Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 382 Entering the European and American markets and attacking Korean stars Apple’s basic base

The "Iron Bird" shuttled through darkness and daylight and arrived at the San Francisco Airport on the other side of the ocean. Lee Jae-yong, dressed in a business suit and vigorous, did not stop for a moment and went straight to Apple's circular headquarters in Cupertino.

Thirty minutes later.

In the reception room of Apple's circular headquarters, Lee, wearing a simple polo shirt and casual pants, came to receive him in person.

"Chairman Lee, what a rare guest."

Before Chen Xing came out to disrupt the situation, there were only two dominant players in the mobile phone field, except for Apple mobile phones, there was Hanxing mobile phones.

Other mobile phones, such as Dami, Kunpeng, and Meizu, are not international brands, but only brands in the country and region.

Of course, if you want to trace back a few years ago, there is also a Nokia brand.

But Nokia tried to go against the trend because of the wrong decision of the senior management, and the company is already in a state of existence in name only.

This means that in the international market of mobile phones, it is actually a competition between Hanxing and Apple mobile phones.

Because in the "competition for hegemony", the relationship between the two companies is naturally impossible to be very good. Similarly, the decision makers of the two companies cannot say that they meet to reminisce about the past and discuss any decisions.

If Ku Ke and Lee Jae-yong remembered correctly, the last time they met alone was four years ago.

"President Ku Ke, how are you?" Lee Jae-yong forced a smile, and the two shook hands in a friendly manner.

"Let's talk in my office." Ku Ke didn't want to waste too much time, he knew the purpose of Lee Jae-yong's visit.

"Please lead the way." Lee Jae-yong nodded slightly.

The two moved from the reception room to the president's office.

Sitting down on the sofa in the negotiation area, Ku Ke politely asked: "President Lee, do you want iced coffee or warm coffee?"

"Both are fine." Lee Jae-yong looked around.

Seeing that the other party was casual, Ku Ke didn't hesitate at all, poured Lee Jae-yong a cup of warm coffee, and put two bags of sugar in front of him.

After doing all this, Ku Ke sat down again and asked slowly: "Chairman Li came here this time. He must have something to discuss with me, right?"


While answering, Li Jae-yong took a sip of coffee, and the bitterness instantly filled his mouth. He put down the cup and looked at Ku Ke and continued:

"Longxing Group is about to open up the entire Asian market. It is estimated that it will not be long before they will come to the European and American markets. I think we can cooperate for mutual benefit and limit its expansion."

Europe and the United States are not only the markets with the highest share of Korean star mobile phones, but also the base camp of Apple mobile phones. Neither of them wants a third party to intervene. Only when there are common interests will Li Jae-yong come to Ku Ke in person to discuss.

"What do you want me to do?" Ku Ke asked.

In fact, he had already guessed Li Jae-yong's intention, and he also knew that Longxing Group was currently killing all over the ancient elephant country market.

The pineapple company supported by the Bailai Group and the Leading Group had almost no way to resist, and its market share was plummeting.

Since the expansion speed of Longxing Group was indeed very fast, Ku Ke also had a headache. He had been thinking about how to suppress its development during this period.

"Media smear."

Li Jae-yong said very bluntly.

"How to smear?" Ku Ke narrowed his eyes and asked for specific methods.

"The US media plays a vital role in the European and American markets. I hope you can contact well-known media to steal user privacy and take photos to give Longxing Group a head-on blow and slow down its development speed."

Li Jae-yong responded in a deep voice.

He knew very well that most of the Western media were controlled by Jewish capital, and even many well-known film and television companies, such as Warner Group and Disney Media, had their holdings.

Once upon a time, many people felt sympathy for the plight of the Jews, thinking that they were innocent and a poor group whose families were destroyed.

But as you get to know them better, you will find that the suffering they experienced was actually caused by themselves.

For example, a bowl of rice sells you 500 yuan, a bag of pickled mustard tuber costs 200 yuan, and your income is only 4,000 yuan. At this time, you have a gun. Do you think your gun bolt will smoke?

