Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 338 Witness history again? The meeting that broke one wing of the United States!

"Holy crap, you want to witness history again?"

"Using Longguo currency for trade settlement is a naked challenge to the status of the US dollar. Mr. Chen, what are you doing!"

"Awesome! Really awesome this time!"

"If our Dragon Country currency can really replace the US dollar as the world's trade settlement currency, returning to the Celestial Kingdom will be just around the corner!"

The moment Chen Xing proposed to use Longguo currency for international trade settlement, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely excited, and the white barrage covered the entire live broadcast room screen.

At that time, no one would have thought that Chen Xing would use the 5G network as a basis to shake the status of the US dollar in international trade.

Why does international trade specify settlement in US dollars?

Two words, stable!

The depreciation or appreciation of other countries' currencies will not affect it.

The most important thing is that the world's largest financial airdrop, and the institutions that dare to short other countries' currencies are all in the United States.

Wall Street giants use financial short selling to continuously harvest the world's wealth, but they dare not short the U.S. dollar because the decline in the status of the U.S. dollar will do them no good at all, which is equivalent to killing the goose that lays the goose to obtain the egg.

In addition to the largest international airdrop being the United States' own, the U.S. dollar has also been linked to gold, and now it is linked to oil. These are extremely valuable symbols and also give the U.S. dollar currency the ability to resist risks.

Of course.

And the most important point.

That is the strong military strength of the United States.

It has deployed 371 military bases overseas, distributed in more than 140 countries and regions, with a total of 300,000 troops stationed, and there are also 834 military bases in the United States.

Strong military strength, a strong financial system, two pegs to markers, and the proposal of the gold standard and the oil standard have brought the U.S. national power to its peak and also given rise to U.S. hegemony.

If it only has strong military strength and no financial system to support it, then the disintegration of Mao Zedong is a living example.

Now Chen Xing proposes that Long Guo currency be used for international trade settlement, which is equivalent to openly challenging the financial status of the US dollar, or in other words, challenging the entire financial system of the United States.

Once it succeeds, the financial and military wings of the United States will be abruptly cut off, and it will fall into a situation where it is unable to support itself.

Because of this, representatives from various countries all looked surprised and stared at Chen Xing with disbelief.

Not to mention these foreign representatives, at this time, Gao Shuyuan and Wang Tingjun were looking at Chen Xing with doubtful eyes. Ren Guofei, who was sitting next to Chen Xing, was also a little confused. He used Longguo currency instead of US dollars for trade settlement. This is simply out of common sense!

"Are you serious?"

Princess Charlotte couldn't help but ask.

Because she has always been trained as the queen's successor, she has been exposed to the essence of how the world works since she was a child.

She knows a thing or two about the filth behind the US dollar currency and why the European Union and the Euro were born. She also understands how difficult it is to shake the former's position in international trade.

28 developed European countries have united and issued euros backed by national credit. This has not shaken the status of the US dollar in international trade. Why can your national currency do so?

Is it possible to rely solely on 5G network?

This is a bit of a fantasy!

Hundreds of eyes in the conference hall were focused on Chen Xing, and more than a dozen live broadcast cameras were also aimed at Chen Xing. Millions of viewers were waiting for Chen Xing to confirm again, including Renato Marotta.


Chen Xing nodded, his eyes firm.

After giving an affirmative answer, he expressed his inner thoughts and said:

"As I just said, the U.S. dollar is currently raising interest rates frequently, and the inflation coefficient is increasing exponentially. This is a mine with the risk of exploding. None of us know when it will explode, so this trade is only Support Longguo currency as settlement currency."

Originally, Chen Xing did not want to challenge the US dollar's international trade status so soon, but the continuous interest rate hikes made him see an opportunity.

Now the global finance is affected by the US dollar interest rate hike. Not only the currency depreciates, the stock market crashes, but also international trade has been affected to varying degrees. Other countries dare not speak out about this.

Don't they want to replace US dollars?


They want it very much.

Inflation in the United States in 1995 caused all walks of life to enter the Great Depression. Their way out of the predicament was not to squeeze bubbles, but to intensify and frantically print US dollars, causing the world to fall into inflation along with the United States, and directly destabilizing the global financial system. system.

It was precisely because of the global financial crisis that the Asian financial crisis occurred in 1997. A large number of high-quality assets were harvested by Wall Street giants and turned into "blood packages."

It was precisely because of the clear understanding of the face of the United States that the European Union issued the euro in 1999 in an attempt to get rid of the control of the US dollar. As a result, it ended in failure due to internal chaos.

