Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 349 The era of semiconductor chips has changed, Chen Xing announces the final technology!

Bypassing the complex photolithography machine and using a factory to conquer the final chip photolithography link?

This sentence confused everyone.

What is a lithography machine?

Industrial crown!

Why can it become an industrial crown?

Let's put it this way, no country in the world can create it alone, not even the United States. The lithography machine is the pinnacle of human industrial strength.

Take Germany, for example. Everyone knows that it has superb mechanical craftsmanship and manufacturing technology and is recognized as an industrial power.

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi all have German origins. A country that can independently manufacture cars can be called an industrial power. Only a country that can build first-class cars can be called an industrial power. Because having the ability to independently manufacture cars means that Domestic heavy industry is very strong, and manufacturing aircraft and tanks is not a problem.

In the manufacturing of photolithography machines, Germany is responsible for the mechanical system and precision manufacturing, and the lenses of the photolithography machines are also optical lenses from Carl Zeiss, Germany.

And France.

In addition to being gentle and romantic, it also has the world's top laser beams.

What is a laser beam?

Lithography machines require precise laser beams to project patterns when performing photolithography. French laser technology plays a key role in ensuring the stability, accuracy and efficiency of laser beams.

In addition to these two companies, there is also light source technology provided by the United States.

There is no need to say more about the light source. Deep ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 193 nanometers and extreme ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 13.5 nanometers are both high-purity light source technologies provided by the United States.

The technologies of these countries have effectively complemented each other in the field of lithography machines, and jointly promoted the development and application of lithography technology.

Of course.

It’s not just these three countries that contribute.

The lithography machine has more than 30,000 precision components, and basically all the established industrial powers are involved in manufacturing it. This is why it is said that the lithography machine is a masterpiece of human industry.

As for the Dutch ASML company, it is actually a technology integrator.

It uses its own packaging technology to integrate the top technologies provided by countries around the world into room-sized equipment. The difficulty is also very high because the components are too precise and the location selection needs to be careful.

But now you tell me, the lithography machine can actually bypass it?

Are you kidding everyone? ? ?

The bosses at the press conference whispered and looked at their friends beside them in disbelief. They were no longer calm.

"What the hell is a photolithography factory?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of it. Could it be the chip printing technology used before the 1990s? Longxing Technology puts old wine in new bottles?"

"A little unsure."

"If we can really bypass the lithography machine, wouldn't it mean that our chip has closed the loop?"

"Are you going to witness history again?"

The bosses who came to the scene were basically Shenzhen entrepreneurs with a net worth of more than one billion, and their personal qualities and expression management were comparable to those of celebrities.

But with the introduction of the concept of "lithography factory", all of them became restless. Every word you said to me made the press conference seem chaotic, like entering a vegetable market.

Chen Xing did not keep them waiting. After pressing the remote control, a live video of the interior of the lithography factory appeared on the LED screen.

Automatic film removal.

The suction cup machine picks up the semiconductor silicon wafers in the storage area and transports the silicon wafers to the designated area through the mid-air orbital route.

Automatic cleaning.

Use SC1 cleaning solution or sulfuric acid cleaning solution to wash away dust and impurities attached to the surface of the semiconductor silicon wafer.

Automatic baking.

Use a high temperature of 600 degrees to evaporate the remaining water on the surface of the semiconductor silicon wafer to ensure that the photoresist can be evenly covered.

Automatic glue application.

Apply the corresponding photoresist.

Automated photolithography.

Transport the silicon wafer that has been coated with photoresist to the designated photolithography area, and remove the blocking lens for exposure.

A series of video demonstrations, everyone at the scene was stunned, including Ren Guofei, Rebus and Xiao Ma.

The live broadcast room exploded, and countless barrages were posted crazily.

"No! Is there really a photolithography factory?"

"I graduated from a C9 Alliance college and now work in a top research institute in China. I thought my cultural reserves were already at the top level. In this situation, I just want to say that Mr. Chen is awesome and Longxing Technology is far ahead!"

