Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 419 The first battle is the decisive battle, and the outcome will be decided in one battle!

"Ladies and gentlemen, cheers to our great victory. The small Longxing Group is nothing to be afraid of, hahaha."

USA, California.

Woodside Community.

In the inner area of ​​God's Manor, which covers a total area of ​​6.6 acres, a group of men dressed in tuxedos and looking very gentlemanly are celebrating in the magnificent hall, drinking vintage red wine in their glasses.

Next to these men, there are also a large number of world-class supermodels who are dressed in gorgeous clothes and have enchanting figures.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you take a photo here, the people entering the inside can set off a storm outside.

"Ding Ding Ding——"


"The small Longxing Group is ridiculous!"

"Chen Xing is just like this."

"Just a clown."

The wine glasses clinked, and the people around laughed from the bottom of their hearts. While drinking, they did not forget to pull Chen Xing out to belittle him.

Davic, the future successor of the Federal Reserve and the eldest son of the Rothschild family, did not put on airs. In such a party where many noble families gathered, he did not dare to put on airs at all.

He looked at the elder on the side, raised his glass and toasted: "Mr. Pierpont, I have admired you for a long time. It's rare to meet you. I'll toast you here first."

The voice fell.

He drank the wine in the glass.

The Mr. Pierpont he mentioned was none other than the actual controller of the Morgan family, John Pierpont Morgan.

"Haha, you're welcome."

Pierpont responded by taking a sip of red wine.

Although the Morgan family cannot compare with the Rothschild family, Pierpont is still the patriarch after all. He can mobilize funds of more than one trillion US dollars and still has a certain status in the circle.

After a glass of wine, Davic also said his purpose: "It's like this, Mr. Pierpont, I heard that you have recently developed a quantitative trading software that can make tens of thousands of transactions in 1 second. I wonder if there is a chance for us to use this financial weapon?"

Quantitative trading software is equivalent to the weapons and armaments in the hands of soldiers in the stock market.

Why can't retail investors beat institutions?

Because there is no money, or there is no channel to buy quantitative trading software.

Normally, if ordinary retail investors want to trade stocks, you need to click on the trading page, then enter the amount or number of stocks, and then press the payment password of the bank card. The whole process takes at least 3 seconds. Even if the hand speed is extremely fast and the speed of the network is very good, the retail investors can only shorten it to 2 seconds at most.

One order takes 2 seconds, but the quantitative trading software can complete 5,000 purchases and 5,000 sales in 1 second. How can you compare with manual trading?

And most of the stock markets are T+0 transactions, which means that you can sell them immediately after you buy them.

It is also because of T+0 trading that in the US stock market, whoever trades faster can make a continuous profit.

"Of course."

After listening to Davic's words, Pierpon nodded without hesitation, and then changed the subject and said: "But the premise is that we need to wait until our internal test is over, which is expected to take another two months."

"What are you talking about?"

When the two were talking, someone approached forcibly.

If the identities did not match, or if the status was not enough, daring to forcefully intervene in the topic like this would definitely be excluded and looked down upon, but the person who came was none other than Davic's father, Clayton, the patriarch of the Rothschild family.


Davic greeted.

Pierpon laughed and answered without hiding anything: "A quantitative trading software that has just been tested internally. I thought it was specially ordered by Brother Clayton."

"Not interested." Clayton denied directly, and then made an invitation: "Move to the inner hall, we should sit down and talk."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying."

Pierpon made a gesture of invitation.

Under Davic's gaze, the two walked into the private meeting room on the inner side of the banquet hall.

However, as soon as Pierpont and Clayton left, a Chinese-looking man walked up to Davic and said, "Hello, Mr. Davic, are you convenient to chat?"

This Chinese man was none other than Wei Yan, who had already entered the upper class of Europe and America.

Because of his god-level operation of the "Asian Subdivision Act", Wei Yan has become famous, and both the Jewish consortium and the Ansa consortium regard him as an object of wooing.

To be able to attend this banquet, Wei Yan was also recommended by other Jewish families.

