Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 190 Kongtong 1 mobile phone officially released

At this time, Per Xingye's face was very embarrassed, but after a while, his wrinkled face eased.

"Mr. Lu, everyone knows that Mr. Chen came to our Kongtong Technology Company for a reason."

"In our company, Mr. Chen has unlimited room for development, which Kunpeng Technology Company cannot have."

"And Mr. Chen's promotion space has been blocked by someone."

Pan Xingye said in a strange way.


Lu Weibing on the side exploded with anger.

Lu Weibing thought: Per Xingye, you still hate him so much.

But Lu Weibing has a deep level, and Pan Xingye's simple aggressive method was slowed down by Lu Weibing.

It's just a little sarcasm, Lu Weibing, you can bear it.

Then Lu Weibing said with a smile: "Mr. Pan, if I don't train Yuhan so well, you can catch him at a glance, go ahead and dream!"

The tit-for-tat appearance of Lu Weibing and the two directly satiated the heads of the "melon-eating" Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers present.

"I see!"

Then Shen Fangnan began to speak: "Mr. Pan, today is the Kongtong 1 mobile phone launch conference of your Kongtong Technology Company. Don't delay the press conference as scheduled because of trivial matters."

"We're not in a hurry, but you can't make the audience wait too long!"

Shen Fangnan said like a peacemaker.

"Uh, Mr. Shen still understands righteousness, unlike someone who has a small stomach and small intestines, and his subordinates can't help but come here to make trouble after quitting."

Pan Xingye secretly mocked Lu Weibing.

These words are not adulterated at all.

If Shen Fangnan didn't know the way, he would have been deceived by the performance of the two Oscar winners.

Of course, Lu Weibing and Lu Weibing are already familiar with quarreling, so the effect of the two people's ridicule does not seem to be discordant at all in the eyes of outsiders.

"Yes... yes... yes, Mr. Shen is right, I will not delay the normal release of our Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference because of someone's, I am a professional person, I have to be responsible for my audience .”

Pan Xingye then left the press conference gate and returned to the conference site under the watchful eyes of Shen Fangnan and others.

And Lu Weibing on the side exploded with anger.

At this time, what Lu Weibing was thinking in his heart was: Pan Xingye, don't catch me, or you will be attracted to me.

Also, don't think that just because you become the person in charge of Kongtong Technology Company, you can ignore me, and I will punish you when the time comes.

And Chen Yuhan apologized to Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing first. After all, Kongtong Technology Company has nothing to do with Kunpeng Technology Company on the surface, so Chen Yuhan does not need to surround Shen Fangnan.

"Mr. Chen, go get busy first!"

"We can entertain ourselves. We are very familiar with the Pengcheng Conference Center Pavilion."

Shen Fangnan waved at Chen Yuhan and said.

"Mmm! Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! Please do whatever you want!" Then Chen Yuhan was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Lu Weibing.

"Yuhan, no matter what reason you left the company, the door of Kunpeng Technology's Tianyan brand is always open for you."

"Come on for the speech at the press conference!"

Lu Weibing walked slowly to Chen Yuhan's side, then patted the other person on the shoulder, and explained to him with earnestness.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for cultivating me!"

Chen Yuhan bowed to Lu Weibing again, and then he walked into the conference site of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone without looking back.

Not long after, Shen Fangnan patted Lu Weibing's shoulder who was still "pretending" to be emotional and said, "Old Lu, go in and watch the press conference of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone!"

"See if your apprentice is really better than blue than blue!"

Following Lu Weibing's "hmm", Shen Fangnan and Shen Fangnan walked into the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference site one after another.

Seeing that the "big melon" had been eaten, a group of people in charge of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers also walked into the conference site of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone one after another.

After all, the "big melon" has been eaten, so why stay where it is!

In addition, the protagonists of the story all left one after another.

Shen Fangnan walked into the conference site of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone, and the audience at the scene were all stunned.

Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing came to attend the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference of Kongtong Technology Company?


This made the audience puzzled.

Afterwards, some viewers posted news directly on the scarf.

Among them, there are also a group of digital product bloggers who also released scarf news.

Soon, # Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing participated in the press conference of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone of Kongtong Technology Company? What is hidden in it? # Directly boarded the hot search list of bib.

And it also appeared at the top of the bib hot search list, ignoring the news of a celebrity's divorce.

Shen Fangnan deserves to be called "the man who undertook the hot search list of bibs".

Afterwards, a group of netizens directly logged into the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference.

But to the disappointment of many netizens, the public screen in the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference displayed a black screen.

And a group of netizens kept swiping on the public screen to ask Kongtong Technology Company to quickly open the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference.

