Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 345: Stop pretending, let’s show off, let’s have some tough stuff at the underworld press co

"Ai? This can't be Ai, right? Can any friends at the scene tell us if this is the legendary holographic projection?"

"Holy crap! Today isn't the Ghost Festival either. Why is Mr. Chen back?"

"It's a scam! Damn it!"

"You're not asking Uncle Ying to arrest the soul, are you?"

"Brother, this feels a bit scary. Mr. Chen won't jump out of the screen. Ahem, I decided to turn off the live broadcast and study. It's not because I'm afraid."

The moment Chen Xing appeared on camera, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

Some people think it is holographically projected Ai, because many science fiction blockbusters have such settings. Others think that Chen Xing may be a ghost who refuses to enter reincarnation.

Among the guests at the scene, some ladies were already screaming.

Ren Guofei and Rebus, who were sitting in the first row, saw Chen Xing standing on the podium alive in front of them. Their hearts went from horror to shock, and then from shock to surprise. One after another, they went straight to the podium in the auditorium.

Monsters and monsters?

They don't believe this.

Rebus and Ren Guofei came to the stage to check, and other bosses were asked to wait for the results.

After a series of checks, Rebus pointed at the microphone and said: "It's not floating, this is a living person with a heartbeat."

"Yes, there is a heartbeat."

Ren Guofei also echoed.

The confirmation of the two CEOs surprised all the guests at the scene. BYD CEO Wang Fu was even more amazed. He saw through something deeper and said: "This guy Chen Xing has such strong energy that he can even ask the hospital to help him make false evidence."

Because there was a death certificate from the Military Region Affiliated Hospital, almost no one thought that Chen Xing had any chance of survival.

But now Chen Xing is standing in front of him alive, which means that the hospital has followed suit.

He could make the hospital fake, and it was an affiliated hospital of the military region. Chen Xing's connections and energy could be described as all-powerful.

While Wang Fu was feeling turbulent in his heart, he glanced at the several car company CEOs beside him. The moment they looked at each other, they all understood the horror in each other's eyes.

It seems that Longxing Technology, Kunpeng Company, and Rice Company are certain to have a piece of the cake in the automotive field. They can only compete through legitimate business methods. If they compare with who has a strong background, it is really hard to say now.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Chauncey Rocket Launch Center.

Zhao Chenguang suddenly slapped the table and stood up, his eyes widened, and he cursed angrily: "You Huang Zhiren, you love to lie, don't you? Just wait for me, I will go to the old chief to trick you."

He is also watching the live broadcast now, because Chen Xing's condolence meeting was held so suddenly that he, who is located thousands of miles away in Changxi City, could not go to the scene and could only participate online.

But when he saw Chen Xing appear alive and Rebus and Ren Guofei personally confirmed it, he knew that he had been tricked.

Being able to conceal the truth is definitely not something Chen Xing can do on his own. There must be "accomplices".

In the Lingnan region, there is only one person with this energy who has interacted with Chen Xing, and that is the head of the Lingnan Military Region, Huang Zhiren!

Zhao Chenguang didn't hesitate at all and dialed the old chief's phone number directly.

In addition to wanting to sue Huang Zhiren, he was also suppressing his excitement and wanted to tell the old chief the news that Chen Xing was still alive as soon as possible.

In just a few days, they all had little to think about.

Because of the emergence of Chen Xing, Longguo has truly achieved overtaking in the semiconductor field and achieved a leading position. The recent 5G high-speed network has allowed Longguo to straighten its back in the information and communications field.

Longxing Technology cannot live without Chen Xing, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem.


After several busy signals.

The old chief answered the phone.

"What's the matter, Xiao Zhao?"

"Chen Xing is resurrected."


While the old leader lost his voice in shock, he quickly asked: "Don't tease me, my heart is not as good as it was forty years ago."

Chen Xing is resurrected?

Can the dead be resurrected?

Because Huang Zhiren was so loyal, everyone who asked him would tell him that Chen Xing was dead, right between the eyebrows, and no one doubted his words.