"Are you Wei Yan?"

Davic was a little uncertain.

You know, tonight is the celebration banquet of the Jewish family, and the only Jewish with an Asian face who can come to the stage is Wei Yan, the private equity manager of the double financial management agency.


Wei Yan smiled indifferently, made a gesture of invitation and said, "Is it convenient to chat privately?"

In order to further infiltrate the inside, and to successfully mix in the European and American financial circles, Wei Yan had to forge another identity.

Without the "key", it is difficult to get in touch with relevant circles, just like the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce in Chaoshan. If you are not from Chaoshan, you can't get in.

It is for this reason that Wei Yan thought of the Chinese Jewish community living in the south of Longguo, Henan, who claimed that their ancestors were Jews.

With this fake Jewish identity, Wei Yan got his wish and went a step further. He was no longer limited to the Ansa consortium, but also came into contact with the top capital of many Jewish families, and also learned about the forces behind the Wall Street financial crocodiles.

The Jewish families who came into contact with Wei Yan didn't think too much. They also knew that the Dragon Kingdom did have a Jewish branch, and two women had just returned to Israel in the past two years.

"Go over there."

Davidic looked at one corner of the banquet hall. He was a little curious about what this Chinese Jew would say to him.

the other side.

Banquet hall.

Shortly after Creighton and Pierpont entered the inner hall, the patriarchs of other Jewish families received the notice one after another and moved towards the inner conference hall.

The eyes of the two security guards standing at the door were like piercing eyes. Only the family patriarchs who met the requirements were allowed to enter. The small patriarchs with tens of billions of assets were not qualified to enter at all.

As the nine top Jewish family patriarchs arrived, Clayton, who was sitting in the main seat, did not waste any time and went straight to the topic: "In the past few days, we have achieved staged victories and successfully suppressed the signs of the rise of the Longxing Group. , Next, I want to hear your opinions.”

"Continue to place orders?"

"Or let it fall to the ground?"

He scanned the room.

The moment the words fell, Pierpont responded calmly: "I think we will continue to place orders, but we need to make adjustments."

"What adjustment?"

other clan leaders asked.

"I just talked with Chief Clayton. Most of the current entrusted funds are provided by several companies. Some people are unscathed. We all think that a fund needs to be set up to share it equally." Pierpont said his thoughts in a calm tone. .

This financial game mainly involves the fields of semiconductors and optics.

Originally, according to the first meeting of the Jewish families, each family was responsible for a certain field, which led to a situation where some people contributed more and some contributed less.

At present, most of the funds consumed in entrustment basically come from the Rothschild family, the Morgan family and the Sassoon family.

Other families, such as the Wolfson, Reichmann, Arison and other Jewish families, spent less than 5 billion US dollars.

The reason why the Jews were able to amass a large amount of wealth was precisely because they knew how to calculate carefully and had extremely developed business acumen.

However, this also has disadvantages, that is, it is too preoccupied and regards money as life.

When the patriarch of the family with less expenditure heard this, he immediately disagreed.

"That can't be true. That's not what we said in our first meeting. Why should we share the funds?"

"I will only be in charge of the financial sector assigned by Chief Clayton during the alliance. If you want me to contribute money to help you share it equally, no way!"

"You're right, no way!"

Although the current expenditure is not large, only hundreds of billions of dollars, if it is shared among 10 families, it will only be tens of billions of dollars for one family, which is nothing to a century-old family like them.

But ordinary people would refuse to show their losses, let alone the patriarch of an elite family who stood out among the Jews for his business and high IQ?

Split equally?

impossible things!

"Establishing an equal sharing fund can greatly reduce the losses of each family. You are too selfish!"

"What is selfishness? This is called following the rules!"

"You are not afraid that Chen Xing will take action again and short the financial sector you are responsible for. Then the capital expenditure will be even greater!"

"Let's talk about it then, haha!"

"Are you determined to disagree?"


The sound in the conference hall became louder and louder, and Clayton suddenly felt a headache.

