Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 393 Hit seven inches, we will too! Kirin Company

Chapter 393 Hit seven inches, we will too! —— Kirin Company

Afterwards, the interim high-level meeting of Gaotong Company ended, and An Meng found Igor Green, and the two went to the office to continue the discussion.

Regarding the current situation of the Gaotong Company, they had to discuss a relatively complete plan.

Otherwise, the follow-up Gaotong company will decline, and then they can directly find another way out.

But one radish and one hole, there are not many technology companies in the world that can compete with Gaotong Company, and as soon as Anmeng quits, someone accepts it and entrusts him with important tasks?

Have you read too many novels?

Under normal circumstances, if the Gaotong company really goes bankrupt, then Anmeng will either start his own business and become an angel investor, or he will simply retire on the spot.

So Anmeng didn't want to anoint the company to go bankrupt.

After Anmen and Meng came to the office, they didn't have a discussion for the first time, and both of them remained silent.

Soon, An Meng asked the other party with a deep sigh: "Green, do we have any other options?"

Igor Green was also lost in thought at this time.

Because Kunpeng Technology Company's move is indeed hitting Gaotong Company's seven inches above.

It directly made Gaotong Company unable to stand up and move.

At first, Igor Green felt that it was impossible for Kunpeng Technology Company to sell 5G external baseband chips to Rice Company.

The result was unexpected.

How could Kunpeng Technology Company use such a vicious "Yangmou" to target its own company!

Igor Green speculates that at most Kunpeng Technology will sell 5G mobile phone processor chips at most.

As a result, the other party did not directly sell the most profitable 5G mobile phone processor chips, but also sold 5G external baseband chips.

"President An Meng, I really don't know how to deal with it for a while."

"You also know that Kunpeng Technology does not rely on 5G external baseband chips to make money, nor does it rely on 5G mobile phone processor chips to make money, but this is the economic lifeline of our company?"

"Kunpeng Technology Company directly seized our economic lifeline for a while, directly making us unable to resist."

Igor Green waved his hand helplessly.

At this time, he had nothing to do.

"First, we can only improve the performance of our mobile phone processor chips, and use performance to stabilize the mobile phone processor chips designed and developed by many mobile phone manufacturers."

"Second, you can try to sell 5g external baseband chips, which can return a wave of blood."

"Before the fruit company didn't just want to buy our modified 5g external baseband chip, they would buy it directly, and other mobile phone manufacturers can also buy it."

Igor Green thinks about the company as a whole.

Due to the previous Gaotong Company’s targeting of Kunpeng Technology Company, the company’s liquidity has been tight. Now it sells 5G external baseband chips, and the Xiaolong 825 processor chip hastened to “recover a wave of blood”.

"Third, actively develop the tertiary industry chain."

"Although mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, computers are also indispensable. We can expand our industrial layout and enter the computer field."

Igor Green speaks his mind.

The industrial layout of Gaotong Company is too simple. It used to be in a leading position and a monopoly position. It is not afraid of making no money, but it is afraid of making less.

But now with the rise of a group of mobile phone manufacturers of Kunpeng Technology Company, this directly leads to the complete breaking of the leading position of Gaotong Company in the field of mobile phone processor chips.

This has created the embarrassing situation of Gaotong Company now.


As the news of Kunpeng Technology's sale of 5G external baseband chips spread abroad, the market value and stock price of Gaotong Company ushered in a sharp drop again.

It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

The market value and stock price of Gaotong Company suddenly plummeted by more than ten points.


Pengcheng Kirin Company.

At this time, Lin Ziyu also approached Yu Chengdong to discuss the sale of 5G external baseband chips.

Yu Chengdong did not express his opinion, and asked Lin Ziyu to go back first. He called a group of high-level officials to discuss whether this matter was feasible.

Following Lin Ziyu's departure, Zhao Ming on the side said calmly: "Dami Company just obtained a 5G external baseband chip from Kunpeng Technology Company, and now they come to us to buy it? Is it really good to have both ways?"

"This kind of wall is the first to be removed in troubled times."

Of course Zhao Ming knew the opponent's purpose.

"Such a person can indeed develop and grow in a prosperous age."

