Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 195 High-Level Meeting After the Kongtong Press Conference

The more Yu Chengdong thought about it, the more frightened he became. Although part of the mobile phone operating system's architecture is the public version, if it really "crashes" at that time, Kongtong Technology will definitely not let it go.

Kongtong Technology Company will definitely use the law to protect its own rights and interests.

There is no company that does not fight back after being infringed.

Even after Kirin was infringed, they would also use legal means to attack the other party.


Then Yu Chengdong who was at the side pulled Zhao Ming, and then whispered into his ear.

Suddenly Zhao Ming's face turned pale with shock.

"Mr. Yu, this..."

Only now did Zhao Ming suddenly realize.

No way, although Zhao Ming knew that his company was researching the operating system, he didn't know the details of his company's operating system.

"Mr. Yu, let's go back to the company to discuss this matter, this wall has ears!"

Zhao Ming whispered carefully.


Yu Chengdong also knew that this place was not suitable for conversation.


As Per Xingye said, "After three billion is used to reward and support software developers, the preparations for this press conference are coming to an end."

Yes, and then Perxing announced in public that the launch of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone was officially over.

All the lights at the press conference were turned on in an instant.

The entire conference site was brightly lit.

And some of the audience at the scene left the press conference with "confusion".

In the follow-up, Perxingye did not invite all the Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers to discuss the follow-up matters.

There are two aspects to Pershing Yep's intention. One is to pretend that he does not need a partner for the time being.

The second is: put yourself in a higher position than other friends and businessmen.

Now invite a group of people in charge of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers to come over to negotiate, wouldn't that expose the cards in their hands! Per Xingye wouldn't be so stupid!

Now it's not that Perxing asked all the heads of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

Although some heads of mobile phone manufacturers called Pan Xingye after they left the conference site of Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

But Pershing refused because the company hadn't settled down yet.

Among them is "are you ok" Rebs.

And Yu Chengdong from Kirin Company.



Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing who returned to Kunpeng Technology Company did not leave the company.

And hold small high-level meetings.

The meeting members included Lu Weibing, the second in command of Kunpeng Technology Company, Han Yizhou from the statistics department, Zhuang Yanling from the publicity department, and Pan Xingye and Chen Yuhan through video calls.

This already includes half of the top executives of Kunpeng Technology.

"Good evening everyone, I'm really sorry, I'm here to take a little bit of everyone's time to hold a small high-level meeting."

Shen Fangnan first apologized to the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company who were present.

"No, no, no... this is what we should do, Mr. Shen didn't occupy our time."

All the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company said in unison.

There is no way, the boss puts his attitude so low, as a subordinate, he must accept it as soon as he sees it.

And their salaries are among the best in the industry.

To borrow a sentence: "As long as the money is in place, I can work overtime until the company goes bankrupt."

"In the beginning, I thought this meeting could be held tomorrow, but because Mr. Pan and Mr. Chen's company has not stabilized yet."

"The other thing is that Kongtong Technology Company will receive all kinds of attention, so this meeting can only be held in advance."

Shen Fangnan explained the reason for holding a small high-level meeting in advance.

"Sorry everyone!"

Pan Xingye and Chen Yuhan apologized to the senior executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company present with one voice.

"It's fine!"

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company waved their hands indifferently.

But Lu Weibing didn't want to let Pan Xingye go, and then a treacherous smile appeared on his face: "Pan Xingye, if you feel embarrassed, just ask everyone to go to a five-star hotel for one-stop service."

"I know it's inconvenient for you to show your face with us. It's fine for all of our high-level executives and Mr. Shen to go, and you just need to remember to reimburse yourself when the time comes."

Lu Weibing directly gave Pan Xingye a bad idea.

Lu Weibing directly opened his mouth and said "Dao Pan Xingye has a meal".

And the senior executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company in the conference room showed a trace of smile on their faces.

They just need to watch the show and eat melons.

But all the high-level executives had already thought about where to go for a meal, "Zai Pan Xingye will have a meal."

"What a Lu Weibing, take advantage of the fire at this time, right?"

Pan Xingye's violent voice came out during the video call.

"You just say whether you want a treat or not, and that's it."

"Koukou Suosuo is not like you, Per Xingye!"

Lu Weibing stimulated the other party again.

"I can invite everyone to have a good meal, except you, Lu Weibing!"

Pan Xingye said lightly.

When Lu Weibing heard what Pan Xingye said earlier, a smug smile appeared on his face.

But Pan Xingye's last words directly made Lu Weibing want to catch him and beat him up.

Damn it!

Suddenly, bursts of laughter came from the entire conference room.

And all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company shouted in unison: "Thank you, Mr. Pan!"

And Shen Fangnan, who was sitting on the main seat, also kept laughing.

