Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 242 Kunpeng Technology Company's Spring Technology Conference Ends

This is recognized by everyone.

Otherwise, who would speak their minds!

Of course, it is also possible that Kunpeng Technology Company's cover-up method is used to confuse the opponent.

All in all, the "perfect combination" of wireless fast charging technology and new energy vehicles must be a novelty.

If this technology can be realized, it will be another revolution in the field of new energy vehicles.

After all, there is no need for a charging head, and the new energy vehicle can be charged directly when it is driven directly to the designated place.

"Of course, I actually have a bold and innovative idea, which is to build a charging road for new energy vehicles."

"And there are a lot of wireless charging equipment buried under the ground on this road. When new energy vehicles drive up, they can be continuously charged."

"In this way, there is no need to install charging piles at rest stops on the expressway, and new energy vehicles can be kept charging directly on the road."

Shen Fangnan accidentally slipped her mouth, and quickly covered her mouth nervously.

"Ahaha, I'm so excited, I accidentally slipped my mouth."

The audience at the press conference burst into laughter.

Shen Fangnan like this is really too funny.

"Of course, if we want to achieve this technology and construction, we cannot do without the support of the state."

Then Shen Fangnan said indifferently.

After all, for the construction of expressways, Yanguo can only be led by the state, while other enterprises do not have this right.

And the most important point is that enterprises also cannot spend such a huge amount of funds to build investment highways.

The rate of return is too little.

Also, the payback period is too long.

With Shen Fangnan's bright future, many technology companies also imagined that it was a huge cake.

Technology companies at home and abroad who are watching Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference are attracted by the prospect of combining new energy vehicles with wireless fast charging technology described by Shen Fangnan.

Especially the car companies in the field of new energy vehicles: the Tesla company in the beautiful country, and the Yanguo Biyadi company.

But this idea cannot be realized in the short term.

First: The wireless fast charging technology cannot reach the point that Shen Fangnan said.

Second: The number of new energy vehicles is really small.

According to the data released by the Yanguo Car Passenger Association in March, the current number of new energy vehicles in Yanguo is only 500,000, and this is the result after the state has vigorously subsidized new energy vehicles.

If Yan Country did not vigorously subsidize the field of new energy vehicles, then this figure would definitely need to be discounted in half.

How can the country spend a lot of money to fix this new energy vehicle highway!

This is really a toad wanting to eat swan meat-it's a beautiful idea.

But the reality is extremely cruel.

Of course, Shen Fangnan did point out the direction for charging new energy vehicles.

Of course, Shen Fangnan was not so kind!

Kunpeng Technology holds a large number of patents on wireless fast charging technology.

If a technology company wants to enter this field, it must pay the patent technology licensing fee to Kunpeng Technology Company;

Either break through the blockade of Kunpeng Technology Company in wireless fast charging technology.

There are only two options available.

Another advantage is that the wireless fast charging technology for new energy vehicles has a lot of benefits for Jiuxiao New Energy Vehicle Company, a subsidiary of Kunpeng Technology Company.

After all, the charging method is exactly the same, so the charging can be adapted.

There is a qualitative leap in the development of new energy vehicles.

After all, charging piles are shared.

This doesn't make sense.


"The conjecture of the combination of new energy vehicles and wireless fast charging technology is over, and it is the final stage of this conference."

Shen Fangnan said slowly.

Then Shen Fangnan once again made a big cake for everyone.

"Technical Book on Recycling and Reuse of Satellite Rockets After Going to Space"

These words appear on the big screen.

According to the literal meaning, this technology is about after the satellite goes into the sky, its carrier rocket can return to the blue star, and land on the launch site accurately and silently.

Can be used repeatedly afterwards.


"Kunpeng Technology Company, you understand technology, do you understand such advanced technology?"

"I'll go, Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. You are really a heifer flying on a plane-the cow broke into the sky."

The audience at the press conference booed one after another.

Shen Fangnan said with a smile: "Then you must know some technology."

"I didn't want to study this aspect at first, but the previous Tiandome project was too expensive. It costs more than 20 million US dollars for a rocket to go to the sky."

"Kunpeng Technology's purse can't hold it!"

"If Kunpeng Technology Company develops this technology, then it will be able to become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life. That's just around the corner!"

"Hahaha, just kidding!"

"The main reason is that the purse can't bear it."

Shen Fangnan said the original intention of this "rocket recovery" technology is to save money, save money, and save money.

And you can use this technology to make a little money in the future.