"Sometimes, I also want to say something sexy and show off my writing, but I am uneducated and can take over the world with one awesome sentence. Mr. Chen is awesome! Longxing Technology is awesome!"

"Is this photolithography factory fully automated? It feels like it's no longer a matter of overtaking in corners, but using drainage channels to negotiate corners. It's far ahead of the rest of the world!"

"No more words to say, we're way ahead!"

For a long time, both insiders and outsiders have been adhering to the idea that only with photolithography machines can we produce chips.

But tonight.

It was completely broken.


Why take the photolithography machine route?

Isn’t it good to create new routes on your own?

Brother Xiao Ma can be regarded as a top entrepreneur who has seen great storms and prospered both at home and abroad. But after watching the video demonstration, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Overtaking in corners, finding new ways, establishing a sect..."

Twelve words fell into Luo Hao's ears, and he also echoed: "Brother Chen is really awesome this time. He actually handed over this trump card. The West should not be able to sleep this time, right?"

Rebus and Ren Guofei looked at each other, neither of them said a word. Their hearts were already filled with huge waves.

I thought that there was not much difference between myself and Chen Xing. They were both companies with a market capitalization of 100 billion.

But they didn't expect that Chen Xing's trump cards were endless. The photolithography factory alone was already beyond their reach.

Huang Renxun, who had been paying attention to the live broadcast, stood up unconsciously. While he was stunned, he thought of the fantasy novel of Dragon Kingdom.

If the lithography machine is the way to become a saint, it is the path blazed by countless predecessors.

Then the photolithography factory is equivalent to physical sanctification, belonging exclusively to the path of Longxing Technology, and establishing a sect in the true sense!

"Longxing Technology...Chen Xing..."

"Longxing Technology...Chen Xing..."

Huang Renxun murmured to himself.

He couldn't find the words to describe this man and this company. They were simply born for miracles.

Maeda Hidetsugi, Kobayashi Rokuro, and Fujii Koyama who are also following the live broadcast have all realized the seriousness of the matter.

"The sky has changed."

"The semiconductor field is about to change..."

With large-size semiconductor silicon wafers, full range of photoresists, and photolithography factories, Longxing Technology has unknowingly solved all the difficulties in the field of semiconductor chips.

Tonight is destined to go down in history.

Not only the three presidents of the Island Group, Ju Benmao from the peninsula, Pan Ke from Apple, and representatives from other countries who came to Longguo to participate in the 5G network negotiation meeting were stunned. No one expected that Chen Xingzang was so deep. LaAmeng's treasure bag can also hide things.

On the other side of the ocean in Washington, Renato Marotta on Capitol Hill said "impossible" ten times in a row. His face was not only horrified, but his eyes also shone with disbelief.

The lithography machine is his last trump card. How could it be broken through?

In terms of EDA software, he knew that Long Guo had local experience.

Now that means that EDA software, chip raw material supply chain, chip design, and photolithography machines have all been conquered?

Has the Dragon Kingdom really achieved one superpower and multiple strengths?

"It may be a virtual video produced. The photolithography machine is the crown of industry. It is the pinnacle of human industry. How could it be overtaken? It is definitely a virtual video content."

Renato Marotta couldn't believe it.

Don't say it's him.

None of the Western leaders believed it.

Whether it is the Onsa military-industrial complex, the Rothschild family behind Wall Street, or the All-Seeing Society, their leaders cannot believe that this is true.

Longguo companies have mastered the entire chip industry chain, and they can't believe how serious the consequences will be.

The Western executives collectively did not believe it. Chen Xing seemed to have expected it. However, he did not come to crack down on counterfeiting like the previous semiconductor silicon wafers and photoresists. Instead, he smoothed things over and said:

"Okay, the video has been played. Since the lithography factory is too advanced to be displayed conveniently, I will not announce the core technology. After all, there are countless pairs of eyes on the Internet watching the live broadcast room now, for fear that others will steal it."

