Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 347 Digging the ancestral graves of photoresist friends? Is Chen Xing still going to let peo

"Longxing Chemical, another subsidiary?"

"Ah? The resistance of photoresist has reached 10^25? No, Mr. Chen, are you here to reshuffle the semiconductor chip material supply field?"

"Holy shit, shit, shit! It's 10 times ahead of the photoresist produced by JSR Co., Ltd. and TOK Tokyo Inka. They are the top three photoresist suppliers in the world!"

"I feel like Longxing Technology can no longer be called a company. This is clearly a group! Mr. Chen, tell me the truth, besides selling mobile phones, how many other industries have you deployed in private?"

No one expected that Longxing Technology not only has 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, but also 10^25 photoresist.

What does Chen Xing want to do?

Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room want to know.

Grab market share?

Or is it going to ruin the market?

You must know that in terms of supply of chip raw materials, the island country next door that is living a good life occupies a leading position.

For example, for 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, Shin-Etsu Group and Shenggao Group account for 69%, of which Shin-Etsu Group accounts for more than 40%!

Photoresist is also the leading company among Japanese companies. JSR Co., Ltd. and TOK Tokyo Onka monopolize 84% of the market share, and they are not even willing to give the soup to other companies.

Since the island country has mastered the production of high-end semiconductor silicon wafers and photoresist, the nearby Longguobao Island has the soil to become a super chip foundry, and two top foundries, TSMC and UMC, have also sprouted.

This is also the reason why the United States itself has a GF chip foundry, but cannot support it.

Does the United States not want to support it?

Not really.

In the past five years, the United States has been trying to transfer the chip raw material industry chain.

But the island country and the peninsula are not stupid. One of them controls semiconductor silicon wafers and photoresist, and the other controls methacrylate and acrylate, the raw materials of photoresist. If they really move to the United States, then what will happen to them?

They are the younger brothers of the United States, so this is the last resort.

To the north of the peninsula, there is a sun that conducts nuclear tests all day long. To the west of the island country, there is a superpower with a foundation of 5,000 years. They have no choice but to recognize the United States as their big brother.

But recognizing the eldest brother does not mean recognizing the father, but even if they recognize the father, it is impossible to say that they will hand over all their core technologies. Therefore, the two companies are not stupid. When the United States proposes industrial transfer, they will be vague and confused.

The United States has no choice. Since there is no way to transfer industries, it can only try to build freight routes for maritime supply.

But after a lot of trouble, it found that the cost of chip production was several times higher, so it might as well continue to support TSMC and UMC and serve as their chip foundries.

While the entire Internet was thinking about what Chen Xing wanted to do, he introduced the product slowly: "Photoresist with 10^25 photolithography resistance, what are its advantages?"

"Everyone in the chip industry knows that the raw material of the chip is the semiconductor silicon wafer, and if you want the semiconductor silicon wafer to become a bare chip, it needs photolithography exposure."

"When it comes to photolithography exposure, photoresist is naturally indispensable. It is precisely because photoresist reacts chemically with the light source that we can engrave intricate integrated circuits with tens of billions of transistors on bare wafers the size of fingernails."

"Back to business."

Chen Xing turned his body slightly, looked at the LED screen behind him and pressed the PPT remote control: "Then what is impedance?"

"To put it bluntly, it actually represents the purity of the photoresist. The higher the resistance," the higher the purity of the photoresist. Insufficient purity will cause contamination of the semiconductor silicon wafer and damage the photolithography integrated circuit. Let's work together Watch the demonstration video. I believe that after watching it, everyone will have a deeper understanding of resistance. "

The words fell.

A demonstration video appeared on the LED screen.

The content of the demonstration is the entire process of chip photolithography. After exposure, the video immediately switches to the microscopic level to demonstrate the changes in the photoresist and the chemical reactions produced.

Tens of millions of viewers dared not blink for fear of missing details.

In the middle part of the video, after the low-quality photoresist with weak resistance was etched by the photoresist, chemical reactions also occurred in areas that should not have reacted, causing defects in the corresponding bare chip integrated circuits.

