After discussion, Zhu Dongbo and his wife decided to buy the 55km premium Mokun K1 new energy vehicle with the lowest configuration.

There is no way, after all, Zhu Dongbo and his wife's company and rental house are not suitable for charging.

The impulse to buy a new energy vehicle at the beginning was a "green card"! "Green card!" "Green card!"

After all, the license plate restrictions in the first-tier cities of Yan Kingdom are too serious.

Zhu Dongbo and his wife shook the license plate until they felt like vomiting.

Of course, you can also get the license plate number without shaking the license plate number, that is to give money!

As long as you have money, the probability of winning will soar all the way.

However, Pengcheng Pengpiao, who is not in such a hurry to use the car, would not use money to shake the license plate number.

To put it bluntly, where can I get the money to fix this.

Now that the state is vigorously subsidizing the field of new energy vehicles, Pengcheng, as a super first-tier city, is the first to take the lead.

Pengcheng opened the license plate number of new energy vehicles.

It is no longer restricted like the previous fuel vehicles.

Of course, the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is a bit tricky.

After all, the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle is a gasoline-electric hybrid.

But in the end, the top leader of Pengcheng made a final decision, and the gasoline-electric hybrid is also a new energy vehicle.

Of course, this aspect still gives Kunpeng Technology a little face.

It won’t work if you don’t give it. Now the major companies of Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. are developing rapidly, and several companies add up to more than 850 billion U.S. dollars.

Especially Kunpeng Technology Company.

Its development can be said to have leaped thousands of miles and developed rapidly all the way.

According to the simple calculations of Mingmian people, Kunpeng Technology Company may become the king of the mobile phone field this year, that is, in 2015.



The driving experience of Mokun K1 new energy vehicle and the ultimate customer service are what impress Zhu Dongbo and his wife the most.

But also on the "green card."

This really has a lot of advantages!

Of course, Zhu Dongbo and his wife will definitely bargain with Wang Jing.

After all, Yan country consumers will definitely not let themselves suffer.

Although Wang Jing is the manager of the Foton 4S store of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, the price of the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is here, so there is really no discount.

Wang Jing can only subsidize Zhu Dongbo and his wife in other places.

For example, in terms of maintenance and gifts, Wang Jing still has the right.

So Wang Jing presented a bunch of accessories to Zhu Dongbo and his wife.

Zhu Dongbo and his wife were equally excited.

If Wang Jing wasn't the store manager, then there must be very few of these. After all, Zhu Dongbo had asked ten owners of the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle before coming here.

After half an hour of signing the contract.

Zhu Dongbo and his wife finally bought their first car: the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle.

"Welcome Mr. Zhu and Ms. Wei for your next visit!"

"The temporary license has been prepared for you."

After Wang Jing sent Zhu Dongbo and his wife away from the Foton 4S store of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, Wang Jing first tidied up her clothes.

Not long after that, Wang Jing came to the reception room of the store.

Wang Jing came to the reception room anxiously, and she adjusted her clothes again.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

"Knock knock knock!"

Wang Jing knocked on the door three times.


There was a echo in the reception room.

Wang Jing sighed deeply and pushed open the door of the reception room.

What caught Wang Jing's eyes were three men.

One of the men was very young and handsome!

Moshang is like jade, and his son is unparalleled in the world!

Wang Jing knew all three people in the reception room!

These include Shen Fangnan, his own boss; Lu Weibing, the second in command of Kunpeng Technology Company; and Zhou Xiangwei, the head of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company, his immediate boss.

There is no way that whether it is Shen Fangnan or Lu Weibing, as the boss and second in command of Kunpeng Technology Company, their photos have long been circulated inside the company.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! Mr. Zhou!"

Wang Jing closed the door slowly, then bowed to Shen Fangnan and the three of them.

The three of Shen Fangnan stared at Wang Jing in unison.

Then Zhou Xiangwei walked to Wang Jing's side and introduced Shen Fangnan and the two, "This is Wang Jing, the store manager of the Foton 4S store of our Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company."

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! You should know."

Zhou Xiangwei introduced to both sides as the introducer.

"Shop Manager Wang, sit down first!"

Shen Fangnan looked at Wang Jing and found him quite amazing.

Of course, this is just amazing at first glance.

Shen Fangnan beckoned Wang Jing to sit down.

"Thank you Mr. Shen! I'm really sorry to make the three of you wait so long."

"A customer was buying the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle just now, and I took it with me, so..."

Wang Jing explained a little bit.

"It's okay! We're just here to inspect the store."

"And take a look at the on-site sales of our company's Mokun K1 new energy vehicle."

Shen Fangnan waved his hands and said indifferently.

After a simple chat, Wang Jing finally let go of the big rock in her heart.

It turned out that Shen Fangnan and the others came to visit the store after a while and watched the sales of Mokun k1 new energy vehicles.

"Wang Jing, are there many consumers watching the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle in the store now?"

