Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 340 The results of the negotiation are out, and we are far ahead again!

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen really dares to ask for 30% of the net profit as royalties. This is pure pirate style negotiation!"

"Looking at the looks in the eyes of Mr. Ren and the two ministers, I felt that they were all shocked. I felt like it could be made into an emoticon."

"World famous painting emoticons, Chen Xing, do you dare to mention this?"

"I think it is not excessive to take 30% of the operator's net profit as royalties. As a practitioner in the pharmaceutical field, take ibuprofen as an example. The cost of the drug is less than 0.1 yuan, and 12 pills will cost 17 yuan. After excluding miscellaneous things The cost and net profit are about 13 yuan. Even with such a huge profit, it will take four to five years to recover the cost. Whether it is medicine or technology, we have to consider the initial investment and cannot just look at the conditions."

"That's true, and the investment may not necessarily pay off."

The audience in the live broadcast room is talking a lot. Tonight's national channel live broadcast not only broadened their horizons and saw the world, but also allowed them to understand what negotiation initiative is.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are already emotional intelligence bloggers analyzing Chen Xing's words and making videos word for word.

There are also salesmen who silently take notes and want to learn from Chen Xing.

Whether it is introducing the development potential of 5G networks first, increasing the bargaining chips in subsequent negotiations, or giving explanations for several offers, this is a textbook-level negotiation scene.

While the audience was commenting on the comments, the national representatives at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center were collectively silent. From their perspective, the conditions proposed by Chen Xing were no longer harsh, but pirate-like conditions!

1. Construction costs.

2. Chip cost.

3. Maintenance costs.

4. Patent licensing fee.

Switching multiple dimensions to charge, and each transaction is a sky-high price. If representatives from other countries don’t remain silent, there will be trouble.

Nikolay Kissev, the representative of the furry bear, looked at Deutschmann beside him and asked for his opinion. The latter nodded slightly and winked, asking him to agree first.

Chen Xing had already promised him that he would discuss the 5G network construction in Mao Xiongguo privately, and he would just let them tease him tonight.

to be honest.

There is a yin and yang contract.

On the surface, the fees are the same as those in other countries, but behind the scenes, there are considerable discounts and two different sets of charging standards are implemented. This is the so-called yin and yang contract.


Nikolay Kisev was about to express his position, but Bulard, the Minister of Military Dual-use Communications Department of Pakistan Railways, stepped forward and said:

"Just follow Mr. Chen's plan. We have no objection."

Pakistan Railways has built satellite base stations and is now waiting for the 5G network to be put into operation to promote domestic technological development.

As for what Chen Xing said, they can accept all four conditions.

The reason is also very simple. In their view, if Longxing Technology Company does not participate in communication network operations, Pakistan Railway's own company alone may not be able to handle the 5G network.

"No comment."

Nikolay Kisev also echoed.

It's Mao Xiong and Ba Tie again. The performance of these two companies tonight makes it difficult not to make people wonder whether they are the trustees of the Dragon Kingdom.

At the British Seat, Princess Charlotte is trying to convince Prince William and Communications Minister Lilith.

"The patent fee is 30% for the first ten years, and is reduced by 5% every three years, to a minimum of 5%. It only takes 25 years to reduce the patent fee to 5%, which is similar to the patent period of ordinary drugs. Moreover, artificial intelligence is really It’s very important and I have a feeling it can change the world.”

As soon as Princess Charlotte finished speaking, Minister Lilith's eyes flashed with worry, and she patiently explained: "We are not worried about money, but the consequences of the combination of four conditions."

"A combination of four conditions?"

Princess Charlotte was lost in thought.

Prince William looked at her thinking, looked away and explained: "Don't think about it. The combination of the four conditions means that we need to reserve a large amount of Dragon Country coins as foreign exchange. This is what we are worried about."

"That's right." Lilith nodded and continued: "Because of the dragon country currency settlement, if we want to pay the corresponding fees, we need to reserve dragon country coins. Chen Xing wants to bring us together. Challenging the dollar’s ​​status.”

Britain can afford construction costs, maintenance costs, chip costs, and even patent fees. 80% of the countries present can afford it. However, it is a bit intriguing to add that they can only use Dragon Country currency for trade settlement.

Take the British Network Operator's total financial report last year as an example. Its operating income was 51.177 billion pounds and its after-tax profit was 10.2 billion pounds, which is 98.7 billion yuan in national currency.

