Soon afterwards, Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing came to the processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

After the two of Shen Fangnan arrived, the employees of the entire processor chip design department greeted them one after another.

And Shen Fangnan also responded to each other.

In Kunpeng Technology Company, the concepts of subordinates and subordinates are blurred.

As long as the task is completed, Shen Fangnan can make jokes.

Of course, the employees of Kunpeng Technology Company will not make fun of their boss.

And Shen Fangnan often joked with the staff.


"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

At this time, Feng Yunhua from the processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. saw Shen Fangnan and the two of them, and ran over to say hello to them.

"Boss Feng! ×2"

After the three of Shen Fangnan greeted briefly, Feng Yunhua invited the two of Shen Fangnan into the office to talk.

Shen Fangnan and others sat down.

Shen Fangnan couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Feng, what is the surprise you just called me?"

Just now Feng Yunhua called Shen Fangnan, and when Shen Fangnan asked about various surprises.

But Feng Yunhua kept it secret, and said that he only revealed the surprise after Shen Fangnan came to the processor chip design department.

"That's what you told me in a high-level meeting not long ago."

Feng Yunhua said slowly

Suddenly, Shen Fangnan thought about what he had said to Feng Yunhua at the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company.

"It's done?"

Shen Fangnan asked cautiously.

"What?" Because Lu Weibing was very busy and couldn't touch the ground with his heels, Lu Weibing couldn't remember what Shen Fangnan and Feng Yunhua had said.

"It's done!"

"After our processor chip design department worked overtime overnight, we finally completed the task you assigned to our department."

Feng Yunhua said excitedly.

And Shen Fangnan looked at Feng Yunhua, who had dark circles on his face and a scumbag beard, and he knew that the other party must be staying at the company.

"Mr. Feng, you and the employees in your department have worked hard. I, Shen Fangnan, will definitely not forget the ministers who have made great contributions."

Shen Fangnan used her "unique skill" again and "distributed money"! ! !

People live for a lifetime, not for money, so why!

It is unrealistic to talk about "heart-to-heart talks but not money", "young people should not choose jobs", "employees go to work for free and pay to go to work", etc.

Some "experts (bricks)" are advised not to advise.

"Your processor chip design department will double the bonus this month, and I will notify the company's financial department later."

Shen Fangnan smiled and really didn't have much left except money.

Since its own processor chip design department has done an excellent job.

Then Shen Fangnan will not be stingy either.

Money is the easiest thing to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

As long as the money is enough, employees can treat the company as their own home.

"Only recognize money, not people!"

And now the funds in Shen Fangnan's hands are enough for him to spend ten lifetimes.

To Shen Fangnan, money is really like straw paper.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

Feng Yunhua, who was on the side, had a satisfied smile on his face when he heard that the bonus had been doubled.

This really didn't waste my hard work overtime.

Of course, Feng Yunhua had the same meaning when he called Shen Fangnan over.

That is to increase the bonus of his own department.

At this time, Lu Weibing was still in a dazed state.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Feng! What are you two talking about? I'm still at a loss."

Lu Weibing on the side couldn't sit still and asked.

Feng Yunhua explained to Lu Weibing: "Well, at the high-level meeting before, Mr. Shen asked our processor chip design department to design an enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip to compete with Fruit Company's A9 enhanced processor chip."

Following Feng Yunhua's reminder, Lu Weibing suddenly realized.

Lu Weibing still vaguely remembered that this happened.

That's right, Shen Fangnan did say this at the meeting before.

"How about the performance of the enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip!"

Lu Weibing also wanted to know.

"Also, Mr. Feng, when will our company's mid-range 6-series processors be updated!"

"Our Tianyan mobile phone brand has come up with new digital products!"

There is no way, now Lu Weibing is also thinking of Tianyan mobile phone brand to release new products.

After all, if new digital products are released, it will be very helpful to their own sales.

"Well, Mr. Lu, our department will design and develop a new 6-series processor chip as soon as possible."

"You can rest assured about this."

Feng Yunhua patted his chest and said affirmatively.

"Okay! Let's do it as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, our competitors will release new mid-range mobile phones ahead of us, and then we may choose other companies' mid-range processor chips in order to go on sale as soon as possible."

Lu Weibing gave Feng Yunhua a "vaccination" in advance.

At the same time, what Lu Weibing said was also for Shen Fangnan.