"If the rice company has the same strength as ours, they don't have to be both ways!" Yu Chengdong did not look down on the behavior, this is a normal business behavior.

Just use your strength to fight!

If Yu Chengdong encountered such a problem, he might have gone too far than Rebus.

A shopping mall is like a battlefield, and if you are not careful, you may be ruined.

Therefore, it is understandable to be able to use all resources to develop and grow oneself.

Very normal!

"Mr. Zhao, do you think we should give each other our 5G external baseband chip?"

Yu Chengdong asked the other party slightly.

"Eh? Mr. Yu, I think if it's possible, you can still sell the 5G external baseband chip to the other party, because Kunpeng Technology Company has sold it."

"If we don't sell it, that doesn't prevent Rice from owning 5G mobile phone processor chips."

"But after we sold it, Rice Company has two 5G external baseband chips, so they need to design the shape of two mobile phone processor chips."

Zhao Ming's idea is to agree to sell.

But his suggestion is just a suggestion, whether to adopt it or not, it needs to be decided by the senior management of Kirin Company.

Zhao Ming hadn't spoken yet, but there was something in his words.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is beneficial to Kirin.

"Mr. Zhao, I believe the board of directors will consider your suggestion."

"Actually, I also agree to sell 5g external baseband chips to Rice Company."

"It's also creating benefits for the company."

Yu Chengdong also expressed his thoughts.


Afterwards, Yu Chengdong reported both his suggestion and Zhao Ming's suggestion to the board of directors of Kirin Company, and there was a quick reply.

The content of the reply was to agree with Yu Chengdong and Zhao Ming's suggestion and ask them to discuss cooperation with Lin Ziyu, the second in command of the rice company.

Shortly thereafter, Kirin also announced its cooperation with Rice.

Kirin Company promised to provide Rice Company with 5G external baseband chips.

This once again detonated the entire network circle.

In the past, Kunpeng Technology provided 5G external baseband chips for Rice Company, which caused a sensation. Now Kirin is also willing to provide 5G external baseband chips to all companies, which is no different from pouring oil on a hot pot.

In an instant, the entire network at home and abroad spread the matter.

[I'll go, it's such a big game! Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. agreed to sell 5g external baseband chips, and now Kirin has also followed suit. There is a question, why don't they sell the overall 5g mobile phone processor chips? 】

[I don't understand this! Both companies sell finished 5g mobile phone processor chips, so how can their mobile phones keep ahead? Everyone is a general-purpose mobile phone processor chip, so why don't consumers buy cheap mobile phones? 】

[The most important point is that they are willing to sell, are all mobile phone manufacturers willing to buy it? 】

[I think there should be another routine, that is, Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company collectively target Gaotong Company. Guess which company will be hurt the most when the two companies sell 5G external baseband chips? 】

[Of course it's Gaotong Company! The design and development capabilities of mobile phone processor chips of all Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers are obvious to all, but they are far behind in the field of 5G network communication. 】

[The company is really injured! A lot of mobile phone manufacturers must first develop their own 5g mobile phone processor chips, and only after failure will they consider the 5g mobile phone processor chips of the company. 】

With the continuous spread of online platforms, this directly led to foreign netizens knowing about this incident and seeing the essence through the incident.

That is, the current Gaotong Company is already in decline, and it may fall anytime, anywhere.

This directly led to a "half cut" in the market value and share price of Gaotong Company.

At this time, Gaotong Company made several good deals, but none of them helped. Its market value and stock price should fall or fall.


Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, Shen Fangnan and others were staring at the video on the big screen of the computer where An Meng and other high-level executives came out to explain to the reporters.

Laughter erupted from time to time throughout the office.

"Boss Shen, your move is really high, so you'll catch the company by surprise."

Lu Weibing raised his hands and praised Shen Fangnan with two thumbs up.

"Don't flatter me like this, it's all thanks to everyone."

Shen Fangnan will not take everything on her body.

"Now that Gaotong Company is being pulled from the bottom by us and Qilin Company, it will be a bit difficult for them to turn around!"

Lu Weibing said lightly.


Shen Fangnan vetoed the other party's statement.

