Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 380 With 60 billion to press ahead with the future, the Tianxuan operating system enters int

"30 billion???" Wang Fang couldn't help but frown, and asked in a questioning tone.

Give them a loan of 30 billion yuan. What charging piles and sales channels cost so much money?

Masik and Modu officially borrowed 40 billion yuan because they wanted to build Tesla's super factory in Modu.

Moreover, Tesla is a foreign company, and its headquarters only provides technical support.

This is like franchising a milk tea shop. The headquarters only provides technical support. When you open a shop, you need to own the store and hire employees. The initial investment is naturally relatively large because everything needs to be re-arranged.

But Longxing Group is a local company, and Wang Fang also inquired about it. Chen Xing, Rebus and Ren Guofei purchased the Longhua production factory of Brilliance Group, which is actually not far from the imperial capital.

If we follow the actual operation model and build a production plant, it will have to be one car production plant in the north and one in the south, right?

The other leaders in the conference room also couldn't understand, but they didn't speak because they had already discussed it before coming. Wang Fang would come forward to talk to Chen Xing, and they were just here to listen.

"Yes, 30 billion, and not a penny less." Chen Xing nodded to confirm, and then explained: "According to our group's internal plan, this money will be used for the construction of charging piles throughout the north, plus brand 4S stores. cover."

"I also believe that our imperial city's finances are capable of spending this money to build an electric vehicle operation network in the north."

The four major cities in Longguo, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and Shanghai and Shenzhen, have all decided to build electric vehicles and started urban layout.

Chen Xing from Guangfu also contacted him, but he was not particularly willing to cooperate, mainly because this "big brother" was a third-level finance official.

What is third-level finance?

To put it simply, Guangfu City not only needs to hand over a certain proportion of its revenue to the state, but also allocate a portion to the provincial finance for the development and construction of the province, and the rest is its own.

To put it simply, it means that it not only has to support its parents, but also its children, and there is not much left in the pocket.

The "Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen" projects are secondary finances. Their urban income only needs to support their "parents", and the rest goes into their own pockets.

This is also the reason why urban construction with secondary finance is relatively good. People really have money in their pockets.

"30 billion me..."

Wang Fang still felt that it was too much and wondered if she could bargain for a lower price.

But before she could finish her words, Chen Xing interrupted her and said, "There are so many universities in Imperial Capital, and it's graduation season. Isn't it easy for students to find jobs?"

"If our car companies open up, it should be able to greatly alleviate the employment pressure in the northern region. After all, brand 4S stores still need a large number of employees to operate them."

Chen Xing emphasized the words "Northern Region", and the meaning made everyone present fall into deep thought, including Wang Fang.

As we all know, with the transfer of economic pillar industries, employment pressure in the northern region is very high.

In the past, when heavy industry was king, the north was the well-deserved big brother.

But now the heavy industry is gradually declining, and light industry has become the focus of the economy. The high development of light industry has also led to the development of the Internet economy. This has led to the continuous reduction of jobs in the north, and the exponential increase in jobs in the south. Many people in the north students who want to find a job have to come to the south.

Some students from the north also said frankly on the Internet: If they couldn't find a job in their hometown, who would be willing to leave their hometown to work?

Providing jobs and retaining talents locally has always been what northern cities need to do and is a top priority.

Since Chen Xing dared to come to the imperial capital to discuss cooperation, he couldn't say he came empty-handed. He only dared to sit on the negotiating table after gathering enough chips based on the actual situation.

"How many jobs can it provide?" Wang Fang thought for a while and finally relaxed.

Thinking about the problem from her perspective, jobs are much more important than money.

A leader in her position wants to make the people richer than anyone else, but cannot directly distribute money, so she can only increase residents' stable income by creating more jobs.

"In two years, at least 30,000 jobs will be provided in the northern region. This number is only a lot more. It can be written in black and white in the contract."