He didn't want to deal with other families because these compatriots were too narrow-minded and couldn't make a big difference.

He originally wanted to discuss whether to pull the Nikkei 225 index upwards, but now seven or eight people were at war with each other. He didn't know how to interrupt, so he could only watch silently.

And at the same time.

Dragon Kingdom Deep City.

Longxing Group headquarters base.

Chen Xing held the Brilliant X2 and suddenly realized: "The Jewish family? The Rothschild family, the Morgan family, it turns out they are blocking it. No wonder the Nikkei 225 index cannot go down. I understand."

Although he does not understand Judaism or what Judaism is, most business people will know the Morgan family. JP Morgan Chase in the United States is their industry.

As for the Rothschild family, Chen Xing has never dealt with them, but he has heard of the legendary story of this "shadow cabinet".

"Stop it. With the current size of Longxing Group, it cannot defeat these Jewish families. You still need to continue to accumulate."

Zhao Chenguang persuaded.

In just two years, Chen Xing took Longxing Group from a market value of several hundred million to today's market value of one trillion.

In his opinion, it only takes another two years, or four years, or at least eight years, before Chen Xing can truly have the foundation to challenge Judaism.

Stop now, it's not too late.


Chen Xing shook his head and gave a negative answer. At the same time, he left the trading room and came to the corner of the corridor.

When Zhao Chenguang heard that Chen Xing insisted on going his own way, he felt a little anxious. He told all the other party's details and said: " are confused. You don't know how much money the other party has. What you see now is just the tip of their iceberg. Just take the Morgan family." Come on."

"It is the founder of the American financial industry. The so-called financial giants on Wall Street are just working for the Morgan family. The funds they actually control far exceed 3.9 trillion US dollars. How can you play with them?"

"In addition to the Morgan family, there are also Oppenheimer and Wolfson families involved this time. You can't even imagine their wealth. To a certain extent, their funds are unlimited!"

The opponent has unlimited funds, how to play this?

In Zhao Chenguang's view, Chen Xing is like an ordinary player facing a cheating player, and there is no way to fight against him at this stage.

However, what he didn't know was that Chen Xing was the one who cheated.

After learning the details of the other party, he asked: "How much does Chief Zhao know about the Rothschild family?"

"very few!"

Zhao Chenguang shook his head, and then continued: "The Rothschild family is world-famous and recognized as a super family, known as the shadow cabinet."

"According to the information I have, its assets may reach 50 trillion U.S. dollars, and it is involved in the food, clothing, clothing, and clothing of European and American countries, as well as the Federal Reserve Bank of America."

"$50 trillion..."

Chen Xing murmured to himself.

This number has exceeded the cognition of ordinary people, even Chen Xing.

50 trillion dragon national coins is very scary. With 50 trillion U.S. dollars, what kind of existence does the Rothschild family have?

But if you think about it carefully, this 50 trillion US dollars is not groundless.

Because they control the Federal Reserve Bank of America, the currency issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of America is US dollars, which is equivalent to their own money printing machine.

Let alone 50 trillion U.S. dollars, even 500 trillion U.S. dollars can be printed without considering the depreciation of the U.S. dollar. Zhao Chenguang's "unlimited funds" is indeed true.

However, Chen Xing had another plan, and said in a deep voice: "If we continue to extend the front line, is it possible to bring them down?"

"Continue to extend the front?"

Zhao Chenguang was puzzled.

He has learned that Chen Xing has brought the war to the optical field, causing the stock prices of Sony and Canon Group to fluctuate.

Still extending the front line?


"I have a copy of Gaotong Company's illegal and infringing documents. Once they are made public, it will be a devastating blow to it." Chen Xing directly handed over his trump card.

When Huaxia chip research and development was completed, Gao Zhengqian accidentally discovered that the DSP multi-core architecture was infringed by Gaotong Company, which may play a key role in this financial game.

We must know that the technology companies in Silicon Valley have contributed a lot to the sustained bull market in rice stocks, led by technology companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon.