It was precisely because of this way of raising prices without any bottom line and crazy money-making that the Jewish group was liquidated in the first place.

But what about the movie?

It only filmed the suffering part, not the reason.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because Jewish capital has acquired a large number of international film production companies to whitewash them that the people who do not know the truth feel pity for them.

This also shows how terrible it is to control the media.

Ku Ke did not respond immediately, but drank a sip of coffee with sugar, puzzled: "Is Longxing mobile phone stealing users' privacy?"

"I don't have definite evidence, but I don't need definite evidence, right?"

Li Jae-yong asked back.

Have the media done less things that reverse black and white?

Some clips only need a little editing to become another meaning.

The media is an invisible sword, and only a little editing can make thousands of viewers become accomplices.

However, Ku Ke frowned and shook his head and said: "If this kind of unfounded thing is exposed, it is not a joke. Maybe we can start with the camera function."

He was moved, but he did not lose his mind. Seeing that the other party agreed, Li Jae-yong immediately took advantage of the situation and said, "I have asked someone to prepare a plan, and we just need to put it into use."


Kuke was a little surprised and asked, "Let me take a look first?"

"Of course."

Li Jae-yong smiled and took out a USB drive and placed it on the table.

Seeing that the other party was prepared, Pou Ke immediately picked up the USB flash drive and walked to his desk, then inserted the USB flash drive in his hand into the computer.

After a while.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "This is good."

"Then it's settled?"

Lee Jae-yong asked.

"Yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We don't want Longxing Mobile to enter the European and American markets." Pou Ke responded.

The West is all too familiar with using the media to discredit Longxing Mobile.

Moreover, this time they are not slandering, they are just magnifying the shortcomings of Longxing Mobile Phone, which is normal business competition.

After less than ten minutes of conversation, Lee Jae-yong and Pou Ke hit it off.

And on the other side.

Ancient Xiang Kingdom.

As the Mao Xiong, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian markets were all opened up, Li Zhenzhen also came to the Ancient Elephant Kingdom in West Asia.

Because she had heard about Ah San's outrageous deeds, she always brought more than five bodyguards with her when traveling, and she also legally held a gun.

However, one thing to say is that Longxing Group’s entry into the ancient Xiangguo market has been smooth. There is no chaebol to block it, and there is no resistance from the West. Even Guxiang officials are opening a green channel to promote Longxing mobile phones in the media for free.

Even if a pineapple phone pops out in the middle, it doesn't pose any threat.

As Xu Jinshui, the boss of the ancient Xiangguo Rice Company who passed the test of the All-Inspection Conference and changed it into a pineapple company, he is already panicking and wants to escape.

He once boasted that he could compete head-on with Chen Xing in Haikou.

As a result, Chen Xing didn't come, and the two of them didn't even fight. He couldn't handle the fact that Li Zhenzhen came to the Guxiangguo market.

With the blessing of 5G network, the low-priced Longxing mobile phone is almost indiscriminately sold.

Because he was well aware of the perversion of the All-Seeing Society, Xu Jinshui just packed up some belongings and bought a ticket to Switzerland.

As he waited for his flight at the airport, he glanced at his watch from time to time.

"It should be too late." Switzerland is a permanently neutral country. As long as they escape to Switzerland, they should be fine, Xu Jinshui murmured to himself.

"Excuse me."


A female voice sounded behind him.

Xu Jinshui had just turned around when he suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his abdomen. He looked down and saw a needle.

He wanted to shout.

But the next second!

A hand stretched out from behind him and covered his mouth with a handkerchief. Within a moment, Xu Jinshui's consciousness began to blur.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not have expected that the All Vision Society would move so quickly, and even when he was queuing up, there were people in front and behind him.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang——"

I don’t know how much time passed before the harsh sound of the collision of knives reached my ears.

It seemed that some unforgettable memory had been evoked, and Xu Jinshui was frightened. He quickly opened his bloodshot pupils and subconsciously wanted to get up and make a protective posture.