Wang Fang’s eyes brightened, and it will provide 30,000 jobs within two years, which is three times more than Tesla.

Don't underestimate the 30,000 jobs. These are all directly related to Longxing Group, and there are many indirectly related jobs that have not been counted.

This is like KFC coming to Long Guo. Because it is a fast food restaurant selling fried chicken and burgers, it cannot transport whole chickens from the United States, so it must establish a supply chain in Long Guo. The food supply chain driven by it is an indirect position.

When an excellent enterprise settles down, it can drive employment in the entire region.

Employees' eating, drinking and sleeping habits can boost the local economy.

This is why many small counties, in order to attract enterprises to settle down, do not hesitate to personally accompany the county magistrate. This is because of the regional economic effects brought by jobs.

After Wang Fang let go, she looked at the two directors of the General Administration of Transportation and said, "Bureau Li and Bureau Wang, what do you think?"

Her words have already made her attitude clear. The Imperial Capital can take out a 30 billion loan to invest in Longxing Group's automobile industry chain in the northern region. Now it depends on whether the license plate can satisfy it.

Because the Imperial City license plate is indeed rare, drawing the number is almost like winning a lottery.

"In terms of license plates, I think there is room for maneuver." Director Li also understood Wang Fang's meaning and responded systematically:

"Just now, I listened to the conversation between Mr. Chen and Mayor Wang. We also saw the development prospects of electric vehicles. From my personal point of view, I am definitely willing to provide a large number of imperial capital license plates to support the development of related industries."


Suddenly, he changed the subject and said: "It is a bit difficult to fully liberalize the lottery."

He looked at Chen Xing and explained: "Now our families in Longguo, not to mention 70%, at least 40% of the families have cars, not to mention the imperial capital, more than 70% of the families have bought cars. If the lottery is liberalized, the remaining 30% of the families may have to buy cars and license them. At that time, traffic may become routinely congested or even paralyzed."

"What does Director Li mean?"

Chen Xing asked.

"We definitely support cars, and we will also relax the license plates." Director Li first made his position clear, and then expressed his thoughts: "But this requires a process. Mr. Chen, do you think this will work? We will issue 100 new license plates in the capital every month to support the electric vehicle industry." "Then when fuel car owners buy electric vehicles, their blue license plates can be replaced with electric vehicle license plates unconditionally. For our electric vehicle license plates, all restrictions in the capital area will be relaxed. What do you think?" Chen Xing did not rush to answer, but digested and understood Director Li's words. Director Li's words meant that the capital could not relax the license plates, but could only lift the regional control and improve the gold content of the license plates. Those who have lived in the two cities of "North and Up" know that some license plates cannot enter the city center during specific time periods. Like the simplest Shanghai C license plate, it belongs to the Magic City license plate, but it cannot enter the area within the outer ring road. The treatment is even worse than that of foreign license plates. It is known as the most useless local license plate. Relaxing the regional restrictions on license plates is a middle solution. "100 is too few, 150, I don't ask for too much, if it's OK, we can sign the contract."

Chen Xing made concessions. In fact, he also knew in his heart that the number plates in the capital were scarce, and it was impossible to say that they would be unlimited.

If there was really no other way, who would be willing to limit the number of license plates in the city?

The reason why he proposed "full liberalization" was mainly because of negotiation skills.

In the negotiation process, first put forward a more excessive condition to raise the threshold of everyone, and then put forward normal conditions, and the negotiation will be particularly smooth.

This technique is most used in offline clothing stores.

Obviously, the purchase price is 30 yuan, but others dare to ask you 300 yuan. Even if you cut it in half, others can still make 120 yuan. The key is that you still think you have made a lot of money by cutting 150 yuan.

Let others feel that they are making money, which is very important at the negotiation table.

"No problem, sign the contract." Director Li nodded in agreement, and then looked at Wang Fang.

"Then call a lawyer?"

Wang Fang looked at Chen Xing.

