Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 275 Discussing the Replacement of the Person in Charge of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Com

"Rocket recovery technology?"

Shen Fangnan was puzzled.

Because there are too many things about Kunpeng Technology Company, he has not paid attention to the affairs of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company for a long time.


"Boss Shen, don't you know?"

"Now the rocket recovery technology has reached the final testing stage."

Chief Engineer Li was stunned at first, but then he thought that Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company is also a subsidiary of Kunpeng Technology Company.

But Shen Fangnan did not own 100% of the shares of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company.

Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company can only be regarded as the "godson" of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The most important thing is that Shen Fangnan is in charge of several companies alone, and the assets of these companies are at least tens of billions in market value.

It is normal for Shen Fangnan to forget Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company.

"Mr. Shen, I would like to invite you to come to our Ganquan Space Launch Site to watch the launch live."

"Of course the most important thing is that the artificial satellite transported by the rocket that recovered the rocket technology this time is also your company's."

Mr. Li reminded him "in good faith".

Of course, because this is an experiment of rocket recovery technology, the Yanguo Space Administration has made concessions in this rocket launch and the manufacture of artificial satellites.

Of course, it is to make concessions in terms of price!

No way, the rocket recovery technology was provided by Kunpeng Technology Company. Although the Yanguo Space Administration paid a part of the price, in general, the price is negligible.

Of course, if Yan Kingdom wants to use the "rocket recovery technology" to launch rockets later, it must pay a part of the patent fee to Kunpeng Technology Company.

The Yanguo Space Agency has benefited enormously from this technology.

After all, this rocket recovery technology can not only be used for rocket launches, but can also be used in the military.

"The rocket recovery technology is about to enter the testing stage?"

A slight smile appeared on Shen Fangnan's face.

Shen Fangnan did not expect Mr. Li to bring him such good news.

"That's right!"

"Mr. Shen, are you free then?"

Mr. Li certainly hoped that Shen Fangnan could come over.

In fact, not only Shen Fangnan was invited this time, but also officials from the Yan Kingdom, and most importantly, officials from the Camel Kingdom were also present.

That's right, the Camel Country also wants to launch n artificial satellites into the sky to increase the TV, Internet and other signals of the Camel Country.

Of course, this is just a "small deal" between the Camel Kingdom and the Yan Kingdom.

The biggest deal is of course the military industry.

"With a cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!"

This is not just talk.

There is a huge amount of oil buried underground in the area where the camel country is located.

If you just sell oil, it can be the wealth of the camel country.

Shen Fangnan thought about his itinerary, and after a while, he had his own answer: "Mr. Li, I will arrive at the Ganquan space launch site as scheduled, please arrange someone to pick me up."

There is no way, it can't be accepted!

After all, the Ganquan space launch site belongs to the military of the Yan Kingdom. If one breaks in without authorization, one may be arrested for leaking military technology.

Mr. Li on the other end of the phone laughed loudly, and then said: "No problem, I will arrange it, don't worry about it."

Immediately, Shen Fangnan and Shen Fangnan chatted for a while, and they hung up the phone in a tacit understanding.

Shen Fangnan immediately asked his assistant to notify Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou to come to his office to discuss important matters.

Fifteen minutes later, Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou hurried to Shen Fangnan's office.

At this time, beads of sweat appeared on the faces of Lu Weibing and the two of them.

This shows that Lu Weibing and Lu Weibing were notified by Shen Fangnan, and they rushed from their department to Shen Fangnan's office non-stop.

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Han! You two sit down first."

Immediately, Shen Fangnan asked his assistant to bring a cup of hot tea to the three of them.

After a brief rest, Lu Weibing and Lu Weibing's panting appearance disappeared, replaced by

"I called you here this time for one thing."

Lu Weibing and the two stared at Shen Fangnan in unison.

"Just now Chief Engineer Li from the Yanguo Space Administration called me, saying that the rocket recovery technology has reached the final stage of actual testing."

"Chief engineer Li wants me to go to the Ganquan space launch site to witness this moment."

"So, when I think about it, Mr. Lu! Mr. Han! Mr. Zhou from Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company will go there together."

Shen Fangnan explained the matter clearly and made it clear.


"The rocket recovery technology is going to enter the testing stage?"

Lu Weibing looked at Shen Fangnan in disbelief, after all, he was no stranger to "rocket recovery technology".

Because this technology comes from Kunpeng Technology Company.

And now they are about to enter the actual testing stage, time flies so fast.

"Mr. Shen, should we strengthen the control over Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company?"

Lu Weibing on the side carefully whispered in Shen Fangnan's ear.

This time, Chief Engineer Li of the Yanguo Space Administration was required to notify, and Shen Fangnan and others had not received the news in advance.

Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company is a typical "runaway horse", it is not controlled by Kunpeng Technology Company!

"Well! It's time for a small-scale liquidation of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company."

Of course, Shen Fangnan knew that Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company was a little out of his control.

But how could Shen Fangnan be caught without a fight!

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Han! Who do you think I sent to Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company as the person in charge!"

Shen Fangnan also didn't want to change people, but the current person in charge of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company didn't report such a big news, so what's the use of keeping him!

What's the use of you! ! !

Shen Fangnan kicked the ball to Lu Weibing and the two of them.

Of course, Lu Weibing and the two were no strangers to it.

After all, when Shen Fangnan chose the person in charge of the company, he would always ask the opinions of the high-level people.

Of course, Shen Fangnan's heart is as clear as water.

Although Lu Weibing and others have the right to recommend, they do not have the right to make decisions.

Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou fell into deep thought at the same time, and they first decided in their minds who would be the person in charge of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company.

Three minutes flew by.

Shen Fangnan said slowly: "Do you have a general candidate?"

Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou were instantly awakened by Shen Fangnan's words.

"Mr. Shen! I have someone in my heart." ×2

Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou said in unison.


"Since this is the case, you already have someone in your heart, so you can tell the name of your candidate!"

Shen Fangnan was also very impressed with the candidate Lu Weibing and the two recommended to him.

"Dai Xianglin!!!"×2

Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou said their candidates in unison.


Suddenly bursts of laughter came from the office.

Neither Lu Weibing nor Han Yizhou expected that the candidate they named would be the same as the other party.

This is "ape dung"!

On the other hand, Shen Fangnan showed a trace of a smile on his face, but it disappeared immediately.

"What is the reason why you chose Dai Xianglin to be the head of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company?"

Of course Shen Fangnan wanted to know the reason.

"Mr. Shen! Before joining our company, Dai Xianglin was an official translator of the Yan Kingdom. He has been in contact with officials of the Yan Kingdom for a long time, and he understands their habits very well."

"And Dai Xianglin is a person with exquisite seven orifices, and is very good at dealing with others."

"That's why I think we can feel more at ease by letting Dai Xianglin become the person in charge of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company."

Lu Weibing explained why he chose Dai Xianglin as the head of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company.

And Han Yizhou on the side nodded repeatedly.

Han Yizhou very much agrees with Lu Weibing's statement.

Another point is that Han Yizhou and Dai Xianglin are also alumni.

And they are alumni of the same class, so of course they chose different majors.

Immediately, Shen Fangnan fell into deep thought, while Lu Weibing and Han Yizhou at the side waited quietly for Shen Fangnan's decision.

After a while, Shen Fangnan gazed at the busy traffic in the distance, and said slowly: "Since you all highly recommend Dai Xianglin, let him come to my office first, and I want to see if he is really capable of taking on this job. "

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Han! As you know, this position is from a member of the Sansha. I just need someone to give me a tip-off, and then we can strengthen our relationship with the Yanguo Space Administration and make good deals."

Shen Fangnan gave Lu Weibing and others a "vaccination" in advance. There was no other way. Before Kunpeng Technology Company sent the person in charge to Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company, but they stopped working within a few months.

And no news came back.

"I think Dai Xianglin will definitely be able to do it."

Han Yizhou patted his chest and responded affirmatively.

"Okay! Then I'll ask my assistant to inform Dai Xianglin."

Then Shen Fangnan notified his assistant, and then asked him to notify Dai Xianglin.

About fifteen minutes or so.

A knock on the door came into the office.


Immediately, Shen Fangnan's assistant walked in with a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with good features and a suit.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! Mr. Han!"

Dai Xianglin greeted everyone in the office.

"President Dai, sit down!"

Immediately, Shen Fangnan asked the other party to sit down and talk first.

And soon, Shen Fangnan's assistant brought a cup of hot tea.

"Mr. Dai! There is only one thing for you to come here in such a hurry."

"That is, I want to replace the current head of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company, and I want you to take his place. What do you think?"

Shen Fangnan went straight to the point and told Dai Xianglin what it meant to call the other party over this time.


At this time, Dai Xianglin was very excited!

Are you going to get out of your head?

Then Dai Xianglin thought about it, the current Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company is like a "hot potato", a real "three evils"!

And since Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company is not wholly owned by Kunpeng Technology Company, it will be very difficult for Dai Xianglin to obtain support from the head office in the future.

Another point is that Dai Xianglin will take over the current position of the head of Tianqiong Aerospace Technology Company, so he must deal with the Yanguo Space Administration.

After a while, Dai Xianglin had an answer in his heart: "Mr. Shen..."

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