Now that Lu Weibing has taken over the task, the three topics of today's Kunpeng Technology Company's high-level meeting have come to a successful conclusion.

"The next plan for the 2015 Spring Festival New Year's Shopping Festival is up to everyone!"

Shen Fangnan said slowly.

Then all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology responded in unison, "Yes! Mr. Shen, please rest assured, we know how to do it!"

"Then break up the meeting!"

"If you don't leave the meeting, the delicious food in the dining hall will be robbed."

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.

Following Shen Fangnan's words, bursts of laughter came from the entire meeting room.

Then a group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company left the meeting room after Shen Fangnan.


A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company returned to their departments and immediately announced two pieces of good news to the employees below.

One is the equity that everyone is thinking about.

The second is about annual leave.

Then there were bursts of shouts everywhere in the Kunpeng Science and Technology Company's park.

As long as people inside and outside the park listen carefully, they can definitely hear the shouts: "Thank you, Mr. Shen!" "Mr. Shen is amazing!" "Mr. Shen is magnificent!"

After Shen Fangnan came back from her lunch break, she issued a document on the equity incentive distribution plan that all Kunpeng Technology employees had been thinking about.

Of course, the documents were stamped with the official seals of Shen Fangnan and Kunpeng Technology Company.

Of course, Shen Fangnan will go to the subsidiary of Kunpeng Technology Company in the next few days.

Similar to Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company, Fluctuating Light Battery Manufacturing Company, and Xinghai Chip Foundry Company.

And this time Shen Fangnan went to these subsidiaries for only one purpose, and that was to discuss with the person in charge about the equity they had acquired.

Shen Fangnan will never forget those who have contributed to the development of the company.

Of course, the employees of the subsidiary in Shen Fangnan's hands will also have an equity incentive distribution plan.

However, its high-level executives obtained the equity of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Employees, on the other hand, get equity in their companies.

After all, the market value of Kunpeng Technology Company is the highest among all the companies in Shen Fangnan's hands.

And it's not even a star.

Of course, Shen Fangnan would not let his meritorious officials suffer.

Of course, after the market value of the subsequent subsidiaries rises, Shen Fangnan can let the senior management of the subsidiary choose the equity of that company, or continue to hold the equity of Kunpeng Technology Company.

At that time, the market value of the company in Shen Fangnan's hands will definitely rise, there is no doubt about it.

Especially the company in Shen Fangnan's hands is not simple.


Subsequently, Kunpeng Technology Company released the "2015 Spring Festival New Year's Purchase Plan" on mainstream websites such as its bib account, Twitter account, and Facebook.

In an instant, it directly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

A lot of netizens began to think that Kunpeng Technology Company would not do the "2015 Spring Festival New Year's goods plan", after all, to do this kind of thing requires a price reduction promotion.

For Kunpeng Technology Company, it may benefit consumers.

Another point is that there is no word about the "New Year's Day" this year.

So many consumers thought that Kunpeng Technology Company had canceled the event.

Kunpeng Technology Company did not cancel it originally, and the discount was comparable to last year, which was too much.

The most important point is that this year's Kunpeng Technology Company's digital products are more comprehensive, and there are also large color TVs that people in Yanguo like to buy during the Chinese New Year.

"Kunpeng Technology Company is awesome, it has launched another wave of welfare activities, don't let the activities stop."

"I advise other mobile phone manufacturers to follow suit, don't be ignorant!"

"That is, if you don't follow, he doesn't follow, how can we consumers buy digital products at a cheaper price!"

"If a lot of mobile phone manufacturers don't follow up, then Kunpeng Technology will directly make money in January and early February."

"Although Kunpeng Technology Company has reduced prices for the New Year's Day, it can still make money. It's just that it earns a little less, and the sales can make it full."

"The pressure is in the hands of many mobile phone manufacturers."

A crowd of netizens started discussing it, and soon, the five words "New Year's Shopping Festival Plan" directly appeared at the top of the bib search list.


Teito Rice Company Rebus Office.

At this time, Rebs and Lin Ziyu were discussing the plan for the New Year's Shopping Festival.

After all, the "New Year's Shopping Festival" contributed to such sales last year.

