the space agency.

After all, if the other party can become an engineer of the space agency, he must have real skills. If he cooperates with the space agency, Shen Fangnan can also get a share of the scientific research results of the cooperation between the two parties.

"Mr. Shen, I can't give you an answer now, after all, there are too many things involved in this matter."

Mr. Li didn't dare to agree directly.

He needs to discuss with a group of high-level officials of the space agency and report to the higher-ups.

"It's okay, I can wait."

Shen Fangnan was not in a hurry, as long as Chief Engineer Li of the space agency did not refuse on the spot, then Shen Fangnan felt that there was still a chance.

Then Chief Engineer Li took Shen Fangnan and the two to visit the Yanguo Space Launch Site.

Moreover, Shen Fangnan and others were still looking at the space launch site from afar.

Afterwards, Shen Fangnan and the two left the Ganquan launch site of Yanguo Aerospace.

And Shen Fangnan left his plan at the Yanguo Space Bureau. Of course, this is just a simple part of the plan.

Leaking the simple "Sky Project" will not have much impact.

It may cause a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. is a popular fried chicken on the Internet, so its every move will arouse heated discussions among netizens.

Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, it was already the second day that Shen Fangnan and the two left Ganquan Space Launch Base.

Shen Fangnan, Lu Weibing, and Zhou Xiangwei, the person in charge of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, were in the office discussing the "Sky Project" of launching satellites into the sky.

"Mr. Shen, do you think the people from the space agency can pass our plan?"

Zhou Xiangwei asked anxiously.

There is no way, this is related to the development of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, so Zhou Xiangwei has to be anxious.

Originally, Zhou Xiangwei thought that Shen Fangnan would reject his plan to launch his satellite into space.

And at the beginning, I asked that only five to six satellites were enough for the development of my own Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangnan added 30 satellites to Zhou Xiangwei's foundation, and would also form a satellite chain.

If it is true that Kunpeng Technology Company has thirty-six satellites and forms a satellite chain, it will give Kunpeng Technology Company a pair of wings for its development.

"I don't know, but I'm 80% sure the space agency will agree."

"After all, the bait we cast is big enough. If the space agency doesn't take the bait, then I can't help it."

Shen Fangnan was a little desperate this time.

After all, the funds needed for Kunpeng Technology Company to cooperate with the space agency have reached 10 billion.

And Shen Fangnan will definitely continue to invest money in the follow-up.

Shen Fangnan's current net worth should be tens of billions of dollars.

No way, the current Kunpeng Technology Company is a 24-hour non-stop money printing machine.

And Shen Fangnan also owns several companies.

The most important point is that Shen Fangnan is very open about money.

Shen Fangnan felt that as long as the money was enough for himself, everything else could be invested in research and development.

"Mr. Shen, I think the space agency will definitely cooperate with us."

"No one can resist your 10 billion gift package, and the space agency is raised by a stepmother. The military industry enterprises are allocated funds first, and then the space agency."

Lu Weibing said with certainty.

"Well, it makes sense, now we can only wait for the news." Although Shen Fangnan showed a determined look on his face, he still had no idea in his heart.

After all, this is the country of Yan. If the higher authorities do not agree, then the cooperation between Kunpeng Technology Company and the space agency can be said to be "chicken and egg".

"Mr. Zhou, you should prepare first! If the space agency really refuses to cooperate, then we will find other ways."

Shen Fangnan asked the other party to make preparations first.

And not only Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, but the entire Kunpeng company must be prepared. After all, the satellite chain formed by 36 satellites is enough for several companies to use together.

"Okay Mr. Shen!"

Zhou Xiangwei then left Shen Fangnan's office.

Shen Fangnan's phone rang shortly afterwards.

"Boss Li?"

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