After all, earning money is the most important thing.

Gentleman's agreement?

Please, Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company are competitors to each other.

If the company can't survive, will it abide by the "gentleman's agreement"?

Isn't this the behavior of a fool!

For Kunpeng Technology Company, survival is the key.

With Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company starting to make efforts, some areas of super first-tier and first-tier cities in Yanguo can use 5G network.

Of course, only the 5G version of the Kunpeng 6 mobile phone can use the 5G network now.

There is no way. Now among the mobile phone manufacturers, only Kunpeng Technology Company has released new 5G mobile phones.

This is the unique innate condition.

Of course, Kirin Company is also secretly preparing.

According to its internal news, Kirin will be able to release a 5G mobile phone in early to mid-January.

Of course, this is only internal information, do not know whether it is accurate.

The development of Kunpeng Technology and Kirin in the 5G network market has directly made many communication equipment suppliers and mobile phone processor chip design and development manufacturers jealous.

According to the previous rules, this should be a group of foreign companies to open up the market first, and then leave the remaining leftovers to a group of Yan country companies.

The result is now reversed, the contrast is too great.

Unexpectedly, it was the turn of Yanguo enterprises to have a luxurious feast, but now foreign enterprises could only gulp and stare at each other.

This is really "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

With the efforts of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company, a group of Yanguo mobile phone processor chip design and development manufacturers, as well as a group of medium and large communication equipment suppliers have made efforts.

They also want to gain benefits from this "gluttony feast".

Together with all upstream and downstream suppliers of network communication equipment, they also joined in this "Great Feast".

After all, this is the first time, and it may be the only time, the easiest time for the upstream and downstream suppliers of Yanguo communication equipment to reap the benefits, and they still sit on the main seat and "eat" instead of eating "leftovers".

Because of the joint efforts of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company in the field of 5G network communication, Yanguo has gained greater support and recognition from the international community.

There is no way, now only Yan country in the world has perfect 5g network communication technology, and all countries in the world are eager to cooperate.

Isn't this a proper capital!


Time flies, 2015 quietly disappeared, and 2016 quietly arrived.

On New Year's Day, January 1, all employees of Kunpeng Technology Company have a three-day holiday.

Of course, some employees will stay and enjoy triple wages for three days.

On statutory holidays, the arrangement of Kunpeng Technology Company is that employees who work on holidays will not only get three times their wages, but will also have an extra three days off.

This is also an important reason why the employees of Kunpeng Technology Company are scrambling to get to work on holidays.

Not only can you enjoy three times the salary, but you can also enjoy three days of vacation later, this is really a fairy company.

Of course, as the boss, Shen Fangnan will still come to work every day, which can be said to be open all year round.

The three-day holiday passed in the blink of an eye.

In the new year, Kunpeng Technology Company will of course hold a high-level meeting.

After all, a new year, a new atmosphere, and new goals.

Following Shen Fangnan slowly walked into the conference room.

The first high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company in 2016 was officially held.

"Boss Shen!"

All the senior officials shouted in unison.

And stand up neatly and uniformly.

"Hey everyone, sit down!"

Shen Fangnan responded with a smile.

As Shen Fangnan sat down, all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology sat down in unison.

Then began the first high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company in 2016.

As the boss, Shen Fangnan was of course the first to speak.

"Thank you for your hard work throughout last year, and for assisting me in handling the company's related matters, which has made the company take off tremendously."

"Not only has it achieved a huge lead in the mobile phone business, but it has also surpassed many foreign technology companies in the field of 5G network communications and became the world's number one."

"And the company is at the forefront of the world in all aspects, thanks to everyone's support and dedication."

Shen Fangnan, as the boss of Kunpeng Technology Company, of course knows the efforts made by the lower management to accomplish the goals he set.

After Shen Fangnan finished speaking, the entire conference room burst into thunderous applause.

And Shen Fangnan took the lead in applauding.