Although Kunpeng Technology Company ate meat last year, Rice Company was not the main drinker of soup, and it also received part of the "New Year's Day" bonus.

So rice companies will definitely keep up this year.

This is related to Rice's mobile phone sales in 2015. If it does not follow up, it will be difficult for Rice to maintain its sixth position in the global mobile phone market.

After all, from January to early February, Kunpeng Technology's digital products are selling well, which will inevitably squeeze the sales of mobile phones of other mobile phone manufacturers.

Kunpeng Technology has mobile phones of all price stages.

There are expensive and cheap.

"I didn't expect Kunpeng Technology Company to be so fast. I wanted to be the first to announce its new year's product plan so quickly."

Rebus smiled wryly.

Rebs had to admire Kunpeng Technology's strong execution.

"Although Kunpeng Technology Company took the lead in the New Year's Festival plan, but Mr. Lei, we don't know who will win the prize!"

"And Kunpeng Technology's warehouse inventory is also limited, so..."

Lin Ziyu analyzed after a while.

That's right, winning the first place may not be the last laugh, and Rebs will not be greedy either, as long as he sells out his own warehouse and subsequent assembly, no matter what Kunpeng Technology Company does.

Anyway, each family has its own food.

And everyone is "not hungry".

Now that Rice Company's "New Year's Festival Plan" has been made, what Rebs wants to discuss with Lin Ziyu is the next strategic layout of Rice Company.

No way, although the current rice company has good sales in the mobile phone market, but because the products are too single, this is not conducive to the development of its own company.

So Rebs wants to expand his company's industry. He doesn't want his company to be just a mobile phone manufacturer.

Then the follow-up rice company can't compete with the other party, so there is only one way to wait for it, and that is to close down.

This is not alarmist.

This is based on facts.

When the mobile phone market is saturated and the performance of the mobile phone is excessive, then the mobile phone may not be sold.

Then the rice company's sales will definitely decline severely year-on-year.

So Rebs needs to upgrade his company at this time, so that he can move in the direction of diversification.

After all, unipolarity has long been denied by the market.

The main reason is that the anti-risk coefficient is too low.

"Boss Lei, what are you going to do?"

Lin Ziyu was also not blinded by the results in 2014.

Rice’s sales in 2014 were inseparable from the development of the overseas mobile phone market, as well as the blessing of its own surging 900 processor chip.

Otherwise, its sales will definitely not go up.

And Rebus smiled and said nothing, but pointed to the tablet.

"Learning from Kunpeng Technology Company?"

Lin Ziyu asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is to learn from Kunpeng Technology Company, or to learn from the other party's smart home system."

"Now that our company's AI voice assistant Xiao Ai has been designed, we have the ability to realize this whole-house smart home system."

To put it bluntly, the key to the whole house smart home system lies in the AI ​​voice assistant, and now Rice Company has designed and manufactured the AI ​​voice assistant "Xiao Ai". "It's a mule or a horse, just pull it out for a walk."

"And we also have an advantage that Kunpeng Technology does not have, that is cost performance. I can lower profits to win the market."

Rebus thought for a moment, then said to Lin Ziyu.

If it followed Rebus's plan, the rice company would become a grocery store faster than in the previous life.

"Except Mr. Lei, Rice Company can sell everything. If you can't buy it, it means you don't have enough money."


At this time, Lin Ziyu was in a daze, and then he thought about it carefully, this whole house smart home system is very ingenious!

"Mr. Lei, not only can we learn from the whole-house smart home system of Kunpeng Technology Company, but also the other party has new products on the market, and we will follow up."

"Then our digital products are cheaper than the other party's, which is very clever!"

The more Lin Ziyu talked, the more excited he became.

That's right, that is to follow the path of Kunpeng Technology Company.

It doesn't matter if you copy them all.

Although Mr. Qi Baishi said: "Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die."

But this is not painting.

In addition, there are also companies that copy rival companies, and they are still better than blue!

That's right, that is Daliyuan Company.

Moreover, Daliyuan Company makes more money than the products of the companies it imitates.

"Other digital products can be copied, but I really can't handle new energy vehicles!"