Taking 30% of the 98.7 billion yuan, that is 29.6 billion, which is equivalent to Britain having to reserve at least 90 billion Dragon Kingdom coins for trade settlement. Only three times the reserves can ensure stable settlement between the two parties.

According to public documents disclosed by the Bank of England, the current number of dragon coins they reserve is 42.7 billion. These reserves are only used for the currency exchange business of the two national banks. If you want to settle trade, you still have to use US dollars.

In other words, Britain needs to increase its holdings of 90 billion dragon coins to stabilize the basic trade needs of both parties.

A Britain costs 90 billion, what about Germany, Italy and France?

Increase holdings by 270 billion?

Will the Longguo currency appreciate?

The answer is obvious and easy to see, it will definitely rise!

Once the Dragon Kingdom currency replaces the US dollar and becomes a new international trade settlement currency, no one knows what the Dragon Kingdom's methods will be.

to be honest.

They are just afraid of raising tigers.

No one thought before that the U.S. dollar would form a trade hegemony. Until they realized it, it was already too late.

"So you are worried about the dragon-slaying boy, afraid that he will turn into an evil dragon." Princess Charlotte suddenly realized, blinked her blue eyes, and asked the two of them: "But have you ever thought that there could be something even worse than now? situation?"

"Worst case scenario..."

Lilith and William were lost in thought.

US dollar interest rate hike.

Trade shrinks.

The stock market crashed.

Is there anything worse?

The worst-case scenario seemed to be happening, which made Prince William and Minister Lilith look at each other and understand each other's eyes. They were really at odds with each other.

Because they were afraid that the Longguo currency would become a hegemonic currency like the US dollar, they did not consider that the worst-case scenario was now.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom currency replaces the US dollar as the international trade settlement currency, wouldn't it be better to raise interest rates if we want to harvest the world's finance?

What could be worse than this?

"Perhaps we can express our position." Prince William said solemnly.

"Yes, the future will be left to the people of the future. We should solve the current predicament and maybe break the U.S. dollar monopoly." Minister Lilith nodded, adjusted the position of the microphone at the meeting, and expressed her position directly Said: "When can it be built?"

"There are few construction orders. Within a month, if there are many orders, it may take three months." The corners of Chen Xing's mouth raised slightly, but his expression remained calm.

The reason why he dared to speak so loudly was not only because he was sure that EU countries could not refuse 5G networks, but also because they hated the U.S. dollar’s ​​trade hegemony.

Why was the euro released?

Just to challenge the US dollar.

This means that European countries such as Britain, Germany, Italy and France all have the intention to resist the hegemony of the US dollar. Now that Longguo currency is going to challenge the US dollar, they have no reason not to add fuel to the fire.

Because once the U.S. dollar really knocks down, the wave of interest rate hikes will end early.

As for the United States, if they come to ask why they reserve Dragon Country coins, they can just use the construction of 5G network to avoid it.

"Very good, when will the contract be signed?" Lilith continued to ask.

"Now you can."

Chen Xing smiled faintly.

The moment he finished speaking, the staff in the side room of the conference hall also understood the signal. While walking out quickly, they handed the contract to the representatives of Mao Xiong, Batie and Britain.

With Britain taking the lead, one after another European countries chose to agree to all the conditions proposed by Chen Xing.

Representatives from the Neon Island Country and the Peninsula looked at each other. Their situations were somewhat similar, but with just a simple eye contact, the two families made the same decision.

"Give me a contract, thank you."

"Can you give me a contract?"

The two companies' statements also allowed them to obtain the initial template of the intention contract and began to study it word by word.

Li Zhenzhen and Miyazaki Junkei can read Chinese and it is not difficult to understand. After simply confirming the terms of the intended contract, they sent the specific details to their lawyers and asked them to analyze the risks of the contract.

Near 11 o'clock in the evening, the first contract was finally signed.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate, everyone." Mao Xiong's representative Nikolay Kisev submitted the contract, and Gao Shuyuan, Wang Tingjun, Ren Guofei, and Chen Xing said in unison: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

"I've signed it too."

BART submitted the contract on behalf of Bullard.

Then came Britain, Germany, Italy, France, island countries, ancient elephants, peninsula...

Of the more than 30 visiting countries, only the Middle East countries remained silent. The princes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia were almost disappointed, but they still did not dare to sign the intention contract.

The reason is very cruel and very practical, that is, I am afraid of being beaten.