After the news reached Pan Xingye, he immediately called Han Yizhou who was far away in the statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Moreover, Per Xingye learned from Han Yizhou that there are now more than 200,000 people online in the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference, and more than one million people have logged in.

Although it was only based on Shen Fangnan's traffic.

But Perxingye didn't care, as long as the popularity was online.

Then Pan Xingye whispered one thing to a middle-level leader of Kongtong Technology Company, that is, let the photographer take pictures of Shen Fangnan now, and ask him to help continue to drain.

Only Pan Xingye could think of the method of using his own boss to attract traffic, and it is indeed you, Pan Xingye!

Later, when Shen Fangnan knew the number of viewers in the Kongtong 1 mobile live broadcast room, he was surprised, and then he praised Pan Xingye for thinking of such a drainage method.


Soon afterwards, the public screen of the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference was no longer a black screen, and there was an image of the conference site.

The camera was right in front of Shen Fangnan, and Shen Fangnan waved towards the camera with a smile.

After seeing Shen Fangnan, the water friends in the Kongtong 1 mobile phone live broadcast room kept swiping their screens.

And Shen Fangnan couldn't see the contents of the swiping screens of all the water friends.

There is no way, Shen Fangnan did not log into the live broadcast room, and he is not a person with superpowers.

Soon afterwards, the lights at the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference site dimmed.

The audience at the scene and the water friends in the live broadcast room only heard the sound of leather shoes stepping on the wooden floor.

After a while, the sound disappeared.

In an instant, the lights on the scene illuminated the center of the stage.

Then Chen Yuhan appeared in the center of the stage.

Then there was thunderous applause at the press conference.

Before Chen Yuhan took the stage, he was still very nervous, but when he stood in the center of the stage and accepted the applause from the audience, the tension in his heart disappeared instantly.

And on the public screen of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone live broadcast room, "Is this Chen Yuhan?"

"Chen Yuhan himself looks like this!"


"Thank you to all the audience present for taking the time to participate in the press conference of our company's Kongtong 1 mobile phone!"

"Thank you online water friends for watching our company press conference!"

"Thank you to the leaders of friends and merchants for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in the press conference of our company's Kongtong 1 mobile phone."

"I am Chen Yuhan, the person in charge of the Kongtong mobile phone brand!!!"

Chen Yuhan bowed to all the audience.

There was thunderous applause at the press conference, accompanied by cheers and jumps.

There is no way, the hot word on the Internet a few days ago was "Chen Yuhan", and now the real Chen Yuhan appeared in front of everyone, and the other party was also the product introducer of Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

Isn't this "ape dung" (Fate)!

"Everyone more or less has a first impression of me on the Internet!"

"Today I am honored to introduce our company's first mobile phone to you."

"This is the first time that I, Chen Yuhan, have stepped onto the stage from behind the scenes. I hope everyone will support our company's digital products in the future."

Chen Yuhan bowed again to the audience present.

Afterwards, Chen Yuhan went straight to the topic of today's press conference.

A large poster of a mobile phone appeared on the big screen at the press conference.

And the unique appearance directly attracted many audiences present.

No way, all the Kongtong 1 mobile phone comes from the mobile phone design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

In terms of the appearance of mobile phones, Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone design department has always been very online.

Whether it is a hundred yuan phone or a high-end flagship phone, its design is always online.

Of course, in order to better make the Kongtong 1 mobile phone popular among the people, the mobile phone design department of Kunpeng Technology Company has made a lot of effort on the appearance of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

And this effort did not disappoint.

This directly caught the eyes of the audience and online netizens.

A crowd of viewers and online netizens originally thought that the various configurations of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone were very crude. After all, a mobile phone made by a new company in a very urgent situation, where can it be good?

But the shape of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone was beyond their expectations, and everyone's faces were swollen and slapped by the Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

"Do you like the shape of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone?"


"Didn't let everyone down!"

"No, and it's beyond our imagination."

"As expected of you, Chen Yuhan!"

Chen Yuhan's question, and the audience's answer, the two are very harmonious.

"thanks for your support."

Chen Yuhan then began to introduce the various configurations of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

This is a general rule of a new digital product launch.

Chen Yuhan didn't want to break the rules.

The Kongtong 1 mobile phone is equipped with the latest low-end processor chip of Gaotong Company: Xiaolong 402 processor chip.

The performance of Xiaolong 402 processor chip is 15% higher than that of its previous generation Xiaolong 401 processor chip.

Of course, this data is published by the paste company.

The easiest and most effective way to test the performance of Kongtong 1 mobile phone on the spot is to run the score.

Subsequently, three different mobile phones appeared on the big screen.

There was an uproar at the press conference.

Everyone knows which company these three mobile phones belong to.

Take a day off!

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