After all, the dignified head of the Lingnan Military Region would not lie to others.

But now no one thought that not only Chen Xing was the sixth child, but Huang Zhiren was also the sixth child's accomplice, daring to deceive others.

"I'm not lying to you, old chief. Chen Xing is really resurrected, and he even held a condolence meeting for himself, which is now being broadcast live on the entire Internet!"

Zhao Chenguang had just finished speaking, and then added: "He must have done a lot to hide his secrets. Old chief, do you want me to tie him up for you?"

"There's no rush yet."

The old chief waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Chen Xing must have some idea of ​​cheating his death. Let's see what it is first."

Huang Zhiren definitely deserves a beating, but now he is more curious about what Chen Xing did and why he pretended to be dead and held a mourning party for him.

For fun?

This is not fun!

Because of Chen Xing's "death", the negotiations at the "5G Network International Negotiation Conference" reached a deadlock. No one gave Prince William and representatives from other countries a "paint". They now do not support Longguo currency for trade settlement.

"Okay." Zhao Chenguang agreed, and then continued: "If you, old chief, want to tie Huang Zhiren up, just tell him and I will personally escort him to the imperial capital."

"Okay, let's take a look."

The old chief smiled.

The two did not continue chatting. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Chenguang returned his attention to the live broadcast screen, while the old leader asked the security guard to help him open the live broadcast room.

Except for Zhao Chenguang and the old chief, when Song Weiguo learned about "Chen Xing's resurrection", he did not call the old chief. He knew that Zhao Chenguang had the best information and must have reported it long ago. Instead, he called Huang Zhiren to "condolence".

As soon as the call was connected, Huang Zhiren was stunned for a few seconds by Northeast Dazizi's national quintessence, and then hung up the phone.

"Go crazy, this Song Weiguo."

Huang Zhiren couldn't help but complain.

However, what he didn't know was that the news of Chen Xing's death made Song Weiguo, a 1.8-meter tall man, secretly wipe his tears in bed for three or four days.

As the saying goes, men don't shed tears easily. The tears he shed some time ago must make Huang Zhiren feel the pain.

Originally "Chen Xing Condolence Meeting" was very popular on Weibo, but now the appearance of Chen Xing himself has not only shocked the entire network, but also shocked Prince William, Miyazaki June and Minister Brad who were staying in the Shencheng Star Hotel. Everyone stood up and couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"Chen Xing is still alive?"

"Chen Xing is not dead?"

"Chen Xing is resurrected?"

In each suite of the Shenzhen star-rated hotel, representatives from various countries were ready.

They all thought Chen Xing was dead, so they eagerly wanted to break the contract.

Because in their opinion, Longxing Technology Company will not be able to complete the construction of artificial intelligence in a short time without Chen Xing.

Before coming to Long Country, they investigated Chen Xing and Longxing Technology Company.

Before Chen Xing took over Longxing Technology Company, it was just a tepid copycat company, still at a lower-middle level.

However, with the appointment of Chen Xing as CEO and CEO in 2014, Longxing Technology Company ushered in the era of technological explosion.

Star Flash fast charging, Kaitian baseband chip, 14nm Qingzhou chip, SOC God chip, 5G high-speed network...

In less than two years, Longxing Technology has completed its counterattack!

This is why, after the death of Chen Xing was announced, representatives from various countries generally did not view the development of artificial intelligence.

Without Chen Xing, they all felt that Longxing Technology would regress.

In the Presidential Suite No. 001, Princess Charlotte's blue eyes were twinkling, and she said with a smile: "You pretended to be dead and held a memorial service for yourself to be resurrected. What an interesting soul."

Interesting soul?

Prince William doesn't think so.

He felt that Chen Xing was playing a trick on them. Although he was not killed in the attack, he wanted to stage this scene to "tease" them.

Now he is very embarrassed...

If Chen Xing once again acts as a technology provider and negotiates with them for 5G high-speed network, how will he express his position?

You must know that in the previous two meetings, he had the loudest voice of opposition. Chen Xing was a ruthless person who dared to block the United States from the door. He didn't know whether Britain would be kicked out as well.