The military power of the country behind them is too weak. If the United States is angered, it will really make the world unable to respond and the earth and the earth will not work.

Seeing that the signing scene was progressing smoothly, the director behind the scenes of National TV Station also cut the screen back to the studio. Bai Shisong and Haixia immediately worked hard and read out the manuscript they had prepared.

“Now we can see that the International Conference on 5G Networks is progressing very smoothly. Longguo representatives Gao Shuyuan, Wang Tingjun and technology providers, Kunpeng Company Ren Guofei, Longxing Technology Company Chen Xing and delegations from various countries are signing the Beidou Communications Agreement. Satellite construction intention contract.”

As soon as Bai Shisong finished speaking, Hai Xia immediately continued: "Yes, currently 27 countries including Mao Xiong, Britain, Ancient Elephant, Peninsula, and Island Countries have completed the signing of intention contracts. In the future, we will jointly explore the deeper development of 5G networks. , and at the same time, we would like to congratulate our Dragon Country’s local technology on entering the world stage.”

The words of the two hosts directly made tens of millions of viewers excited.

In the national broadcast rooms of major platforms, barrage has been overwhelming.

"It's really strange to say that Dragon Kingdom's local technology is moving towards the world stage, but it's precisely because of the strangeness that we can see how fast we are catching up!"

"We are hundreds of years behind in the industrial revolution. One step is too slow and one step is too slow, which has led to a technological blockade in all walks of life. But starting from today, we also have our own core technology!"

"There are drones in front and 5G networks in the back. This wave of big countries is about to rise!"

"What kind of great power is rising? We call this revival. If we go back five hundred years, the West will be a barbarian land."

While the audience was reveling in the live broadcast room, contracts had been signed and a consensus had been reached on the preliminary construction.

After confirming the validity of the signed contract, Minister of Communications Gao Shuyuan asked as usual: "Are there any more representatives who want to sign?"

The words fell.

No one responded to him.

The remaining countries that have not signed are all small countries in the Middle East and do not dare to offend the United States.

Seeing that everything that could be signed had been signed, Gao Shuyuan also sorted out the documents in front of him and said solemnly: "Now that everything has been signed, let's talk about this first in tonight's meeting. As for the specific details of the satellite equipment, we still need to go on site. Thank you very much for visiting Longguo.”

He stood up and bowed to express his thanks.

Seeing this scene, the representatives from various countries, including Chen Xing and Ren Guofei, also stood up and bowed in return to the seats of representatives of the Dragon Kingdom.


The camera shutter sounds and the flash flashes.

And on the other side.

Silicon Valley in the United States across the ocean.

In the top-floor office of NVIDIA headquarters, Huang Renxun fell into a long silence as he looked at the live broadcast.

He admitted that he underestimated Chen Xing. While they were still running for profit, this man was already trying to challenge the international status of the US dollar and quell the interest rate hike controversy.

Using 5G high-speed network as the fulcrum to leverage the international trade status of the US dollar, even Huang Renxun has to admit that the right time, right place and the right person Chen Xing almost occupy it.

If he can succeed...

"Should I move Nvidia out of the United States?" A thought suddenly came to Huang Renxun's mind that sent chills down his spine.

The next second.

He quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, we can't give up the foundation we have built over the years."

He has been working hard in the United States for so many years, and it is very difficult to give up.

This is just like the people of the Imperial and Magic Capitals who are unwilling to move to other cities even if their families live in a 40-square-meter house.

Obviously, after selling it, he would get millions. With a lot of cash, he could find a seventh- or eighth-tier city and live a comfortable life, but he just couldn't bear to leave the city where he had lived for many years.

Letting go is too difficult.

But Huang Renxun is unwilling to give in. He has been laying out artificial intelligence for more than ten years, and the last piece of the puzzle is actually in Dragon Kingdom.

Forget it in the Dragon Kingdom, but Chen Xing's condition was that he move Nvidia to the Dragon Kingdom, which kept Huang Renxun awake at night.

On the one hand, he had the foundation he had worked hard for for many years, and on the other hand, he had laid out the technology for many years, which made him feel in a trance.

Not only Huang Renxun, but also Gaotong CEO Mollenkopf's eyes were blank at this time, and he was sitting in his chair blankly.

He thought he was on the same level as Chen Xing, but after watching tonight's discussion meeting, he found that he had become a clown.

We have already talked to the national representative, and he is still a worker.

