Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 389 The Improved Xiaolong 825 Processor Chip

Shen Fangnan waved his hands and said indifferently.

After all, the strength of Gaotong Company should not be underestimated.

An old company of more than ten years, its technical accumulation has reached a certain level.

Although 5g network communication technology has only been researched one after another in the past few years.

"Then what shall we do?"

Lu Weibing at the side said slowly.

"Then let's pay attention to it a little bit."

"Anyway, when the new Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Zhitong Company goes on sale, just buy a part and come back to test it."

Shen Fangnan said lightly.

Then Shen Fangnan continued: "Mr. Feng, when will our next-generation 5G processor chip be designed and developed?"

Since Pastecom has designed and developed a new 5g mobile phone processor chip.

As an opponent, Kunpeng Technology must design and develop a new 5G processor chip as soon as possible.

"Mr. Shen, the new embedded 5g processor chip is already in the design and development stage."

"But there is still no big breakthrough in a short period of time."

Feng Yunhua said with his brows tightly closed.

The 5G mobile phone processor chip with an external baseband chip is much easier than the embedded 5G mobile phone processor chip.

But the embedded 5g mobile phone processor chip is the mainstream in the future.

The current 5G mobile phone processor chip with an external 5G baseband chip is relatively large in size.

So it will be eliminated in the future.

According to Feng Yunhua, the next few 5G mobile phone processor chips of Kunpeng Technology Company are all 5G mobile phone processor chips with external baseband chips.

This is also an improvement in the performance of the mobile phone processor chip.

"Okay, I know."

"But the embedded 5G mobile phone processor chip is the future trend, and we must firmly grasp it."

Shen Fangnan is not worried about this at all. Anyway, several 5G mobile phone processor chips in the world are all external 5G signal baseband chips.

The subsequent direct fight is the performance of the mobile phone processor chip, and the design size of the company's 5g mobile phone processor chip.

After all, the internal space of a mobile phone is only so large. How to arrange the space more optimally is also a manifestation of a mobile phone manufacturer's mobile phone design and development capabilities.

"Mr. Zhou, has our latest high-end flagship phone been designed and developed?"

In order to compete for more high-end flagship mobile phone market, Shen Fangnan let his company's design and development department start to design and develop the latest high-end flagship mobile phone a long time ago.

This week is always Zhou Shuquan, he is the mobile phone design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Moreover, the 5G version of the Kunpeng 6 series mobile phone was released not long ago, so the 5G mobile phone released this time is the Kunpeng Q series mobile phone.

"Mr. Shen, the design and development of the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone has reached the final and most critical moment. It should be possible to complete the design and development without two tasks, and then enter the experimental stage."

Zhou Shuquan told the truth that he knew.

Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone is a high-end flagship mobile phone with camera and beauty.

And it also uses Kunpeng Technology's latest 5g mobile phone processor chip-Tianheng 803 processor chip.

Now it is time to expand the 5g network communication market. In this case, Kunpeng Technology will have a greater say in the 5g network era.

In the past, Kunpeng Technology Company only gained a firm foothold in the 4G network era.

But now the 5g network era has a good initiative.

"Mr. Zhou, this needs to be done as soon as possible."

"We need a variety of 5G mobile phones to consolidate our dominance in the mobile phone market."

"Gaotong has just designed and developed a 5G external baseband chip, and they need to modify their Xiaolong 825 processor chip for a while."

"This period is critical, and we need to use this period to develop and strengthen our company's dominant position in the high-end flagship mobile phone market."

"In this case, it can be said that mobile phone manufacturers want to challenge our dominance in the high-end flagship mobile phone market, which can be said to be nonsense."

Shen Fangnan said in high spirits.

Previously, in the high-end flagship mobile phone market, Kunpeng Technology Company, Kirin Company, Fruit Company, and Samsung Company were inseparable.

However, in the first three months of 2016, Kunpeng Technology Company dominated the high-end flagship mobile phone market, overwhelming other mobile phone manufacturers.

This is also due to the 5G version of the Kunpeng 6 mobile phone.

And it's a great credit.

In the first three months of 2016, Kunpeng Technology beat other mobile phone manufacturers in the high-end flagship mobile phone market, and its sales volume was far ahead.

