Of course, folding screen mobile phone technology is relatively advanced and has gimmicks.

After all, no one can refuse a small and exquisite mobile phone when folded, and then a large-screen mobile phone when unfolded.

And rice company is the worst company in making folding screen mobile phones.

In less than a month, the price of rice company's folding screen mobile phone has taken a big dive.

Of course, there are also very good ones.

That is, the folding screen mobile phone made by Kirin is very good, and several generations of products have been released one after another.

The most important point is that it is rumored on the Internet that Kirin's folding screen mobile phone is a financial digital product.

This is the best compliment to Kirin's folding screen mobile phone.

The folding screen mobile phone appeared in October 2018, and the company that released the folding screen mobile phone is not a "serious" mobile phone manufacturer.

The company that released the first folding screen mobile phone is a company that makes flexible screens.

That's right, you heard that right, it is really a folding screen mobile phone made by a company that makes mobile phone screens.

And its biggest purpose is to "show muscles" and then sell its own mobile phone screen.

Of course, this also has a positive effect, that is, let a large number of mobile phone manufacturers see that mobile phones can still do this.

Then in February 2019, Samsung launched the first real folding screen mobile phone.

Then several major mobile phone manufacturers have launched their own folding screen mobile phones.

Flexible screens are the key to the birth of folding screen phones.

Now that Kunpeng Technology has a flexible screen in advance, according to Shen Fangnan's idea, it will definitely make folding screen mobile phones appear in front of consumers in advance.

There is no need to introduce more about the net profit of mobile phones with more than 10,000 yuan.

After all, the folding-screen mobile phone produced by the rice company with a price of 10,000 yuan in the later generations dropped sharply in less than a month, directly dropping to just over 6,000 yuan.

This is still a company that swears that it only makes 5% of the net profit.

The water is so deep that it can sink a person directly.

Now as long as Shen Fangnan asks Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company to apply for the patent of the flexible screen, it will set a threshold for all mobile phone screen manufacturers.

At that time, all mobile phone screen manufacturing companies will need to research in different directions.

Flash memory processor chip technology has always been lacking in Yanguo.

Everyone heard it right, flash processor chip technology has been stuck by foreign flash processor chip giants.

Among them, the price of flash memory processor chips purchased by Yanguo in 2022 will reach 300 billion U.S. dollars.

It was not until 2022 that Yanguo had a real flash memory processor chip.

And now the flash memory processor chips of all mobile phones of Kunpeng Technology Company use foreign flash memory processor chip giants.

If Kunpeng Technology Company does not have flash memory processor chip technology, it will definitely be controlled by others.

Now Shen Fangnan had a satisfied smile on his face.

Now Kunpeng Technology Company can have its own technology for various important parts of mobile phones.

The system will really send charcoal in a timely manner!

After all, at the winter conference of Kunpeng Technology Company, Shen Fangnan announced that he was going to be a fruit company with his hands and a Samsung company with his feet.

In addition, in the whole year of 2014, Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone sales exceeded that of Fruit Company and caught up with Samsung, which made many foreign mobile phone manufacturers anxious.

In addition, the various black technologies announced by Kunpeng Technology Company have made many foreign technology companies vigilant.

Therefore, in the following 2015, the difficulties encountered by Kunpeng Technology may be unprecedented.

But Shen Fangnan likes this kind of challenge.

After all, if Kunpeng Technology Company does not challenge, then there is no motivation to move forward.

Shen Fangnan definitely wanted Kunpeng Technology Company to have an enemy for life.

Only then can Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. keep making progress and constantly explore new areas.

If you seek defeat alone, it will do a lot of harm to Kunpeng Technology Company.

The grinding technology of the camera lens and various parameters of the camera have always been the weak point of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The camera of the previously released Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone is actually a lens purchased from Zeiss, and Kunpeng Technology Company was also slapped once by the opponent lion.

No way, if Kunpeng Technology Company had lens polishing technology and various production technologies, Shen Fangnan would have been wronged like this?

Obviously not.

And now the system rewards various technologies of the camera, as long as the subsequent Kunpeng Technology Company has a thorough understanding of the technology, it can be comparable to other major camera manufacturers.


The ip68-level dustproof and waterproof technology is amazing.

It has always been a must-have for high-end flagship phones.

There has been a saying among consumers, that is: "We can not use it, but you must not give it."

If the high-end flagship mobile phones of later generations are not equipped with ip68-level dust and water resistance, they will be directly cast aside by consumers.

And now if the next-generation or next-generation Kunpeng mobile phone series uses ip68-level dustproof and waterproof technology, this is a big enough selling point.

After all, no mobile phone manufacturer has announced the dustproof and waterproof technology of ip68 level.

And the 1,000 items of 5G network technology rewarded by the system are even more impressive.

Although the 4G network has just become popular, it does not affect the research and development of 5G and 6G network technologies by various processor chip manufacturers.

After all, it always makes sense to plan ahead.

Now Kunpeng Technology Company has a thousand 5G network technologies, so before the arrival of the 5G network, it can get a huge share of this big cake.

And Kunpeng Technology Company may surpass many foreign operators to become the leader of the global 5G network, and may even become the leader.

Of course, Shen Fangnan will not announce the thousand patents of 5G network technology in his hands.

This technology must be the top secret of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Of course, the 4G network has just become popular now. If the 5G network is to be implemented quickly, it will have to wait for the large-scale popularization of the 4G network before it will be announced.


And the last reward of the system made Shen Fangnan show a smug smile on his face.

Shen Fangnan didn't believe that the Yanguo Space Administration would not come to the door after he exposed this technology.

After all, this technology is a treasure for the Yanguo Space Agency.

That's right, that's rocket recovery technology.

Now after the rocket is launched, it cannot be recycled again, so the price of each rocket launch remains high.

If you have this technology, the cost of space launch rockets will be reduced by a qualitative leap.

After all, a rocket that can be reused.

You don't have to rebuild one every time you launch a rocket.

Not only save money but also save time.

Another point is that this technology can also be used in missile launches.

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