When Simmons returned to the hotel, he wasn't cranky this time.

After all, this is something Simmons expected in advance.

Afterwards, Simmons directly talked with President Andrew, the head of the Android company, to report what he had seen and heard at Kunpeng Technology Company today.

After Andrew, who was on the other end of the call, listened to Simmons' report, he fell silent.

Andrew didn't expect Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers to be such "chicken thieves"!

Previously, only one Android operating system was available.

A group of mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo reluctantly accepted the unreasonable demands of the Android company.

It's different now, Yanguo has a mobile phone operating system.

If you don't resist now, when will you have to wait!

Simmons didn't hear Andrew's reply on the phone, of course he knew that the other party must be thinking about gains and losses.

Soon, Andrew's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Simmons, what do you think?"

Simmons was speechless.

Isn't this punishing Simmons to death!

After all, if he is not careful, his position as the vice president of the Android company will be lost.

This is a trap, or a big trap!

Agree or deny, the same is a trap.

After agreeing, Andrew will definitely push a "scapegoat" out in order for the shareholders to vent their anger.

Simmons is the "scapegoat".

If you deny "the sharing plan proposed by Kunpeng Technology Company", then the discussion will collapse directly.

This is a loss of more than 100 million mobile phone users for Android companies.

"President Andrew, although I really want to reject Kunpeng Technology's unreasonable request, the current situation is very different for our company. You should discuss it with the shareholders here!"

"As a vice president, I simply don't have the power to make decisions for the company."

Simmons still said that the Android company must make concessions in a vague way.

At this time, Andrew, who was far away in the headquarters of the Android company in the beautiful country, frowned.

Unexpectedly, all his subordinates felt that they had to give in.


"Simmons, you stay in Pengcheng first, and I will hold a shareholders' meeting tomorrow to discuss the results with all shareholders."

Although Andrew has this power, it is related to the annual profit of Android Company and the rights and interests of all shareholders.

So Andrew didn't make up his mind.

"Okay, President Andrew! My side will stay in Pengcheng!"

Simmons breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no way, the pressure is huge!

If you are not careful, your position will be lost.

But what Simmons doesn't know is that his position is still not guaranteed in the future. The reason is very simple, so the Android company needs to push a "scapegoat".

What can't be helped is that if there is no "scapegoat", the Android company will not be able to quell the anger of shareholders and shareholders.


The next day Android held a general meeting of shareholders.

The theme of the meeting is about the advertising share between Android companies and mobile phone manufacturers.

Andrew gave a group of shareholders two choices.

One is to reject the excessive demands of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Of course, on the Android side, they all felt that Kunpeng Technology's demands were too much.

If you reject Kunpeng Technology Company, it is possible to reject the requirements of a large number of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

Then the Android company directly lost a large wave of mobile phone users.

Now Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers are not at the mercy of others.


The second is to agree to the sharing plan of Kunpeng Technology Company, but strive for more than the sharing ratio.

If this is the case, although the Android company loses part of the advertising revenue, it retains a large number of mobile phone users.

"If we agree to the second option, all the mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo will cooperate with us more closely, and Kongtong Technology Company will be alone and helpless."

"After we finish cleaning up Kongtong Technology Company, the other party is not far behind, so we can free up our hands to slowly clean up all the mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo."

"After all, Kongtong Technology Company is just a Yanguo company with a market value of less than one billion US dollars."

Andrew directly told the shareholders behind the Android company what he wanted in his heart.

"Let's discuss and think for a while before giving me an answer."

At this moment, Andrew shut his mouth tightly.

And the shareholders of the Android company below are whispering.

Now there are only two roads in front of Android companies.

And Andrew also handed over the power of choice to a group of shareholders.

After ten minutes of discussion, the shareholders behind the Android company unanimously agreed to Kunpeng Technology's revised sharing plan.

However, the sharing ratio of this plan must be profitable for Android companies.

And a group of shareholders proposed to warn Andrew, hoping that he would kill Kongtong Technology Company as soon as possible, and then use his hands to clean up all the Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

"Your decision is wise."

"After the Kongtong Technology Company is brought down, we can slowly torment the Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers and make them so arrogant."

"Put an onion in the nose to pretend to be an elephant?"

"I will explain your will to Simmons later."

Andrew said slowly.

As the shareholders of Android company left the meeting, Andrew sighed deeply.

Then Andrew called Simmons.


Subsequently, the negotiations between Kunpeng Technology Company and Android Company continued to restart.

After a series of lengthy negotiations, the negotiations between Kunpeng Technology and Android were terminated.

