Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 435 Medical journals all come together to support Zhang Ming, who launches the Ice Bucket Ch

"Mr. Zhang is righteous!"

"So you are Mr. Zhang Ming of ByteDance. You are indeed a young hero. Like Mr. Chen, you are a leader of the younger generation!"

"I wonder how much Mr. Zhang will subsidize?"

Medical scholars are very concerned because the price of 1 million is too expensive, and the hospital also has to make money, so the final cost may be 1.2 million or even 1.3 million.

What family can afford 1.3 million?


Ordinary families can’t.

If money is not a consideration, doctors want their patients to use the most expensive drugs and enjoy the best medical services.

Unfortunately, most patients have no money.

It is impossible for doctors to say that they have to pay out of their own pockets to fill the gap in medical treatment for patients. They also have to make a living.

This is why doctors and nurses are relatively indifferent to patients. The fundamental reason why patients live and die is not that they don’t want to help, but that their wallets do not support helping. If compassion is overflowing, even if they are squeezed dry, they will not be able to help many people. The hospital has no shortage of patients. Every day, people cry bitterly for medical expenses.

"I am negotiating with Mr. Chen and Mr. Li. You can wait for the news."

Zhang Ming responded in a deep voice.

Near noon, he discussed with Chen Xing and Li Ge that the three companies should use the concept of brain-computer interface to take their businesses to a higher level.

"Yes, we are negotiating and trying to find a balance."

Li Ge agreed.

Chen Xing changed his perspective and asked a group of medical academicians: "I have a question for all the academicians. If Longxing Group, WuXi Group and ByteDance lower the supply price of brain-computer interfaces to as low as six digits, Count, the cost of implant surgery at your hospital is probably..."

Now the deans of Xiehe, Huaxi, Xiangtan, Ruijin, and Shanghai Jiao Tong Ninth Hospital are all here, and he also wants to know the price of the surgery.

For hospitals, they also need to make enough profits.

With money, it's a life-saving place.

No money, it's just a hospital.


The medical fellows looked at each other.

They cannot speak on behalf of the hospital casually, but judging from Chen Xing's attitude, he wants to supply brain-computer interfaces at a low price. Such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Why is it said once in a lifetime?

Before medicines and medical devices are put on the market, the issue of cost recovery is involved.

No one knows how much research and development costs Longxing Group and WuXi Group have invested, but what is certain is that the cost of such high-precision medical equipment is extremely expensive.

If the cost is 10,000, selling for 1 million is not excessive at all, because it involves research and development costs and subsequent profitability issues.

Of course.

Patients can also wait.

As long as you can afford to wait, any medicine or medical device will become cheaper and cheaper, eventually becoming cabbage price.

"We don't have anything to say about the hospital, but if Mr. Chen, Mr. Li, and Mr. Zhang are willing to provide brain-computer equipment at a price of six people, I can personally waive part of the cost, even if I have to undergo this surgery in vain." Wang Xiaoyong, the leading academician of Union Hospital, was the first to express his stance.


At this time, academicians from West China also stood up and responded: "There are only about 100,000 cases of ALS recorded in China. If Mr. Chen is willing to provide brain-computer equipment at a low price, then we will not be unfair and will do our best. The cost of the surgery may be reduced to low five figures.”

"What Academician Zhang said also represents my thoughts. Even if I don't want a cent, I am still willing to go on stage to perform the implant surgery."

"I'd also like to take a deduction from the appearance fee."

"me too."

Academicians expressed their opinions one after another.

Anyone who has worked in a hospital knows that in addition to dead wages, doctors and nurses also receive additional "performance bonuses."

What are hospital performance awards?

To put it bluntly, after part of the money earned by each department is handed over to the hospital, the remaining departments are distributed.

Take circumcision in the andrology department as an example. Suppose you earn 900 yuan from one circumcision and hand over 600 yuan to the hospital. The remaining 300 yuan is allocated to the doctors and nurses in the department.