However, although the euro failed, its challenge to the status of the US dollar is historic.

Later, there were also currencies that tried to challenge, such as the ruble of the furry bear and the yen of the neon island country, but they all failed, and they did not even cause any waves, and few people knew about it.

Over time, the hegemony of the US dollar has become unshakable.

Even if the global financial crisis occurred from 2007 to 2009 due to subprime loans in the United States, no currency dared to face the sharp edge of the US dollar.

Throughout history, we can find that after the United States' profligate spending led to financial problems, the solution was to print money and let the whole world bear it together. It is impossible for other countries to say that they have no complaints.

Now that the U.S. dollar has raised interest rates by 10%, the situation is so similar to that of 1995 that some country representatives have already wavered.

"I need to leave temporarily." Nikolay Kisev, the Minister of Communications and the representative of Mao Xiong, looked at Gao Shuyuan.


Gao Shuyuan nodded in agreement.

The Furry Bear Country has always been an ally against the West, and both sides implement the strategy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Now Chen Xing is openly challenging the status of the U.S. dollar based on the 5G network. As a mortal enemy of the United States, he will definitely help where he can.

And at the Mao Xiong representative seat, the legendary 4G network expert Doichiman was also present.

In addition to being the representative of Mao Xiong, he is also half an employee of Longxing Technology Company. If he were to choose, he would definitely side with Chen Xing and try to challenge the status of the US dollar.

The temporary departure of Representative Mao Xiong also allowed other representatives to follow suit.

"I think we need to leave temporarily and report the situation to our superiors."

"Sorry, so are we."

"So are we."

One after another, delegations left and went to various corners of the conference hall or to the rest room on one side to make phone calls to inquire. The development of the matter had exceeded their authority.

I thought I was here to talk about 5G network, but I didn’t expect that Chen Xing first introduced the concept of artificial intelligence to them, making them salivate and ready to make a move. Now he wants to use 5G network as the basis to challenge the US dollar trade status. This ambition is almost overflowing the screen. .

Representatives from various countries are also guessing in their hearts who is the person behind Chen Xing. The person who can put forward such conditions is definitely not Chen Xing’s personal intention. He must be under the instigation of others!

The representatives of various countries had the same idea. Far away in a courtyard in the imperial capital, the old leader who was also watching the live broadcast stroked his beard, with confusion in his eyes, and pondered: "Did Xiao Zhao or Xiao Song instruct the dragon country currency to conduct trade settlement? "


He also felt that there was someone else behind Chen Xing.

Using Longguo currency to challenge the status of the U.S. dollar is not something that private enterprise CEOs should worry about. There can only be other people behind it.

But the old chief wouldn't have thought that Chen Xing had his own reasons for doing this.

If the hegemony of the U.S. dollar remains unchanged, the wave of interest rate hikes will continue endlessly.

If you want to make money steadily and make money through international trade, you must overcome the wave of U.S. dollar interest rate hikes. The best way is to use anchor points to challenge the status of the U.S. dollar.

The anchor point chosen by Chen Xing is the 5G network, which is why he wants to emphasize the future development of artificial intelligence.

He just wants to let countries around the world know that 5G network is a necessary condition for the development of artificial intelligence. If they do not participate, they will be left behind by the Dragon Kingdom.

Those who fall behind will be beaten, and the stakes here need to be weighed by themselves.

(Look at the clattering iron hoofs)

(traveling thousands of miles of rivers and mountains)

Suddenly, the ringtone of the old leader's mobile phone rang, and the live broadcast screen began to freeze, and then automatically switched to the call page.

"Xiao Zhao?"

The old chief made a note when he called, pressed the answer button and said: "Hey Xiao Zhao."

The moment the call was connected, Zhao Chenguang gave a thumbs up and flattered him hard: "Old Chief, you are really as heroic as you were before. You can think of all these ways. My admiration for you is like a torrential river, continuous and endless. Like the Yellow River flooding, it is out of control.”

"You speak human language." The old chief was a little confused. He didn't know what was wrong with Zhao Chenguang. Why did he call just to flatter him?

Although he was really awesome back then, driving a tank into Seoul, and even slapped Commander Mi twice, but that is all in the past, and there is no need to call to praise him.

