Under the doubts of the audience at the press conference, Pan Xingye began to introduce the Kongtong operating system to the audience.

The audience present subconsciously stopped their voices of doubt.

Let's wait until Perkins finished introducing what he called the "Kongtong Operating System".

After all, Pershing is just saying that their "Kongtong Operating System" is not an operation interface.

When the follow-up really proves that what Perking said is wrong, it won't be too late for the audience present to complain!

After all, the audience at the scene were not professional trolls on the Internet, they were respectable people.

"The mobile phone operating systems that everyone is familiar with now include the Android operating system of the Android company and the iOS operating system of the Fruit Company, right!"


When Pan Xingye asked a question, and the audience answered, it seemed ten harmonious. If people who don't know it think that this group of audience is a navy invited by Kongtong Technology Company.

After all, the audience just now was still spraying Kongtong Technology Company.

But now, he is quietly listening to Pan Xingye introducing the Kongtong operating system.

"In fact, there are not only two mobile phone operating systems, but also other mobile phone operating systems."

"Due to the rapid development of the Android operating system and the iOS operating system, and their respective good carriers, everyone knows about the two mobile operating systems."

Pan Xingye said lightly.

Then Perxingye popularized several popular mobile phone operating systems to the audience.

The audience at the press conference suddenly realized.

It turns out that the mobile phone operating system is not limited to the Android operating system of the Android company and the iOS operating system of the fruit company.

"There is no need to focus on the Android operating system!"

"Because everyone is more or less familiar with it, and the user interface used by all mobile phone manufacturers in the audience is based on the Android operating system of the Android company."

"A subsystem similar to the Android operating system."

"The Android operating system is simply a blank room, and the friends in the audience decorate it on top of the blank room, and then turn it into a hardcover room and sell it to consumers."

Pershing’s metaphor gave the audience an easy understanding of the Android operating system and the user interfaces of various mobile phones.

The blank house can live in people, but there are hardcover houses to live in, why live in the blank house!

Only fools live in the blank room!

Android companies also release new mobile phones every year, and Android phones use the original version of the Android operating system.

But not many people really buy it.

So few people know that Android is actually a mobile phone company.

"The ios operating system is one of the magic weapons and trump cards in the hands of fruit companies."

"If the fruit company doesn't have an ios operating system, then it is a one-legged giant."

Pan Xingye said lightly.

"The Android operating system is an open source operating system, which means it is an open operating system."

"And I have to admire the operation of the Android company, that is, they provide the Android operating system to all mobile phone manufacturers for free."

"This allows Android's Android operating system to quickly occupy the mobile phone operating system market and become the king of this market."

"Only the iOS operating system of the fruit company can compete with it."

Per Xingye praised Android Company on the spot without hesitation.

This is the real thing. Others did a good job. Per Xingye did not brag at all, so Per Xingye can praise the other party openly and aboveboard.

But it was not like that when Pan Xingye's words fell into the ears of all Yan Guo audiences.

In the minds of the audience, Perxingye is bragging about foreign Android companies.

In an instant, the entire press conference was booed.

At this time, Perxingye stopped indifferently.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, Per Xingye can wait.

After all, it was less than half an hour before Chen Yuhan introduced the Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

The boos lasted less than a minute and then stopped abruptly. There was no other way. Per Xingye was too cheeky. He ignored the boos of the audience.

This made the audience very tired!

"People may say that I worship foreigners, but I'm just telling the truth. We have to face up to each other's strengths and our own shortcomings, so that we have room for improvement."

Pan Xingye said lightly.

"But the Android OS still has its drawbacks..."

"Because the Android company has open sourced its Android operating system, its security is very weak."

"Another point is that because the Android operating system is open source, the operation fluency of those Android phones is very low and the lag is very obvious."

"After all, a lot of spam ads can constantly erode your mobile phone."

"Of course, various mobile phone manufacturers can solve part of it through optimization, but only part of it."

"Among them, the Kunpeng interface of Kunpeng Technology Company is my favorite. It can hide various shortcomings of the Android operating system on a large scale."