Shen Fangnan wanted to take this opportunity to release a new 5g mobile phone again to consolidate his own high-end flagship mobile phone market.

The most important point is that Kunpeng Technology has supplemented the mobile phone operating system, no longer using the Android mobile phone operating system of the Android company, and using its own Kongtong mobile phone operating system, which once again makes the performance of the mobile phone a qualitative leap.

Even all the mobile phone users of Kunpeng Technology Company were dismissed, saying that the other party has such a good mobile phone operating system, why didn't they come out earlier.

What was the Android phone operating system I used before?

Really have a new love, forget the old love!

Of course, Kunpeng Technology has also brought Android's Android mobile phone operating system to the extreme, but its inherent deficiencies prevent it from being as smooth and safe as the Kongtong mobile operating system.

This is determined by the openness of the system.

After some consumers use mobile phones equipped with the Kongtong mobile operating system, they directly abandon Android phones.

For the playability of mobile phones, the two systems are almost the same.

Although the Android mobile phone operating system was developed much earlier than the Kongtong mobile phone operating system.

But there is still a way in this world to make the Kongtong mobile phone operating system catch up with the Android mobile phone operating system.

That is to use money.

You heard me right, that is money!

Exchange money directly for time.

As long as you spend enough money, the ecological chain of the Kongtong mobile phone operating system will be completed faster.

This is the legend of what you give and what you get.

What Kunpeng Technology Company gave up was money, and what it got was indeed a relatively mature mobile phone operating system.

This is also an important reason why the Kongtong mobile phone operating system can catch up with the Android mobile phone operating system.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to catch up so quickly!

"Mr. Lu, please urge the company's legal department to finish the lawsuit between us and Gaotong Company as soon as possible. We must finish it before the other party switches to the 5G external baseband chip."

But Shen Fangnan still knew that it would take some time for this lawsuit to end.

"Ok, no problem."

"I'll follow up on this."

Lu Weibing was also not so satisfied with his legal department.

The lawsuit has not yet concluded under the obvious evidence.


Pengcheng Kirin Company.

At this time, Yu Chengdong and Zhao Ming had the same matter.

The improved Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Gaotong Company is ready to go on the market and be sold to a number of mobile phone manufacturers.

Kirin's HiSilicon 940 processor chip has only been announced to the public and has not been used in new mobile phones.

There is also information about Kirin's 5g mobile phone processor chip on the Internet - the HiSilicon 940 processor chip is fake, it is a ppt mobile phone processor chip.

This is also because Kirin has not released a new mobile phone, and more importantly, it has not yet used a 5G mobile phone processor chip.

It's not that Yu Chengdong doesn't want to use it, but that the design and development of the latest 5g mobile phone has not yet been completed.

Originally, some senior executives of Kirin Company thought that using Kunpeng Technology Company's previous practice, they would directly install a 5G version on their latest high-end flagship mobile phone for transition.

This is also a way, but it was rejected by Yu Chengdong, he didn't want to do it like this.

Because my own situation is far from the original situation of Kunpeng Technology Company.

It was less than one and a half months before the release of the Kunpeng 6 series of mobile phones and the 5G version.

The latest Kirin phones from the Kirin company are more than four or five months apart.

Consumers are getting tired of the looks of Kirin's latest Kirin phones.

The most important thing is that there is no space inside this phone to install a 5G mobile phone processor chip with an external 5G baseband chip.

So Yu Chengdong vetoed this approach at that time.

However, because of the Chinese New Year, the design and development of the latest high-end flagship Kirin mobile phone has not yet been completed.

This is also something that troubles Yu Chengdong endlessly.

Now consumers are questioning that Kirin's 5g mobile phone processor chips are fake.

At the beginning, this kind of speculation was only circulated by a small number of consumers, but after the birth of the modified Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Gaotong Company, this kind of speculation began to have traces of large-scale circulation.

It's worth it.

When consumers have doubts and no longer trust Kirin, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Mr. Yu, what should we do?"

Zhao Ming on the side asked anxiously.

Kirin's mobile phone business is currently encountering difficulties, and it needs someone to stand up and turn the tide.