And the advertising share of the two companies came to six to four.

Among them, Android Company is six, and Kunpeng Technology Company is four.

Another point is that the management fee of the Android company has also been cut in half.

Originally, Kunpeng Technology Company required no management fee.


Then Simmons left Kunpeng Technology Company with Roman Rossi and others like a "defeated rooster".

At this time, Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing were in the office looking into the distance.

"Old Lu, you said that we will call Yu Chengdong of Kirin Company and Rebs of Rice Company later, and ask them to kill Android Company as well. How about this method?"

After Shen Fangnan's words fell, Lu Weibing suddenly burst into laughter.

"I'll go, Mr. Shen really has you."

"But I like it! Whoever made the Android company look like the boss, the earth is the second, and it is the third."

Lu Weibing has long disliked the Android company, and a bunch of overlord clauses make people disgusting.

Now that there is a chance to kill him, he must kill him severely.

"I guess Android agrees to our request. The first is Kongtong Technology's threat. If they solve the threat, I believe they will definitely rectify us."

Shen Fangnan saw it more clearly than anyone else.

"Just take us and keep Kongtong Technology from going down."

"This is the country of Yan, not a foreign country!"

"Our main battlefield!"

Lu Weibing explained the "trick" of Android company.

"That's right, we let Kongtong Technology Company stand up, and Android Company dare not touch us."


Then Shen Fangnan called Yu Chengdong from Qilin Company and Rebs from Rice Company.

And inform the other party of the simple process of negotiation with the Android company and the final result.

After receiving Shen Fangnan's call, Yu Chengdong and Yu Chengdong instantly understood each other.

Afterwards, Yu Chengdong and the two showed evil smiles.

"Slaughter the fat sheep delivered to the door severely."


In the follow-up, Simmons really hit a wall with various mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo.

Simmons had to accept the terms of being "cut off" one by one.

Simmons guessed that Kunpeng Technology Company revealed the bottom line of Android Company.

But there was nothing he could do.

Of course, except for a few powerful mobile phone manufacturers who have obtained new advertising sharing, other relatively weak mobile phone manufacturers have not received the advertising sharing plan they deserve.

Shortly thereafter, Simmons completed all his tasks in Yan Country.

But what Simmons doesn't know is that Android is now talking about whether to fire Simmons.

There must be a scapegoat for this matter.


Time flew by.

The time came to January 15th.

The "New Year's Shopping Festival Plan" in the Yanguo mobile phone market has officially started.

A gluttonous feast unfolded here.

And all mobile phone manufacturers are more prepared.

No way, this is related to the good start of 2015 for various mobile phone manufacturers.

Everyone doesn't want to lag behind other Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

The same is true for Kunpeng Technology Company.

Shen Fangnan personally supervised the battle!

At this time, Shen Fangnan came to the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Shen Fangnan came here again.

No way, this year's "New Year's Shopping Festival" is not only attended by several mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo.

And almost all mobile phone manufacturers have participated.

Of course, the New Year's Day event will hurt the products of the fruit company the most. After all, all mobile phone manufacturers' digital products have more or less reduced prices.

Of course, the fruit company was not in a panic. Per Xingye had advertised enough for the fruit company before.

Yes, that is the main security.

There must be some Yanguo users who don't want their mobile phone information to be stolen by criminals.

But what they don't know is that mobile phone manufacturers are actually the biggest information theft companies.

Among them, foreign mobile phone manufacturers steal more personal information of Yanguo mobile phone users.

Especially fruit companies.

Of course, the fruit company will definitely not admit it, and its methods are even more secretive.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

Per Xingye and Chen Yuhan sneaked into the statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company under the cover of night.

There is no way, the identities of the two now have nothing to do with Kunpeng Technology Company.

The task of Per Xingye and the two who came here today is to pay attention to the sales of their Kongtong 1 mobile phone.

Since the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company is very complete, Kongtong Technology Company does not plan to build another database.

The most important point is that there will be a high-level meeting to be attended by Per Xingye and Chen Yuhan.

The data statistics department gathered a group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company.

"Everyone enter Mr. Han's office. There is still more than an hour before the event starts."

Shen Fangnan first let everyone into Han Yizhou's office.

Before the start of the New Year's Shopping Festival, Shen Fangnan planned to hold a simple meeting.

Then a group of senior executives from Kunpeng Technology Company walked into Han Yizhou's office one after another.

Han Yizhou asked his assistant to bring tea to Shen Fangnan and others.

And Han Yizhou first directed a group of employees in the statistics department to complete the work in his hands.

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