In addition to performance, senior doctors are paid office fees, just like flying knife doctors. When they perform operations, they must clearly explain to the hospital how much they can get after performing the operation. At the level of an academician, one operation Often ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

One side is a small six, and the other is a small five. Both sides know the other's psychological expectations.

When Chen Xing saw this, he smiled and said: "The brain computer has not yet been approved for sale, so let's wait for good news."

"Waiting for good news."

"Waiting for good news."

The academicians nodded.

They also know that if a brain-computer interface wants to be put on the market and become a qualified medical device, it must be approved by relevant departments.

This time may be three months or half a year, but special medical devices will also have special approval channels, which can save a lot of time.

In the next two days, medical workers from all over the world will gather at Ruijin Hospital to check whether Jiang Ce's condition is stable and record relevant information about the brain-computer interface.

On the third day after their arrival, the headlines of the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the British Medical Journal were all about the impact of brain-computer interfaces on neurology, and potential for subsequent development.

The Lancet Neurology, a sub-journal of The Lancet, introduces the brain-computer interface in its entirety and the cure of ALS, calling the brain-computer interface a milestone in neurology.

Jiang Ce, Qian Qiuliang, Longxing Group, WuXi Group, Ruijin Hospital, etc. frequently appeared in the weekly edition of The Lancet Neurology. Qian Qiuliang also got what he wanted and won the honor of leading the team to complete the first implantation of brain-computer interface and cure ALS.

Originally, Jewish capital wanted to block the news and prevent the four major medical journals from publishing relevant content about brain-computer interface.

But they underestimated the four major journals too much. As the world's most prestigious and top comprehensive clinical journals in the medical field, they will not easily bow to capital.

Even the Journal of the American Medical Association in the United States has published the news that brain-computer interface cures ALS.

The four major medical journals, countless small medical journals, and the spread of the world media have set off a wave of longing for brain-computer interface all over the world.

On Twitter's hot search list, there are already tens of millions of netizens discussing it.

[Zach Sylvie]: "Longxing Group and WuXi Group are incredible. They have created a miracle for mankind. The emergence of brain-computer interfaces may subvert our lives. I wonder if we can live in a virtual world and achieve digital immortality in the future."

[Ed Boweson]: "I understand why Napoleon said that Longguo is a sleeping lion. Its roar when it wakes up has made the whole world tremble. In the future, we may not be able to do without its technology."

[Brandon Kane]: "This is a miracle of medicine, a miracle of Longguo, and a miracle of the world. The whole world will remember Longxing Group , the efforts of WuXi Group! "

[Finn McCue]: "I am a patient with ALS. The doctor told me that I only have one year to live. It is in the late stage. Which hospital in Longguo can perform brain-computer interface implantation surgery?"

[Jer Perlock]: "My friend in Longguo said that Longxing Group and WuXi Group have submitted the medical qualification review of brain-computer interface. It is estimated that after half a year, or one or two years, it can be fully used for medical purposes after passing the review."

With the discussion of a large number of netizens, the concept of brain-computer interface has been rising in popularity on Twitter, and the total number of people who have viewed related posts has reached a terrifying 190 million.

That is to say, at least 190 million people in the world know that the brain-computer interface has been successfully launched and cured a case of ALS.

Because of the importance of the matter, even if Jewish capital wants to reduce the heat, it can't, because TikTok next door is pushing it in turn, and there are four major medical journals publishing it. This news is a fire that can't be covered at all.

At the same time.

On the other side.

Longguo Magic City.

Tesla Super Factory.

When Masike saw the four major medical journals publish the case of brain-computer interface curing ALS, he almost blacked out and said in a lost voice: "Has Longxing Group really researched it?"

He didn't believe the news a few days ago, but now that the four major medical journals have stood up, he has to believe it.

The New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the British Medical Journal dare to publish collectively, which means that their editors-in-chief or relevant personnel have come to Longguo for a careful review and found no tricks.

Those who know Masike know that he mainly operates three companies, namely Tesla, SpaceX and Neuralink.

Tesla does not need much explanation, it is a company that focuses on new energy vehicles.