Although Gaotong Company is not in the first echelon, its influence is no less than that of the first echelon technology companies in Migu, and is second only to the "Seven Sisters".

The reason is also simple. The mobile phones produced by Apple, the top company, are inseparable from the baseband technology of Gaotong. In the fields of information communication and chips, they all have to be on par with Gaotong.

Once Gaotong Corporation collapses, the rice stocks may experience a systematic collapse, and may even bring down the entire rice stock market.

"Gaotong infringement?"

Zhao Chenguang became interested and quickly asked: "Did it infringe on you?"

"Yes, you still remember when Mollenkopf teamed up with MediaTek and parts manufacturers to try to strangle our company in the cradle, right?"

Chen Xing offered some suggestions.

After mentioning it like this, Zhao Chenguang also remembered it, rubbed his temples, and said with some uncertainty: "It seems to be for some kind of technology, you told me."

"DSP multi-core architecture technology."


Zhao Chenguang suddenly realized and patted the table, his voice rose a bit and said: "It's DSP multi-core architecture technology. Is it possible that it infringes on this?"

"That's right."

Chen Xing nodded and continued: "DSP multi-core architecture is the key technology of 5G network, which is also the baseband chip. We have investigated that the baseband chips of Gaotong's latest Snapdragon X17 and later use this technology."

"How much impact does this have on technology?" Zhao Chenguang is not an expert in the field of information and communications and does not understand all the details inside, so he asks humbly.

"Let's put it this way, if Gaotong doesn't use this technology, the maximum network speed of the iPhone 8 will drop to 2-3MB/s, because its baseband technology is provided by Gaotong."

"I see."

After Chen Xing's explanation, Zhao Chenguang also had a general idea.

Before Zhao Chenguang could speak, Chen Xing's eyes flashed with sharpness and he said: "So I plan to continue to stretch the financial front and not give my opponents a chance to breathe. I will drag them down even if I delay them."

"Furthermore, there is no more suitable opportunity than now. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates by 10%, Japanese semiconductor companies are being crushed by our group's technology, LG Group's warehouse is on fire, and the GIANT PANDA bank settlement system is involved in oil trade, no matter what time it is. With the right location and right people, we have an advantage!”

"Once the opponent adjusts, it will likely be a tug-of-war for decades!"


Chen Xing took a deep breath, no longer hiding the sharpness in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I want the first battle to be a decisive battle, and the outcome will be decided in one battle!"

Jewish family?

It was the Jewish family that did it!

Even though they have just surfaced, Chen Xing has been fighting with American Silicon Valley companies for so long.

Zhao Chenguang was stunned on the spot as he listened to the majestic and confident talk on the other end of the phone.

"The first battle is the decisive battle, and the outcome will be decided in one battle..."

The ten short words made goosebumps all over his body. Even he, a well-informed "big man", couldn't help but admire Chen Xing's courage at this moment.

As the story of "Don Quixote" says: The fool who looks directly at the windmill is closer to bravery than cowardice.

Even if they have "unlimited funds" on the other side, as long as the financial front is long enough and the area involved is wide enough, they won't be able to hold them back.

Just like the moment when God showed his blood, it will no longer be a god, but an elite monster that can be challenged and killed!


Zhao Chenguang uttered the word "good" heavily, and he clenched his left hand, and said with a hint of excitement: "Since you want to go crazy, then I will go crazy with you. Now call the old chief and ask him to urge the oil trade to de-dollarize."

As the "know-it-all" of the military region, he is very clear about the country's strategic layout.

Like aid to Africa and the Middle East, helping backward areas to build infrastructure, and establishing international peacekeeping forces, in the final analysis, it comes down to seven words: He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

Now that all five heavy-armored combined brigades have arrived in the Middle East, providing military protection for Saudi Arabia, it is time to complete the line of de-dollarization of oil trade!

You must know that the strong rise of US stocks, in addition to Silicon Valley technology companies, there is also the Dow Jones Oil and Energy Index.

