Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 168 Kunpeng Technology Company's High Level Meeting

Subsequently, the sales of Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones became more and more rapid.

And Shen Fangnan looked at the sales data of the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone on the big screen with a smile on his face.

"I, Shen Fangnan, once again thank everyone for sticking to their posts tonight. Tonight's supper will not only be full but also well managed. You can order whatever you want, and I will pay for it."

"And the bonus you are thinking about will be paid out along with the next salary slip. I, Shen Fangnan, eat meat, and everyone needs soup."

Shen Fangnan immediately patted his chest and said affirmatively.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

"Boss Shen is awesome!"

The employees of the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company present collectively cheered and jumped for joy.

My boss once again generously distributed bonuses.

The employees of Kunpeng Technology Company like their company's new products very much. After all, every time their boss, Shen Fangnan, will give bonuses after the products sell well.

Who wouldn't love such a boss!

So every time outsiders visit Kunpeng Technology Company, they see a group of Kunpeng Technology Company employees working desperately, which makes them puzzled.

Then the visitors got a bittersweet result after some inquiries.

Kunpeng Technology's employee wages and benefits have always been at the highest level in the industry.

And from time to time, on some important days of the company, the boss would generously give out bonuses.

The amount of the bonus is higher than other companies.

The most important point is that soon there was news from within Kunpeng Technology Company that his boss, Shen Fangnan, would also distribute part of the company's equity dividends to employees.

Then the employees of Kunpeng Technology Company are not desperately expressing themselves in front of the leaders.

Otherwise, at that time, Kunpeng Technology Company may not have its own share in the equity dividend.

After all, the equity dividends of most companies will not involve the middle and lower-level company employees.

And the news that came out this time is that the equity dividend of Kunpeng Technology Company this time involves all employees.

Such news will definitely make all the employees work hard.

Although the news that came out has not been issued by Shen Fangnan's chairman in writing.

But this news was conveyed by a group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company.

"This is what everyone deserves. The big sales of Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone depend on everyone's concerted efforts to complete it."

Of course, Shen Fangnan would not take all the credit for himself.

Shen Fangnan knows that employees are the driving force for the company to move forward.

"Everyone, keep working! There will be bonuses that everyone has been thinking about. I, Shen Fangnan, will not break my promise."

Then Shen Fangnan asked the employees of the statistics department to start working first.

And Shen Fangnan whispered to Han Yizhou who was beside him: "Mr. Han, Zhuang Yanling, the person in charge of your propaganda department, will report the situation and ask him to make a poster immediately."

Shen Fangnan is strict about propaganda.

Shen Fangnan knew the importance of publicity.

"No problem, we have notified Mr. Zhuang!"

Han Yizhou said slowly.

Shen Fangnan on the side smiled and said: "That's fine, Mr. Han did a good job."

Then Shen Fangnan asked Han Yizhou about the changes in the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company after the Tiankui artificial satellite was launched into the sky.

"Mr. Shen, now that our Tiankui artificial satellite is used, our data transmission has undergone a qualitative change, and data confidentiality has been improved."

When Han Yizhou mentioned the Tiankui artificial satellite, a smug smile appeared on his face.

Shen Fangnan nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

The data transfer rate is only one aspect that Shen Fangnan wants.

The most important thing is that the confidentiality of data transmission is what Shen Fangnan values ​​most.

Of course, there is only one Tiankui artificial satellite in space now, so the statistics department only uses a part of it.

Speaking of the launch of artificial satellites, on December 28, the second artificial satellite of Kunpeng Technology Company will be launched into the sky again.

After Shen Fangnan chatted with Han Yizhou for a while, he and Lu Weibing left the office area of ​​the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

And Han Yizhou immediately returned to his command post.

On the other side, after Zhuang Yanling of the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company received the news from the statistics department, she immediately asked her subordinates to revise the prepared poster and publish it on the Internet immediately.

In less than ten minutes, Kunpeng Technology Company's Bib number was updated.

# Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone sold 50,000 units in one minute. #

# A thousand Mokun k1 new energy vehicles are booked in one minute. #

After the dynamic update of Kunpeng Technology Company, a large number of night owls with scarves were surprised, but turning around and thinking about it, it is not surprising that the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone sold 50,000 units in a minute.