And Space X, its full name is Space Exploration Technologies Inc, that is, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation.

It is the world's first private enterprise to achieve manned spacecraft launches, and it is also an absolute leader in the space field. Recyclable rocket technology is its masterpiece.

Compared to the various fames of Tesla and Space X, which are resounding all over the world, Neuralink is relatively low-key.

Although it is low-key, Neuralink is extremely complicated. Its main direction is to develop brain-computer interface technology to achieve super connection between human brain and computer.

But with the rise of Longxing Group, Starlink was preempted by technology, and brain-computer interface was also developed first. Now Masike is gritting his teeth at Chen Xing.

"Damn it!"

Masike clenched his fists.

He now seriously doubts whether Chen Xing is targeting him.

He wants to achieve global network coverage by developing Starlink, but was beaten by Beidou communication satellite with 5G technology provided by Longxing Group.

He is developing brain-computer interface, and Longxing Group provides technology, and WuXi Group manufactures and produces brain-computer interface first.

The most outrageous thing now is that after he and Modu signed the "10 billion bet agreement", Longxing Group announced that it would build cars, and it is a new energy car on the Tesla track.

What does Longxing Group want to do?

Or what does Chen Xing want to do?

Deliberately targeting?

Masike has regretted why he provoked Chen Xing in the first place. Now he is in a dilemma and has no other choice.

Originally, according to his plan, Longguo’s first Tesla model should be launched in December, but the pilot car with “solid-state battery” is still in road testing. He dare not release it first, for fear that Chen Xing will adjust and target it.

Cars are like mobile phones. Whoever releases first and shows the trump card will easily suffer losses.

This is like two rivals selling mobile phones with the same configuration. One holds a press conference and sells it for 3,000 yuan. The other one knows that there is no configuration advantage and can sell the phone for 2,900 yuan. Don’t underestimate the 100 yuan price difference. Sometimes, 100 yuan can really win the game. A tens of billions enterprise.

Therefore, in the fields of electronic equipment and fast update iterations, manufacturers often choose the latter strategy between preemptive and post-emptive strategies because they can adjust their product pricing and configuration at any time according to their competitors.

While Masik was pounding the table secretly, the song "Love Story" sounded, and he picked up the mobile phone on the desk.

"What's up?"

He pressed the connect button.

"The president is not in good condition. I heard that Longxing Group and WuXi Group have developed a brain-computer interface and successfully completed the implantation. Our brain-computer research and development project may be in vain."

Masik didn't answer. He hung up the phone directly. Then he hammered the table angrily and cursed: "Fake!!!"

It was okay not to notify him, but once he was informed, his temper was instantly out of control.

He invested 27.6 billion US dollars in Neuralink company for the research and development of brain-computer interface projects. Originally, he wanted to implant himself to achieve ideological immortality.

What is ideological immortality?

To put it simply, consciousness is uploaded.

To put it more complicatedly, he wants to create a virtual world of his own, where he can do whatever he wants, equivalent to a creator god.

There is no rich person who is not afraid of death, because they have enough money to spend several lifetimes, even dozens or hundreds of lifetimes.

In Masik's view, physical immortality is basically unrealistic, because human cells have a limit to the number of times they can divide. To break through this limit, the technology in the biological field needs to reach a very high level. Perhaps in a few years, the number of divisions will be limited. This can only be realized in the interstellar era.

The body cannot live forever, but what about consciousness?

If we can read human consciousness, that is, the soul, and then copy and upload it, does it mean eternal life to some extent?

To this end, Masik continues to delve into the field of brain-computer interfaces, hoping to use technology to achieve the goal of immortality.

But now that Longxing Group and WuXi Group have taken the lead in successfully developing brain-computer interfaces, Neuralink's project may involve technology infringement, and the tens of billions of dollars invested by Masik will be lost. How can we remain calm?

However, anger is anger, and there is really no way to deal with Chen Xing now. Longxing Group is no longer a small company that can be manipulated casually, but a multinational giant.

"We can only decide the outcome in the automotive field, Chen Xing, just wait and see." Masik gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, like a ferocious wild wolf.