"Oh, Chen Xing, you really make me so confused!" Prince William shouted in his heart.

In the presidential suite No. 002 next to No. 001, "Ula" was heard from time to time, and the Mao Xiong delegation performed a folk dance to celebrate Chen Xing's "resurrection".

In the suite where Batie stayed, they were also singing and dancing.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

The princes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia now have sad faces. Although they have not enmity with Chen Xing, they know very well that if Chen Xing is still alive, he will definitely not agree to settle in euros or US dollars. They do not dare to offend the United States. It seems that there is no chance of 5G network.

Shencheng Longgang.

Longxing Technology Headquarters Base.

On the podium in the performance auditorium, Ren Guofei and Rebus had returned to their seats, and all the guests and audience were seated.

Chen Xing held a black microphone and the PPT remote control in his left hand. He smiled lightly and said, "You may have a lot of doubts. Didn't I die in a shooting incident?"

"Let me dispel rumors here. I did encounter a shooting incident, but for various reasons, I had a close brush with death."

"The reason why I pretended to be dead was not only to protect myself and give Long'an Bureau more time to investigate, but I also wanted to use the popularity brought by this shooting incident to briefly promote the new products of our Longxing Technology Company."

After saying the word "new product", Chen Xing pressed the remote control in his hand.

The next second.

On the LED screen behind him, Chen Xing's black and white photo of himself disappeared and was replaced by a line of words.

"No more pretending!" Press conference in the underworld, use some black technology! 》


There was an uproar at the scene.

They originally came to attend a condolence meeting, why did it suddenly turn into a press conference, and now young people are so playful?

The barrage in the live broadcast room filled the screen, and countless viewers denounced Chen Xing.

"Damn it! Mr. Chen is such an idiot!"

"No, Mr. Chen, I remember tonight is a mourning meeting. I just observed ten seconds of silence for you. Are you telling me this is a press conference?"

"Lao Liu! Real Lao Liu!"

"Grandma, my tears are in vain. I want to see what kind of black technology is used in the underworld press conference. Brother, let's see how black it is."

"It won't be a new flagship phone, right?"

"Isn't it summer now?"

"That's right, it's not autumn at all. Could it be that the new flagship is ahead of schedule?"

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Internet is now denouncing Chen Xing's "old-fashioned behavior". This trick of pretending to be dead and holding a press conference is unprecedented and unprecedented.

At the Apple branch in Shanghai, Wang Feng was already panicking.

After more than a year of confrontation, Chen Xing had long been his nightmare, and now he was suddenly "resurrected". He was instantly confused and trembling, and he urgently contacted Pou Ke to pass on the news.

Not only Wang Feng, Huang Renxun, who came to Longguo again and wanted to discuss 5G high-speed network with the "new boss" of Longxing Technology, remained silent for a long time in the star hotel.

Press conference in the underworld.

Black technology.

He wanted to see what other trump cards Chen Xing had.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Chen Xing, and he didn't show off. He directly pressed the remote control on his left hand and said, "Let's get to the main point of the press conference. Let's take a look at the first product first."

The words just fell.

LED screen screen switching.

What comes into view is a demonstration picture of the surface of a "wafer", which is commonly known as a semiconductor silicon wafer in the industry.

"Semiconductor silicon wafer." Chen Xing turned sideways, looked back at the PPT, walked to the right side of the podium, and explained: "Perhaps many people will be disappointed when they see the semiconductor silicon wafer and want to ask why it is not a new flagship phone."

"Here, I can tell you clearly that the new flagship mobile phone is on the way and will be available to meet you soon. Please allow me to announce the layout and R\u0026D of Longxing Technology Company in the field of semiconductor chips tonight."

The words fell.

The guests present immediately applauded.

Semiconductor chips are an area that Longguo has always been restricted by the West, and it is also an area that all technology companies want to break through.

The chip is the brain, and it is an irreplaceable part in modern machine manufacturing.

Mobile phones have chips, computers have chips, cars have chips, satellites also have chips, and even charging adapters have chips.