Shen Fangnan first asked about the data of consumers entering the store.

After all, this data can also reflect the overall trading volume.

Wang Jing took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Shen, there are at least a hundred consumers who test drive our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle a day."

"80% of the consumers are satisfied with all aspects of our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle."

"And repeatedly praised our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle."

"Many consumers feel that our Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is not inferior to million-dollar luxury cars in terms of performance, handling, fuel consumption and comfort."

(The author does not boast that the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle is the best car within five million.)

Wang Jing slowly and honestly reported the customers in the store's evaluation of the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle in the past few days.

Because as an old employee of Kunpeng Technology Company, Wang Jing knew the temperament of Shen Fangnan and others.

Shen Fangnan didn't like to engage in such fancy things, and he didn't allow his subordinates to engage in such things.

So things are what they are, and there is something to say.

"That's fine."

"Mokun k1 new energy vehicle is our company's first car product. We must listen to the voices of users and solve their various problems in looking at cars, buying cars and using cars."

Shen Fangnan attaches great importance to user word-of-mouth.

This is the magic weapon that Kunpeng Technology Company depends on for its survival.

"Mr. Zhou, you will collect the user's evaluation of the Mokun k1 new energy vehicle, and the after-sales problems reported by the user."

"After all, no product can be 100% perfect as soon as it goes on the market."

"We need to use the ultimate service to firmly grasp the users."

Shen Fangnan once again emphasized the ultimate service.

"President Shen, don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on this aspect."

Zhou Xiangwei patted his chest and replied affirmatively.

"Wang Jing, you are fighting on the front line, and you think we still need to improve in that area."

Shen Fangnan turned to look at Wang Jing who was nervous.

But Wang Jing did not answer quickly, but looked at Zhou Xiangwei at the side.

After all, Wang Jing's immediate boss is Zhou Xiangwei, if Wang Jing asks a question, it would be a bit of a leapfrog.

"Wang Jing, you have a problem here. If I can solve it, I will solve it immediately. If it can't be solved, I will go back and hold a high-level meeting to discuss and solve it."

"You don't have to be afraid that Mr. Zhou will settle accounts later."

"It's not a leap!"

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.


"Mr. Shen, aren't you offending me!"

"You big boss is here, how dare I wear small shoes for store manager Wang Jing!"

Moreover, Kunpeng Technology does not allow "those who wear small shoes."

Zhou Xiangwei said reluctantly.

Wang Jing said slowly: "Actually, there is one thing that I want to help some employees, or we, the front-line staff, ask Mr. Shen one thing."

"Say it!"

Regarding matters related to employees, Shen Fangnan sat upright.

"I want to ask, if we want to buy the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle, is there any discount from the company?"

"Mr. Shen, you also know that the license plate number restrictions in the four super first-tier cities are very serious."

Wang Jing said slowly.


"It's my lack of consideration."

"Wang Jing, are you sure that all the employees of our company have the idea of ​​buying the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle?"

Because the salary of Kunpeng Technology Company has always been at the top of the list of major companies.

Therefore, employees have more or less part of the surplus money in their hands.

If Yan country consumers have some spare money, they can either save it or use it for garages.

In Pengcheng, owning a car is more convenient.

Moreover, the park of Kunpeng Technology Company has a huge parking lot, which is enough for employees to park.

"Well, there must be a discount for buying a car."

"There is no doubt about it. As long as I am the person in charge of Kunpeng Technology Company, there will be no shortage of discounts and benefits for employees."

Shen Fangnan is very serious and responsible for the employees.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhou, you two should discuss the result!"

"Give employees benefits at that preferential price."

Shen Fangnan turned around and handed over the task to Zhou Xiangwei and Lu Weibing.

According to Shen Fangnan's idea, the employee's internal price of the Mokun K1 new energy vehicle only needs to be 2,000 to 3,000 higher than the ex-factory price, and it is enough to pay for the working hours and assembly fees.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

Wang Jing excitedly stood up and bowed to Shen Fangnan to express her gratitude.

This can save some money, and the employees of Kunpeng Technology Company know that if Wang Jing and Shen Fangnan proposed this matter.

This is an important resource for Wang Jing's future career.

"It's okay, it should be."

"It's me ignoring the employee's request."

Shen Fangnan really ignored this matter.

There is no way, there are many contracts every day, and there are many meetings to be chaired.

And Shen Fangnan came to visit the Foton 4S store of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company today to breathe a sigh of relief.

There was no way, Shen Fangnan was out of breath due to the mountain of documents.

This was not what Shen Fangnan wanted.

Shen Fangnan hurriedly found something to come out to breathe fresh air.

A car with a collection of various big color TVs. The boss of the company boasted that it was the best car within five million. I was also drunk.

How about a little lychee, everyone!

If you want technology, you don't have technology!

Why are you doing those nonsense! Even weaker than a certain kidney.

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