He didn't like to speak harshly, but Chen Xing's pressing steps forced him to stay prepared and try to defeat the enemy with one move.

Now, not only Tesla, BYD, GAC Group, SAIC Group, and BAIC Group are all waiting for Chen Xing to hold a car launch conference so that they can adjust their cars accordingly.

It is no exaggeration to say that because of the emergence of pilot cars, the entire Dragon Kingdom's automobile industry is on alert.

And on the other side.

Northeast, Fengtian City.

At the car manufacturing base of Longxing Heavy Industry, Ren Guofei looked at the news headlines and couldn't help but share with Rebus: "This guy Chen Xing has done something big again. The brain-computer interface has cured ALS. It seems we still underestimated Longxing." The foundation of the Xing Group.”

"I'm really curious. In 2014, Longxing Group was on the verge of bankruptcy. Not even a month has passed in 2016, and Chen Xing has developed a brain-computer interface. Could the original bankruptcy be fake?"

Rebus was really confused.

In the fields of semiconductor chips, information communications, fast charging technology, energy storage, wireless connections, and now biotechnology, how many trump cards does Longxing Group have?

He thought that everyone was a mobile phone manufacturer, but now Rebus felt more and more something was wrong. He felt that Longxing Group really looked like a group, and its business scope was unimaginably broad.

"This can't be true." Ren Guofei shook his head and expressed his guess: "But it is possible that Chen Xing received some external help in that incident."

"What's the meaning?"

Rebus was puzzled.

"I suspect that the current Longxing Group is actually a spokesperson launched by the Longxing Academy." While expressing his suspicion, Ren Guofei continued:

"Because I had seen Qu Cheng, Liu Dongsheng, Wang Hai and other academicians from the Longxing Academy crowded in the Longxing Group's laboratory building in the SEG Science and Technology Park."

"Only with the help of the state, Longxing Group can complete technological breakthroughs and recruit personnel in a very short period of time."

"You mean..."

Rebus' pupils flashed with surprise. Before he could continue, Ren Guofei nodded and said, "Yes, I suspect that Chen Xing has reached a certain cooperation with the country. This can be explained by his connections. Tongtian, you can make friends with Song Weiguo in the Fengtian Military Region, and there are endless things happening with technology.”

It's not that Ren Guofei looks down on Chen Xing, but that Chen Xing, as a grassroots entrepreneur, has risen so fast and has so many connections that even the bosses of old companies like them are ashamed.

"It should be."

Rebus echoed, he was also a grassroots person and could best understand the dilemma of having no connections and running into obstacles everywhere.

Even though he is a recognized genius, he did not start a business the first time after graduation. Instead, he quietly accumulated contacts in the industry. Only when he had enough contacts and knew the inside story of the industry did he really set foot in it.

Like the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce in Chaoshan, this is a natural circle.

Those who are not Chaoshan people or wealthy businessmen from Chaoshan cannot get in.

The reason why grassroots entrepreneurs are rare is that they are not competing with one person, but with a circle.

If someone from the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce is interested in the project you are interested in, then you will need to face the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce's pursuit and defeat them in order to gain a foothold in the project.

But it is not easy to win the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce. Not to mention Xiao Ma Ge and Li Jiacheng are among them, but the middle and lower-level businessmen inside are all leading local companies.

Circles such as the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, as well as Huizhou merchants, Fujian merchants, Zhejiang merchants, Guangdong merchants, Taishan Association, Jiangnan Association, and Lakeside College founded by Jack Ma to connect the wealthy, these circles have a large amount of business resources. , If grassroots want to rise, they must grab food from the tiger's mouth.

For the Longxing Group to develop so smoothly and to such a huge scale, Rebus also believed that Chen Xing had reached cooperation with the country, so everything could be explained.

"That's all."

Ren Guofei waved his hand, forced a smile and said: "No matter what his identity and background is, Chen Xing is now our partner. Now we are waiting for him to hold a press conference."


Rebus nodded.

