Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 355: Determine strategies based on national conditions and achieve in-depth cooperation with

Ignoring the attention of the audience, Chen Xing took the lead in walking to his seat, followed closely by Li Zhenzhen and Yao Nana.

When he came to his seat, out of politeness, Chen Xing looked at the Longguo representative seat and greeted Gao Shuyuan, Minister of Communications, and Wang Tingjun, Minister of Commerce, with his eyes.

Gao Shuyuan and Wang Tingjun nodded in response, motioning to sit down and prepare to start the meeting.

When Chen Xing and the others took their seats, the live broadcast camera also switched to the seats of the Dragon Kingdom delegation.

As the organizer of the conference, Gao Shuyuan, who is also the spokesperson of the representative of Longguo, adjusted his microphone, cleared his throat and said: "In order to promote the rapid development of global information and communication networks and in-depth construction of related facilities, we held this fourth " 5G Network International Negotiation Conference" and continue to discuss specific matters with national delegations."

The words fell.

There was warm applause.

While the representatives from various countries applauded, their eyes occasionally glanced at Chen Xing, who was sitting at the technology provider's seat, trying to observe what was happening.

You must know that at the first meeting, the intended contract had been signed, but the shooting incident gave them hope of renegotiation, and they regretted it and wanted to renegotiate.

Now that Chen Xing is "resurrected", no one is sure whether this man will increase his price.

When the applause subsided slightly, Gao Shuyuan took out the speech he had prepared and continued: "5G network, as a new generation of information and communication technology, has been piloted throughout Longguo, with a coverage rate of 100%. The signals are all at full capacity, and the average network speed has reached the range of 4.3MB-4.7MB/s, which is sufficient for daily use. "

“In addition, according to the technical achievements disclosed by Longxing Technology Company, the 5G network not only provides higher data transmission speeds and lower delays, but more importantly, it brings a new connection experience, making the Internet of Everything possible. "

"Therefore, I call on everyone to work together to form a synergy to jointly promote the high-level development of 5G networks, lead profound changes in the global information society, and accelerate economic and social development."

At the end of the official speech, while representatives of the on-site delegation applauded again, Gao Shuyuan also looked at Chen Xing and said: "Since Chen Xing, our technology provider representative, was absent from the meeting twice, let us listen to what he has to say. ”

"Pah, pah, pah—"

The scene burst into applause again.

Gao Shuyuan's last sentence was very clever. He emphasized the six words "absent from the meeting twice" and highlighted something unusual.

When Chen Xing was present at the first meeting, the settlement of Longguo currency was already a consensus.

But in the second and third meetings, Chen Xing was absent from the shooting incident, and the consensus on Long Guo currency settlement was overturned.

Now click on "two absences", which is already giving a reminder to all the representatives present.

About five seconds passed, and the applause subsided slightly. Chen Xing did not prepare a speech, but what he wanted to say had been practiced in the Lingnan Military Region for several days, and he had already remembered it in his heart.

I saw him adjusting the height of the conference microphone, scanning the audience and saying:

"I am very grateful to Minister Gao for giving me this opportunity to speak. I am deeply sorry for my absence from the first two meetings due to my physical discomfort. I am also here to say sorry to everyone. I hope that this meeting tonight will be the last one. I also hope that all representatives can come to a satisfactory result.”

"Pah, pah, pah—"

The audience burst into applause again.

The three representatives from the Batio delegation almost smashed their palms.

During the two meetings in which Chen Xing was absent, Boalard, Ilysia, and Assef Fattah all clearly felt that something was unusual. In particular, Prince William, Prince of Qatar, and Prince of Saudi Arabia all clearly opposed the meeting.

Some people were happy and some were sad. At this time, the two princes, who were representing Saudi Arabia and Qatar, had sad faces and weakly clapped their hands together.

If they really want to abandon the U.S. dollar and use Longguo currency for international trade settlement, they are really afraid that the United States will send soldiers to cause trouble for them.