Chips are everywhere and have already covered every aspect of life.

When the applause at the scene subsided slightly, Chen Xing continued: "Everyone must be familiar with chips. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, its participation in calculations is indispensable for operation."

"Longguo's semiconductor chip field has always lagged behind the West. In EDA software, we are not as good as the three giants Synopsys, Cadence, and Mentor, which monopolize 97% of the global market share."

"For semiconductor silicon wafers, we are not as good as Shin-Etsu Chemical Group, Japan Shengco Group, and Germany's Siltronic Group. They have the production capacity of 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and occupy 90% of the global market share, while we can only produce 8 inches."

"Photoresist, we are not as good as JSR Co., Ltd., DuPont Group, and TOK Tokyo Yingka. We have not even been able to develop 193-nanometer Arf photoresist, let alone EUV photoresist with wavelengths below 13.5 nanometers."

"In terms of chip design, we are not as good as Qualcomm, Broadcom, NVIDIA, AMD and Apple. We even don't even have a decent lithography machine."

The four "not as good as" voices were full of emotion and impact. Not only were the guests silent, but the audience in the live broadcast room felt the aura of despair.

It's not as good as the West in all aspects, so how can we do this?

All of a sudden.

There were constant barrage in the live broadcast room.

"No wonder the West uses semiconductor chips to sanction us. It turns out that we are not as comprehensive as others. From photolithography machines to semiconductor wafers, the West is crushing us!"

"It feels so suffocating."

"Oh my god, no wonder our Dragon Kingdom doesn't have a particularly powerful semiconductor company. It turns out that the West has been blocked!"

"Alas! This is the gap!"

The gap visible to the naked eye is disappointing. Everyone knows that chips are important, but there is no way to complete the breakthrough.

Corporate CEOs such as Rebus, Ren Guofei, Luo Hao, and Wang Fu have all fallen silent. Chips are a permanent pain to them.

Anyone who has done business knows that if you are in urgent need of something, such as an umbrella on a rainy day, people will definitely sell it at a higher price to ensure that it is a necessity for you.

What if you don’t buy a chip?

Let alone computers or cars, we can’t even build mobile phones.


Suddenly, Chen Xing changed the subject, and everyone's eyes focused again.

"Tonight we are going to break the situation of being inferior to the West in all aspects. In the field of domestic semiconductors, we can also be far ahead."

The words spread throughout the auditorium and the Internet, and the PPT screen changed.

Detailed data appeared in the picture of the semiconductor silicon wafer that originally confused all viewers. A white line cut across the surface of the silicon wafer, and precise numbers appeared below.

16 inches!

Everyone on the scene was stunned.

16 inches?

Are you serious?

Is there such a large semiconductor silicon wafer?

Chen Xing glanced at the dumbfounded CEOs from all walks of life in the audience, and explained the product with a smile:

"This is a semiconductor silicon wafer developed by Longxing Silicon, a subsidiary of Longxing Technology. It is a full 4 inches larger than the mainstream 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafer currently on the market!"

"Its purity is not 11N, but 14N, which is 99.999999999999%, which is equivalent to only one impurity in 1.4 billion silicon atoms. Currently, mainstream silicon wafers on the market can only achieve 11N."

"In addition, it also uses the most advanced doping technology, which not only significantly improves the conductivity, but also improves the performance of chips produced by it by 15%."

"Plus, it has an advantage."

Chen Xing paused for half a second and pressed the PPT remote control on his left hand.

The screen's semiconductor silicon chip changes and is cut into several small wafers.

"Generally speaking, the die size is 18 inches and the diameter of the semiconductor silicon wafer is 20CM. Under the most ideal situation, 88 die chips can be cut out, which is equivalent to an 8-inch silicon wafer and 88 chips can be produced. "

"The mainstream 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafer on the market has a diameter of 30CM. Under the same 1-size cutting, it can cut out 232 bare chips, which is almost three times that of an 8-inch semiconductor silicon wafer."