"5G network, in the current "International Conference on 5G Networks", didn't you instruct Chen Xing to use the 5G network as a basis to challenge the status of the US dollar? I have to say that this is really a brilliant strategy. If Prime Minister Zhuge was still alive, he would have to put it into practice I’ll give you a thumbs up and give you a compliment." Zhao Chenguang continued to flatter you, not realizing the seriousness of the matter at all.

Not Xiao Zhao?

The old chief fell silent.

"Why didn't the old chief speak? It's because my mouth is too sweet. Aren't you used to it?"

"Hey! Are you still here? Old chief."

"Is it stuck?"


Zhao Chenguang was still shouting. After being silent for ten seconds, the old leader responded in a suppressed voice: "I did not instruct Chen Xing to do this. I originally thought it was your idea, but now it seems that it is someone else."

Zhao Chenguang: "???"

"Isn't it you, the old chief?"

Now it was Zhao Chenguang's turn to be stunned.

He originally thought this was the old chief's idea, because he knew that the old chief sent Qin Long and Qu Cheng to contact Chen Xing six days ago, and they also had a meal at the Xicheng Star Hotel.

After witnessing Chen Xing's challenge to the US dollar status, he immediately thought of the old leader and called to flatter him, hoping to gain a good impression in front of his former superiors.

"I can tell you responsibly that I did not instruct him."

"Who is that?"

"Maybe it's Xiao Song."

The old chief guessed.

Those who have frequent contact with Chen Xing are Zhao Chenguang, the leader of the Changxi Rocket Launch Center and the shadow intelligence force, and Song Weiguo, the leader of the Fengtian Military Region.

Of course, Huang Zhiren, the head of the Lingnan Military Region, also had contact with Chen Xing, but the two met too few times.

"Song Weiguo? Just him?"

Zhao Chenguang couldn't help but complain.

"Sneeze." Far away in the Fengtian Military Region, Song Weiguo, who was also watching the live broadcast, suddenly couldn't help but sneeze. He rubbed his nose and murmured: "Who missed me? Could it be the old chief?"

"I have to say that this move uses the 5G network as the basis to shake the status of the US dollar. The old leader is still so strategizing. I have to give him a call to praise him."

Song Weiguo turned off the live broadcast screen, switched to the address book, found the old leader's phone number and dialed it.

(Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call, please call again later...)

"Zhao Chenguang?"

The moment the phone got busy, Song Weiguo guessed that it was Zhao Chenguang. In order to verify his guess, he also called Zhao Chenguang.

(Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call, please call again later...)

Neither of them has activated the call waiting function, and only the prompt tone for dialing later appears.

"Sure enough, it's this old boy." Song Weiguo gritted his teeth and made several calls in succession. It took three minutes before he got through the old chief's phone.

The moment he was connected, he couldn't help but praise: "Old chief, you are still so talented. My admiration for you is like a torrential river, endless, and like the Yellow River overflowing, it is out of control, and the sword is not old. Ah, old chief."

The old chief: "..."

The same rhetoric, the same rhetoric, but the soldiers he brought out looked like this?

"Isn't it Chen Xing who you ordered?" The old leader said without talking nonsense to him and went straight to the point.

"Ah, ah?"

Song Weiguo was stunned, and while quickly denying it, he asked: "It's not me, isn't it you, the old chief?"

"I wouldn't have asked that." The old leader took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I'll hang up now. I want to see who ordered Chen Xing today."

After hanging up the phone, the old chief directly called Qin Long, the director of the Academy of Dragon Science.

Qin Long, who was still giving lectures to "quasi-academicians", was about to give a keynote speech when his mobile phone placed on the podium suddenly rang, which made him frown secretly. At the same time, he felt displeased and went to see who was disturbing him at this time.


"Old chief?"

See the call notes.

The nameless fire in Qin Long's heart was extinguished instantly. He picked up his phone, looked at the students in the classroom and said, "I'll answer the phone first."

The words fell.

He walked straight out the door.

After arriving at the door, he pressed the answer button and said: "Hey, old chief."

"Xiao Qin, last time I asked you and Chen Xing to talk about the small particle accelerator, did you guys talk about something else?"

"No." Qin Long denied directly.

What can they talk about.

After reaching an agreement at that time, all parties dispersed and left.



"you sure?"

"I am very sure."

"Where's the ditty?"

"Neither did he. At that time, Mr. Xiao from the China Securities Regulatory Commission was the first to leave, saying he had to catch a flight to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Then came the two CEOs of SAIC and WuXi. We were the last to leave, and we didn't talk about anything else. ah."

"That's weird."

The old chief was a little confused.