Just when the two of them had given up hope and wanted to just listen and return to the Middle East after the meeting, hugging the world's top female model and crying bitterly, Chen Xing's voice came out again:

"After this period of precipitation and reflection, I deeply understand that one size does not fit all, and the promotion of Longguo currency needs to be gradual."


As soon as the words fell, the whole audience was refreshed. Could it be that things have turned around?

Chen Xing did not sell out, looking at the seats in the Middle East region and said: "The Middle East countries are major producers of oil, diamonds, and gold. The trade settlement currency used is generally the US dollar. At the same time, the development of this region is slightly behind and cannot be like developed countries. Flexible storage of foreign currency from other countries.”

"Therefore we are willing to provide a five-year adjustment period. During this period, Middle Eastern countries and African countries can still use U.S. dollars for settlement."

"Really?" Before Chen Xing finished speaking, Prince Saudi Arabia couldn't help but confirm.

"Is there really a five-year adjustment period?"

The Prince of Qatar echoed this.

Are they short of money?

Obviously there is no shortage of money.

The main thing of Middle Eastern countries is that they are rich and willful. Their only shortcoming is that their military power is very weak.

Let alone a behemoth like the United States, even if the peninsula is relocated to the Middle East, it can become a new overlord.

"Of course it's true." Chen Xing smiled.

After more than ten days of thinking and reflection, he also realized that he was a little impatient.

Countries in Europe and Asia can still urge them. After all, one is a developed country and it is easy to convert reserves. The other is a country close to the Dragon Country, so it is easier to convert foreign exchange reserves.

However, African countries and Middle Eastern countries use U.S. dollars for international trade, which is also their hard currency. If Longguo currency wants to replace the U.S. dollar, it can only be done step by step.

"High! It's really high!"

In Li Daxiao's Weibo live broadcast room, as an economist and consultant to Yingda Investment Bank, he couldn't help but give Chen Xing a thumbs up.

I saw him take a sip of water and explain to the 60,000 viewers in his live broadcast room: "Give backward countries a five-year adjustment period. This will not only gradually reduce the influence of the US dollar in the Middle East and Africa, but once the period is up, they will immediately You can use our Dragon Kingdom coins instead.”

"In the past few days since Mr. Chen disappeared, it seems that he has been studying how to ban the U.S. dollar."

As soon as he finished explaining, the audience in the live broadcast room also woke up.

"The strategy will depend on the national conditions, and the influence of the US dollar in the world will be gradually reduced. Mr. Chen's resurrection is indeed different."

"I have a hunch that this can really happen!"

"The currency is linked to high technology, and it also invests in college students. I have to say that the United States probably hates Mr. Chen to death, right?"

"Who told the United States to raise interest rates frequently and make life difficult for everyone?"

"Fuck American finance to death!"

For ordinary people, the U.S. dollar interest rate hike may just feel that the unemployment rate has increased, and nothing else has changed.

But for the audience in Li Daxiao's live broadcast room, raising interest rates in the United States means taking their money, and everyone wants to eat those people at the Federal Reserve Bank of America alive.

The reason is also very simple. Li Daxiao is an economist and an expert in analyzing A-shares. The people in his live broadcast room are all A-share retail investors and hot money tycoons.

The U.S. dollar interest rate hikes took money away, and the stock market shrank by almost 20%. Naturally, investors' money also shrank. They can see the horror of the U.S. dollar interest rate hikes.

"However." Li Daxiao touched his chin, looked at the British representative seat and said, "I'm curious about what Prince William will say and write."

With just one move, the two openly naysaying princes were eliminated, and now only Prince William of Britain was left unsolved.

Naturally, Chen Xing would not forget him. His eyes scanned the conference table for a week, and finally stopped on Prince William's face and said:

"Although I was not present at the second and third meetings, I was still watching the progress of the meetings through live webcast. Prince William, you support euro settlement. Can you tell me what its advantages are?"

Targeted questions.

The scene instantly became full of gunpowder.