"Okay." Chen Xing nodded, looked at Lei Bushi and said, "Mr. Lei, please ask your lawyer to make a trip."

"Ah..." Lei Bushi was stunned for half a second, but soon came to his senses and replied, "No problem, I'll call them now."

He took out his phone and started to contact the legal department of the Rice Company, asking them to come to Longke Institute as quickly as possible.

After witnessing the entire process of Chen Xing's negotiation, Lei Bushi had already seen the future development of Linghang Automobile in advance.

If nothing else, the 150 license plates of the Imperial Capital alone will definitely attract a large number of prospective car owners to buy, which is equivalent to the minimum sale of 150 vehicles in the Imperial Capital, which is a very considerable income.

Qin Long and Qu Cheng looked at each other, both marveling at Chen Xing's business ability. They finalized their willingness to cooperate in just a few words and a laugh.


About an hour later, the lawyers of both parties arrived at the meeting room.

After understanding the terms discussed by both parties, the lawyer team began to draft the contract terms and confirm the responsibilities of both parties.

Because it is a gambling contract, the confirmation process is very long.

Nearing 1 p.m., the general terms of the formal contract were finally released. As the organizer, Qin Long picked up the gambling contract and glanced at everyone in the conference room and said in a deep voice: "This formal gambling contract has also been discussed. I will summarize it. If there is no problem, both parties will sign it and we will all be witnesses." After the words fell. Chen Xing, Wang Fang, the two directors of the General Transportation Bureau, and all the audience present nodded slightly to show their agreement. "Ahem." Qin Long cleared his throat and read out the conditions that the Imperial Capital gave to Longxing Group: "For Longxing Group's electric vehicle business, the Imperial Capital will be the first batch of pilot cities, and the latter needs to provide..." "1. Provide 150 Beijing A new energy license plates per month. There are no restrictions on this license plate in the Imperial Capital area and it can freely enter the core area of ​​the city. In addition, owners of fuel vehicles with blue license plates can replace new energy license plates with relevant departments through cancellation and replacement, which is not restricted. 2. The Imperial Capital will provide Longxing Group with 30 billion Longguo currency with a loan interest rate of 2.8%. This amount will be used for electric vehicles in the northern region, including the infrastructure construction of the Imperial Capital, as well as daily operations. 3. All departments of the Imperial Capital will fully cooperate to build the Longxing Group's electric vehicle ecological chain and provide relevant conveniences." "Are these three points okay?" Qin Long looked at Wang Fang. "No problem." Wang Fang nodded slightly, and other leaders of the Imperial Capital also nodded to express their approval of the terms of the contract.

Seeing that there was no problem with the Imperial City, Qin Long turned his attention back to the terms of the contract and read out the terms that Longxing Group needed to fulfill:

"As for Longxing Group...

1. It is necessary to ensure that from 2016, 1.5 billion dragon national currency will be paid to the imperial capital every year.

2. In the next five years, no less than 15 billion RMB will be invested in the northern region to build a northern automobile sales headquarters and provide at least 30,000 jobs.

3. For Longxing Group’s downstream industry chain in the automotive field, northern regions should give priority to northern assembly supplies.

If the above cannot be achieved, Imperial City can unilaterally stop providing Beijing A licenses, and at the same time increase the loan interest rate to 5.5%, and the loan must be repaid within ten years. "

After Qin Long finished reading, he looked at Chen Xing on the right and said, "Is it okay?"

"no problem."

Chen Xing nodded slightly.

He has already had to sign this contract, and Longxing Group must get the money for construction in the automotive field.

The mobile phone field is now in the stage of "expanding territory". Every time a country's market is opened up, the initial investment will not be less than 1.5 billion RMB, and the book capital expenditure is huge.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be a war on both sides, and the military would be in a hurry.

In addition to the 30 billion loan from Imperial City, Shenzhen City also borrowed 30 billion yuan for the construction of electric vehicle infrastructure in the south.