After all, Kunpeng Technology has already reached this milestone.

Subsequently, the dynamic news about the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone sales reaching 50,000 units in one minute was on the hot search list of bibs.

However, it has not topped the bib hot search list, because the top spot is "occupied" by its own dynamic news.

"50,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones per minute? Kunpeng Technology Company is going crazy."

"And what I see is that the Mokun K1 designed by Kunpeng Technology Company, a layman's car company, has a thousand reservations? This result will definitely make Shen Fangnan wake up laughing when he falls asleep."

Moreover, the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle is still a new energy vehicle, and now the global new energy vehicle giant Tesla's sales in Yanguo in 2014 were only a few thousand.

Although the consumer gave a deposit, it is still unknown whether the consumer will buy it in the end.

Of course, if consumers can pay a deposit, it proves their intention to purchase the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle.

This is a good start.

"I believe that 50,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones are sold in one minute, but I don't believe that one thousand consumers place a reservation fee to buy the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle in one minute!"

"That's right. Although the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle has been shown as a demonstration vehicle, it has not yet been mass-produced. The risk involved is huge."

A lot of netizens are talking about it.

The most talked about is about the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle. There is no way. Now many netizens are numb to the sales of mobile phones of Kunpeng Technology Company.

If there are 200,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones per minute, it may cause a sensation.

But it is impossible now. If the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone is sold globally simultaneously, it is possible to sell 200,000 units in a minute.

There is also a possibility that as the Yan country's economy rises, and Yan country's consumers have money, then its sales will definitely increase.

But many netizens couldn't believe it.

The data map of the reservation fee of the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle was subsequently released.

This directly slaps some doubters in the face.

However, more naval forces believe that the data map of Kunpeng Technology Company has been modified by it.

In less than an hour, the bib number of Kunpeng Technology Company was updated again.

# 500,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones were sold out in one hour. #

# More than 3,000 Mokun k1 new energy vehicles are scheduled for one hour. #

It once again aroused heated discussions among netizens.

No way, the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle, which is the least favored by netizens, actually had 3,000 people deposit in one hour, which was beyond everyone's expectations.


The sky gradually turned white.

Shen Fangnan woke up naturally after sleeping, and then arrived at Kunpeng Technology Company on time at ten o'clock.

Then Shen Fangnan came to the conference room of Kunpeng Technology Company. There was a high-level meeting to be held at 10:30 today.

And in the conference room at this moment, all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company are sitting in their seats waiting for the formation.

And the main seat is still vacant, which proves that Shen Fangnan has not arrived yet.

A knock on the door resounded throughout the meeting room.

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company stared at the door of the meeting room in unison.

The handsome Shen Fangnan "makes his debut".

"Boss Shen!"

All the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company shouted in unison.


After Shen Fangnan responded, she walked slowly to the main seat, and then sat down.

With the presence of Shen Fangnan, the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company officially started.

And Shen Fangnan stood on both sides with two assistants to record the minutes of the meeting.

Originally, Lu Weibing was the first to report on the work, but since the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone and the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle were launched for sale and pre-order yesterday.

So the first report was Han Yizhou.

Although Han Yizhou was full of energy at this moment, the dark circles around his eyes had already betrayed him.

Han Yizhou may have only rested for a while from yesterday to now, or he may not have had a rest. He will not go home to rest until the Kunpeng Technology Company high-level meeting is over.

Han Yizhou immediately stood up and reported the situation.

And Shen Fangnan waved his hand and said: "Mr. Han, please sit down and report yesterday's data!"

"I see the dark circles under your eyes. You must not have rested since yesterday. Next time, don't work so hard. If you should go home and rest, go back and rest. Otherwise, I'm afraid that my sister-in-law will come to the company to trouble me."

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.

In an instant, bursts of laughter came from the entire conference room.

And the laughter dilutes the tense atmosphere in the conference room.

Then Han Yizhou was not polite, sat down directly, and said lightly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, your sister-in-law will not come to the company to make trouble. She also hopes that I will work overtime in the company and go back with a big year-end bonus."