An ordinary person would probably immediately become confused and at a loss.

But that was Prince William, the royal prince of Britain. He smiled indifferently and responded: "The reason why I support the euro is very simple, because it is one of the few world trade currencies in the world, second only to the US dollar. In the EU 30 Available for circulation in multiple countries.”


Suddenly, he changed the topic and said weakly: "After watching Mr. Chen's technology conference, I think the Dragon Country currency has greater potential. In addition, the Dragon Country is one of the few big countries in the world with a complete industrial system. We look forward to exploring more possibilities with Dragon Kingdom.”

The subtext of his words is very simple. The simple summary is: "You have the technology and you are awesome. We support Longguo currency for trade settlement. Don't target me."

Chen Xing can naturally hear the overtone. Since Prince William has no idea, he will not deliberately target others.

First, there is no grudge between the two.

The second is normal business negotiations.

When both parties exchange angles, they will make the other's previous decision. Both of them are right, they just have different positions.

After the three princes expressed their opinions, Chen Xing glanced around again and said in a calm tone: "Is there anyone else who objects to the settlement of Longguo currency?"

Behind this seemingly simple question, there was a threat that spread across the screen, and his tone was calm but murderous.

All the representatives in the room looked at each other, obviously stunned.

Does anyone dare to dissent?

Apparently not.

The three leading princes have all compromised. Even if the other representatives no longer want to use Dragon Kingdom currency for settlement, they can only comply now, unless they do not want to build a 5G high-speed network.

When the audience in the state broadcast room saw this scene, the barrage exploded instantly.

"Mr. Chen is awesome! He beats the rest!"

"I, Mr. Chen, have to come to negotiate these matters. If there hadn't been a shooting incident, these people would have surrendered long ago."

"It can't be said that Mr. Chen was able to take the initiative in negotiations. I feel it has something to do with the technology conference the day before yesterday. Silicon wafers, photoresist, photolithography factories and solid-state batteries were clearly stated that only Longguo coins can be used. , This is obviously directly linked to the U.S. dollar.”

"Yes, if someone objects, I suspect Mr. Chen will just ask him out."

"Don't forget, in the afternoon, the Foreign Exchange Reserve Bureau also announced that it would reduce its holdings of U.S. dollars. This is a disguised support for Mr. Chen and a statement of attitude. Anyone who takes advantage of the situation will probably not stay here tonight and will be deported directly."

"This is hard power. If you have the power, you can control everything. If you don't agree, you can get away with it. The prerequisite for being the opposite is that you have the capital!"

As the audience in the live broadcast room said, in the face of absolute strength, it is a very unwise choice to sing the opposite.

No chips?

Who will take care of you at the negotiating table?

Just like after the Gulf War, Iraq's spokesperson at the United Nations accused the United States of invading the country. No matter how eloquent his words were and he burst into tears, would the spokespersons of other countries dare to speak for Iraq?

The answer is very realistic.

No one dares.

Because the Gulf War was a battle for the United States to wake up the world, and it was also a landmark node for countries around the world to move from the torrent of steel to modern military industry.

"Truth is only within the range of the cannon, and dignity is only within the edge of the sword." This saying applies to any negotiation situation.

Negotiation skills will only work if both parties have similar bargaining chips.

Seeing that no representative objected, Chen Xing took out a contract document and said: "Since no one has objections, then the settlement of Longguo currency can be considered to be unified. We will continue what was not discussed in the first meeting."

After pausing for a moment, he sorted out the formal contract, read out the above content and said: "Currently, 5G high-speed network construction requires four fees."

"The first one is the construction cost. In addition to the cost of purchasing satellite equipment, there are also site usage fees and launch vehicle costs."

"The second is the cost of chips. 5G high-speed networks require 5G baseband chips to analyze network signals. This part of the chips will be provided by Longxing Technology Company. I would like to make a few digressions here."

When the words "off topic" came out, all the representatives present were nervous, fearing that they would miss some details.

