Shen Fangnan's words really deserved a beating.

What Dugu seeks defeat!

If it wasn't for Kunpeng Technology's Type-C interface technology and earlier research on charging power technology, other mobile phone manufacturers would have surpassed Kunpeng Technology Company long ago.

"Of course I hope that a friend of mine won't make a fool of himself! Use 10-watt wired charging every day to fool consumers."

"10 watts is even reached by our solar charging technology."

Shen Fangnan once again "started" with foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

No way, foreign mobile phone manufacturers will not move unless they flog them.

Isn't this just mocking a wave of foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

And pointed out to all consumers, the mobile phones of the fruit company and Samsung are all charged at 10 watts.

The audience at the press conference burst into laughter. They all knew who the "friends" Shen Fangnan mentioned were.

"Right! Fruit Company."

"Right! Samsung."

Consumers have long expressed dislike for the 10-watt charging power of fruit companies and Samsung.

After all, friends and merchants are using fast charging technology, while the fruit company and Samsung are still standing still on the charging power.

This disappointed many consumers.

Consumers have a kind of hatred for fruit companies and Samsung companies.

Although the mobile phones designed by Fruit Company and Samsung do have advantages, they will soon be surpassed by Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

It really doesn't work!


After Shen Fangnan introduced the approximate configuration of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone, only the price remains unannounced.

The Kunpeng 5 mobile phone is very qualified as a "bucket machine".

The audience at the press conference wanted to know the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone.

As long as the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone meets the inner price of consumers, they don't mind buying one.

"The price of the remaining Kunpeng 5 mobile phone has not been announced. What do you think is its price range?"

Shen Fangnan did not invite lucky viewers to guess the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone this time.





The audience at the press conference expressed their inner pricing for the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room of the press conference also posted their own prices for the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone on the public screen.

After Shen Fangnan heard the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone from the audience at the press conference, he smiled and said: "Thank you for your recognition of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone."

"I will announce the price directly here."

Then Shen Fangnan clicked on the page presenter, and the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone appeared on the big screen at the press conference:

3+64 g: 5499

4+64g: 5799

4+128 g: 6199

After Shen Fangnan announced the price of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone, the audience was completely excited.

"Rounding up and down is simply making friends with consumers!"

After all, the revision price of the previous Kunpeng 4 mobile phone came to 5199, but now the beggar version of the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone is priced at 5499.

That's not very conscientious, what is that?

This is simply charity!

"Kunpeng Technology Company will always be a friend of consumers, and we will definitely take care of consumers in pricing digital products."

Shen Fangnan said slowly.


"I'll go, the price is really delicious."

"The price is close to the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone, but its configuration is very capable!"

"The Kunpeng 5 mobile phone is a fully upgraded Kunpeng 4 mobile phone."

"If the friend merchants have the conscience of Kunpeng Technology Company, they won't be sprayed by so many consumers!"

The audience at the press conference started talking.

That's right, everyone thinks that Kunpeng Technology Company is too conscientious.

"Young man, you are so conscientious! (Sprinkle money!!!)"


"Thank you for your support for the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone."

Shen Fangnan once again bowed to the audience.

No way, this is the food and clothing parent of Kunpeng Technology Company!

Of course Shen Fangnan had to be polite.

The audience at the press conference applauded.


Due to time constraints, Shen Fangnan did not step off the stage, but continued to introduce the new digital products of Kunpeng Technology Company.

"Kunpeng X Mobile Phone! ! ! "

A promotional poster of a mobile phone appeared on the big screen at the press conference.

"Kunpeng X mobile phone?"

"Kunpeng Technology has launched a new mobile phone brand?"

The audience at the press conference started talking about it.

Every time Kunpeng Technology Company releases a new series of brands, its positioning is different.

"That's right, our Kunpeng mobile phone will launch a new series X, so its positioning is exploration."

"So we use the X in the English single explore as our new series of Kunpeng mobile phones."

"Of course, the Kunpeng X mobile phone will be an exploration mobile phone. Its biggest role is to show consumers the most advanced black technology of our Kunpeng Technology Company."

"Simply put, it's about showing off your muscles."

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.

The audience at the press conference burst into laughter.

I didn't expect the Kunpeng X mobile phone to be so useful.

"It's also possible that it's the ppt mobile phone that the friends said."

Shen Fangnan boldly admitted that it might be a ppt phone.

