Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 445: The breaking point of the ternary system, Saito Jing puts pressure on Chen Xing

After leaving the Information and Communication Laboratory, Chen Xing went to the chip laboratory floor and headed straight to Gao Zhengqian's exclusive laboratory.

However, at this time, Gao Zhengqian was discussing the development of ternary EDA chip design software with the heads of several laboratories.

Those who are familiar with chip design know that EDA chip design software is an indispensable and most important tool for chip design.

Why is it important?

It's very simple. EDA chip design software can modularly design the internal circuit of the chip in the way of building blocks.

Without EDA chip design software, the chip has tens of billions of transistors. This is not feasible by hand drawing alone. It can only be built quickly with the help of EDA chip design software and modularization.

"The programming of ternary EDA chip design software requires communication with the chip foundry first, and the basic characteristic information of basic devices or logic units such as transistors, MOS tubes, resistors and capacitors must be confirmed. Only when multiple parties confirm the agreement can the programming design be started."

When Sun Yin finished speaking, he quickly added: "By the way, running ternary EDA chip design software also requires a ternary computer. I think the top priority is to solve the equipment problem as soon as possible."

Wang Baiming, who is responsible for the development of the ternary computer, heard this and quickly replied: "I have arranged for people to build the foundation. It is expected that the prototype of the ternary computer can be given in about six months."

"Will the programming speed be faster if it is modified based on the binary computer?"

Gao Zhengqian asked.

"This requires contacting the programming team of the Tianxuan operating system. In addition, we need to redesign the computer hardware. Binary hardware is not suitable for ternary." Wang Baiming looked at Gao Zhengqian and responded.

"We are responsible for programming the Tianxuan operating system. If we want to design a ternary computer, the operating system can only be rebuilt from scratch."

Pei Wei spoke up.

As the chief of the operating system development team, although he had never been exposed to ternary, the code logic they designed was all for binary, and it was almost impossible to make changes based on binary.

"In that case, we can only use time to solve the programming problem of ternary computers." Gao Zhengqian said, and then looked at Lin Tian who was playing with his mobile phone in the corner of the conference room and said:

"Chief Lin, you also heard that the ternary EDA chip design software programming needs to communicate with the chip foundry first to confirm the basic characteristic information of basic devices or logic units such as transistors, MOS tubes, resistors and capacitors."

"This is easy." Lin Tian put down his mobile phone, looked up at Gao Zhengqian and said: "You set the standard, and finally our chip factory will execute it. As long as you can design it, then I can produce it. It's that simple."

"Are you sure?"

Gao Zhengqian frowned secretly. He always felt that Lin Tian's words were unreliable, but he never made any mistakes.

"As long as you can design it, I can produce it. It's that simple." When this sentence was said, the other engineers in the conference room all looked surprised.

Crazy, too crazy!

But they have the strength, there is really nothing we can do.

They all know more or less about the photolithography factory. It is a super chip foundry built by the yellow-haired man in front of them.

If he made the guarantee, then maybe he was not bragging.

"Sure, sure, sure as hell, you just need to give me the chip circuit design, and I will find a way to make it. That's it, you guys chat, I have something to do."

Lin Tian stood up and clicked on the WeChat voice without hesitation.

The next second.

A loli voice came out.

"Brother Lin, are you coming to play tonight? The restaurant has not been open these few days. If no one comes to book a table for drinks, I will be fired."

"Wait for my Xiaomei, I will be there soon."

Lin Tian replied to the message in public and opened the door of the conference room. Suddenly, a familiar figure blocked his way. He didn't care and continued to click the voice message in the chat box to reply.

"Thank you so much, Brother Lin Tian. Let's meet at the old place. I will definitely shake a table full of girls to accompany you tonight."

"Let's go for a drink?"

"Yes, the main focus is on poverty alleviation. I am kind-hearted and can't bear to see girls without money."

When Lin Tian replied subconsciously, he suddenly felt that the voice was a little familiar. When he looked up, he immediately took a few steps back and touched his nose awkwardly and said, "What a coincidence, President?"

When the voice fell, everyone in the conference room who was still in the meeting stood up.



Everyone looked towards the door.

Chen Xing nodded and looked at Lin Tian, ​​saying, "It's getting late. Go get busy first. Watch out for honey traps."

He didn't impose too many restrictions on these top scientific research talents.

They can do whatever they like. As long as they don't touch the bottom line of the law, he won't care. After all, everyone has their own life and is not a robot.


Lin Tian coughed awkwardly twice and quickly said, "No hurry, no hurry. The show doesn't start until nine o'clock. There are still four or five hours left. President, do you have anything to talk to us about?"

"Well, I have something to tell you." Chen Xing responded and walked into the conference room calmly. Gao Zhengqian was about to give up his seat, but Chen Xing stopped him and said, "I won't sit down. I came here to learn about the research and development progress of the ternary chip and Fuxi project."