"The current Gaotong company still has a way to save itself."

"The other party can sell the 5G external baseband chips in their hands. After all, fruit companies are in a backward position in the field of 5G network communications, and they are temporarily unable to develop their own 5G mobile phone processor chips."

"Then they need to buy 5G external baseband chips from Zhitong Company. You also know the strength of Fruit Company and the fanatical fans behind it."

Shen Fangnan gave a different opinion.

Although Gaotong Company is in a disadvantageous situation now, it does not affect its profitability in the slightest.

Just because there are only 5g external baseband chips does not mean that a company can develop 5g mobile phone processor chips by itself.

Because the 5g external baseband chip is just an "entry ticket" in the field of 5g network communication.

Moreover, Rice Company has a 5G external baseband chip and is temporarily unable to design and develop a 5G mobile phone processor chip.

Then they must also buy 5g mobile phone processor chips from Zhitong Company-Xiaolong 825 processor chips.

This is used to resist the attacks of Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company.

Otherwise, the market share of high-end flagship mobile phones of many Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers will be swallowed up.

Therefore, the sales of Gaotong's high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips can be maintained in the early stage, but in the future, it is difficult to say.

Of course, if a group of mobile phone manufacturers cannot design and develop 5G mobile phone processor chips with 5G external baseband chips, then they can only obediently buy the Xiaolong 825 processor chip of Yantong Company as the "brain" of their high-end flagship mobile phones .

Then Shen Fangnan said lightly: "Although the fruit company has its own place in the high-end flagship mobile phone market, our company is not vegetarian. We want to squeeze the other party's mobile phone sales market."

"No problem. In the past three months, the fruit company's sales have dropped to freezing point, directly defeating the 5g version of our Kunpeng 6 mobile phone."

According to the sales volume of Kunpeng Technology Company in the mobile phone market in the past three months, it is very likely that it will be the "king of the throne" in the mobile phone market.

"And our latest 5G mobile phone, the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone, is about to go on sale. Mr. Shen, we need you to set a good time here and prepare to 'hot' it."

The current Kunpeng Technology Company is no longer the previous Kunpeng Technology Company, and now it is the "king" of the mobile phone market.

Directly form a double-sided attack on the fruit company.

No, it should be said that it is a double-sided attack on a group of mobile phone manufacturers.

"Is our Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone ready for sale?"

"Did it pass the test?"

Shen Fangnan asked Zhou Shuquan on the side.

After all, as the person in charge of the mobile phone design and development department, Zhou Shuquan needs to follow up the design, development, birth, and experiment of a high-end flagship mobile phone.

"No problem, the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone has passed the company's experiment and is ready for sale."

Zhou Shuquan gave his answer affirmatively.

"Since this is the case, then prepare to do publicity before listing!"

After thinking for a moment, Shen Fangnan said slowly.


The high-level executives of the Gaotong company present were all excited.

According to Shen Fangnan's practice, when a mobile phone goes on sale, he will distribute rewards to all employees later.

This is the tradition of Kunpeng Technology Company.

This tradition has been going on for a long time.

"I hope that everyone will continue to work with the same enthusiasm as before."

"Everyone should know my personality, Shen Fangnan. The company makes money because you make money, so everyone work hard!"

"The meeting is over!"

Following Shen Fangnan's order, all the senior executives left his office talking and laughing.

In the next few days, after the popularity of 5G external baseband chips on the Internet subsided, another enthusiasm exploded rapidly.

That is, the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company has officially been approved for sale.

Kunpeng Technology Company is preparing to hold a press conference for it in a week.

That's right, it's the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone conference! ! !

[I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn’t give up... finally waited until the launch of the Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone, and used this group of waiting parties to win the final victory. 】

[The Kunpeng Q3 mobile phone focuses on taking pictures, which is not the benefit that Kunpeng Technology Company gives to photographers. 】

[It's a mule or a horse. You need to pull it out for a walk before you know. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it! 】

【 @Kirin Company @Rice Company @Fruit Company @Samsung Company... Where's your 5g mobile phone? 】

[I'll go, upstairs, do you have a bamboo shoot? But I like it, and I'm going to do it too. @Fruit Company...]

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