As the video finished playing, Chen Xing patiently explained: "As you can see in the video, photoresist with weak resistance will cause chemical reactions in areas that should not be exposed."

"For example, I want to photoetch an L-shaped pattern, and my photomask also has an L-shaped pattern. During photolithography, because of the use of inferior photoresist, a chemical reaction also occurred above the pattern, and the L-shaped pattern It becomes i-type, and there is a little more, which is semiconductor silicon wafer pollution.”

"Pah, pah, pah—"

While Chen Xing took a breath, thunderous applause erupted from the scene, and barrages kept popping up in the live broadcast room.

"It's not Mr. Chen, which door has God closed for you? You are such a perfect man!"

"The level of narration is incredible. Even if Mr. Chen memorizes the manuscript, if he can remember so much, he is still at the level of a genius."

"Everyone is wondering if it's possible that Mr. Chen is actually the CEO of the company on the surface, but actually has another identity behind the scenes, that is, he is the chief scientist of Longxing Technology Company?"

"Don't say it, it's indeed possible."

"Okay, okay, contrast man, right?"

Chen Xing received applause and praise for his excellent professional skills and concise explanation. However, he only paused for a moment. When the applause at the scene subsided slightly, he pressed his hands to signal for silence and said:

"Now that everyone has a certain understanding of photolithography resistance, I have to mention why photolithography resistance can reflect purity, or quality."

"Anyone who has played with light source focusing knows that the more concentrated the beam, the stronger the energy at a single point. You can use a magnifying glass to focus on the sunlight, so I won't go into details."

"The current light sources of lithography machines are divided into 248 nanometers, which has been half eliminated, and is mainly used for lithography above 90 nanometers, followed by 193 nanometer light sources and 13.5 nanometer light sources. It is worth noting here that the 13.5 nanometer light source only has EUV lithography. Machines can do it.”

"The smaller the light source, the higher the energy density, and the corresponding accuracy will be higher. This provides our lithography engineers with a hotbed for higher-level process chips. The 14-nanometer process chip uses a 13.5-nanometer light source."

"I also mentioned before that the more concentrated the beam, the stronger the energy of photolithography. If the photoresist resistance type is weak, is it easy to cause contamination of the semiconductor silicon wafer?"

When the question was raised, all the guests nodded slightly and agreed with Chen Xing's statement.

Luo Hao even moved closer to Rebus and sighed with emotion: "Not to mention, Brother Chen can definitely go to a university to be a professor. Even I understand what photolithography resistance is."

"This is called accumulation, study hard."

Rebus responded calmly.

Chen Xing did not take any prompts and there was no teleprompter at the scene, but he was able to explain the photolithography resistance so thoroughly. It would have been impossible without hard work.

After all the audience had a certain understanding of photolithography resistance and light sources, Chen Xing continued: "So if you want to make 7-nanometer, 5-nanometer or even 3-nanometer chips, the resistance of the photoresist must match The process progress is up, so our 10^25 photoresist theoretically supports..."

Chen Xing pressed the remote control on the palm of his hand. When the specific parameters popped up on the LED screen, he quickly said: "3 nanometers."



The scene was filled with exclamations and gasps, like a ventriloquist feast, with everyone contributing their own voice.

Ren Guofei flashed his surprised eyes and murmured to himself: "This guy is not joking, he may really be working on 3 nanometer chips."


Rebus was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Luo Hao, Duan Yongping, Chen Yong, Wang Fu and other bosses were also in the same situation. They were all shocked by the news for a while.

When Chen Xing responded to Poke and proposed the bet of the century on 3-nanometer chips, almost no industry bosses believed that Chen Xing could achieve it.

What is the concept of 3nm chip?

Does this require an EUV lithography machine?

Longxing Technology does not.

Do you need high-purity photoresist?

Neither does Longxing Technology.

Finally, you have to design the corresponding collective circuit diagram and have skilled production technology, right?

It’s hard to say what the front chip design is, but Longxing Technology also doesn’t have the conditions for the photolithography production process.

Under the constraints of various factors, everyone regarded Chen Xing as someone who was having fun.

But they never expected that the oral pleasure they thought was Chen Xing's unexposed trump card.