Pilot cities are not limited to this urban area.

Vehicles need to travel across the country, and charging piles in various cities and service areas on highways must be built.

The city pilot only means that the license will be tested in these two cities first.

With 60 billion in funds, Chen Xing estimates that he should be able to build charging piles across the country and operate branded 4S stores.

After confirming that both parties had no problem, Qin Long also acted as the intermediary and said: "Okay, this contract will be printed into four copies. Each of you will hold one copy. We, the Dragon Academy of Sciences, will take one copy and the last copy will be notarized. deal with."


"no problem."

Wang Fang and Chen Xing responded.

After both parties had no objections, the printing and signing process was very fast, and it took less than fifteen minutes to complete the signing.

After Wang Fang checked the contract and confirmed that it was OK, she put it into her briefcase. Then she looked at Chen Xing and said, "The contract is also signed. I wish us a happy cooperation, Mr. Chen."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

Qin Long looked at the time and continued to act as a go-between: "It's almost 1:30 in the afternoon after so long of work. Let's all stay for a meal."

"Dean Qin has spoken, so I will definitely have a meal." Chen Xing smiled.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey orders. You will disturb Dean Qin too much." Wang Fang did not refuse. Qin Long still needed to give him face.

The other leaders nodded similarly.

"excuse me."

"It's just a good time to have a good chat with Mr. Chen and learn management experience."

"That's right, that's right."

Although Qin Long said he would stay for a meal, it was impossible for him to actually let Chen Xing and Wang Fang eat in the cafeteria. Instead, he asked someone to prepare a vehicle and lead the way to the exclusive restaurant.

The meal arrived at the hotel at half past two and lasted until four in the afternoon. Everyone gathered around Chen Xing to ask questions.

For example, how to design a Kaitian baseband chip in a short period of time.

How did he turn Longxing Technology Company into the current multinational giant, Longxing Group, within two years?

In addition to these, Wang Fang also intentionally or unintentionally inquired about Chen Xing's family background.

In less than two years, a grassroots counterattack was completed, and she also doubted whether Chen Xing's identity was forged.

Otherwise, how could a grassroots enterprise come into contact with two top academicians, Qu Cheng and Qin Long, in such a short period of time?

There is a saying that goes, the biggest people that grassroots ordinary people can come into contact with in this life may be university teachers.

why would you say so?

University teachers are not ordinary teachers.

Even at a slightly inferior university, the teachers are all professors. They are not just university teachers, they may also be the chairman of listed companies.

For another example, in medical school, your inconsiderate lecturer will become an expert that you may not be able to make an appointment with for half a month, or even half a year, when you go out into the world.

Faced with overt and covert temptations, Chen Xing, an old man, naturally responded easily, telling half truths and half lies, making it impossible to tell the truth from the lies.

As the meal came to an end, Wang Fang stood up first and said, "It's getting late. We have to go back to the unit. Mr. Qin, Mr. Qu, Mr. Chen, Mr. Lei, we will get together again when we have a chance."

"Okay, it's really getting late, we have to go back to the Dragon Academy."

Qin Long nodded slightly.

"That's right." Qu Cheng agreed.

"Then we'll get together later when we have time." Chen Xing looked at the time. It was almost evening. This meal must have lasted long enough.

However, after this meal, the contact information and relationship were finally online.

Dinner is not the best place to make friends, but it is the best place to establish relationships.

Rebus has been in the imperial capital for so long and is considered a well-known figure. He also stood up and said: "Then we must get together again when we have the opportunity. I hope it will be a celebration banquet next time."


"hope so."

"Haha, Mr. Cheng Lei has auspicious words."

There was constant laughter in the box.

If both parties have fulfilled the bet content of the contract, then they should indeed have a celebration banquet. This is an independent domestically produced car.

Longguo has lagged behind the West for hundreds of years in the automotive field, and to this day, it is still unable to produce high-end engines independently.