Linghang 001 has been tested on national roads and has traveled a total of 90.41 million kilometers. There have been only 7 accidents, but they were all minor faults and no mechanical faults have been found yet.

This means that the press conference of Linghang 001 can be held at any time.

However, Rebus and Ren Guofei also understand that the reason why Chen Xing has not held a press conference is to wait for Tesla to hold a press conference first, and then ruthlessly attack his friends. This is also Chen Xing's best and most commonly used trick.

But what none of them expected was that the Pilot 001 press conference would not be held, Tesla’s press conference had no intention of holding one, and even other car companies did not hold press conferences.

Now it's like holding your breath underwater. Whoever can't hold his breath first will be the first to hold a press conference.

When Ren Guofei and Rebus lamented that Chen Xing was causing trouble again, Douyin and TikTok suddenly made update requests to users.

[New version found, updated content is as follows]

[1. The built-in algorithm has been optimized to more intelligently recommend videos of interest based on your viewing taste. ]

[2. The live broadcast function is fully open, and 1,000 fans can submit an application in the Creator Center. ]

[3. A new mutual aid function for rare diseases has been added. This issue will provide assistance services for patients with ALS, and all users can participate. ]

[4. Optimized system stability. ]

[5. Added...]

Douyin's sudden pop-up update window stunned hundreds of millions of domestic users for half a second. Before they could react, Weibo's hot search list exploded in popularity.

With the help of "Jiu Liu", the entry "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" appeared at the top of Weibo's hot search list.

Click on the entry to see the content released by ByteDance’s official account.

The content of the blog post is a 3-minute video, the entire process of which was conducted by Zhang Ming.

In front of the ByteDance office building, Zhang Ming was wearing a down jacket, breathing air-conditioning, and introduced to the audience: "I am very happy to meet you. I am Zhang Ming, the chairman and chief president of ByteDance."

"The weather in the Imperial Capital today is only 5 degrees, which is very cold. Look at my mouth and nose, they are spitting out white air. Why did I record this video? The reason is very simple. I want to do a big thing for patients with rare diseases! "

Having said this, he began to unzip his down jacket and continued: "Everyone who pays attention to the recent news knows that a brain-computer interface has been developed to treat ALS. I would like to use practical actions to call on all walks of life to do more. Focus on rare disease groups.”

"This is a challenge I initiated. Put ice water into a bucket and pour it directly on your head. You can experience the numbness of ALS patients who are tortured by the disease."

"Come on, assistant."

Zhang Ming in the video said hello, and the assistant beside him was stunned for half a second and asked: "Is Mr. Zhang really going to fall?"

"I only play with reality."

Zhang Ming was ready.

After the words fell, the assistant looked at Zhang Ming's firm eyes and without any further hesitation, he decisively raised a bucket the size of an ordinary footbath and poured it on Zhang Ming's head. The ice water fell with ice cubes in it, and the cold instantly eroded his body. Zhang Ming's whole body was numb from the cold.

Two seconds later, he regained his composure, wiped away the water droplets on his face with his hands, and continued facing the camera: "The ice water is very cold, but at the same time, I succeeded in the challenge. The ice bucket challenge I completed will represent ByteDance has added 1,000 yuan to the ALS fund for treatment. The cumulative amount is not capped, but each user who succeeds in the challenge can only count it once. "

“Users who participate in this challenge will not only receive traffic support and a 20 yuan phone credit reward, but also receive a three-month critical illness medical insurance trial version jointly provided by ByteDance and China Minsheng Insurance, allowing us to lend a helping hand to patients with ALS. , and also let more people pay attention to patients with rare diseases.”

"At the end of the video, I would like to give a warm reminder that although the ice bucket challenge is good, you must do it within your ability. I hope everyone has a good and healthy body."

When Zhang Ming said this, he suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "By the way, I almost forgot, according to the rules, those who succeed in the challenge can choose two friends to participate in the new round of ice bucket challenge. Here, I I want to name Chen Xing from Longxing Group and Li Ge from WuXi Group. Do you dare to participate in my ice bucket challenge?”

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