If the Nikkei 225, oil energy, Silicon Valley technology, and US dollar indexes are all launched collectively, Zhao Chenguang also feels that even if the other party has "unlimited funds", they can't withstand such great pressure.

Moreover, "unlimited funds" are based on the international trade status of the US dollar. Once oil is decoupled from the US dollar trade, it will really be God showing his blood bar.

"Then I'll trouble Chief Zhao." Chen Xing saw that his meaning had been conveyed, and he didn't want to delay Zhao Chenguang's time.

"Hang up the phone, wait for my good news."

Zhao Chenguang responded.

"Talk back."

"Talk back."

As the phone was hung up, Zhao Chenguang didn't hesitate for a moment and called the old chief directly, his eyes with a sharp edge like a blade out of the sheath.

As Chen Xing said, this may not be the best opportunity at the moment, but it is the best opportunity in the next few years or even more than ten years.

Once the financial front is extended, the United States may be dragged down, which is by no means alarmist.

It takes trillions of funds to save Japanese stocks, how much is needed to save US stocks?


Once the US stock market collapses, people who don't like to save may face bankruptcy. At that time, the number of homeless people will increase, and the funding for relief will also increase accordingly.

Japanese stocks, American stocks, relief funds, military expenditures, and interest payments with a 10% interest rate hike. Even if "unlimited funds" face huge expenses, the Federal Reserve and the Jewish family behind it will not be able to bear it.

"Beep, beep, beep--"

After a few busy tones, the call was connected.

"What's the matter?"

The old chief's voice was as deep as a bell.

"After 18 years, the Rothschild family has taken action again. This time, it has lifted the Nikkei 225 Index, making it impossible for Longxing Group to complete the harvest of the island country." Zhao Chenguang went straight to the point.


The old chief was a little surprised.

The Rothschild family, this giant hidden under the water, has appeared again?

The last time it appeared was in 1997, allowing Soros Capital to short Hong Kong stocks, and was eventually repelled by Longguo's huge foreign exchange reserves.

"So what is your call about?"

The old chief asked.

"Chen Xing wants the first battle to be the decisive battle, and the outcome will be decided in one battle."

Zhao Chenguang told the old chief everything he knew, and his puzzled eyes gradually brightened. He probably didn't expect that Chen Xing actually had a hidden bomb.


It can't be called a bomb!

It should be called a financial mushroom bomb!

Once this mushroom bomb is detonated, combined with other financial fronts, it is really possible to drag down the financial economy of the United States.

"Okay, okay!"

The old chief stood up from his recliner and said in a firm tone: "Since the time is ripe, it's time for us to show our fists!"

"So, old chief, you agree?"

Zhao Chenguang was delighted.

The old chief snorted coldly and said domineeringly: "Chen Xing dared to show his fist, can we still be cowards behind?"

Just after he finished speaking, he added: "I will go to negotiate with someone now, and strive to announce the Dragon Country Currency as quickly and as high-profile as possible that it can be used to settle oil trade, and severely hit the spirit of those Americans."

"The old chief is still as powerful as ever!" Zhao Chenguang saw the opportunity and flattered him.

"Don't come on, you write a letter to Chen Xing and say that something will definitely happen in the oil trade within three days."


"Hang up."

"Old chief, talk back."


When the call was hung up, Zhao Chenguang called Chen Xing again.

After a while.

The call was connected.

"Chief Zhao?"

Chen Xing felt something was wrong.

It's only been a few minutes?

There's a result so soon?

Could it be rejected?

"It's done!"

Zhao Chenguang's "It's done" dispelled Chen Xing's concerns.

"Then the first battle will be the decisive battle?"

As soon as Chen Xing finished speaking, Zhao Chenguang immediately followed up and said: "Let's decide the outcome in one battle!"

After getting a clear answer, Chen Xing hung up the phone and returned to the trading room. He looked at Li Daxiao, Yang Delong and others, and raised his voice and said: "Change the main battlefield of finance, the goal is the Nasdaq 100 Index!"

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