After all, mid-range mobile phones have always been the sales king of Kunpeng Technology Company.

So we must pay attention to this aspect.

Then Feng Yunhua took Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing to the laboratory of the processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Soon, the three of Shen Fangnan came to the laboratory.

At this time, Shen Fangnan saw that the security inside and outside the laboratory was very strict.

Inside and outside, there are security personnel from Kunpeng Technology Company standing guard and patrolling!

This is the result brought by the "Haohan One" supercomputer last time.

Now the security level of the entire Kunpeng Technology Company has risen by more than one level.

but n levels.

After the identities of Shen Fangnan and others were confirmed, they were able to enter the laboratory of Kunpeng Technology Company.

And Feng Yunhua took Shen Fangnan and the two to the laboratory of the processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Along the way, all the engineers of Kunpeng Technology Company greeted the three of Shen Fangnan.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! This is the enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip designed by our department."

Feng Yunhua pointed to the blackened processor chips displayed on the experimental table.

And Feng Yunhua picked up two engineering machines equipped with enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chips on the test bench and handed them to Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing respectively.

And Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing took the mobile phone handed over by Feng Yunhua.

Then Feng Yunhua began to introduce the performance of this enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! This enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip is designed and developed on the basis of the original Tianheng 801 processor chip."

"In terms of its essence, it is really not much different from Tianheng 801 processor chip in terms of structure."

"But after being tuned by our department, its performance has been completely released."

Of course, Feng Yunhua first boasted about the performance of the enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip.

Moreover, Feng Yunhua understood Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing's thoughts very well, that is, the enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip designed by his company is stronger than the enhanced version of A9 processor chip of Fruit Company.

Then Feng Yunhua said slowly: "Mr. Shen, our company's enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip is almost the same as the fruit company's enhanced A9 processor chip in terms of CPU performance."

"This can be said to be a match for chess."

"But because the fruit company uses their own ios operating system."

"The enhanced version of the A9 processor chip of the fruit company is very well adapted to the iOS operating system, so it has a little advantage over us in terms of use, that is fluency."

In this case, Feng Yunhua must have reported the truth, one is one.

The comparison of processor chips is telling the truth.

If Feng Yunhua had lied now, that lie would also be exposed very quickly.

Therefore, Feng Yunhua must tell the truth in a realistic manner.

Both Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing had a slight smile on their faces when they heard "Pingping" at first, and then they frowned instantly after listening to Feng Yunhua's follow-up words.

And what Feng Yunhua said next eased the frowning of Shen Fangnan and the two of them.

"Since the fruit company's fruit 7 mobile phone has an enhanced version of the A9 processor chip and the blessing of the ios operating system, we can also invite ourselves."

Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing were puzzled by Feng Yunhua's words.

"My own people?"

Immediately, a thought flashed through Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing's minds.

"Could it be?"

Shen Fangnan asked incredulously.

Feng Yunhua revealed the answer directly.

"That's right, Mr. Shen! Since the fruit 7 mobile phone has an ios operating system, of course we have to invite our own people (operating the Kongtong mobile phone) to play!"

"We downloaded and installed our own Kongtong mobile phone operating system on several engineering machines."

"The data we obtained surprised us, that is, our enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip and Kongtong mobile phone operating system have joined forces, directly surpassing the enhanced version of Fruit Company's A9 processor chip and ios operating system. "

Feng Yunhua immediately reported the situation to Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing.

And Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing smiled again.

"Not bad, really good."

Shen Fangnan first praised Feng Yunhua's wit, unexpectedly, the other party would use his own Kongtong mobile phone operating system to compete with the fruit company's enhanced version of the A9 processor chip and ios operating system.

After all, the Kongtong mobile phone operating system was designed and developed by Kunpeng Technology Company.

This is very suitable for the processor chip designed and developed by itself.

This is almost the same as the A-series processor chip of the fruit company and the ios operating system.

Exactly the same pattern.

Of course, all mobile phones of Kunpeng Technology Company will not use its own Kongtong mobile phone operating system for the time being.

No way, the current Kongtong mobile phone operating system is still in a relatively crude stage.

This also requires developers to continue to check for gaps.

Immediately Feng Yunhua handed Shen Fangnan the experimental report on the enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip.

And Shen Fangnan immediately asked Feng Yunhua to contact Zhuang Yanling of the publicity department, and then promote the enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company.


"Mr. Shen, there is good news from Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company."

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