If Qin Long and Qu Cheng hadn't made their own decisions, it could have been Xiao Gang. Thinking about it carefully, it's really possible.

The biggest impact of the US dollar interest rate hike is Longguo Financial. If you want to break the situation, the best way is to reduce the international status of the US dollar. As a stock market trader, Xiao Gang may really give Chen Xing this advice.

"What happened?"

Qin Long couldn't help but ask.

He was busy giving lessons to "quasi-academicians" and had no time to watch the live broadcast. He had no idea what was happening at this time.

"Chen Xing wants to use the 5G network as a basis to challenge the status of the US dollar. Go and see for yourself. That's it. Hang up first." The old leader gave a brief overview and then hung up the phone.

Qin Long was stunned on the spot.

Chen Xing uses 5G network as the basis to challenge the status of the US dollar? ? ?

Is this crazy?

Or can it really happen?

After coming back to his senses, Qin Long went straight back to the classroom. Because he was used to using keystroke machines, he had to go back to the classroom and use the computer equipment on the podium to access the Internet.

Weibo information platform.

Major marketing accounts have been overwhelmingly popular.

"Shock! Chen Xing openly challenges the status of the US dollar. Can the Longguo currency replace the US dollar and become the international trade settlement currency? 》

"After the European Union issued the euro and openly challenged the hegemony of the US dollar, Longguo currency also joined this competition? 》

"Witness history!" Just now, Chen Xing, president of Longxing Technology Company, proposed settlement in Longguo currency, the second person after the euro to publicly challenge the existence of the US dollar! 》

Qin Long was dazzled by the bombardment of a series of marketing account articles, but he was also sure that Chen Xing was really trying to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar based on the 5G network.

While Qin Long was checking online information, the prospective academicians in the classroom were all stunned by the projected content.

"Damn it! Dragon country currency settlement?"

"This, this, is this a public challenge to the hegemony of the US dollar? Is it Chen Xing's personal behavior, or..."

"Chen Xing, Chen Xing, he seems to be the boss of Longxing Technology Company!"

"The United States can use gold and oil to add value to its currency. Maybe we can also use technology to add value to our currency."

The associate academicians no longer wanted to attend class, and even Qin Long also chose to go on strike and watch the live broadcast directly in the classroom.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Imperial Securities Regulatory Commission.

Xiao Gang was sweating profusely and responded quickly: "It's really not me, old chief. How can I have such great ability and dare to make independent decisions? You have to believe me."


The old chief frowned.

Zhao Chenguang is not, Song Weiguo is not, Qin Long is not, and now Xiao Gang is not the same. Is it possible that it is Chen Xing's own idea?

If this is the case, the old chief will really look at Chen Xing with admiration.

As the saying goes!

He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!

The two rounds of U.S. dollar interest rate hikes have caused misery to all countries, and emotions have long been pent-up.

Now there are people who are challenging the US dollar and are willing to be the leader. Who doesn’t want to try to see if they can completely drag the US dollar into the water?

You must know that in just thirty years, the whole world has helped the United States endure two financial crises. If there is a third one, who can handle it? Who is willing to sacrifice his own domestic economy to make up for the shortcomings of others?

The right time, the right location, and the right people are all available. The old leader also wanted to see if Long Guo Coin could challenge the U.S. dollar.

If it succeeds, let alone the whole world, as long as it has settlement properties in Asia, the impact of US dollar interest rate hikes will be greatly reduced, and there will be no need to endure the harvest of the United States.

"It's really not true."

Xiao Gang confirmed again.

He approached Chen Xing twice in total, both of which wanted Longxing Technology Company to go public and stimulate Longguo's economy.

But he really didn't expect that the master Chen Xingyi would be bold enough to challenge the dominance of the US Dollar by virtue of owning a 5G network!

What is this called?

Are newborn calves afraid of tigers?

Xiao Gang couldn't figure it out.

He only knows that if Chen Xing succeeds this time, not only will the Dragon Country's economy no longer be affected by the wave of US dollar interest rate hikes, but the Dragon Country currency will also be hoarded in large quantities by other countries as a world trade currency and used as foreign exchange reserves.

"What I want is to stimulate the economy and raise interest rates lower than the U.S. dollar. Chen Xing, what you want is to once and for all eradicate the cancer of U.S. dollar interest rate hikes. I am ashamed of myself!"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He thought he knew economics well and always thought he was on the second level. Unexpectedly, Chen Xing was in the atmosphere!