In less than two years, Chen Xing and his Longxing Technology Company have grown to this point. He really regrets why he was not more ruthless in the beginning. If Longxing Technology was shut down in 2014, there would be no So much going on now.

Apple CEO Jack Pocket was also silent. He looked at the scene in the live broadcast of Princess Charlotte finding Chen Xing for a photo, and he already knew that he could no longer see her shadow, let alone chasing after her.

Being far ahead applies not only to technology but also to each other's achievements.

The achievements Chen Xing has achieved so far, Pou Ke believes that it will be impossible to achieve in this life. Unless Apple also develops something that transcends the times and he attends the meeting, otherwise, it will be difficult to match him.

In addition to Silicon Valley technology tycoons, such as Renato Marotta, Leah Rothschild, Bertrand Romero and other absolute top executives, they had to pay attention to Chen Xing.

It only took him less than two years to go from the KT-001 baseband chip to the 5G high-speed network that is now enough to change the world. He also announced that he would build a car. They must now be prepared.

Because of the international market barrier, they can no longer block it.

5G network is a stepping stone, enough to knock on the trade door of any country.

Even in the United States, as long as Chen Xing says he can help with construction, he will come rushing over. The reason is that technological development is very important, especially high-speed networks involving artificial intelligence.

Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Conference hall.

Princess Charlotte held up her Korean Star W2016 mobile phone, and after taking several photos with Chen Xing, she shook hands and said, "I'm glad to meet you Chen Xing. It's a pleasure to work with you."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Chen Xing smiled slightly.

The Princess of Britain, I have to say, is indeed very beautiful. Not only her skin is supple and fair, but her eyes are also clear and translucent, full of aura, just like the princess from the fairy tale book.

But Chen Xing also understands that such beauty can only be appreciated, because the royal blood will not flow out and can only be married into the family.

If he were to get married, the United States would probably send agents to wash his hair with 7.62 the moment he stepped out of the Dragon Kingdom.

After seeing Princess Charlotte off, Miyazaki June from the Island Telegraph Group also came over and said hello in fairly fluent Chinese: "Hello Chen Xingjun, can we take a photo with you?"


Chen Xing did not refuse.

I saw June Miyazaki taking out her iPhone, finding a suitable angle to shoot from above, and after snapping several photos in succession, she turned around and bowed to Chen Xing: "Thank you very much."

"It's okay." Chen Xing smiled.

Putting away her phone, Miyazaki June also revealed her purpose: "Chen Xingjun, I heard that you want to build cars?"

"Well, it's a car powered by electricity."

Chen Xing nodded.

"Electric cars." June Miyazaki thought for a moment, took out a business card from his pocket and said, "If you need technical help, you can contact me using this international mailbox number."

"Does your family also have a car manufacturing business?" Chen Xingwang handed the business card to him and asked.

The automobile manufacturing industry in the island country is developed, which is something that is known to the whole world.

But didn't Kang Hui introduce that Miyazaki June was the eldest daughter of Miyazaki Yu, the boss of Neon Telegraph Communications Company?

Are they involved in the car business too?

Miyazaki Junke seemed to notice Chen Xing's doubts and explained with a smile: "We have invested in many car companies. If Chen Xingjun needs it, we can discuss cooperation in private."


Chen Xing took the business card without being polite.

Let's not talk about whether it is useful or not. There are now more than a dozen national and television cameras filming, so it is impossible for him to refuse people in person. That would appear to be a bit low in emotional intelligence.

This is just like being asked to WeChat. Agree first and then delete it when you go home if you don't like it. This is the most basic respect for both parties.

Of course.

Picking up people in a gangster style does not count.

"Then keep in touch."

"keep in touch."

Miyazaki June also turned and left.

Before Chen Xing could take a breath, three old acquaintances surrounded him. They were the mayor of Islamabad, Ilysia, General Asif Fattah, and the Ministry of Military and Civilian Communications Bullard, all from Pakistan. An old acquaintance.

"Chen Xing, my friend!"

"Long time no see Chen Xing, how have you been lately?"

"Long time no see, Mr. Chen."

The three of them took turns sending hugs, and their enthusiasm made the representatives from the surrounding countries stunned. They all thought that the representative of Pakistan Railway was indeed a trustworthy person.

Not only the representatives of the surrounding countries were stunned, but the audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

"Hey, hey, hey! Mr. Chen, please restrain yourself, we haven't left the show yet!"

"Haha, it's really all a scam!"

"I can't help laughing. They hugged each other in front of so many representatives. Representative Bati is too upright. He is clearly saying that we are stooges."