If electric cars can be successful, it will be like the chip field, breaking away from the shackles of restraint and soaring into the sky.

As the dinner ended, Chen Xing and Rebus took the same car and returned to the Imperial Star Hotel where the former stayed.

While in the car, Rebus couldn't help but sigh: "It's you, Brother Chen. In just one month, you got a 60 billion loan from Didu and Shencheng."

Ordinary people who want a loan can only go to a bank to make a mortgage.

But if you are an "advanced player", you can get a loan with the city, but you need a very high social status, and the invisible threshold is very high.

Rebus had also approached Imperial Capital for a loan, and the contract for the Rice Technology Park was signed. However, he was not as courageous as Chen Xing, and he actually loaned out 60 billion in one go.

If the sales of electric cars are dismal, Longxing Group may fall into a debt crisis. Just like what they said at the beginning, they will put all their past achievements and records to develop this electric car.

"No way." Chen Xing smiled bitterly and joked to himself: "Nowadays, mobile phones and cars have to be fed. Without more money, Longxing Group will really not be able to operate."

Why are companies generally in debt?

Lots of business!

For example, Longxing Group's mobile phone business currently sells millions of units steadily in the Longguo market in a single day, but it still cannot fill the gap in the international market. It is too expensive to set foot in the international market.

However, it is normal to invest a lot in the early stage. Chen Xing is not a person who only looks at what is in front of him. The money invested now will be recovered a hundred times.

As for the loan he took, he believed he was able to repay it.

"That's true. Your international business is moving too fast. In just two months, you have connected with Mao Xiong and Japan and South Korea."

Rebus expressed his understanding. Just as he was about to ask about his next step, Jay Chou's "Snail" suddenly came from the carriage.

"Answer the phone."

Chen Xing took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

After looking at the call note, his breathing suddenly became faster. Rebus saw something unusual and couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

"The engineer in our company who is responsible for the development of the "Tianxuan Operating System"." Chen Xing explained to Rebus, pressed the answer button and said, "Chief Pei, do you have anything to do with me?"

Rebus pricked up his ears and eavesdropped. This was a good time to find out the inside story.

He was also present at the time and knew that the Tianxuan operating system promoted by Longxing A1 was actually a fake Hongmeng operating system.

Is it possible that the Tianxuan system was developed successfully?

Pei Hui didn't know that Rebus was eavesdropping. He suppressed his excitement and reported the results: "According to your request, CEO, Tianxuan operating system has entered internal testing. Binding mobile phones and cars may no longer be a dream."

Rebus: "???"

Car and machine in one?

"Really?" Chen Xing couldn't help but ask. When he held a meeting with internal engineers, he had already emphasized the connection between the mobile phone and the car.

Whether it is Tianxuan operating system or Huaxia chip, they are all designed to serve mobile phones or cars, which is also Chen Xing's requirement.

"Absolutely true."

Pei Hui nodded in confirmation.

"When I finish my work in the Imperial City, I will go back to test your scientific research results. You can conduct an internal test of the system first. Send me the results on WeChat." Chen Xing responded immediately.

"Okay CEO."

"Hang up the phone first."


As the phone hung up, Rebus couldn't help but ask: "Have you finished typing the underlying code of the Tianxuan operating system?"

"It should be almost done. I still need to go back and take a look before making a conclusion."

Chen Xing responded.

"What is the mobile phone and car binding you just mentioned?" Rebus continued to inquire.

Because he is a member of his own family and a partner of Longxing Heavy Industry, Chen Xing did not hide anything and explained:

"For now, the mobile phone can be used as a vehicle key. In the future, we may develop an APP to connect all the functions to be developed to give users a more convenient lifestyle like a smartphone."

"Automobile intelligence?"

Rebus seemed to understand.

"Yes." Chen Xing smiled slightly and continued: "It's about car intelligence. We may not understand cars, but we understand what users want. We will give them what they want. This is my marketing concept. ”

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