Like the old chief, Zhao Chenguang, Song Weiguo, Qin Long and others, he had put down the work at hand and concentrated on watching the live broadcast to see how the situation would develop.

In addition to the old chief, Zhao Chenguang, and Song Weiguo, the American congressmen on the other side of the ocean, the British royal family, and the nobles of Germany, Italy, and France are all waiting for the final result.

The discussion lasted for half an hour, and then the national television cameras broadcast it live for half an hour.

No host dared to speak, nor did he have any words to explain. Bai Shisong, Hai Xia, and Kang Hui were all dumbfounded. They could no longer intervene in this situation.

If they express wrong opinions at this time, what awaits them may not be punishment, but direct expulsion.

After being idle for half an hour, the China TV screen kept switching back and forth.

Chen Xing closed his eyes and waited.

Ren Guofei pretended to be calm.

Requests from representatives of various countries.

No one spoke in the conference hall, but everyone seemed to be talking.

The princes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are no longer as arrogant as before. It is true that they are rich, and it is true that they are extremely rich. But now it is not a matter of money, but whether to use Longguo currency for trade settlement.

If Longguo currency is used for international trade settlement, strictly speaking, they are also openly challenging the dominance of the US dollar, which is bound to anger the United States.

You must know that the United States not only has the world's top financial system, but also the world's top military strength. The most important thing is that oil fields are easy to breed beautiful bacteria, and everyone on earth knows this.

The Saudi prince was panicked.

The prince of Qatar was also panicked.

Now the whole audience is waiting for Mao Xiong and the big brothers of the European Union to express their stance. Only by taking the lead can they attract the hatred of the United States.

After communicating for a full hour, Nikolay Kisev, the Minister of Communications of Mao Xiong, sat back to his negotiating seat from the corner of the conference hall.

Seeing that Nikolay Kisev returned to his seat, representatives from other countries quickly returned to their seats and continued to participate in this extraordinary meeting.


Gao Shuyuan coughed twice as a reminder.

Chen Xing, who had closed his eyes and waited, opened his eyes and found that representatives from various countries were returning to their seats one after another. He must have had a plan in mind.

After an hour of anxious waiting, the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and were so excited that they sent comments.

"Are you going to take a stand?"

"Holy shit, shit, shit, I'm so excited. Whether our Dragon Country Coin can rise depends on whether this wave can be anchored!"

"I think there is a high probability that it will happen. The continuous interest rate hikes on the U.S. dollar have already made other countries miserable. Even if small countries dare not, big countries still dare to face the United States."

"To put it bluntly, Wuchang will be done!"

This historic moment of voting not only cheered up the audience in the live broadcast room, but reporters also held long guns and short cannons and kept clicking the shutter to take photos of the scene.

If nothing else, tomorrow’s headline will be this 5G conference.

Nikolay Kisev returned to his seat, and Deutschmann immediately asked in Russian: "How was it? Did it go well?"

"Everything is the same as before."

Nikolay Kisev responded to him.

Immediately afterwards, he adjusted his seat and leaned forward to get closer to the conference microphone. His move to speak made countless people's throats rise, especially Renato Marotta, Davich Rothschild, Lyle The top executives in the United States, such as Wallace, and even several senior members of the Rothschild family in the British Manor, could not help but hold their breath at this moment.

The U.S. dollar is too important to them, and its status must not be shaken.

Without the dominance of the U.S. dollar in the world trading system, the two financial crises in 1995 and 2007 would have long ago destroyed the U.S. financial system and led it to decline.

How to choose a furry bear?

Everyone is waiting for the answer.

Nikolay Kisev approached the microphone, looked directly at Chen Xing, and said concisely and concisely: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Chen Xing."


All the representatives at the scene exclaimed.

Directly express your opinion?

So rough? ? ? ?

However, it is not over yet. The Minister of Communications of Pakistan Railways, Bullard, also expressed his position: "Pakistan Railway has always had a strategic alliance with the Dragon Kingdom. The long-term cooperation between the two parties has already established an indestructible trust, so I will represent Ba Tie is willing to use Longguo currency as the trade currency for settlement."


The representatives present were shocked again.

Mao Xiong expressed his strong stance because he is one of the top five men. Even if the United States is angry, he would not dare to act recklessly. Are you, Ba Tie, really not afraid of being beaten when you express your stance so hurriedly?

Representatives of other countries looked at each other, waiting for the next country to express its stance.

What everyone didn't expect was that the third person to express their position was not Britain, nor Germany, Italy and France, but the Ancient Elephant Kingdom, known as the sixth military power in the world.