The words fell.

The boss at the scene finally came to his senses.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Applause fell like rain, covering every corner of the conference.

As Chen Xing said, there are now countless pairs of eyes on the Internet watching the live broadcast room. If he announces a certain core technology, it is very likely that the West will set up a special project team to conduct lithography deductions using the announced technology. , then the gains outweigh the losses.

"However." Chen Xing suddenly changed the topic and continued: "Although the core manufacturing technology of the lithography factory cannot be announced, the relevant parameters can be announced."

He pressed the remote control again, and the LED screen screen switched quickly.

All of a sudden.

The whole audience exclaimed again.

"No! 193 nanometer deep ultraviolet light, 13.5 nanometer extreme ultraviolet light, 7 nanometer extreme ultraviolet light, and 3 nanometer wavelength extreme ultraviolet light. Is this serious?"

"Is it possible that the photolithography factory has so many light sources at the same time?"

"Real photolithography factory!"

"No wonder Mr. Chen dared to make a bet with Pou Ke. It turns out that he has already conquered all the necessary conditions for the 3-nanometer chip behind his back!"

"It's bottomless, this man!"

"Far ahead!"

The bosses in the audience no longer have the same image as before, and they are all whispering to each other. The photolithography factory is a new way for them to bypass the photolithography machine that they have never thought of.

Chen Yong, who was sitting in the first row, couldn't help but smile bitterly. He looked at Duan Yongping and said, "I really didn't expect Brother Chen to have such a deep layout. I thought he would be attached to our and Gao Yongming's chip factory. I didn't expect him." I built my own photolithography factory and bypassed the photolithography machine.”

"Yes." Duan Yongping couldn't help but sigh, and said in a deep voice: "I heard some time ago that China Southern Power Grid is constantly constructing and optimizing, and now it seems that it should be this photolithography factory."

Shenzhen is an international city and a new technological city in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is very rare for the entire city to lose power, but there have been several power outages in recent times. Duan Yongping's contacts also told him that a super project is being built in Shenzhen City. As for what the project is, no one knows.

Now that the photolithography factory has been exposed, he also knows what the super project is.

Lithography machines require a large amount of electricity to perform lithography. Turning a lithography machine into a lithography factory requires several, dozens, or even hundreds of times more power to operate.

This can also explain why China Southern Power Grid needs to be optimized and updated, and the entire city of Shenzhen will experience frequent power outages.


Chen Yong breathed a sigh of relief and thought about it. He smiled lightly and said, "That's fine. Just follow the steps of big brother. He eats meat and we drink soup."

"That's the truth."

Duan Yongping nodded.

When the domestic alliance was formed, Chen Xing promised to take them to eat cake together and let Longguo Technology enter the international market.

Looking back now, the cakes Chen Xing drew for them have to be fulfilled one by one.

Whether it is 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, or 10^25 high-resistance photoresist, or methacrylate, acrylate, these can bite a piece of fat in the international semiconductor market.

It’s not scary to draw a cake, but it’s not to fulfill it. This is why many people hate others drawing cakes.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Renato Marotta of Parliament Hill could no longer withstand the pressure and directly called Stephen Grishidin, chief engineer of the American Chip Research Institute.


The phone keeps busy.

Even though it was only nine-thirty in the evening in Dragon Kingdom and the nightlife had just begun, on the other side of the ocean in the United States, it was four or five in the morning in most areas.

If someone calls at four or five in the morning, would you like to answer it if it were you?

After waiting for half a minute, the naked Stephan Grihidin was kicked awake by his new girlfriend. In a daze, he picked up the phone and answered: "Stephen Grihidin, please tell me something. "

"it's me."

The moment Renato Marotta's voice came out, Stephen Grihidin's nerves tensed up instantly. He opened his bloodshot eyes and sat up quickly.