Chen Xing looked away from the terms of the contract, looked straight ahead and said: "Since the 5G high-speed network has just been built, Longguo itself is also short of 5G baseband chips. Without relying on external help, it is expected that the first delivery will be completed in half a year. batch of chips.”

"Here, I would like to make a suggestion, that is, we can purchase photoresist and semiconductor wafer production equipment at a high price, and countries that provide equipment can have priority in getting chip supplies."

"In addition, there is Plan B, that is, for countries that have corresponding production equipment but cannot provide it, we can provide technical support, but the premise is that another contract needs to be signed."

It is basically no secret that Longguo is weak in the semiconductor field.

Even if Longxing Technology Company has completed semiconductor silicon wafers, photoresist, methacrylate, and acrylate, the production capacity of the production equipment will most likely not be able to keep up.

Why do they know?

Very simple.

The United States has been playing "stuck neck" for more than a day or two.

ASML, a Dutch company, has a 28-nanometer DUV lithography machine, but it cannot sell it to Longguo. Instead, it needs to wait for the development of a new generation of lithography machines before it can sell it to Longguo. This has caused Longguo Semiconductor to always fall behind.

In addition to photolithography machines, there are also photoresists and semiconductor wafers, which are in limited supply, especially photoresists.

Not to mention the production equipment, the latest models are basically not sold in Longguo.

Under such circumstances, it is certain that Longguo Production will not be able to keep up. This is not a secret, and Chen Xing is not afraid to say it publicly.

In addition to expressing the lack of production capacity, Chen Xing's words also revealed a message, that is, "without relying on external help, it is expected that the first batch of chips will be delivered after half a year." The subtext of this sentence is: :

If there is no external help, it will take half a year to switch from domestic sales to exports based on the chip production capacity supply of Longguo Semiconductor Company, so just wait.

Representatives from various countries looked at each other in confusion, and finally focused on the representatives of Germany and island countries, wanting to know their specific attitudes.

Semiconductor production equipment basically comes from Germany and island countries.

If they dare to let go of supply equipment, the production capacity problem will naturally be solved.

But here comes the problem.

Will the United States agree?

Building a global 5G high-speed network does not involve the United States. The United States controls the world's four major chip foundries and three major EDA chip design software companies, basically firmly controlling the semiconductor chip industry chain.

However, what is interesting is that Chen Xing's technology conference the day before yesterday announced that Longxing Technology Company has mastered the entire chip industry chain, but now it only lacks production equipment for chip raw materials.

This means that even if Germany or island countries provide equipment to Longxing Technology Company, there will not be a supply cutoff in the chip field because Longxing Technology Company supplies it.

As the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, Gao Shuyuan never spoke. He just looked at Chen Xing silently, showing admiration from time to time.

Wang Tingjun beside him felt the same way, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It turns out that this kid actually had this plan."

I thought it was just the "International Conference on 5G Networks", but I didn't expect that Chen Xing would also deal with equipment in the semiconductor field.

The United States across the ocean.

Conference Hill, Washington.

Renato Marotta, who had never dared to sleep, almost rolled his eyes and fainted when he heard what Chen Xing said.

This is not a matter of whether to help the United States build a 5G high-speed network, but Chen Xing is now poaching their allies.


Renato Marotta couldn't help but bang the table.

"Trying to push your limits, you are really pushing your limits! Chen Xing, don't go too far!"

Chen Xing, who was far away in the deep city, would certainly not be able to hear his deep roar, but the representatives from Germany and the island nation seemed to have a soft ear and expressed their refusal one after another.

"The equipment supply needs further discussion, and we also need to hold an internal meeting. Since Mr. Chen said that it can be sold domestically and exported in half a year, I think we can still wait."


Jiro Anno, the representative of the island country, nodded and echoed: "This is an independent decision-making within the semiconductor company, and we have no right to interfere. We need to wait for the meeting before giving a reply."

No right to interfere?

Lying to children?

Although he knew they were lying, Chen Xing did not expose them because they were politely refusing the equipment supply request.

