At this time, Lin Ziyu couldn't comment too much, after all, this was a taboo in the boss's heart.

If Lin Ziyu showed a trace of envy and displeasure at this moment, then his position in Rebus' heart would be shaken.

Although Rebs is an enlightened boss.

But Lin Ziyu will not show his inner thoughts on the surface.

This is a man's city.

"Mr. Lin, Kunpeng Technology Company has announced the year-end bonus plan. Now the company must be agitated. We also need to draw up this year's year-end bonus as soon as possible!"

Of course, Rebs will give year-end bonuses to all Rice Company employees, which is a way to calm people's hearts.

At this time Lin Ziyu was excited inside, but he couldn't show it, so he responded slowly: "Okay, Mr. Lei."

Although the year-end bonus is related to all the employees of Rice Company, it is the top executives who benefit the most in the end.

After all, the proportion of year-end bonuses held by senior executives is relatively high, and the year-end bonuses they receive are relatively generous.

Afterwards, Rebs held a high-level meeting and announced to discuss how many year-end bonuses Rice Company would issue.

Of course, not many high-level officials made their own remarks during the entire meeting.

And wait for Rebs to determine the total amount of the final year-end bonus, and then other high-level executives will determine the proportion.

After all, if Rebs is not sure about the amount, then the high-level officials will definitely not discuss this matter.

Afterwards, the final amount of the Rice Company's year-end bonus was announced on mainstream websites such as Rice Company's bib, Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook.

"250 million year-end bonus."

The rice company's year-end award also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

I didn't expect Rice Company to be equally generous!

After all, Rice Company and Kunpeng Technology Company are not at the same level in size.

There is also a big difference in the number of employees between the two sides.

Kunpeng Technology Company has far more employees than Rice Company.

There are several companies under the Kunpeng Technology Company, not just one company to share the "600 million year-end bonus".

Instead, the employees of the entire company share the "600 million year-end bonus".

Rebus was able to come up with 200 million year-end awards because of the good sales of his own mobile phone products throughout 2014.

And there is another point that Rice Company cannot compare with Kunpeng Technology Company, that is, the net profit of Kunpeng Technology Company's high-end flagship mobile phone is very high, while the net profit of Rice Company's high-end flagship mobile phone may not even reach half of the other party.

There is no way that Kunpeng Technology Company has a complete supply chain of mobile phone parts, and some of the major mobile phone parts are produced by its own subsidiaries.

The benefits of this can be imagined.

Although the rice company also has a parts supply chain, most of them are other companies, although Rebs and Lin Ziyu are master negotiators.

But it is impossible for the other party to sell at cost price!

This is not in line with common sense!

The other party is doing business, not charity.

Therefore, the net profit of Rice Company can only be said to be much better than that in 1999 of the previous year.


Then the rice company's high-level meeting ended, and the total amount of its year-end bonus was determined.

"200 million year-end bonus!"

The document was issued by Rebs, and then issued.

Immediately, all the employees of the rice company were excited.

The distribution of the 200 million year-end bonus is enough for all the employees of Rice Company to have a "fat year".

After all, rice company only distributed 60 million year-end bonus last year, but this year rice company raised the total amount of year-end bonus to 200 million.

This is a full year-end bonus of 140 million more than last year.

Although the total number of employees of the rice company has increased, but after the 200 million year-end bonus is distributed, the employees of the rice company must get a lot more than last year.

Then Rice Company's "200 million year-end award" was also on the hot search list for bibs.

Then it directly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"I didn't expect the rice company's year-end bonus this year to be equally generous. Rebus actually took out 200 million as the year-end bonus. I'm really envious and jealous. Is it so cumbersome to start a company now?"

"200 million year-end bonus, which is 400 million different from Kunpeng Technology Company, Mr. Lei, are you OK?"

"Upstairs, you really don't have back pain when you stand and talk, and the year-end bonus of 200 million is not much? The size of Rice Company and Kunpeng Technology Company, as well as the number of employees in the company, are very different."

"Kunpeng Technology Company has more than 30,000 employees, while Rice Company has just over 10,000 employees."

Based on this calculation, Rebus is even more forthright than Shen Fangnan!

Of course, many netizens don't know how many companies Shen Fangnan still has in his hands, otherwise, they would definitely say that Rebus is more bold and generous than Shen Fangnan.

After the rice company announced its year-end awards, the pressure came to the shoulders of other mobile phone manufacturers.

And Kirin replied unceremoniously, that is, its company does not have such a thing as a year-end bonus, they only have company equity dividends.

The news of Versailles of Kirin Company directly aroused the contempt of many netizens.