"We agree to use Longguo currency for trade settlement in the 5G network, but there is a condition." The representative of Ancient Xiangguo looked directly at Chen Xing.

"you say."

Chen Xing listened carefully.

"You need to ensure the normal operation of the 5G network in Ancient Xiang Kingdom, and it must cover the entire territory, and the network speed must not be reduced."

"No problem at all."

Chen Xing responded lightly.

Not slowing down?

That is naturally impossible.

But as long as Chen Xing is not there and the scientific research engineer is not involved, who knows the ultimate speed and development level of the 5G network?

Gu Xiangguo was famous for cheating. Not only did they fine him at every turn, but they also confiscated Rebus's rice company. Chen Xing always talked about people and ghosts, so he had to trick Guxiang Guo into committing crimes first.

After hearing the guarantee, the representative of the Ancient Elephant Kingdom showed his white teeth and smiled: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. I hope we can continue to cooperate for a long time."

"That's natural."

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

The reason why Ancient Xiang Kingdom took such a big risk is also very simple. It took a fancy to Chen Xing's artificial intelligence.

As we all know, the ancient Xiang Kingdom is a big country in the IT industry, and the Internet business in European and American countries will be outsourced to it.

Now that the IT industry is developed, if there is the high-speed blessing of 5G network, even if artificial intelligence cannot be developed, developing big data models will still be a profitable business.

The moment the two reached a willingness to cooperate, on the other side of the ocean in Washington, the United States, in Conference Hall No. 1 of the Conference Villa, Renato Marotta, who was sitting in the chair, directly broke through the defense.


His gnashing of teeth made other congressmen angry.

"Sure enough, he is an unfamiliar dog. I suggest that all pharmaceutical companies in Ancient Elephant Kingdom be evacuated, and American Internet companies are ordered not to outsource business to Ancient Elephant Kingdom."

"I agree with this proposal!"

"Gu Xiang is so selfish!"

"I don't even understand Ah San's brain circuits now. Aren't they afraid that we will target the economy of Ancient Elephant Kingdom?"

The congressmen thought from their own perspective, but what they never thought about was that the two rounds of interest rate hikes on the U.S. dollar had seriously affected the development of the ancient Xiang Kingdom, and the stock market had regressed back to ten years ago.

As for moving away from the pharmaceutical company?

Except for the ancient Xiang Kingdom, there are really no countries that allow irresponsible human testing of drugs. Even if they did, the medical environment would need to be rebuilt.

Renato Marotta was not blinded by anger. Just now he was just angry that even Asan dared to disobey their will.

After calming down, he rejected the ideas of other congressmen and said: "We should not make too many enemies now. We must find the source and completely cut off the source."

"Longxing Technology?"

A member of parliament mentioned it

"That's right." Renato Marotta's eyes were as cold as ice, and he revealed a murderous aura. He said in a deep voice: "Since Chen Xing wants to play, then play with him. Analyzing 5G networks requires a 5G baseband chip. Put the chip Once the source of the materials is controlled, I don’t believe he can make any waves.”

"Inscribed on DOD's list of military-related industries?"

Another member of parliament spoke.

Renato Marotta nodded again and responded: "Not only should Longxing Technology Company be included in the DOD military-related industry list, but all its related companies must also be included."



Renato Marotta's eyes were sinister, like a hungry wolf. Chen Xing really stepped on his bottom line this time.

He will never show mercy to those who try to challenge the US dollar trading system.

Not only the conference chamber represented by Renato Marotta, the military of the Angsa military-industrial complex, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Jewish capital, the opinions of the three parties have coincided with each other and are highly unified. They all want to send Chen Xing and Longxing Technology Company To death.

Far away in Britain, at the Rothschild Manor not far from Buckingham Palace, several middle-aged men who claimed to be gentlemen and nobles could no longer sit still and started calling people.

The U.S. dollar is the foundation of the Federal Reserve and the cash machine of the Rothschild family. They will not allow the status of the U.S. dollar to be threatened, at least not now.

And at the same time.

Silicon Valley company bosses such as Huang Renxun, Pou Ke, Molenkov, and Su Fengzi, who were also following the live broadcast, were all stunned.

They thought it was just a "5G Network International Negotiation Conference", but they didn't expect Chen Xing to be so brave. He actually used the 5G network as a basis to openly challenge the U.S. dollar's world trade status, which raised the level of the conference by N levels. Even they could only Can look up.

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