The Dragon Kingdom is not afraid of the United States, but the two of them cannot withstand the pressure.

In particular, Germany and the island countries are both defeated countries in S2. Now their armies are subject to international restrictions. If the United States comes to a "Gulf War", they will not have the strength to fight against it.

This is also the reason why Saudi Arabia and Qatar refuse to exchange U.S. dollars.

Most of the countries present, 99%, dare not say "no" to the United States.

"It's understandable." Chen Xing didn't force them. He proposed this idea, and his target was not them.


The representative of the Woolly Bear, Nikolay Kisev, blew into the microphone twice to test the sound, and then said: "I think this is a good proposal."

"Finally took the bait."

Chen Xing thought to himself.

His words seemed to be addressed to representatives of Germany and island countries, but they were not. They were actually addressed to representatives of Mao Xiong.

Mao Xiong is also an industrial power. They also have a large number of semiconductor chip production lines in the country, which can be provided to Longxing Technology Company.

This is why, even though Chen Xing knew that Longguo’s domestic chip production capacity was seriously insufficient and it would take at least two years to sell domestically and export, he still claimed that he could export it in half a year.

The reason is simple. Mao Xiong Country has a large number of chip production lines.

Of course.

In addition to "fishing for bears", Chen Xing also had the element of putting on a show for the representatives of Germany and island countries, in order to plant seeds.

"Mao Xiong is willing to cooperate?"

Chen Xing asked knowingly.

Nikolay Kisev nodded and responded straightforwardly: "Yes, in order to use the 5G high-speed network as soon as possible, the corresponding chip production lines can be used by you."

"Okay, happy working together."

“A pleasure to work with.”

The speed with which the two reached a consensus made representatives from other countries look at each other again, not knowing what to say for a while.

Representatives from Germany and island countries actually wanted to agree, but they did not dare to express their support in public due to pressure from the United States.

Thousands of viewers watching online saw the negotiations progressing so smoothly and couldn't believe that this was the "5G Network International Negotiation Conference" where the previous two negotiations had been difficult.

"So refreshing..."

"It's so easy for Mr. Chen to take action!"

"Now that we have reached a cooperation with Mao Xiong, the chip production capacity will increase significantly. Does this mean that my Longxing A1 mobile phone will be shipped soon?"

"It has to be this man."

While the barrage kept popping up, Ren Guofei, who was far away in the Northeast, couldn't help but sigh: "I finally know why he announced 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, as well as 10^25 high-resistance photoresist. ”

"Show the sword, it's for today, right?"

Ren Wanzhou asked.

"That's right."

Ren Guofei nodded and said solemnly: "Only if you have enough bargaining chips can you attract more allies. Just watch, the representatives of Germany and the island countries refuse on the surface, but they will definitely take different actions in private."

Ren Wanzhou: "Will they supply equipment?"

"Who knows?"

Ren Guofei smiled.

In his opinion, it was possible to discuss it privately.

This is like the knowledge of gift giving.

Who wants a gift from you in public?

Even if it is a gift of 10 billion, people would not dare to reach out and take it openly. After all, there are so many pairs of eyes watching.

But if we change the place...

Things are different.

Ren Guofei is very aware of the game between countries. Enterprises have no permanent allies, and the country's interests come first. Now they don't agree just because they are afraid of the United States. But if they come secretly and are not discovered, everyone will be happy.

And on the other side.

A courtyard in the imperial capital.

The old leader, who was smoking an old-fashioned cigarette and staring closely at the screen in the live broadcast room, exhaled green smoke and couldn't help but smile and joked: "This kid really does things in the same way. It doesn't matter, I don't have to do it for him." You go get the equipment."

Originally, he wanted to let people see how they could get some production equipment back.

After all, the domestic semiconductor field is already "far ahead". The only drawback is that chip production capacity cannot keep up.

Only when chip production capacity keeps up can we move from domestic production and sales to the international trade market and earn other countries' foreign exchange reserves.

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