"What does the Speaker want from me?"

Renato Marotta did not write any ink and asked directly: "Is there a way to produce chips by bypassing the photolithography machine?"

"Chip printing?"

Stephan Grichting isn't sure.

In the past, chips were printed, but those have been eliminated for many years.

Nowadays, 14nm process is often used, and printing is simply unthinkable. Times have changed, and this technology has also been eliminated.

"Except for printing." Renato Marotta directly denied this answer.

This posed a problem for Stephen Grichting. How to engrave integrated circuit patterns on silicon wafers without using a photolithography machine?

Could it be microscopic engraving?

Isn’t this nonsense!

After pondering for tens of seconds, Stephen Grihidin couldn't think of anything. He shook his head and responded: "I don't know."

"Is there really no similar technology for turning a photolithography machine into a factory?" Renato Marotta was still determined to ask.

"I...I really don't know."

Stephan Grichting was stunned.

Turn the photolithography machine into a factory?

Or is it a photolithography machine made in a factory?

He couldn't tell. He really couldn't tell. He couldn't even figure out the relationship between them. Now he was completely confused.


Renato Marotta let out a sigh of relief, and with a complicated mood, he hung up the phone and said, "I understand."

Not to mention that Stephen Grishidin can't tell the difference now, he can't tell whether Chen Xing is bragging or not. It is a fantasy to bypass the lithography machine and build a lithography factory.

"It's inexplicable." Stephen Grihidin looked at Renato Marotta who was coming and going in a hurry. He was about to take a break and continue to rest when another call came into his mobile phone.

"General Peter Goddard?"

"In the end what happened?"

Stephan Grichting had no idea what was going on. When he got on the phone, the same question was thrown to him.

Stephan Grichting still replied: "Besides chip printing, I really don't know any other way to produce chips."


Peter Goddard also hung up.

Before Stephen Grichting could take a breath, a call with the note "Rothschild" came into his cell phone again.

As a top expert in the field of semiconductor chips in the United States, Stephen Grichidin has absolute say.

But he really doesn't know, apart from photolithography with photolithography machines, there are other ways to produce semiconductor chips.

The calls came in one after another, and Stephen Grishidin was really confused.

The Chamber of Commerce, the Onsa military-industrial complex, the Rothschild family, and the mysterious All Vision Council all made inquiries.

However, what these senior executives behind the scenes didn’t know was that they had the wrong person.

Stephen Grichting is an expert in the field of semiconductor chips, but he is limited to semiconductor chips and does not understand the field of high-energy physics at all.

Small particle accelerators are equipment that rarely appears in semiconductor chip laboratories. They are equipment for studying high-energy physics.

No one can tell now whether the photolithography factory Chen Xing mentioned is true.

If it is true, then Longxing Technology has achieved a closed loop of the entire chip industry chain, and there is no need to look at the West anymore.

But if it’s fake, then you have to step up your efforts.

On the other side of the Rothschild Manor, a series of phone calls were made, and the plan that had been shelved was implemented again.

Chen Xing "resurrected" with a lot of black technology, and also held a network-wide press conference to demonstrate his sword. Based on their understanding of Chen Xing's temper, the 5G high-speed network is likely to be ruined, and will only add fuel to the global financial market.

Shencheng Longgang.

Longxing Technology Base Headquarters.

After announcing the light source data, Chen Xing continued to press his hands, signaling for silence while continuing: "With the extreme ultraviolet light of the 3-nanometer process and the high-resistance EUV photoresist, this also means that we have the soil for research and development. , I want to say something to you, if you give up in advance, I can let you lose only half. "

The words fell.

The scene burst into laughter.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it any longer and started making comments one after another.

"Hahaha, if you surrender, you will lose half the battle. Mr. Chen knows how to humiliate people."

"If you lose half of the money for 1 yuan, doesn't it mean that you only need to lose 0.5 yuan? If I were a loser, I would agree to this condition directly."