"Everyone knows my personality. The company has made money, and I will not treat all the employees who have contributed to the company badly, so this year's year-end bonus must be more generous than last year."

Shen Fangnan verbally promised that this year's year-end bonus will be more generous, which made the eyes of the senior executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company below shine golden.

Isn't everyone working so hard for money!

Now at the beginning of the first high-level meeting in 2016, my boss promised to all the high-level people present that this year's year-end bonus will be more generous.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

The senior executives present thanked each other in unison.

After all, such a generous boss is really rare, and this is even bigger than a giant panda. (rare)

"You don't have to thank me, everyone deserves it, and I want to thank everyone for their hard work!"

"I hope that everyone will continue to work hard in the next 2016, so that our Kunpeng Technology Company will develop more rapidly."

Shen Fangnan waved his hand in response.

For Shen Fangnan, he knows that the success of Kunpeng Technology Company is not only due to his great foresight and systematic rewards, but also the hard work of all Kunpeng Technology Company employees.

Then there will be the reports of various departments for 2015, and the next 2016 goals.

Shen Fangnan listened carefully to the reports from various departments, and raised his own questions from time to time.

And this meeting lasted for three days.

There is no way, the current Kunpeng Technology Company is no longer the original small company.

The three days seemed rather rushed.

But overall, this high-level meeting was relatively successful.


Kunpeng Technology is not the only company summarizing last year's achievements and this year's goals.

Time flew by.

From January 10th to January 15th, Ericsson, Samsung, Gaotong, and Fruit Company successively announced their own company's achievements in the field of 5G network communications.

Ericsson and Samsung have made breakthroughs in 5g network communication equipment, and they released their own 5g network communication equipment products.

This directly led to the addition of two suppliers in the field of 5g network communication equipment, and the emergence of competitors in this field from Kunpeng Technology and Kirin.

It's another "Mars hits Earth" battle.

Both sides are old rivals!

The Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Pastecom is also a mobile phone processor chip with an external 5G signal baseband chip.

The same is true for the A11 processor chip of the fruit company, and its external baseband chip is a paste company,

This explains the problem very much!

No way, the fruit company does not have too much 5g network communication technology, so this is a last resort.

Otherwise, who would be choked by the other party!

Of course, this is also under the control of the capital behind the beautiful country.

Otherwise, the paste company will deliver 5g network communication technology?

Don't even think about it!

Isn't this a proper enemy?

An Meng wouldn't do that!


As the four companies show their strength in the field of 5g network communication, the capital behind them, as well as the officials of the beautiful country, etc. have begun to exert their strength.

First of all, on the Internet, the four companies are all on the hot search lists of foreign websites such as Twitter, Youtube, and Feishu.

The top four companies on the hot search list took turns.

No way, this is the power of capital.

Also in Yanguo, the hot search list of Weibo, Sohu, Baidu, Penguin and other websites also showed that four companies designed and developed 5G network communication-related equipment and processor chips.

This directly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

There is no way, the field of 5g network communication is now the hot spot, and companies that make a little achievement will be sought after.

"Let me go, foreign technology companies are indeed powerful, and they have caught up in such a short period of time. I have to admire the strength of the other party."

"Come on, Kunpeng Technology Company! Come on, Kirin Company! Although the other party has caught up, we must continue to work hard."

"The good days of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company are coming to an end, and the next battle will definitely be bloody, but don't give up, you are the best."

This is a group of Yanguo netizens who encourage Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company. They all hope that the two companies can maintain their leading position in the field of 5G network communication.

"I said that the lead of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company is only temporary. No, in less than a month, foreign technology companies have caught up. The domestic light? Please, don't brag, okay?"

"Why, upstairs, Kunpeng Technology Company has released new 5G mobile phones, and it is the world's number one in the field of 5G communication. Although several foreign technology companies have released videos of their related products, what about the actual products? The other party has tested it. Well?"