Is a 12-inch semiconductor wafer huge?

Is 16 inches enough?

If it's not enough, there is a 20-inch one.

Can 10^15 resistor photoresist only be used on 14nm chips?

Do you want to know about 10^25 photoresist?

Now they have serious doubts that Chen Xing has even conquered the lithography machine, and that "3 nanometer chip" may not be empty talk.

Far away on the other side of the ocean, in Cupertino, Pou Ke, who lives in a villa area, was stunned and completely stunned.

14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, 10^25 photoresist that supports up to 3 nanometer process chip lithography.

Chen Xing didn't brag.

He is really working on 3 nanometer chips.

Puke, like others, does not believe that Longxing Technology has the conditions to develop 3-nanometer chips because there are too many restrictions.

But after watching the "Underworld Press Conference", he now wanted to grab Chen Xing by the collar and ask: "How many trump cards do you have that you haven't played yet?"

"Haha..." Pou Ke smiled bitterly, suddenly realizing the gap between the two sides. If it was really 10^25 photoresist, then he might have lost half of the century bet. Chen Xing really had something.

Before Ku Ke could recover, Chen Xing once again seemed to have expected someone to question, and once again confirmed to himself: "I believe that many colleagues and friends are paying attention to this live broadcast. Just like semiconductor silicon wafers, we use the machine to measure it. "

The words fell.

The staff rolled out the equipment again.

"This is called a photoresist resist measuring instrument, and a photoresist thickness measuring instrument. I will conduct the actual measurement below."

Puke: "..."

Fujii Koyama: "..."

Huang Renxun: "..."

Silence fell.

There was collective silence again.

What is strength?

This is called having strength.

Going the way of anti-fans leaves anti-fans with nowhere to go and likes to question quality, so Chen Xing will personally fight against fakes.

After one operation, the relevant parameters appeared on the connected auditorium LED screen, and the impedance indeed reached 10^25.

Chen Xing also said bluntly when the results came out: "As I said before, we welcome people in the industry to fight against counterfeiting, but travel expenses will not be reimbursed."

"Pah, pah, pah—"

There was constant applause.

The exposure of two trump cards in a row has completely convinced them, and the barrages in the live broadcast room are falling like goose feathers and heavy snow.

"Far ahead!"

"Far ahead!"

"Far ahead!"

There is no other barrage content. Everyone is saying "way ahead" because this photoresist is indeed "way ahead" in the industry. It is also Longguo's first photoresist with a photolithography resistance of 10^25. Glue.

"We understand the quality, let's see what types of photoresist there are." Chen Xing pressed the remote control again.

The PPT screen of the LED screen was switched, and the types of photoresist covered by the research and development were also clearly visible, which made the audience scream again and again.

Semiconductor photoresist: g-line photoresist, i-line photoresist, KrF photoresist, ArF photoresist and EUV photoresist

LCD photoresist: color photoresist, black photoresist, touch screen photoresist and TFT-LCD positive photoresist.

PCB photoresist: dry film photoresist, wet film photoresist and photoimaging solder mask ink.

"As shown in the picture, we at Longxing Chemical can provide corresponding photoresists, and the quality is guaranteed to be 10^25 photoresistance."

The moment Chen Xing said these words, Miyazaki June, who was staying at the Shencheng Star Hotel, and the two island country representatives were all stunned.

All categories?

Photoresist actually covers all categories?

This time it wasn't just them who panicked. Far away in the island nation of Tokyo, Fujii Koyama of the Shin-Etsu Group's headquarters building was even breached.

"Bagaya road!"

"This is not giving me any way to survive!"

You must know that Shin-Etsu Group has been famous for high-quality silicones since its establishment. Later, it expanded its business of polyvinyl chloride, cellulose derivatives, photoresists and supporting reagents.

But now in just half an hour, Chen Xing not only launched 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, but also announced a full range of photoresists with 10^25 photolithography resistance.

This is no longer a fair business war, this is digging up his ancestral grave!

The two major businesses have been completely crushed. Fujii Koyama can't imagine how high the stock price will jump. Especially now that the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, life for Japanese companies is simply difficult.

