Shen Fangnan has never been a person who can be slaughtered by others, he will always prepare in advance to have a backup.

Keeping a hand in advance may save a life later.

Before this, Kongtong Technology Company was the best example.

It directly cheated a lot of technology companies and large capitals in the beautiful country.

Isn't this reflected!


On the second day of the new year, Shen Fangnan planned to go to the home of Leader Yan, the leader of Pengcheng, to pay New Year's greetings.

Originally, Shen Fangnan had no such plan.

But looking back, Leader Yan has always been very supportive of the development of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Be it public or private, Shen Fangnan should visit Leader Yan's home.

Of course, he will notify Leader Yan in advance, explain his intentions, and finally wait for the other party to confirm whether he has time.

When Leader Yan heard that Shen Fangnan was coming, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Then the other party agreed to Shen Fangnan's request to come and pay New Year's greetings.

Shen Fangnan then asked his assistant to prepare a gift for the door-to-door visit. Since the other party was a leader, in order to avoid suspicion, he only asked the assistant to prepare fruits.

And, of course, a can of fine Da Hong Pao tea.

Then Shen Fangnan drove to the compound led by Peng Cheng.

Soon, Shen Fangnan came here, and after J Wei's questioning, they were let in.

A "historical" background blowing against our faces.

After stopping the car, a man strode forward and said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, Happy New Year!"

"Secretary Zhang, happy new year!"

Shen Fangnan immediately responded with a smile on his face.

Secretary Zhang is the assistant secretary of Leader Yan.

"Welcome President Shen. Leader Yan is already waiting for you in the room."

Secretary Zhang made a "please" gesture.

"Secretary Zhang, thank you for leading the way!"

Shen Fangnan has always been a handsome young man, he will not despise the other party just because of his identity.

Later, under the leadership of Secretary Zhang, Shen Fangnan came to the residence of Leader Yan.

This is a three-bedroom, one-living room, but the overall style is like that of the last century.

As soon as Shen Fangnan entered the door, he saw Leader Yan sitting on the sofa, and then Shen Fangnan smiled and congratulated him: "Leader Yan, Happy New Year!"

"Be careful, a little fruit, and a pot of tea."

Shen Fangnan directly said what he brought for the visit.

Leader Yan smiled brighter after hearing this.

(Is this what you use to test the cadres? It’s crossing the stage! Hahahaha. Just kidding!)

Leader Yan invited Shen Fangnan to sit down.

Then Shen Fangnan and the two began to discuss what role Yanguo would play in the 5g network era.

What role will Pengcheng play in the 5g network era.

After all, Yanguo is now leading the world in the field of 5G networks.

Shen Fangnan picked up the teacup on the table, then said with a smile, "Leader Yan, what do you think?"

Shen Fangnan kicked the "ball" back to the opponent.

The two sides looked at each other and laughed.

Shen Fangnan thought to himself: Old fox.

Leader Yan thought to himself: Little fox.

"Of course it is a leading position! Both Kunpeng Technology and Kirin have 5G network communication technology, and Yanxin International also has a lot of patented 5G network communication technologies."

Leader Yan certainly wants Yanguo and Pengcheng to be the leaders of the global 5g network!

It's not just leader Yan who thinks, but also the official leaders of Yan Kingdom.

So there is this conversation.

They wanted to know from Shen Fangnan whether they were sure about this matter.

"Leader Yan, to be honest, I think so too, but you have to know that several technology companies in the beautiful country are not vegetarians. Although we have formed a certain degree of suppression on the 'track' of the 5G network, the other party will definitely be able to Chased up."

"It's not that I'm alarmist, nor is it that I'm trying to flatter the other party."

"Because the opponent does have such strength."

Shen Fangnan does not underestimate all technology companies.

Shen Fangnan understands the principle of "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky".


Originally, Leader Yan thought that Shen Fangnan would talk about crushing the other party, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing, which surprised Leader Yan.

Originally, we should not be proud and complacent because Kunpeng Technology Company, Kirin Company, and Yanxin International have more 5g network communication patented technologies than the technology companies in the beautiful country.

This is the rhythm of suicide.