Gao Zhengqian paused, quickly organized the language in his brain, and then responded: "At present, we are still at the step of programming the ternary computer system."

As if he was afraid that Chen Xing would not understand, he explained: "Because the ternary EDA chip design software requires a ternary computer to run, the binary computer we are using now cannot run it, so we need to develop a ternary computer first. Then use it to run the ternary EDA chip design software, and then use the ternary EDA chip software to design the Fuxi chip.”

Although Gao Zhengqian's words were convoluted, Chen Xing still understood.

If you want to design a ternary Fuxi chip, you need to use ternary EDA chip design software, and ternary EDA chip design software needs to be run on a ternary computer, so the ternary project is still in its initial stage.

"Then I didn't come in vain." Chen Xing heard that he had to develop a ternary computer system first and told about the results achieved by Jiuzhou AI Laboratory:

"Jiuzhou AI Laboratory sent me a message this morning saying that artificial intelligence has reached preliminary commercial level, and it can be used to design ternary computer systems."

“Programming with artificial intelligence?”

Wang Baiming was stunned.

Does AI know what ternary system is?

He is now skeptical.

"Is this possible?" Gao Zhengqian was also confused. He thought Chen Xing was bragging and fooling foreigners, but he didn't expect that artificial intelligence would really be used for computer programming?

At the "International Conference on 5G Networks", Chen Xing once proposed the concept of artificial intelligence, in which he mentioned that intelligent AI would replace copywriters, painters and programmers in the future.

The two professions of copywriter and painter have been replaced, and many people actually agree with it because the things involved are not complicated.

Take relatively complex painters as an example. Their basic skills are composition and the use of color. As for creativity, artificial intelligence can use big data to search for works of the same type for analysis, and then create them through its own thinking model.

The replacement of these two professions is basically uncontroversial.

However, programmers are different. In addition to typing code, programmers also have to make complex design decisions, solve non-linear problems, and perform innovative programming.

If artificial intelligence can really replace programmers in typing code, Internet companies will definitely be allowed to introduce intelligent AI in batches to replace human labor, regardless of the unemployment rate.

Why replace labor?

Very real problem.

Labor costs, risk costs.

Labor costs are easy to understand, including wages and benefits.

Risk costs are accidents, such as sudden death, accidents on the way to or from get off work, etc. Artificial intelligence can avoid these risks very well.

Faced with Gao Zhengqian's question, Chen Xing did not answer. Instead, he took his mobile phone, opened WeChat, found Gao Zhengqian's WeChat ID, and sent a contact card saying:

"To be honest, I don't know if it can be completely replaced, but artificial intelligence is always helpful for computer programming. I will recommend the WeChat account of the person in charge of Jiuzhou Ai to you."


Gao Zhengqian nodded slightly.

"Since you are still in the meeting, I won't disturb you." Chen Xing prepared to leave knowingly, not wanting to waste their time.

"President, walk slowly."

"President, I'll give it to you."

Everyone quickly walked out of their seats and sent Chen Xing off.

After Chen Xing left, Gao Zhengqian looked at Wang Baiming and said, "Is it really possible to use artificial intelligence to program ternary computer systems?"

"Don't tell me yet, it's really possible."

Pei Wei suddenly spoke.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him, wanting to hear his opinion.

“Automated code generation may be some way off, but intelligence does a great job in terms of optimization and assisted writing.”

"Have you used it?"

Wang Baiming asked quickly.

"I have used it, but it is not artificial intelligence, but a programming assistance tool developed by Mr. Jiang Ce. It can automatically optimize existing code and provide programming suggestions. This is an intelligent program developed based on his own experience."

Pei Wei said the reason.

Originally, the development of "Tianxuan Operating System" was not completed so quickly. It was precisely because Jiang Ce provided convenient tools that allowed them to exceed the task, and by the way, they also completed the PC version.

The most incredible thing about the programming tool developed by Jiang Ce is that it can realize functions such as code translation and automatic writing of comments.

What is this concept?

Rebus's code was once praised as being as beautiful as poetry.

Nowadays, everyone can write code into poetry, and after adding comments, even novice programmers can understand the code.

"If this is the case, then without further delay, we should contact them quickly and ask them to give us a complete set of AI tools to use."

Wang Baiming couldn't wait.

Although he is very clear that artificial intelligence at this stage cannot completely replace human labor, but who doesn't like it if it can increase the speed?

Take driverless driving for example. Who can resist the driving experience of falling asleep as soon as you get in the car and arriving at your destination when you wake up?

"I'll contact them now." Gao Zhengqian responded, and immediately added the other party's WeChat account, and then indicated his identity and purpose of visit in the remarks column.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Shenzhen, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Administration.