But when he tried to exert force, he realized that he had been tied up at some point, and his mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth, so that he could only make a sound of "Uh-huh", and the place he slept was not a bed, but the dining table.

There is a pure white table with bright incandescent lights above the head. On both sides, diners wearing half-face masks covering their eyes and noses are clinking their knives and forks, making a "clang" sound.

"This scene!"

"Is it my turn?"

Xu Jinshui was so frightened that his whole body was trembling.

He was also forced to participate in the incident, and he would often dream about that scene every night, and would eventually wake up due to retching.

But even to death, he would never have imagined that the All Seeing One would be so cruel, either to eat meat or fish on the chopping board.

The melodious European classical music sounded, and Xu Jinshui also closed his eyes. He knew that what was supposed to come would still come.

At the last second of his life, he was wondering if the outcome would have been different if he had not changed his nationality, stabbed the Longguo mobile phone manufacturer in the back, or approached the Bailey Group?

At least he doesn't have to end up like a traitor's lackey, expelled from the country, or die in a foreign country.

Li Zhenzhen still doesn't know that her obstacles in the Ancient Xiang Kingdom have been cleared.

Of course.

It doesn't matter even if you know.

She didn't even pay attention to patchwork machines like the Pineapple Phone.

And she also discovered that although the Pineapple mobile phone was sold cheaply, the materials used were not simple. Not only did it have a Snapdragon chip, but also a Sony camera module, which was purely a waste of money for subsidies.

Her response to this situation is consumption.

One will wax and wane, let’s see who dies faster!

But a few days later, she discovered that the offline stores of the Pineapple brand were closing, and senior officials from Ancient Xiangguo rarely visited.

In the office, Li Zhenzhen showed no stage fright when facing the three senior officials of Guxiang.

The senior executive of Guxiang sitting in the middle took out a document and said in a sincere tone:

"Miss Li Zhenzhen, after an in-depth investigation by our investigation team, the rice company does not have any violations. Since we cannot contact Rebus, we cannot apologize in person. We would like to ask you to convey to him, thank you very much."


Li Zhenzhen agreed without hesitation.

She knew that Chen Xing and Rebus were good friends. Although she didn't know what Gu Xiangguo had planned, she still had no problem conveying it.

"Then there is one more thing." The senior executive of Ancient Elephant Kingdom continued.

Li Zhenzhen: "Please tell me."

"We hope that the rice company can return to Ancient Xiang Kingdom. In addition, can we discuss the cost of network operation?"

After the words fell, Li Zhenzhen took a tough stance and replied: "I will try to contact people as much as possible, but the network operating expenses will be whatever it is. If we cannot pay, then we will treat it as a breach of contract."

"Okay, okay, okay."

The senior officials of Guxiang Kingdom were also afraid.

He said casually that they also expected the popularization of 5G high-speed networks to drive the development of their IT industry.

"Then don't bother me."

"Will not be disturbing."

The three senior officials of Ancient Xiang Kingdom stood up and were about to leave the office.

Li Zhenzhen did not hold back, and also stood up and said: "I won't give it away. I hope our cooperation can last for a long time."

"hope so."


The senior officials of Ancient Xiang Kingdom responded and then left the office.

As soon as they left, Li Zhenzhen couldn't help showing a look of disgust and called his secretary: "Throw away all these tea sets."


The secretary was stunned for half a second, then nodded quickly and said: "I understand."

The reason why Li Zhenzhen hates Ah San is not only because these people like to go back on their word and are moody, but also because they oppress women.

No matter what aspect, she didn't like this country.

When the secretary packed up the tea sets and left the office, Li Zhenzhen looked at the time. It should be daytime in Long Country. She did not use email, but directly made an international call.

After a while.

The call is connected.

"Zhenzhen, what's the matter?"

Chen Xing's voice came out.

"That's it." Li Zhenzhen told everything about the Ancient Xiang Kingdom, and then added: "President, look..."

She did not finish her words, but left the suspense to Chen Xing.

After learning that the pineapple company was liquidated, Chen Xing did not feel any emotions in his heart.