At this moment, Rebus smiled wryly.

Although the current new energy vehicles have a low threshold, the investment is really high.

It is not something ordinary capital can afford.

Of course, if Rebs dared to gamble like Boss Jia, he would also be able to get the entry pass for new energy vehicles.

But in the previous life, Boss Jia’s final result was to leave Yan Kingdom.

Every time Boss Jia met a reporter from Yanguo, he would say: "I will definitely return to China next week."

According to Rebus's own considerations, he will definitely not touch new energy vehicles for the time being.

And now the various products of Kunpeng Technology Company are enough for Rice Company to play for the time being.

"Okay, let's start with the whole house smart home system!"

Lin Ziyu sighed deeply, as long as his boss, Rebus, is not radical, then everything can be resolved.

Of course, the whole house smart home system also needs the cooperation of various smart home appliances.

Otherwise, it is an empty shell.

And Rebs already knew that in the next 2015, the rice company's investment in scientific research will definitely be huge.

There is no doubt about it.

No money to do research!

But although Rebs is a businessman, he is very willing to invest in the company.

Otherwise, why did Rebus invest 10 billion in the previous life to enter the new energy vehicle market.

The ultimate goal is to see that the field of new energy vehicles is at the top of the trend, and Rebus also wants to take a "ride".


Although Kunpeng Technology Company won the first place in the "New Year's Festival Plan", Rice Company cannot lag behind either.

Subsequently, the bib number of the rice company released related matters about its "New Year's Festival Plan".

It also clarified the strength of discounts for various digital products in the hands of Rice Company, and there is also a lottery for activities. The form of the lottery is similar to that of Kunpeng Technology Company, and they are all the same.

Then Rice Company's "New Year's Shopping Festival Plan" also rushed to the hot search list.

A group of netizens eat melons directly.

"It's no wonder that rice company will sit on the sixth place in the global mobile phone market so quickly. The execution and discounts are really strong!"

"Rice Company, do you want to rush...Chong~chong~chong..."

"The rice company can make money. If you don't follow up on this situation, you will be a fool."

As Rice Company followed up the "New Year's Day Plan", the pressure came to other mobile phone manufacturers.

Kirin Company "doesn't talk too much about it." Not long after Kunpeng Technology Company announced its "New Year's Day Plan",8 they caught up and announced the news almost at the same time as Rice Company.

The mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo followed closely behind, more or less announcing their company's digital product discounts in this "New Year's Day Plan".

There is no way, the heads of all the mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo are not fools, this kind of moment of eating meat with everyone, if you don't start as soon as possible, how long will you wait!

There is also a group of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers whose discounts are not limited to the domestic market, even in the overseas mobile phone market.

After every Chinese mobile phone manufacturer announced its "New Year's Day Plan" in the company, the pressure is now on the shoulders of foreign mobile phone manufacturers represented by Samsung and Fruit Company.

Pretty Country Fruit Company.

At this time, Cook stood alone by the window of his office, looking at the busy traffic outside the window under the night.

At this time, Cook was very entangled in his heart, and he had no choice. Now the fruit company's main digital product, the fruit 6 series mobile phone, has recently undergone price cuts to retain its mobile phone market share.

The word-of-mouth of the current fruit 6 series has just come up, if at this moment the fruit company follows up the "New Year's Day Plan" made by Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers headed by Kunpeng Technology.

Then, will the users who bought the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones return the product with a mobile phone less than a month old?

Although Cook is not afraid of this wave of protests and returns, what Cook is most afraid of is that after users protest, he deliberately finds reporters to expose the "shameless behavior" of the fruit company.

Of course, this kind of situation will only happen abroad, not in Yan Country.

Cook has a thorough understanding of the character of Yanguo consumers.

The double-standard behavior of fruit companies in Yanguo was tolerated by Yanguo consumers.

At this time, Cook was caught in a dilemma.

Then Cook sighed deeply, and he made a decision, that is, the digital products under the fruit company will participate in Yanguo's "New Year's Festival Plan", but instead of reducing prices, they will increase their inventory.

Cook is still in the dream that Yanguo's high-end flagship mobile phone market cannot do without the fruit company's mobile phone.

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