The Kongtong operating system is related to the layout of the entire Kunpeng Technology Company. If it loses money, Shen Fangnan will continue to operate it.

After all, it's just a little money.

Kunpeng Technology Company can afford to lose money.

"Mr. Pan! Mr. Chen! Since the Kongtong 1 mobile phone is so easy to sell, let's hurry up and make up the follow-up orders!"

"For mobile phone parts, Kongtong Technology Company should have a part! If not enough, let the mobile phone parts supplier provide it directly."

"If possible, I hope that after the Spring Festival, the sales volume of our Kongtong 1 mobile phone will reach 3 million to 3.5 million units."

Shen Fangnan expressed his thoughts.

If there are more than three million users using the Kongtong 1 mobile phone, it will be of great help to the optimization of the Kongtong operating system by Kongtong Technology Company.

After all, there is a huge amount of mobile phone user data as a reference.

This can promote the development of the Kongtong operating system faster.

"No problem, we had some Kongtong 1 mobile phone accessories in stock before."

"Just before the meeting, these mobile phone parts are being shipped to the mobile phone assembly plant for large-scale assembly."

"Also, I have notified the mobile phone parts supplier to provide us with mobile phone parts."

"President Shen, don't worry!"

Chen Yuhan slowly told what he did before the meeting.

Originally, Chen Yuhan was working as a handrail for Lu Weibing, and he was very familiar with such things.

So when I did it, I didn't look like I was in a hurry.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, you did a good job."

Shen Fangnan praised Chen Yuhan in public.

There is no way, Shen Fangnan doesn't need to worry about this, it's very relaxing and comfortable!

Why Chen Yuhan reported it!

That's right, the newly established Kongtong Technology Company had explained the situation before. Although Pan Xingye was the person in charge of Kongtong Technology Company, he did not interfere with the development of the Kongtong mobile phone brand.

Pershing's main concern is only one thing, and that is the Kongtong operating system.

Kongtong Technology Company is the top priority.

Chen Yuhan is the person in charge of the Kongtong mobile phone brand, and he is responsible for the development of the Kongtong mobile phone brand full-time.

Subsequently, the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. lasted for half an hour and ended.

No way, the theme of the meeting has been sorted out clearly.


Subsequently, the propaganda department of Kunpeng Technology Company continued to make efforts on the Internet.

Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.'s bib account posted a news: # Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.'s eight-hour sales reached 28 billion. (Congratulations!) Sprinkle flowers! Sprinkle flowers! Sprinkle flowers! #

Then Shen Fangnan and other senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company forwarded it on their bib number.

In an instant, everything on the entire network was frozen for a few seconds, and then the entire network was ignited and exploded.

And the news of Kunpeng Technology Company immediately topped the bib hot search list, making its # 10 billion an hour. # Hot topics are squeezed out.

And the top five in the scarf hot search list are all rounded up by Kunpeng Technology Company.

The sixth most searched bib was news about the release of an album by a well-known rock singer, Wang Feng.

Of course, all the netizens know that every time Wang Feng appears on the scarf hot search list, something big will happen.

That's why Wang Feng was on the hot search list for bibs.

Otherwise, the scarf hot search list may be surrounded by various mobile phone manufacturers in the "New Year's Day event".

Originally, many netizens felt that they were numb to various matters of Kunpeng Technology Company.

But the result was not. They were still shocked by Kunpeng Technology's 28 billion sales.

The sales reached 28 billion in one day, no, no, it should be 28 billion in eight hours.

The explosive sales of Kunpeng Technology Company directly put all mobile phone manufacturers to shame!

If you can't even catch up, how can you do this!

Kunpeng Technology Company is not giving a lot of mobile phone manufacturers a way out!

This is the real way ahead.

Of course, although the "New Year's Shopping Festival" will last for five days, its sales are definitely not as good as every day.

There is no doubt about it.

After all, users who can consume will have already purchased the digital products they are thinking about on the day of the "New Year's Day Event".

Most people know the truth of "buy early and enjoy early".

"Damn it, sales reached 28 billion in eight hours, Kunpeng Technology Company is awesome! (Broken sound!)"

"Kunpeng Technology Company won't let other mobile phone manufacturers survive at all! It's right to rub fruit companies and Samsung companies on the ground. (Hoohoo!)"

"Kunpeng Technology's sales of 28 billion? Go ahead and lie! I should check it with the relevant departments of Aite, and wait for the news. (Dog head warning!)"

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"This little blackie is in a hurry, he is in a hurry! Hurry up and be him, and ask him if he eats pancakes, who gave him such courage, such a black Kunpeng technology company."


Anyway, the overwhelming thing on the Internet is about the sales of Kunpeng Technology Company reaching 28 billion.