If this technology can be realized, the cost of rocket launches can be greatly reduced.

It is possible that the price of launching a rocket will drop from the original $20 million to between $8 million and $10 million.

This directly saves half of the funds!

"Of course, this technology will be designed and developed in Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company."

"But now at that stage, everyone looks at my expression, and then you guess for yourself."

"Anyway, research must be research."

Shen Fangnan showed a faint smile.


Shen Fangnan's hesitant words directly crushed the back teeth of the audience at the press conference and the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Hateful broken dog!

Damn Shen Fangnan!

In the follow-up, many foreign high-tech companies, as well as various foreign space agencies, held frequent discussion meetings for this purpose.

They all want to know whether Yan Kingdom really has this technology, and whether the rocket recovery technology that Shen Fangnan mentioned can be realized.

Shen Fangnan talked about it casually, and directly asked technology companies in various countries, as well as various space agencies to discuss whether this technology can be realized.

Similar to the "strategic deception" in the previous life.

Anyway, the mouth is on Shen Fangnan, he can say whatever he wants, but in the end, whether you believe it or not is another matter!


Then Shen Fangnan raised his left hand again to look at the time on the watch in his hand, and said, "Time really flies by! Now it's the end of the press conference."

"I really miss everyone."

At this time, the time has come to ten thirty in the evening.

Just as Shen Fangnan guessed.

"This is the end of Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference. Thank you for watching."

Shen Fangnan bowed to the audience with tears in his eyes.

Then Shen Fangnan walked down the stage of the press conference slowly.

The lights at the press conference were slowly turned on.

Dazzling lights shone on the audience of the live press conference.

"Huh? Why did the press conference end like this?"

"We haven't heard enough!"

"It's a bit anticlimactic!"

"It's a mess!"

"Mr. Shen, don't go! Keep talking."

The audience at the press conference were all caught off guard.

Shen Fangnan then said: "It's really getting late, there is less than an hour and a half, and it will be early morning."

"Thank you again for your support."

"Everyone must be careful when going back, it's too late."

Afterwards, Shen Fangnan left the site of Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference under the escort of a group of Kunpeng Technology's security personnel.

Since the protagonists have all left the press conference, the audience can only leave silently.

Really, it's getting late.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, you still have to grab your phone!

Then the audience at the press conference quickened their pace.

There is no way, it is really slow, every step is slow.

The Tianyan S2 mobile phone and Kunpeng 5 series mobile phones released by Kunpeng Technology Company are really delicious.

And all the water friends in the live broadcast room also started to leave.

After all, the press conference is over.

But the impact of the press conference did continue to ferment after the end.

The headline on the bib hot search list is: "Can the launched rocket really be recovered!" "

The second on the list is: "The Unknown Secrets of New Energy Vehicles and Wireless Fast Charging Technology." "

The third is: the Kunpeng 5 mobile phone is worth having.

The fourth is: Why did Shen Fangnan leave hastily? What's wrong with it?

The fifth hot topic is also about Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference.

Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. is really King Qin Shiwang grabbing the wires--it's numb to win!

It's not just that Yanguo Network was blown away by Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference.

Along with foreign mainstream websites such as Twitter and Youtube, they have been maxed out.

The spring technology conference of Kunpeng Technology Company this time is really "full of dry goods"!

In this regard, a large number of netizens have issued their own comments on Kunpeng Technology's spring technology conference.

"I'll go, cool! Kunpeng Technology Company is not only strong in making mobile phones, but also invincible in other fields!"

"If, as Shen Fangnan said, the rocket recovery technology is realized, then the rocket launch can really save a lot of money."

“Then the aerospace industry may be in for a spring.”

"Are new energy vehicles really the future trend? What is Kunpeng Technology's intention to support the field of new energy vehicles?"

A lot of netizens on the Internet are arguing endlessly.


Shen Fangnan returned to the company under the escort of the security personnel of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Shen Fangnan then came to the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Shen Fangnan was greeted with loud applause.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

And a group of employees of Kunpeng Technology Company stepped forward to greet him cordially.

"thank you all!"

"Thank you for your hard work and hard work!"

"For supper at night, I've got the company's kitchen ready."

Shen Fangnan was secretly delighted when he saw the staff of the data statistics department of Kunpeng Technology Company line up the road to welcome him.

With such employees, why worry about the company not developing!

Then Shen Fangnan took over the data from the live broadcast room of the press conference from Han Yizhou.

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