What Han Yizhou meant was: I've worked so hard, you, Shen Fangnan, don't send me a little more of the year-end awards, you can't justify it!

How could Shen Fangnan not know the careful thinking and scheming of his subordinates!

"No problem, the year-end bonus will definitely be very big, I promise."

Of course Shen Fangnan wants to make a big deal for the other party!

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Shen in advance for the generous year-end bonus, which saved me from being buried by your sister-in-law."

Of course Han Yizhou would like to thank the other party.

Laughter continued throughout the conference room.

After a while, Han Yizhou stretched out his hands to suppress the laughter of the senior executives present.

Then Han Yizhou began to report the data of various digital products that were put on the shelves from 12:00 am to 10:30 am today.

"500,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones were sold out within an hour, and 300,000 consumers clicked to pre-order."

As soon as Han Yizhou's report was announced, Shen Fangnan took the lead in applauding.

Then all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company followed Shen Fangnan's steps and applauded together.

This is an unspoken rule in the workplace. If the leader applauds, then as a subordinate, you must follow the pace of the leader.

The 500,000 Kunpeng Q1 mobile phones were sold out in an hour. This is an achievement.

This is Yanguo consumers' recognition of Kunpeng Technology's digital products.

Among them, the net profit of the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone is only about 800 yuan.

If the processor chip used by the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone is the Tianheng 800 processor chip designed by itself, then its net profit may go to more than 1,000 yuan.

No way, Shen Fangnan wanted to separate the Kunpeng Q series mobile phones from the Kunpeng digital series mobile phones.

And there are some striking differences.

Therefore, Shen Fangnan immediately decided to use the Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Yantong Company for the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone.

In addition, Shen Fangnan must admit that the performance of the Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Zhitong Company is much better than that of its own Tianheng 801 processor chip.

This is undeniable.

The performance of its own Tianheng 800 processor chip is not as good as that of the other party. This is a generous admission, and this is not a shameful thing.

Of course, this was the case in Shen Fangnan's eyes.

Acknowledging your own shortcomings can make you better.

"The reservations for the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle have reached 5,000, but now the number of reservations is slowly rising like a turtle."

Then Han Yizhou reported on the scheduled volume of the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle.

"Five thousand?"

Zhou Xiangwei, the person in charge of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company who was on the side for a moment, took a deep breath of relief.

If there is a reservation of 5,000 vehicles, at least 2,000 of them can be converted into orders.

This is still the result of consumers who have not started to evaluate it.

If the follow-up Mokun k1 new energy vehicle is tested by consumers and launched, the sales may increase gradually.

Of course, Zhou Xiangwei couldn't relax his carelessness.

What kind of results will be known after the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is launched and delivered.

"That's right. This number of reservations is enough to show that consumers in Yanguo recognize our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle."

After Shen Fangnan heard the reservation of 5,000 vehicles, a slight smile appeared on his face.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company wants to enter the automotive industry, so new energy is a shortcut.

This can only succeed, not fail.

Otherwise, after the Yanguo ZF attaches great importance to the new energy vehicle market, it will be too late for Kunpeng Technology to enter the game.


Afterwards, Han Yizhou also reported on the customization of the whole house smart home system and the sales of various intelligent home appliances, as well as the sales report on the pterosaur series drones.

The sales of the Pterosaur series drones can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and the same is true for various intelligent home appliances.

There is no way, the UAV market in Yan Country is too small now, not to mention Yan Country, the market value of civilian UAVs in the whole world is only US$500 million.

The reason why the sales of intelligent home appliances are quite satisfactory is that many consumers do not believe in the home appliance technology of Kunpeng Technology Company, although its slogan is loud: intelligent.

Of course, this moderate sales volume is compared with the sales volume of the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone.

After Han Yizhou reported on the relevant matters of his statistics department, he said: "The report is over." He slowly closed his mouth.

And Shen Fangnan nodded.

Then Shen Fangnan turned and looked at Lu Weibing beside him and said, "Mr. Lu, you should first contact Zhitong Company and place an order for 1.5 million Xiaolong 805 processor chips."

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