According to the ideas of all the mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo, regardless of whether they can realize it or not, first make a ppt, then coax consumers, and then deter friends and businessmen.

Shen Fangnan then began to introduce the Kunpeng X mobile phone.

The processor chip of the Kunpeng X mobile phone also uses the Tianheng 801 processor chip designed and researched by Kunpeng Technology Company.

Since Shen Fangnan had already introduced the various configurations and performances of the Tianheng 801 processor chip in the early stage, the audience at the press conference did not have too much excited reaction.

But the black technology that Shen Fangnan brought out later made the audience collectively excited.

What black technology is that?

"Flexible oled screen with 1080p resolution!!!"

Shen Fangnan was puzzled by the audience at the press conference and the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Not only the audience was puzzled, but all the heads of mobile phone manufacturers in the audience were in a state of confusion.

The most important thing is that even Jin Xuhui, the "second son" of Samsung, who watched the live broadcast room of Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference, was also in a state of bewilderment.

"Is there such a screen manufacturing technology?"

Jin Xuhui whispered.

Samsung, which is a major screen manufacturer, does not have this kind of screen.

There is also this kind of "What is the use of a flexible oled mobile phone screen with 1080p resolution?"


Then Shen Fangnan began to briefly introduce the flexible oled mobile phone screen with 1080p resolution.

Of course, the design and manufacturer of the 1080p resolution flexible oled mobile phone screen is also Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company.

Shen Fangnan specifically emphasized that the design and manufacturer of this "1080p resolution flexible oled mobile phone screen" is Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company.

At this time, all the heads of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers in the audience began to have some doubts. Could it be that this Tianquan screen manufacturing company is Shen Fangnan's company.

Otherwise, why would Shen Fangnan mention the other company's name from time to time? Isn't this helping Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company to promote it!

At this time, the leaders of the Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers in the audience frowned, there was no way, if this is the case, then the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company is too powerful!

If Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company has so many black technologies, why doesn't it hold a press conference by itself!

The more people in charge of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers thought about it, the more they felt that their guess was right.

The worst case scenario is that Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company is Shen Fangnan's company.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Shen Fangnan owns the shares of Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company.

And there are still many shares!

The 1080p resolution flexible oled mobile phone screen manufactured by Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company uses plastic substrates as raw materials.

And this material is a very common glass substrate.

The flexible oled mobile phone screen of Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. uses thin-film packaging technology and sticks a protective film on the back of the panel. This has the advantage of making the panel bendable and not easy to break.

Then the flexible oled mobile phone screen can be curled.

In addition, the flexible oled mobile phone screen produced by Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company will not produce creases after 200,000 times of bending.

After Shen Fangnan's explanation, everyone probably understood the awesomeness of the flexible oled mobile phone screen manufactured by Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company.

It's fucking awesome to open the door for awesome - awesome at home.

The flexible oled mobile phone screen will be another revolutionary black technology in the field.

No way, the flexible oled mobile phone screen can be rolled up and bent, which greatly enhances the playability of the mobile phone screen.

Then there was thunderous applause.

And on the public screen in the live broadcast room of the press conference, the words "Niu Yu" are all written in one color.

No way, this is another black technology, and everyone has to admire the powerful design and development capabilities of Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company.

"Since our mobile phone screen supplier Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is so awesome, if our Kunpeng Technology Company doesn't stand up, it will be very embarrassing!"

"So in order to cater to the flexible oled mobile phone screen of Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company, our Kunpeng Technology Company designed and developed mobile phone folding technology."

Shen Fangnan said slowly.

"Mobile phone folding technology?"

The audience at the press conference and the water friends who watched the live broadcast online were once again in a state of confusion.

"Where is this place!"

Shen Fangnan then showed everyone the "mobile phone folding technology".

Shen Fangnan quietly took out a Kunpeng X mobile phone from his pocket and showed it to everyone present.

There was thunderous applause at the scene, mixed with constant shouts, and the shouts were louder and louder.

No one expected that Kunpeng Technology Company really designed the Kunpeng X mobile phone.

Everyone thought that the Kunpeng X mobile phone was a ppt mobile phone, but it turned out to be mass-produced.

Before, Shen Fangnan also said that the Kunpeng X mobile phone is just a ppt mobile phone, which cannot be mass-produced at all.

As a result, you, Shen Fangnan, turned your head and took out the Kunpeng X mobile phone from your pocket to show it.

You can't even trust each other!

"This is our concept ppt mobile phone Kunpeng X mobile phone!"

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