After taking a breath, Chen Xing continued: "As we all know, whether it is a 6-inch, 8-inch or 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafer, their production process is the same. In this case, the larger the semiconductor silicon wafer, the better, because it can The more die chips can be cut, so the number of die chips that our 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer can cut is..."

Chen Xing pressed the remote control held tightly in his left hand. When the numbers popped up on the LED screen, he solemnly announced: "717 yuan."

There was total silence.

Everyone was stunned.

Ren Guofei knew about Longxing Silicon and had personally delivered the production equipment. He also knew that Longxing Silicon had the production capacity of 12-inch semiconductor wafers, but he never expected that the 12-inch size was not Longxing Silicon's. The limit is not even 14 inches, it goes straight to 16 inches!

What concept?

Three of the world's top semiconductor silicon wafer companies, Shin-Etsu Chemical Group, Japan Shengco Group, and Germany's Siltronic Group, have announced that they may launch 14-inch semiconductor silicon wafers in 2017, causing quite a stir in the industry.

You, Longxing Silicon, don’t go for 14-inch, but go directly to 16-inch?


Is there any heavenly principle?

Is there any royal law?

Are there any laws?

Ren Guofei finally saw that this underworld conference was not aimed at ordinary users, but at semiconductor manufacturers around the world.

They have been on the throne for too long, and it’s time to pull them down and let the “newcomers” have their cake and eat it too.

"Far ahead!"

When the whole place was silent, Lin Xiaolong, who was sitting in the third row, suddenly shouted.

His voice not only woke up hundreds of people present, but also caused an explosive increase in the number of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Far ahead!"

"Really far ahead!"

"The product produced by Mr. Chen must be a high-quality product. The output is extremely large at 717 yuan. Friends and businessmen are still playing tricks, so just raise the white flag and surrender!"

"What kind of friendly businessmen? They are all international competitors!"

"As a person in the silicon wafer industry, 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers are not the most powerful. The purity of 14N is the best? How did Mr. Chen achieve it?"

"What makes people think deeply now is that semiconductor silicon wafers may be just the appetizer. Mr. Chen mentioned four inferior ones. Is it possible that tonight we are going to be far ahead of the world in all aspects?"

"Don't say anything, you're way ahead!"

The barrage was popping up like crazy, and the entry "14N 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer" went straight to the top of the hot search list, surpassing the entries of "Underworld Press Conference" and "Chen Xing is Resurrected" by millions of hits.

This news is so shocking that it is at the level of a nuclear bomb in the industry.

Huang Renxun, who had been following the live broadcast, changed his expression. He subconsciously stood up and vetoed: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Shin-Etsu Chemical just announced new progress in 14-inch semiconductor silicon wafers. The whole world is conquering 14-inch. What are you doing, Chen Xing?" Is it possible that 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers have been conquered? This is absolutely impossible!”

The whole world is conquering 14-inch semiconductor silicon wafers. Shin-Etsu Chemical Group, Japan Shengco Group, and Germany's Siltronic Group have no news of 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers. How can you, Longxing Silicon Industry, catch up?

As the head of NVIDIA, Huang Renxun naturally knows the ins and outs.

In his opinion, Chen Xing probably made a PPT to defraud investors!

16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer?

Or the purity of 14N?

Four words, a fantasy! !

Just when Huang Renxun wanted to sit down and look at this "Underworld Press Conference" with the eyes of a clown, Chen Xing in the picture raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said again: "Since it is a press conference, naturally we can't just let everyone see the PPT. Next Please ask our staff to bring out the actual 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer for everyone to see.”

The moment he finished speaking, three girls in cheongsam walked out holding trays. The tray contained nothing but 14N16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers.

All of a sudden.

Everyone at the scene stood up and stretched their necks to watch.

Huang Renxun, who was watching the live broadcast online, was completely stunned because he found that these three semiconductor silicon wafers were indeed much larger than the 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafers he had been exposed to before.

Could it really be 16 inches?

Is it really 14N pure?

Wang Feng, who was far away at Apple's branch in Shanghai, saw the silicon wafers on the tray and suddenly shouted: "No, Chen Xing, do you really have 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers???"

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