The FSA Financial Department of the island country, which was blocked from the door, did not return home in despair. Instead, it directly visited the Foreign Trade Administration in Shenzhen.

As a special economic zone, Shenzhen is a place where many foreign investors live.

Perhaps many people do not know what special economic zones mean, nor why they can attract foreign investment.

If we can summarize it simply, it is that compared with other cities, special economic zones have special support in tax reduction and exemption.

For another example, suppose you are the CEO of a foreign-funded enterprise and your products are very popular in Longguo. You want to deeply develop the Longguo market and establish a corporate branch of Longguo.

At this time you will face the choice of choosing an ordinary city or a special economic zone.

If you choose the former, you will not only invest more money, but also need layer-by-level approvals for services, which is inefficient. However, if you settle in the latter, you will not only enjoy corresponding tax exemptions, but services can only be carried out with the approval of the special zone leadership team. It is extremely convenient and fast. You will Which one to choose?


The special economic zones were almost a complete victory.

This is why, after becoming a special economic zone, Shenzhen City will quickly turn from a barren land into the fourth city in the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, the rise of Shenzhen City is not only due to the special economic zone, but also the help of the big brother Guangfu, which guided the economic injection of the Greater Bay Area and helped it take off and develop.

At this time, the director of the Foreign Trade Administration, Duan Peifu, looked at Sai Fujii with a sad face, sighed and said, "President Qi, aren't you making things difficult for me? Chen Xing is out on business, so I can't call him back."

"Director Duan, you misunderstood. I didn't mean to embarrass you, but Chen Xing is at the headquarters of Longxing Group. I have very important things to talk to him about, and I want you to bridge the gap. I hope you can You make it happen.”

Saitoi has a very tough attitude.

To be so tough, he also has his own capital chips.

Because the Dragon Kingdom and the island country are close to each other, and the latter is a high-end manufacturing country, the former is relatively dependent on the latter's high-end industrial assistance.

For example, for automobiles, many domestic companies do not have independent car manufacturing qualifications and need to rely on foreign companies to complete car manufacturing.

In addition to car manufacturing, Longguo's high-end industries are inseparable from the island country.

This is why many cities in the Dragon Kingdom have island schools, the purpose of which is to train Japanese companies’ resident executives in the Dragon Kingdom.

"How about you wait two days?"

Duan Peifu was still thinking about being with Xini.

Now he can't afford to offend either side. On the other side is the rising star in Shenzhen and the leader of Longguo's technology companies, Longxing Group.

On the other side is the island nation’s FSA Financial Services Agency, which has trillions of investments in Shenzhen and is in charge of decision-making power for a large number of Japanese companies.

How to choose?

How to choose?

Duan Peifu thought for half a minute. This situation was no longer something he could deal with. He could only call his superiors for advice.

The reason is also very simple. Due to the interest rate hike in the United States, a large amount of Western foreign capital has withdrawn from Shenzhen, and the unemployment rate has soared from 12.4% to 21.7%. If Japanese companies also leave, it is estimated to be 30%, and this is just Conservative estimate, not counting chain reactions.

"Wait a moment, I'll make a call." Duan Peifu picked up the phone and walked out.

Saitoi said no more, picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip of tea, and waited for the result.

The most important reason why he has such confidence is because the FSA Financial Services Department has the say in financial investment in the island country. Amid the tide of US dollar interest rate hikes, he is also sure that Duan Peifu will compromise.

Duan Peifu came to the office corridor, found a corner and called his superiors, briefly describing what happened.

The other end of the phone was silent at first, and then responded: "You stabilize him first, and I will call the superiors to ask. We must find a balance point in this matter, otherwise the responsibility will be heavy."

"I think so."

Duan Peifu responded.

Now everyone knows that under the impact of the US dollar tide, foreign capital is flowing out crazily from countries around the world, flocking to the United States to earn interest.

How much foreign capital can be retained and how much international capital can be attracted has become the key to winning this protracted war.

The news was reported layer by layer, and no one in Shencheng's leadership team dared to make a decision easily, and eventually it reached Wang Shan's ears.

"Zhang Jinzong, what are you talking about? People from the FSA Financial Department of the island country want to see Chen Xing by name?"

Wang Shan originally thought about returning to the imperial capital, but he didn't expect his old comrade to call and tell him such a thing.

"Yes, I heard from them that the problem can be big or small. Now they want to see Chen Xing, but Chen Xing doesn't seem to want to see them. We are caught in the middle, which is a bit difficult to handle."

Zhang Jinzong sighed.

"These little Baga want us to put pressure on Chen Xing and force a dinner party." Wang Shan's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He has never had a good impression of the island country Baga. If Japanese companies could not help Longguo's economic development, He had blasted them away long ago.

"Now what?"

Zhang Jinzong had no idea.