"Representatives from various countries: Shall I leave?"

"These people don't shy away from the situation. They exposed their identities just after signing the contract. This makes other representatives very stupid, right?"

Just as the content of the barrage said, representatives from various countries now feel that they are a bit stupid for not bargaining.

But the most clowning ones are undoubtedly the princes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They didn’t even blink in front of them, and they wanted to win the 5G network. As a result, representatives from various countries were unable to negotiate the price. As a result, the moment Chen Xing proposed the Dragon National Currency settlement later , the two families were completely depressed.

It was a waste of effort and nothing was caught. They all wanted to shout: "This is just a joke!"

Chen Xing looked at the faces of these three people and responded enthusiastically: "Welcome to Dragon Kingdom. Have you been living comfortably these past few days?"

"very comfortable."

"Yeah, it's great here."

"I like here."

The three of them nodded in response, and after chatting for a while, Bullard revealed their purpose and said, "Mr. Chen, we also have high-speed network. When will we help develop its extension industry?"

According to the development of Pakistan Railway, the extension industry belongs to the Internet era, which is what they were promised at the beginning.

Chen Xing thought for a while and responded: "Give me two months and I will promote the development of Pakistan Railway's Internet industry as soon as possible."

Now the gap in Kaitian baseband chips is too big, and the domestic supply is seriously insufficient, so the supply to other countries can only be delayed.

However, it is worth mentioning that after the box meeting six days ago, Gao Yongming's Loongson International and Longke Academy had already stepped forward to purchase corresponding automation supporting equipment, and international orders were also issued one after another.

As long as the expansion of the lithography factory is completed, it will not be a dream for chips to be dumped all over the world.

The U.S. dollar is not linked to oil, and oil trade only uses U.S. dollars. Then Chen Xing can completely link Longguo currency to chips. In the future, the chips produced by Longxing Technology can only be purchased with Longguo currency. Let’s see who is stronger in the end.

After receiving the accurate answer, the three Brads also smiled and said in a pious tone: "Okay, thank you very much. Mr. Chen, you will be our forever friend of Bati."

"A must, friends forever."

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

After the Pakistan Railway delegation left, other representatives in the conference hall lined up to talk to Chen Xing, turning him into a check-in point.

A full half hour.

The national delegations are almost gone.

Chen Xing was about to leave with Ren Guofei. Li Zhenzhen, who was dressed in a business style and still went his own way, quickly approached and said, "We meet again."


Chen Xing nodded slightly and spoke calmly.

A "fire" occurred at the Korean Star Group factory, and the supply of M series screens and Orion 5433 chips was suddenly cut off, causing Longxing X2 to cease production for a period of time. He still remembered this grudge.

"You bastard who doesn't want to make money, don't be cold-faced. Our two families still need to cooperate." Li Zhenzhen lowered his attitude.

"What cooperation?"

Chen Xing thought about the cooperation project between the two companies.

Li Zhenzhen did not show off, and said bluntly: "Camera phone, you still need a camera phone to complete the business layout. By the way, there is also your autumn conference, you don't want to delay it, right?"

"Are you so sure that your Korean Star Group has the technology I need?"

Chen Xing asked back.

Our own optical laboratory has already made substantial breakthroughs. Although the field of anti-shake still needs to be overcome, there are still a few months until autumn, so there is no rush.

Li Zhenzhen smiled calmly and asked the same question: "It doesn't hurt to talk, right?"


Chen Xing nodded.

Li Zhenzhen: "Go to my company or yours?"


Chen Xing said without thinking.

Now when it comes to headquarters bases, Longxing Technology is quite impressive. There is no need to go to the Longguo branch of Hanxing Group to talk.

When Ren Guofei heard that the two were talking about cooperation, he also made an excuse and said: "I remembered that my company has some things to do. Brother Chen, I will go back first when we get together next time."

"Go slowly, brother Ren."


After Ren Guofei walked away, Li Zhenzhen also moved away and said: "Let's go to your company."

Chen Xing quickened his pace to keep up, and then the two of them walked to the parking lot area of ​​Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center.

At this time, in the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center parking lot, Li Zhiyu was walking back and forth in the area next to the Peninsula pick-up vehicle, as if waiting for something.

If you look carefully, you will find that his eyes have no luster at all, like a pool of stagnant water. He is holding a coat in his arms, and his right hand is tightly holding the thing he is trying to hide inside the coat.

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