"Don't panic, just divert the rumors on the Internet to other places."

"And from time to time we announce the information of our latest Kirin mobile phone, so that consumers' doubts will be greatly reduced."

"And the most important point is to urge the company's design and development department to quickly design and develop the latest high-end flagship Kirin mobile phone. This is the fundamental solution."

Yu Chengdong had thought of a way early in the morning.

As long as Kirin's latest high-end flagship phone is released, then these rumors can be stopped.



Teito Rice Company.

At this time, Rebs also received the new Xiaolong 825 processor chip designed and developed by Gaotong Company.

Rice companies are now in greater trouble than fruit companies.

At least Fruit Company and Zhitong Company are willing to provide 5G external baseband chips for it to use.

The rice company did not have such a good fortune.

Rebs had discussed with An Meng, the person in charge of Gaotong Company before, but the other party was determined not to provide 5G external baseband chips to Rice Company.

The idea of ​​Gaotong Company is to let Rice Company purchase the Xiaolong 825 processor chip in its hands.

Another thing is that Gaotong Company wants to make Rice Company give up its self-developed mobile phone processor chip.

Anmeng "draws a big cake" for Rebus, as long as Rice Company abandons its self-developed mobile phone processor chips, the price of Xiaolong processor chips will be reduced by 5%.

And let the rice company buy a part of the shares of the paste company.

Then we later transitioned from a partnership to an intimate partnership.

This is clearly a "sweet" trap.

If rice company abandons self-developed mobile phone processor chips, it will really fall into a trap.

Although the 5% discount is converted, it can save the rice company more than one billion to one billion five billion yuan a year.

But the 1 billion to 1.5 billion funds were not enough to make Rebus give up his own way.

Although rice company is currently unable to design and develop 5g mobile phone processor chips.

However, low-end mobile phone processor chips can still be designed and developed, and the performance is still good, which can be comparable to the low-end mobile phone processor chips of Zhitong Company.

If this part is gone, Rebs believes that his company will spend more on purchasing low-end mobile phone processor chips.

Another thing is to hand over your back to the other party. Rebus is not crazy, is he?

Of course not crazy?

So Rebus didn't agree with An Meng's idea.

When Kunpeng Technology Company was targeted by a group of foreign technology companies, this directly awakened all Yanguo companies that were immersed in their dreams.

In response to that sentence: "Technology has national boundaries, and technology companies also have national boundaries."

Believe in the "nonsense" of foreign technology companies?

Of course I can't believe it!

This is obviously coaxing you to jump into the trap and let the other party slaughter you when the time comes.

And the shares of Gaotong Company, is it so easy to get?

Of course it's not easy to take?

This is in exchange for other conditions.

The condition given by Gaotong Company is to let Rice Company take out the mobile phone processor chip design and development department in exchange.

How could Rebus change it!

If it was so easy to change, Rebus would not have resisted all the arguments and developed its own mobile phone processor chip!

In addition, Rice Company has invested a lot in mobile phone processor chips. If Rebs gave up, who would pay back the transfer funds for the original design and development!

Gaotong Company will not pay compensation!

So the deep, intimate partnership between Gaotong and Rice was put on hold.


Rebus still asked Lin Ziyu to contact Gaotong Company.

And the purpose?

It goes without saying!

That, of course, is to buy the modified Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Gaotong Company.

There is also a discussion about how to deal with the old Xiaolong 825 processor chip in the warehouse.

Rice Company definitely did not dare to use the old Xiaolong 825 processor chip, after all, this is an infringement of other people's patented technology.

It's really a one-shot.

But what Rebs didn't know was that this new version of Xiaolong 825 processor chip was weaker than the previous batch of old Xiaolong 825 processor chips in terms of 5G network connection.

That is to say, the new version of Xiaolong 825 processor chip still has defects.

Of course, no one knows yet.

Even the engineers in the mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Zhitong Company have not yet experimented.

This directly planted another landmine for Gaotong Company.


Time flies, and the tail of March is coming quietly.

Suddenly, a picture suspected to be the latest high-end flagship mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company appeared on the Internet, which instantly aroused heated discussions.

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