A year ago, it was Longxing Technology's biggest opponent, but now, it is not something it can resist against such a behemoth as Longxing Group.

But thinking of the relationship between Xu Jinshui and his father, Chen Xing still asked politely: "How is Xu Jinshui?"

"I don't know, no news."

Li Zhenzhen responded.

She had indeed not heard from Xu Jinshui for two days, and she guessed that he might have been imprisoned like Rebus.

"I understand. If the market stabilizes, we will send suitable manpower to take over and continue to head towards the western market."

Chen Xing instructed.

"Understood." Li Zhenzhen nodded and replied: "The business of Guxiang Kingdom should be stabilized in the past two days."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's what you should do."

"I still have something to do here, so hang up the phone first. If you encounter any problems, come to me."


After the two briefly talked, the phone was hung up.

Chen Xing took off the phone from his ear, clicked on the address book next to the call, looked for Rebus' number and dialed it.


After a few busy signals, Rebus's highly recognizable and elegant voice came out.

"Brother Chen?"

Obviously, Rebus was a little surprised, why did Chen Xing call him suddenly.

Chen Xing did not rush to talk about the matter, but first asked the other party if it was not convenient for him to call: "Brother Lei, are you busy over there?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

Rebus asked rhetorically.

Seeing that the other party was not busy, Chen Xing took advantage of the situation and told the story: "The Guxiang Kingdom said they couldn't contact you and wanted you to go back to the rice company that runs the Guxiang Market."

"Pull him down."

Rebus refused directly.

His experience in the Ancient Elephant Kingdom had completely darkened his view of that market. It was a rogue market.

The most important thing is that the ancient elephant makes money and the ancient elephant flower cannot take home a cent.

As for Gu Xiangguo’s abacus, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is simply that they don’t want Longxing Group to dominate the 5G field. Because they signed a contract at the “5G Network International Conference”, they can take this money home. Yes, that’s why the senior officials of Guxiang don’t want Longxing Group to make money, but they have no choice now.

"That shitty market, I don't want to go through muddy waters again."

Rebus did not hesitate to criticize.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Chen Xing changed the topic and asked, "Is the electronic control system finished?"

"Yes, we just conquered it." Rebus replied and continued: "We are about to enter the vehicle assembly process. Will you come to the site to provide personal guidance?"

"I'll go in a few days."

Chen Xing smiled.

Recently, he has been busy building a "supercomputer" to provide computing power for artificial intelligence. After this time, he will be free.

When Rebus heard this, he also said with a smile: "Okay, when you get to Fengtian, Boss Ren and I will take you to take a bath."


Chen Xing almost couldn't hold himself any longer.

The last time he purchased the factory of Brilliance Group, the boss of Brilliance wanted to act like a song and dance troupe. The most outrageous thing was that Song Weiguo personally came to "anti-pornography" and almost sent them in.

"Just kidding, but you really need to come here. After all, our electric cars need you to check the quality."

Rebus smiled.

"Let's talk about it then."

Chen Xing already knew it.

However, compared to electric cars, he is more concerned about the launch of new mobile phone products. This is the last piece of his business map in the mobile phone field and is urgently needed.

After the advent of camera phones, he wanted to see who would dare to say that Longguo was not good in the field of optics.

In the next few days, after Li Zhenzhen stabilized the market in Ancient Elephant Kingdom, he handed over all the business to the president who was stationed in Ancient Elephant Kingdom.

Whether it is Mao Xiong, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, or the resident president of the ancient Xiangguo market, they are all candidates chosen by Chen Xing.

They are none other than the management talents recruited by the system.

The local Longxing Group did not dare to use it more because Chen Xing was worried about being "investigated".

Just imagine, if the executives and employees of a local company are of Chinese descent, will there be a possibility of being regulated and investigated?

Therefore, in the public executive information, Chen Xing uses as few system talents as possible in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But the international branch doesn't have such worries. No matter how awesome other countries are, they can't go to the Dragon Kingdom to investigate people, right?