"I thought Mr. Chen was bragging, but I didn't expect him to be really capable."

"14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, 10^25 high-resistance EUV photoresist, and 3-nanometer extreme ultraviolet light source. When these conditions are added up, let alone Longxing Technology, it is really possible to create 3-nanometer chips. ”

"Pants can't sleep!"

Can't sleep?

Now he wasn't sleeping at all.

What the audience in the live broadcast room doesn't know is that Pou Ke is really in trouble now. If he had known, he wouldn't have called out Chen Xing in the first place.

If time could go back to the Apple 8 press conference, he would never invite Chen Xing to score, let alone anger this man.

Facing the suggestion of "surrender and lose half", he felt his cheeks hurt.

Do you think 3nm chips are bragging?

They are really powerful.

NVIDIA founder Huang Renxun is also considering whether to move the company out of the United States and return to the market of Longguo.

3nm process.

If the graphics card also uses 3nm...

He couldn't imagine it anymore.

He couldn't imagine how exaggerated the computing power would be!

In less than two hours of press conference, Chen Xing has successfully awakened the world and made everyone focus on him.

Li Zhenzhen from the Lingnan Military Region's beautiful eyes twinkled, and he couldn't help but say with emotion: "So this is Chen Xing's confidence to challenge the West."

At first, she wondered why Chen Xing dared to interfere with the United States and not lead the United States to build a 5G high-speed network. It is obvious that the 5G network is inseparable from semiconductor chips and requires 5G baseband chips to analyze signals.

Now she understands that Chen Xing's confidence in challenging the United States is because he has mastered the entire industry chain of semiconductor chips and does not need to give the United States face at all.

Stuck in the neck?

Sorry, already so far ahead!

After thinking about this, Li Zhenzhen couldn't help but joked: "This man really does one thing after another, it feels endless."

Many times, she felt that Chen Xing was reaching his limit and couldn't take out anything.


It caught her by surprise every time.

Whether it was the original Star Flash fast charging, Kaitian baseband chips, or today's fully closed-loop semiconductor industry chain, Chen Xing is refreshing her knowledge time and time again.

Just when Li Zhenzhen once again thought that the photolithography factory was the finale of this press conference, Chen Xing, who was far away at the press conference in Shenzhen, pressed the remote control again and said with a smile: "After talking about the research and development of related technologies in the field of semiconductor chips, , let’s talk about something else.”

"No, there's more???"

The scene was agitated again.

Ren Guofei's eyes that had just calmed down once again became turbulent. He couldn't help but look at Rebus and said, "He actually still has technology to announce?"

"The scariest thing now is not that there is technology that has not been announced, but that this technology is ranked behind the photolithography factory, and it is very likely to be the last one!"

Rebus swallowed.

"What exactly is it?"

Brother Ma couldn't help but exclaimed.

In less than two hours, Chen Xing refreshed their knowledge again and again, bringing them the impact of the technological explosion.

Now you tell me that photolithography factories are not the final technology?

It can’t be nuclear fusion, right?

Countless people held their breaths again and fixed their eyes firmly on Chen Xing on the stage, their hearts beating rapidly.

"A month ago, I held a live broadcast late at night to discuss the feasibility of the future development of electric vehicles with netizens..."

"It's broken, you came for me!"

In the audience, BYD CEO Wang Fu couldn't help but tighten his anus.

When he said the words "electric car", he knew something was wrong.

Just as he thought, Chen Xing's mouth curved slightly, he looked directly at the camera and said: "After the discussion that night, I believe many people are looking forward to the launch of the Pilot car. Here I will report to the future owners. ”

“Not long ago, our solid-state lithium battery once again experienced a technological breakthrough. Currently, our battery energy experimental team is conducting safety tests and is expected to manufacture battery packs for use in the first generation of Pilot cars. Put those four words in our live broadcast room again. Is it okay on the public screen?”

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