After a while, Shen Fangnan recovered from Lu Weibing's complaining eyes.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Okay, let's start the high-level meeting!"

"Time is running out!"

Shen Fangnan took advantage of the situation to suppress the active atmosphere of the scene.

The meeting officially begins.

"Mr. Han, you should report the data of the live broadcast room of Kongtong 1 mobile phone first!"

Shen Fangnan turned to look at Han Yizhou at the side, and said.

"Okay, Mr. Shen!"

Then Han Yizhou distributed the data sheets to several senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company and Shen Fangnan.

"Mr. Pan! Mr. Chen! I just sent you a form about the statistics of the live broadcast room tonight, please check it over there."

Of course, Han Yizhou would not forget the two of them, Per Xingye.

After all, this data is about the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference of Kongtong Technology Company.


Pan Xingye and Chen Yuhan responded successively.

Then it was Han Yizhou's "performance time".

"Mr. Shen, colleagues, this is the data map of the live broadcast room of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone conference."

"When Mr. Chen introduced the Kongtong 1 mobile phone, there were 1.5 million viewers in the live broadcast room."

"Of course, the average number of people in the live broadcast room is 150,000 people."

"The moment when there was a large-scale fluctuation in the number of people was when Mr. Chen announced the price of the Kongtong 1 mobile phone, and the number of viewers reached 200,000."

Han Yizhou slowly revealed the data map when Chen Yuhan introduced the Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

"Mr. Chen, your stage style is very stable, and there is no large-scale tension. It's good, it's really good, and it will continue to be maintained in the future."

Shen Fangnan praised each other.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

"I will continue to work hard!"

Chen Yuhan responded excitedly.

Then Shen Fangnan turned to look at Lu Weibing, and said half-jokingly: "Mr. Lu, it really is good that there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals! Do you still have any high-level leaders in your hands who can be promoted!"

Now the entire Kunpeng Technology Company is short of high-level executives who stand alone. Since Chen Yuhan has been "trained" by Lu Weibing so well, then...

"That's right, Lu Weibing, you must still have talents in your hands. Hey, I remember that there is also Mr. Liang who is also very good."

Per Xingye said maliciously.

"Well, you Pan Xingye, you poached Yuhan away, I haven't settled with you yet, you still want to poach Liang Ze away? There are no doors, no, no windows."

Lu Weibing kept roaring like a furry tiger.

The eyes of all the high-level officials who were present immediately glowed with golden light.

It turned out that Lu Weibing had hidden something!

"Old Lu, if that Liang Ze can take charge on his own, then let someone take over from your side! Don't delay other people's future."

"The other thing is that Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. is really in short supply of independent talents."

Shen Fangnan said lightly.

"And you, one or two, all of them are hidden from me. The follow-up company will develop rapidly like riding a high-speed rail, and the company's development cannot be separated from the support of talents."

"After all, our company's development of the global mobile phone market is still at the superficial stage."

Shen Fangnan said earnestly.

There is no way, Kunpeng Technology Company has been in a stage of rapid development, and there are not enough talents to recruit.

Suddenly, the entire meeting room fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

"Hey, it's really two people who don't let me worry."

"Old Lu, continue to recruit people of insight with high benefits to join the company!"

"Another point is to wait for the popularity of Kongtong Technology Company to pass, and then announce our company's equity incentive distribution plan!"

"In this case, I believe there must be a large number of talents willing to join our company."

Shen Fangnan had no choice but to make a bad move.

There is no way, Shen Fangnan also knows that it is very difficult for his subordinates to cultivate a talent who can stand alone.

That's why Shen Fangnan didn't directly lower the order to let all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company obediently hand over the talents in their hands.

"Okay Mr. Shen!"

Of course, Lu Weibing is fine. With more and more employees in Kunpeng Technology Company, the power in Lu Weibing's hands will become more and more powerful.

Of course Lu Weibing was very happy.

"Mr. Han, you continue!"

Then Shen Fangnan looked at Han Yizhou at the side and said.

"Yes, Mr. Shen!"

Then Han Yizhou analyzed various aspects of the number of people in the live broadcast room of Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

And Chen Yuhan, who was at the side of the video conference, immediately took a notebook to record all aspects of what Han Yizhou said. After all, this was the first time Chen Yuhan came to the stage to introduce digital products.

Of course there are shortcomings.

That's why Chen Yuhan has to learn to record, and after digesting this knowledge, Chen Yuhan may make a huge improvement when he takes the stage again, and he will definitely appear to be able to handle it with ease.

Seeing this, Shen Fangnan nodded in satisfaction.

As expected of being trained by Lu Weibing, a strong general has no weak soldiers under him.

Shen Fangnan kept saying with emotion.

Ten minutes later, Han Yizhou analyzed all aspects of Chen Yuhan's introduction of digital products.

Then it came to Pershing Yeh.


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