After thinking twice, he decided to call his backer in the United States, Congress Speaker Renato Marotta, for help.

And on the other side.

JSR Co., Ltd. and TOK Tokyo Onka, two of the world's top photoresist suppliers, both their bosses, Hidetsu Maeda and Rokuro Kobayashi, can't sleep at this time.

When they first received the news that Chen Xing was resurrected, they didn't take it seriously.

But with the bombardment of phone calls, the two bosses lost their composure.

10^25 photoresist for photolithography?

What about teasing them?

But when they used international channels to open the official live broadcast room of Longxing Technology and saw the photoresist data directly measured by Chen Xing's equipment, the two of them were completely panicked.

"Why so sudden?"

"How did Chen Xing do it?"

They have always had a first-mover advantage in the photoresist field. Not only do they have outstanding quality, they also monopolize the global market share.

It is precisely because the quality is so outstanding that even the United States has to compromise.

But tonight they were confused.

They thought about being overtaken by Shin-Etsu Group, they also thought about being overtaken by Germany's DuPont, and they even thought about being overtaken by Dongjin Shimei Group of the Peninsula, but they really didn't expect to be overtaken by Longxing Technology Company in a corner!

What kind of company is Longxing Technology?

Born in a copycat phone!

Why should a company that makes copycat mobile phones become their rival? Neither company is on the same track.

But the facts are right in front of us.

Longxing Technology not only engages in mobile phones, it also engages in chip design. It not only engages in chip design, it also has fast charging, lithium batteries, operating systems, and communication network businesses.

Maeda Hidetsugi was silent for a few seconds and decided to call the boss of a friend, Rokuro Kobayashi, the boss of TOK Tokyo Onka Group.


After a few seconds of busy tone, the call was connected.

"Rokuro-kun." Maeda Hidetsugi went straight to the topic without any ink marks: "Have you paid attention to Longxing Technology's press conference?"

"I'm looking."

Rokuro Kobayashi responded in a deep voice.

Seeing that the other party was watching, he must have known about the 10^25 photoresist resistor. Maeda Hidetsugi went straight to the topic and said: "The photoresist cake has always been divided between us. Now there is a spoiler. You look…"

"There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom, which is to be courteous before fighting." Kobayashi Rokuro responded to him and closed his eyes at the same time: "Let someone talk to Chen Xing first to see if they can buy out the patent. If not, they can only use their trump cards to negotiate the price. Fight."

"Do you have a trump card?"

Maeda Hidetsugi asked quickly.

"Don't you have one too?" Kobayashi Rokuro asked coldly.

The two companies have been competing for the market for so long, and they both know each other's trump cards and maintain a tacit understanding, so they do not expose everything at once.

But they also have to admit that their trump card is not a trump card at all.

Because the current highest quality of photoresist produced by JSR Co., Ltd. and TOK Tokyo Yinghua is 10^22, they can only narrow the gap with the photoresist announced by Longxing Technology.

Although there are gaps between the three, there is no problem in producing 5-nanometer chips. This is also the foundation of the two companies.

If there was no real skill at hand, how could the United States compromise in the first place?

After Maeda Hidetsugi and Kobayashi Rokuro hung up the phone, they also dialed the number of the island country representative of the Shencheng Star Hotel, hoping that they could make a trip to discuss the buyout with Chen Xing.

And on the other side.

Capitol Hill in Washington, USA.

Renato Marotta was woken up by Fujii Koyama's phone call. He was originally holding in his anger, but when he heard that Chen Xing was "resurrected" and turned his condolence meeting into a press conference, he instantly killed him nameless fire.

"You mean, Longxing Technology has mastered the production process of 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, and the purity has reached 14N?" Renato Marotta confirmed again.

Dragon State is a major industrial country and a major exporter of photovoltaic silicon wafers.

But for semiconductor silicon wafers, this was the first time he heard that Long State-owned Enterprise could produce 20-inch silicon wafers with a purity of 14N.

The most important thing is, when did Longxing Technology lay out semiconductor silicon wafers?

Renato Marotta couldn't figure it out.