Then Shen Fangnan explained: "Although everyone knows that we are ahead in 5G network communication technology, don't forget that we are lagging behind in 2G, 3G, and even 4G."

"And there are also a lot of patented technologies in these three stages. It's not that our 5G doesn't use other people's patented technologies."

"In fact, the field of 5G network communication is a high-rise building, while 2G, 3G, and 4G are the foundation, as well as cutting bricks. Without them, it is like a castle in the air. You can only think about it, but you can't do it."

Shen Fangnan's explanation directly made Leader Yan who was sitting on the side understand that although Yanguo is at the forefront in the field of 5G network communication, it cannot be complacent.

In fact, Shen Fangnan did not make it clear that the 5G mobile phone processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company did not use foreign technology.

The 5G network signal base station built later was also not used, and various 5G products also did not use foreign technology patents.

The previous 4G network signal base station used foreign technical patents. After all, it was the other party's technical patents that were used at the beginning.

Kunpeng Technology Company pays enough patent technology fees.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Kunpeng Technology does not use it, because it has alternative products.

If you don't change it now, it's too troublesome.

For Kirin, Shen Fangnan believes that the other party must use many patented technologies of foreign companies.

Because they don't have a system, but Shen Fangnan does.

This is the difference between the two.

Leader Yan sighed deeply, and said slowly: "So that's the case, we think too much."

"The 5G network era is not occupied by everyone. All countries in the world only have the right to participate, not the right to hegemony."

"As long as our country of Yan takes the lead in the field of 5g network communication, they will not succeed one day."

Shen Fangnan vowed to speak out what was in her heart.

Of course, how trustworthy is Leader Yan?


"Mr. Shen, where is Pengcheng going?"

Leader Yan asked relatively large and broad questions. Normally, Shen Fangnan would not answer such questions.

After all, one accidentally offended the senior leaders of Pengcheng.

Shen Fangnan would not be so stupid.

"Leader Yan, I'm just an ordinary person, and Pengcheng is getting better and better under your leadership."

Shen Fangnan directly changed the subject and did not discuss sensitive issues with the other party.

Otherwise, I don't know how to get out at that time.

Leader Yan who was slapped by this "flattery" burst out laughing.

Leader Yan knew that the other party didn't want to touch sensitive issues, so he just skipped this topic.

Of course, Leader Yan already knew the answer he wanted.

"Mr. Shen, what is Kunpeng Technology's goal in 2016?"

Leader Yan then shifted the topic to Kunpeng Technology Company.

Meanwhile, Shen Fangnan's eyes were shining with gold.

Isn't this the topic he wants to discuss!

After all, the previous national affairs were not something that Shengdou Xiaomin could discuss.

"Our company wants to stabilize the mobile phone market, especially the high-end flagship mobile phone market."

"Our company was lucky enough to be the king of the mobile phone sales market before, but the mobile phone manufacturers behind us are eyeing our position, so we can't relax."

Leader Yan at the side looked at him in disbelief.

"Mr. Shen, I remember that your company made more than 60 billion US dollars in profits from technology companies and stock markets in the beautiful country."

"All the technology companies in the beautiful country have suffered heavy losses? Are they able to compete with your company?"

Leader Yan looked at the other party in disbelief.

And Shen Fangnan didn't hide it, and said directly: "Although this plan has caused heavy losses to all the technology companies in the beautiful country, but..."

Shen Fangnan paused for a while, then he continued: "But the officials of the beautiful country took action to 'arm' them again."


"How can it be?"

Shen Fangnan then explained: "Before all the beautiful countries took action against our company, the beautiful country officials promised that if the other party failed this action, they would pay a certain amount to these companies."

"At the beginning, they all thought they would win, that's why the officials of the beautiful country dared to agree like this."

"The result! It didn't work out as they wished, and we won them."

"So after that, they went to the official of the beautiful country to ask for compensation, but the other party kept procrastinating."

"No, now that their compensation plan has come down, although it's only 50% compensation, it's still a lot of money."

"So it's all about dealing with our company."

Shen Fangnan waved his hands helplessly.

Who is this with whom!

It was really bad luck.