"That's right, this is another 'slave' with weak legs and kneeling down. That's what people say about the moon abroad being rounder than in China."

"Anyway, in general, Kunpeng Technology is still number one in the world, while Kirin is number two. The other companies haven't even finished their product readings and are just entering the testing stage, so they can't compare with the first two companies for the time being."

Anyway, all the Yanguo netizens are arguing endlessly.

There is no way, there are really many sailors in the Yanguo network.

And many foreign netizens all praised several foreign companies.

There is no way, every country does not want Yanguo to dominate the 5g network communication field, especially the developed countries.

Not long ago, netizens in Yanguo and foreign netizens were arguing endlessly over Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company in the field of 5G network communication.

And foreign netizens are on the weak side.

No way, no one made a breakthrough in the field of 5g network communication at that time by a foreign high-tech company.

Now a lot of foreign netizens are frightened one after another, and find the netizens not long ago to start the mode of scolding each other.

Foreign netizens: Our technology companies have also made breakthroughs in the field of 5G network communications.

Yanguo netizen: You are still in the experimental stage.

Foreign netizens: Anyway, we have 5g network communication equipment and 5g processor chips.

Netizen from Yanguo: Your technology company is the third or fourth in the field of 5g network communications...

Foreign netizens, die! ! !


Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, Shen Fangnan's office gathered a group of senior executives from Kunpeng Technology Company.

There is no way, with the efforts of several foreign high-tech companies, this makes the field of 5g network communication no longer the previous "Double Dragon Club" of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company, but a "big fight" of many companies.

"I didn't expect the other party to catch up."

Shen Fangnan had to feel the strength of several foreign technology companies.

"Mr. Shen, it's better for you to be a little bit more awesome. Your estimate is more accurate."

Shen Fangnan previously estimated that several foreign technology companies would be able to produce 5G network communication equipment and mobile phone processor chips between the first ten days and the middle of January.

So the senior executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company present were not surprised, they only thought that their boss, Shen Fangnan, was amazing! This can all be estimated accurately.

With the entry of several foreign technology companies (5G), will this have an impact on Kunpeng Technology?

Of course it has an impact!

But the early impact is not big.

After all, Kunpeng Technology has signed 5G network communication equipment construction contracts with many countries in the world with a gap of more than one month.

Now that several foreign high-tech companies want to "take food from the tiger's mouth" from Kunpeng Technology Company, they must have strong capital.

And this capital is technological strength.

There is another situation, that is "price war".

Of course, if this is the case, both parties will suffer heavy losses.

The beneficiaries are all countries that build base stations for 5G network communication equipment.

"Stop praising me!"

"Now that technology companies from all over the world are entering the field of 5G network communications, there is not much time left for us, so now we must actively develop the 5G market."

"After all, after they enter the field, the competition will become more intense."


Shen Fangnan gave a proper reminder.

"Mr. Feng, you are under a lot of pressure. The design and development of 5g mobile phone processor chips is an important condition for the company to remain unbeaten in this competition."

"So, I hope that your department will use 120% of its strength and start designing and developing the next 5G Tianheng 805 processor chip."

Shen Fangnan suddenly called the name.

The importance of 5g mobile phone processor chips is self-evident!

Feng Yunhua patted his chest and responded affirmatively: "No problem, Mr. Shen, I know how to do it."

"There is one more thing, that is, after the Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Zhitong Company goes on sale, your department needs to make a small batch and come back for experiments."

"I think the other party's external baseband chip uses our 5G network communication technology."

Shen Fangnan said lightly.

Then he continued: "Otherwise, the other party would not be able to bypass our 5G network communication technology patent barrier so quickly."

Suddenly Feng Yunhua suddenly realized.

That's right, as the head of Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone processor chip design and R\u0026D department, he knows that his company has a patent barrier in 5G network communication technology, and it is very difficult for the other party to break through this barrier.

Sorry, the update is back.

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