This is why Chen Xing dared to let Li Zhenzhen open up the market and hand over full power to the resident president.

As for Li Zhenzhen, she didn't know that he was a system talent. She thought he was a "original stock" brother who worked hard with Chen Xing.

As time went by, Longxing Group's "Western Expedition Plan" became smoother and smoother, with almost no obstacles encountered.

Even in the most chaotic Middle East, when our Longxing Group came to promote, we tacitly chose a ceasefire.

Of course.

This is also due to Saudi Arabia.

Because after Li Zhenzhen arrived in the Middle East, the Saudi prince posted on social media that anyone who dared to provoke a dispute at this time would be suppressed by Saudi Arabia with nuclear strikes.

Not only Saudi Arabia, but also Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also made similar remarks, making it rare for the Middle East to usher in peace after decades of war.

Without an opponent, Li Zhenzhen completed the Longxing mobile phone layout in the entire Middle East in only ten days.

In the extremely wealthy Dubai and Qatar, in order to show their differences, their wealthy people even asked Li Zhenzhen to set the sale price of Longxing X2 and Longxing A1 in the Dubai and Qatar markets at US$10,000 each, making them exclusive machines for the aristocracy. .

Don't think they are stupid, they just want to use money to gain a sense of superiority.

Why can luxury goods exist?

The process is complicated?

Extremely high quality?



It’s for the feeling of superiority.

As long as an ordinary white T-shirt is printed with the brand LOGO of Chanel, Balenciaga or Dior, it will be unique and can be sold for ten times or even a hundred times the price.

Why can it be sold for so much money?

A sense of superiority!

As long as ordinary people cannot afford it, those who can afford it will gain a sense of superiority.

The same goes for brand-name bags, brand-name shoes, and expensive sports cars. They all pay for a sense of superiority.

Although the wealthy people in the Middle East strongly requested it, this deviated from the original intention of Longxing Mobile Phone. After Li Zhenzhen asked Chen Xing for instructions, he did not agree to their request for a price increase.

This is mainly because Chen Xing feels that raising the price of mobile phones in a certain area may be used to make a fuss.

The Western media has been keeping an eye on the Longxing Group.

In addition, the small number is afraid of the long calculation. Compared with the wealthy market of hundreds of thousands, compared with the civilian market of tens of millions or even over 100 million, the two earn about the same, so there is no need to make extra efforts.

As we approach the end of October, Longxing mobile phones are already available in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, leaving only Europe and the United States, which are the most difficult to deal with.

Since Germany is now an "alliance", Chen Xing also advocated that Li Zhenzhen start from Germany to build the headquarters of Longxing Group in Europe, and then expand the market to surrounding countries.

Everything was going smoothly. As usual, Li Zhenzhen bought an office building, recruited local employees, negotiated to launch an online shopping platform, and opened an offline direct store.

But as the basic work was completed and the phone was being warmed up for sale, Apple suddenly released an advertising video on social media, which was immediately forwarded by European and American media.

At the beginning of the promotional video, the sentence "Don't let inferior lenses ruin your beauty" is very simple and crude. I directly pulled up the Longxing mobile phone for comparison, followed by various photography tests.




Motion capture.

There is no doubt that Longxing mobile phones are completely outclassed by Apple mobile phones. There are even selfie comparisons of models from around the world at the back of the promotional video.

Taken with an Apple phone, it’s so beautiful.

The photos taken by Long Xing’s mobile phone were horrific.

At the end of the advertising video, the phrase "Don't let inferior lenses ruin your beauty" appears again and becomes the embellishment of the video.

Li Zhenzhen looked at the soaring number of likes and the collective forwarding by various European and American media. She knew very well that this was Apple's move to protect its own base.

The European and American markets are the main battlefields for Apple mobile phones and Korean mobile phones. If Longxing Mobile phones are allowed to intervene and form a three-legged situation, their market share will be significantly reduced.

Faced with the exaggerated smear campaign by his opponent, Li Zhenzhen twirled the pen in his right hand and muttered to himself: "If you like advertising, then let's have fun."

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