Most of the foreign-funded enterprises in Long Island have withdrawn, and the unemployment rate has soared. If the island country’s FSA Financial Services Agency does not receive a satisfactory answer, it is estimated that Japanese companies may also leave Long Island.

"Stabilize him first. I'll call Chen Xing to ask what's going on." Wang Shan also treated this issue carefully and did not make a hasty decision.

"Okay, Brother Wang, I'll wait for your reply."

"Well, hang up the phone."


The moment the phone was hung up, Wang Shan cursed loudly: "His grandma's little Baga will be the first to kick you when the high-end industrial closed loop is realized."

After venting, he found Chen Xing's address book number and dialed it.


After several busy signals, Chen Xing's youthful voice came out again with a calm voice.

"The old chief called me. Could it be that the list of economic pillar enterprises has been finalized?"

Chen Xing didn't think Wang Shan would chat with him, so he directly guessed that the matter discussed in the early hours of last night had come to fruition.


Wang Shan was not in a hurry to get into the topic, but responded to Chen Xing: "As you said last night, we will put all potential technology companies into the list. According to preliminary statistics, there are 28 companies, which correspond to the twenty-eight constellations. ”

"Good moral."

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

Anyone who is familiar with the culture of the Dragon Kingdom knows that the Twenty-Eight Constellations are the twenty-eight star regions divided by the ancient astronomers of the Dragon Kingdom to observe the movements of the sun, moon, and five stars.

Anyone who is a member of the Dragon Kingdom basically knows the regional divisions of Qinglong in the East, Suzaku in the South, White Tiger in the West, and Xuanwu in the North.

The Green Dragon in the East, Suzaku in the South, White Tiger in the West, and Xuanwu in the North are all composed of seven constellations, and the seven constellations in the four directions are the twenty-eight constellations.

Just 28 companies have been raised, corresponding to the twenty-eight constellations, which shows how much Wang Shan hopes to build the Dragon Kingdom capital market.

"You think it's okay, right? I've contacted the people on Baodao, and I'll go over and talk to them about the stock market tonight."

"Then I wish the old chief a successful start and can bring back good news."

"It's natural."

The two chatted with each other. After chatting for almost five minutes, Wang Shan finally entered the topic and said: "By the way, there is one more thing. Shen Cheng said that the president of the FSA Financial Department of the island country is here, and he wants to call your name." Wouldn’t it be convenient for you to sit down and talk about something?”


Chen Xing sighed.

He knew that Xiao Baga from the FSA Financial Department of the island country would not give up. Now Longxing Group has forced their stock market into a desperate situation. If they don't sit down and negotiate, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But will Chen Xing negotiate peace?

He finally broke through the layers of protective umbrellas and was about to pick off the fruits of victory. It was impossible to stop at this time.

"Old chief, there is no room for peace talks in this matter. I went there with the same result. Nikkei 225 must be broken down." Chen Xing explained while expressing his stance:

"My reason is also very simple. Now that the U.S. dollar is raising interest rates, countries around the world are affected. The Nikkei 225 index has reached a very low position and is on the verge of collapse and restructuring."

"We do not lack technology or high-end equipment, but Japanese companies are just the opposite. If we can take advantage of this opportunity to short-sell and then buy, thereby controlling a large number of Japanese companies, then Longguo's high-end manufacturing industry can save at least 20 years. ”


Wang Shan was silent for a long time.

He discovered that he was a frog in the well.

Originally, he thought that Chen Xing wanted to smash the Nikkei 225 Index for money, but he didn't expect that Chen Xing didn't bother to play with this, but wanted to complete the power seizure of Japanese companies.

This is like the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Wall Street capital swept across Asia and conducted large-scale capital injections into a large number of companies in peninsulas and island countries.

Korean Star Group, one of the world's top 50 companies, has nearly 85% of its equity and shares controlled by Wall Street capital. It looks glamorous, but in fact it is just a blood transfusion package.

"are you serious?"

Wang Shan's tone suddenly became solemn.

Now that he listens to Chen Xing, there is no need to discuss this matter, and the direct consequence of this may be a large-scale withdrawal of Japanese companies.

"Yes, I think we have the right time, right place, and right people. If we don't take action now, we will have no chance to take action in the future."

As soon as Chen Xing finished speaking, he added: "Once we complete the seizure of power from Japanese companies, I believe that our high-end manufacturing industry will advance by leaps and bounds, and it will be easy to catch up with the West."


Wang Shan was a little moved. He was not a hesitant person. He had always believed that nothing could be broken or established.

If Japanese companies choose to withdraw their capital and resist, it depends on who can survive it first.

After all, Longguo Market is a supermarket with 1.3 billion people, and will soon have 1.4 billion people. If Japanese companies insist on withdrawing, domestic companies will likely usher in mushrooming growth.

He is betting now that what Chen Xing said can be realized. He is also betting that Japanese companies cannot do without Longguo, a supermarket.

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