He was confused.

"That's right." Fujii Koyama nodded and continued: "Not only semiconductor silicon wafers, Chen Xing has now released a full range of photoresists with a photolithography resistance of 10^25."

Renato Marotta: “…”

Photoresist with photolithography resistance reaching 10^25?

Or the whole category?

ah? ? ?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Renato Marotta's mind. He suddenly figured everything out and murmured to himself: "So that's it, that's it, that's it!"


Fujii Koyama asked.

Renato Marotta took a deep breath and said with melancholy eyes: "No wonder Loongson International manufactures a large number of chips for Longxing Technology. We have not found the source of chip production material supply. It turns out that Chen Xing has already mastered semiconductor wafers and photoresist. production process.”

Since Longxing Technology announced the 14-nanometer Qingzhou chip, Renato Marotta has been investigating the source of chip production.

The first was the chip foundry. He sent hundreds of people to TSMC, UMC, GlobalFoundries, Korean Star Factory and Loongson International, but found nothing and no abnormalities.

Is it really a gift from God?

Renato Marotta didn't believe it at all.

He also ordered an investigation into semiconductor wafer and photoresist supply companies and sent more than 50 commissioners to corresponding companies in the island country.

In his opinion, chip production requires raw materials, and the raw materials are basically found in peninsulas and island countries. Even if there are "insiders" supplying them, they can be found if they want to.

But while they were conducting an in-depth investigation, Longxing Technology on the other side kept selling mobile phones and could not trace the source of the chips at all.

Checked OEM, found nothing.

Checked the supply, still found nothing.

This has made Renato Marotta believe for a long time that the 14nm Canoe chip and SOC God chip are really a gift from God.

After all, in early 2014, Longxing Technology still needed to find TSMC to manufacture its 28nm chips. Now, only one year has passed, and you say it has a 14nm chip production process? Even Renato Marotta would not believe it.

Now, with Loongson International "revealing its flaws" and Chen Xing's press conference, Renato Marotta finally figured things out and understood where Longxing Technology's chips come from and what this industry is like. Who are the members of the chain?

"It's so cunning." Renato Marotta couldn't help but sigh. This chip was produced almost under his nose.

"Longxing Technology has become a thorn in our side in just two years, a thorn in our side. We can no longer let Chen Xing jump around. Renato Marotta, do you want to..."

Fujii Koyama didn't finish his words, but he already said what he wanted to express.

Longxing Technology Company is rising too fast. If Renato Marotta is still hesitating, then they really can't hold on.

20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers have been released, and there is no guarantee that 30-inch or even 40-inch giant semiconductor silicon wafers will be produced in half a year.

"Don't rush to be included in the DOD sanctions list for military-related companies. The fourth 5G negotiation meeting is about to be held. I want to see Chen Xing's attitude again." Renato Marotta said solemnly.

Although Chen Xing owns semiconductor silicon wafers and photoresists and has very strong market competitiveness, he also has the means to prevent TSMC, UMC, GlobalFoundries and Korean Star Group from using raw materials produced by Longxing Technology subsidiaries.

And Renato Marotta has another trick, which is to limit the raw materials of photoresist.

The current global supplier of methacrylates and acrylates is Peninsula LG Group, which is a super group that is no weaker than Korean Star Group.

It not only includes LG Electronics, LG display, LG Chem, LG Energy, but also the most important information and communication business.

After Li Zhenzhen was absent from the 5G high-speed network conference, it was the representatives of LG Group who took over the right to open the microphone on the peninsula.

Just as Renato Marotta's abacus was clicking, Fujii Koyama suddenly screamed: "Impossible! How is it possible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Renato Marotta frowned and asked in a lowered voice: "What happened? What's all the fuss about."

"Chen Xing, he...he..." Fujii Koyama stuttered a little. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. After taking a deep breath to adjust, he said what he was thinking in one breath: "He said he has mastered methacrylate." , acrylate synthesis formula, openly threatening LG Group.”


Renato Marotta couldn't sit still.

Publicly threatening LG Group?

What does this kid Chen Xing want to do? ? ?

Is it really going to change the world? ? ?

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