Originally, a group of technology companies in the beautiful country suffered heavy losses, but unexpectedly, the officials of the beautiful country came to rescue each other and let the other party get out of the weak period temporarily.

After hearing what Shen Fangnan said, Leader Yan felt incredible.


Under normal circumstances, the officials of the beautiful country can only enter, but not exit.

It is really surprising that it is still compensating its domestic technology companies.

"President Shen, what do we need to do?"

This is not the time to highlight one's own abilities.

"No need, Leader Yan, I appreciate your kindness. I think our company can handle it. After all, the other party sent so much money to our company."

Shen Fangnan said with a smile.

That's right, a group of technology companies sent more than 70 billion US dollars to Kunpeng Technology Company, this is really a good person!

"Mr. Shen, there may be times when we can't help your company, but please call me when you need it. After all, you are also our Pengcheng company, and it is our duty to protect you."

Of course, Leader Yan now wants to express his determination to Shen Fangnan.

"Fuck it, I know, I need to trouble you then."

Shen Fangnan has promised well now, and whether he wants the other party's help when the time comes, that is his business.

"You boy!"

Shen Fangnan then left after having a meal at Leader Yan's house.

Leader Yan watched the other party leave.


As time flies, the tail of the Spring Festival is coming quietly.

All the "migrant workers" who went home for the New Year were very reluctant, but they still rushed from home to the city where they worked.

As employees of Kunpeng Technology Company, their journey back to the company and their means of transportation were planned by the company from the very beginning.

Shen Fangnan and a group of high-level executives presented "Commencement Red See" to the returning employees at the gate of the park.

This is also a Cantonese tradition!

Of course, it is impossible for Shen Fangnan to give out red envelopes all day long.

An hour before work.

There is also the time to inspect various departments throughout the company.

With the employees returning to the company, the vitality of Kunpeng Technology was instantly ignited.

And the stalled production began to start in an orderly manner.

New year, new atmosphere!

Then happily hold a high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company.

The theme of this meeting is to consolidate the company's position as the king of the mobile phone market in 2015 and actively explore the market.

Shen Fangnan walked into the conference room with wind.

All the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company stood up in unison.

"happy New Year everyone!"

"Happy New Year, Mr. Shen!"

Then Shen Fangnan sat on the main seat.

The meeting officially begins.

As the boss, Shen Fangnan was of course the first to speak.

"Today was the first day, and I could have made a long story short, but the enemy was armed, so I had to call a meeting."

"From Mr. Liang Jinhui and Mr. Liang, I learned that the officials of Pretty Country have compensated a lot of technology companies for the first time in order to restore the technology companies of Pretty Country."

"The current technology companies have basically returned to the original level before targeting our company."

Shen Fangnan said slowly,

Suddenly the whole meeting room was in an uproar.

The relaxed smiles on their faces disappeared in an instant, and turned serious.

Everyone didn't expect that after the Spring Festival, a group of beautiful country technology companies will make a comeback.

This is incredible!

"So in the coming 2016, the competition will be particularly fierce."

"There will be motivation when there is pressure, so I need everyone to have a good attitude to meet the next difficulties."

"Do you have confidence?"




Shen Fangnan nodded in satisfaction.

This is what he wants.

"Everyone is confident!"

"I have the same confidence in everyone."

The subsequent meeting was about how to deal with the comeback of a group of beautiful country technology companies.

"Gaotong now has a lot of funds, and they will definitely invest in the design and development of 5G external baseband chips, so we need to be careful."

"Our legal department must actively mobilize, and first drag the other party's energy on this."

Shen Fangnan gave the task immediately.

A senior officer stood up and said solemnly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, we will have the F Court at home and abroad try again in a short time."

Shen Fangnan nodded to show that he knew.

"Mr. Zhuang, the propaganda department has started to mobilize."

"Since the other party uses our company's patented technology of 5G external baseband chip, we will make a big publicity and let all netizens know that the 5G mobile phone processor chip of Zhitong Company is fake."

Shen Fangnan went straight to death.

This is the use of public opinion warfare.

"No problem, our department is familiar with this aspect."

"I will let consumers know that Zhitong Company has no ability to design and develop 5G mobile phone processor chips."

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