"The operation fluency of the Kunpeng series mobile phones is the best among the Android camp."

Those in the Pershing industry admire the engineers who took the lead in designing the Kunpeng user interface.

Of course, all these engineers are now their own engineers.

Now its own Kunpeng operation interface still exists, and it is constantly updated and iterated.

Of course, after the ecological chain of the subsequent Kongtong operating system grows up, the Kunpeng operation interface based on the Android operating system can be officially shut down.

"And the greatest harm to us from the Android operating system is that it is not our country's operating system."

"Although the Android operating system is an open source operating system, the Android company has not released the underlying open source code."

"This is too dangerous for our entire Yan Kingdom."

"Due to the popularization of 4G networks, the number of mobile phones owned by ordinary people in Yan country is increasing, and the information security of mobile phones needs to be paid attention to by us."

Per Xingye's words instantly awakened all the heads of mobile phone manufacturers in the audience.

Yes, Android is not a Chinese company.

It is very easy for Android companies to steal users' privacy.

This made the audience in the audience unable to sit still for an instant.


None of the viewers thought of this question.

No way, now that mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, consumers' secrets have shifted from offline to online.

If criminals take advantage of the loopholes in the Android operating system, it will be a fatal blow to consumers who use Android phones.

Of course, users who use Kunpeng Technology Company don’t have to worry. Not long ago, the Kunpeng user interface was updated, and the focus of the update is on mobile phone information security.


"As for the fruit company's ios operating system, its entire system is closed."

"Its advantages are high security, high operating fluency and less lag."

"However, because the ios operating system is a closed loop, its playability is very low and very conservative. It can only meet daily needs and cannot play new tricks."

Similar to "Family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers!"

"And our Kongtong operating system is based on the fruit company's ios operating system and Android operating system. It is a semi-open operating system."

"Our Kongtong operating system is designed by taking the essence of both the iOS operating system and the Android operating system, and removing the dross."

Pershing then let the audience watch a short video of a hacker hacking into three different operating systems.

Of course, the hacker's explanations are inserted into this video.

"I went to play so much!"

The audience watched with bated breath.

The hacker easily invaded into the Android operating system, and easily stole the privacy of mobile phone users.

Such a result caused an uproar among all the audience present.

Unexpectedly, hackers could steal the privacy of Android mobile phone users so easily.

In the audience, apart from Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing who showed natural smiles on their faces, the heads of other Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers all frowned.

No way, this is a challenge for many mobile phone manufacturers, after all, they cannot guarantee the information security of their own mobile phone users.

How can subsequent consumers trust their own mobile phone brand!

The heads of a group of mobile phone manufacturers kept the information security of this mobile phone user in mind.

The first time they went back later was to ask their own operation interface research and development department to immediately design and develop a program to protect user privacy.


The video continued to play, and the hackers in the video began to attack the Kongtong operating system.

There was a tense atmosphere at the scene.

No way, the audience at the scene didn't want Yan Guo's operating system to be compromised by hackers as well.

Hackers have been invading the Kongtong operating system for far longer than the previous Android operating system.

In an instant, the entire press conference was filled with wailing.

"This is your Kongtong operating system?"

"It was also hacked, although it took a little longer."

"What's the big deal! What's there to brag about?"

The audience at the scene talked about it.

And Pan Xingye said with a smile: "Everyone can continue to look down, let the bullets fly for a while first!"

Hackers then stole personal user information from mobile phones equipped with the Kongtong operating system.

And wait for the hacker to triumphantly open the mobile phone user information it has stolen.

The result made him dumbfounded.

The user information he stole directly becomes a piece of code.

And it's still undecipherable gibberish.

In an instant, the entire press conference was in an uproar.

And after a while there was a thunderous sound.

The audience present thought that the Kongtong operating system would be "disappeared" like the Android operating system.

As a result, a super invincible reversal came unexpectedly.

This is very exciting!

And the hacker did not give up, and used other methods to steal mobile phone user information again, but all ended in failure.


"How is this possible?"

The hacker in the video is in a rage.

No way, I thought I could easily resolve the battle, but the reality gave him a slap to wake him up!

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