The follow-up made everyone in Kunpeng Technology Company even more excited: Kunpeng Technology Company was on the news again.

Same this time! The one on is Yanguo CCTV News L broadcast program.

Although it was only thirty seconds, it was enough.

After all, news broadcasting is not easy to get on.

Under normal circumstances, news broadcasts broadcast real-time international events.

This has made Kunpeng Technology's popularity rise again.

Even the uncles and aunts in the countryside know a very awesome company: Kunpeng Technology Company!

They all know the relatively high-end mobile phone: Kunpeng mobile phone!

This wave directly made Kunpeng Technology Company "Qin Shiwang grabbed the wires - he won directly!"


As time flies by.

The "New Year's Shopping Festival" has finally come to an end.

And this "New Year's Shopping Festival" is a win-win event.

The mobile phones purchased by consumers during the event are 50 to 200 lower than usual.

Of course, if consumers buy the products of the fruit company, there is no discount. It only has the advantage of sufficient supply.

Mobile phone manufacturers cleared their inventory on a large scale during the "New Year's Shopping Festival" and made a lot of money.

Everyone understands the principle of "small profits but quick turnover".

And the biggest winner of this "New Year's Shopping Festival" is Kunpeng Technology Company, that's right!

There is no way, after the entire "New Year's Shopping Festival", Kunpeng Technology's sales reached 42 billion, which is 6 billion US dollars if converted into US dollars.

Even the fruit company and Samsung couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw the sales of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The opponent is really too strong.

The fruit company's sales reached 25 billion.

Samsung has a sales volume of 22 billion.

Although in the first hour of the "New Year's Day event", Samsung's sales were surpassed by Kirin, but with the subsequent efforts of Samsung.

Kirin Company was still severely left behind.

Of course, the fourth place is Kirin.

And the fifth is the rice company.

However, the sales of the top four mobile phone manufacturers are significantly ahead of the fifth rice company.

At this time, Rebs was already considering acquiring a number of home appliance manufacturers to expand his profit points.

Making mobile phones does not make money, making mobile phones is just to make friends.


Not long after the "New Year's Day event", a piece of news swept the entire Internet.

And not only the Yanguo network, but also foreign networks.

At the same time, Shen Fangnan and others convened a group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company to watch the news together.

The content of the news is: Yanguo continues to increase subsidies for new energy vehicles, and actively deploys and installs new energy charging piles.

Although the news is relatively long, there are only two important news.

"What do you think!"

After the video was played, Shen Fangnan and others slowly asked the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company who were present.

At this time, all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company were in a state of bewilderment.

There are various problems in the current new energy vehicles, and the state is actually heavily subsidizing them at this time.

This is really uncharacteristic!

"The subsidy for new energy vehicles started in 2010, but the subsidy was relatively small at the beginning, and the subsidy system was unreasonable. Now the country is determined to develop new energy vehicles?"

Lu Weibing at the side said slowly.

Although Shen Fangnan told Lu Weibing and others before that Yanguo would definitely increase subsidies for new energy vehicles.

But Lu Weibing and others didn't care at first.

And now Lu Weibing and the others were slapped in the face.

"Mr. Shen, this is good news for our company!"

Lu Weibing on the side suddenly reacted.

Isn't Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. just developing new energy vehicles?

Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is about to start delivery.

Now that the state is vigorously subsidizing new energy vehicles, the Jiuxiao New Energy Vehicle Company is in the midst of the wind, and it is difficult not to think about it!

Pigs in the air can take off, let alone Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company!

Zhou Xiangwei, the person in charge of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, was the happiest one.

The current Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company needs policies and policies, and needs funds and funds! Let factories have factories!

This is the perfect start for the protagonist!

"Boss Zhou!"

"Now the heavy responsibility is on your shoulders. Whether Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company can develop depends on you alone."

Shen Fangnan told the other party.

If Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company cannot develop, then Zhou Xiangwei can jump into the Pearl River.

This has gathered the three elements of "time, place, people and harmony", if this cannot develop, then it will really cause bankruptcy.

"Mr. Zhou, when will our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle go on sale?"

"It's January 20th now!"

I think Shen Fangnan gave Zhou Xiangwei the last listing time around January 20th.

"Mr. Shen, our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle will be launched across the board on January 25."

"Before, due to the New Year's Day event, we could only postpone the launch of the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle."

Zhou Xiangwei said helplessly.

After all, the hot search list of scarves in the "New Year's Day Event" is almost all about various mobile phone manufacturers.

"Now we can take advantage of the national policy to promote the launch of our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle."

New energy subsidies started in 2010.

But the time to heavily subsidize should start in 2015.

(Don't spray!) Don't spray the content of the novel!

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