Originally, Kirin announced that its company would not issue year-end bonuses, and a group of netizens thought about how to spray each other with words.

As a result, the opponent's "Versailles magic skill" directly broke the defense of many netizens.

That's right, Kirin Company really doesn't have a year-end bonus, but...but...but the other party has equity dividends!

"Kunpeng Technology Company, you really deserve to die!"

"Rice Company, damn you!"

"Kirin Company, you should die too!"

The three mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo successively announced their company's year-end awards on their scarves, which made all the workers calm and composed!

All the bosses of the company had their back teeth broken, and they greeted Shen Fangnan and the others directly in their hearts. From the very beginning, it was Wang Zha. How do you let other Yanguo companies follow up!

And all the workers from Yan Kingdom asked their bosses, or superiors, how about this year's year-end bonus!

Of course, every company in Yan Country issued year-end bonus documents to their employees.

There is no way, people are in a state of panic and can't do it all day long, why don't they announce the year-end bonus, all the bosses of the company are afraid that their employees will run away in place.

Of course some are happy and some are sad.

Not all companies issue year-end bonuses.


A few days later, Kunpeng Technology held another high-level meeting, and the meeting only discussed three things.

One is about the equity incentive distribution plan that all employees of Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. have been thinking about.

The second is about Kunpeng Technology's "New Year's Day Plan!"

The third is about the holidays of employees of Kunpeng Technology Company and its subsidiaries.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company came to the meeting room as scheduled, and the smiles on their faces could not be hidden and "bloomed".

And all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company whispered there in twos and twos.

And the topics mentioned are all about the equity incentive distribution plan of Kunpeng Technology Company.

There is no way, this is related to the vital interests of all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company, so we discuss it there.

The heads of other subsidiaries closed their eyes and rested their minds, or kept silent, but their thoughts wandered in dreams.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor spread throughout the conference room, and everyone in the conference room stopped discussing immediately and became serious.

With the door of the meeting room pushed open.

Shen Fangnan, who was wearing a white one-inch shirt, slowly walked into the meeting room, and beside him were Lu Weibing and several assistants.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"×n

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company greeted the two of them one after another!

"good morning everyone!"

Then Shen Fangnan sat on the main seat.

Then the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company officially started.

Of course, Shen Fangnan spoke first.

"The company's equity incentive distribution plan that everyone has been thinking about has been completed under the discussion plan of Lu Weibing and other responsible persons."

Shen Fangnan said slowly.

And all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present showed a smile on their faces more or less.

"Everyone present can get a total of 3% of the equity, and the remaining 17% is distributed to all employees of the company."

"And this 3% is fixed. In the future, the equity you will get will only be more than this 3%, and will not decrease."

"And how do you get equity in the company!"

"Of course there is only one way, that is, as long as an employee who has worked in our company for one year, he can automatically obtain equity."

"Whether it is the grassroots employees or the management, they are treated equally anyway."

Shen Fangnan gave an overview of the equity incentive distribution plan.

And Shen Fangnan founded a Feipeng investment company.

Then hand over 20% of the equity of Kunpeng Technology to Feipeng Investment Company.

Then the current shareholder of Kunpeng Technology Company is Shen Fangnan, and Feipeng Investment Company.

The shareholders of Feipeng Investment Company are all the employees of the Kunpeng company, as well as a group of high-level executives.

As for Feipeng Investment Company's 20% stake, it only has the right to dividends.

In order to better allow subsequent employees to own equity, Shen Fangnan, together with Lu Weibing and other company leaders, set the maximum number of shares for each rank and position, that is, the number of shares saturated for each position.

This solves the excessive gap between equity returns and salary returns.

At this time, all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present were thinking about how to obtain how much equity in the company.

Three percent of Kunpeng Technology Company is already a lot.

After all, the market value of Kunpeng Technology now exceeds US$250 billion.

You heard that right, it is exactly 250 billion US dollars.

And since Kunpeng Technology Company is not listed, investors are only making rough estimates.

If Kunpeng Technology goes public, its market value may exceed US$400 billion.

After all, Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone sales in 2014 exceeded that of Fruit Company.

If Kunpeng Technology Company is calculated on the basis of 250 billion US dollars, then all the high-level executives present will get about 7.5 billion US dollars in equity.

If it is spread evenly, all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present are billionaires.

Therefore, the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present were very satisfied.

It’s okay to be dissatisfied!

No year-end bonus this year!

LJ Company! Whoooo!

The more I write, the angrier I get!

Why do I have no year-end bonus!

Sorry to affect everyone.

Also, the data in the article was compiled by me. If there is any mistake, please remind me.

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