Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 454 Global Exclusive, Far Ahead

After the surprise at the scene subsided a little, Chen Xing explained slowly: "We use millimeter-wave laser radar and four auxiliary laser radars to collect road information, and then use the algorithm model and the super computing power of Huaxia chips to finally achieve L3 level unmanned autonomous driving."

"Maybe my description is a bit vague, but you can first understand the working principle of autonomous driving through a video."

The voice fell.

The demonstration video appeared on the LED screen.

In the short video, the first thing that comes into view is the working state of the millimeter-wave laser radar. You can clearly see it emitting detection lasers. After collecting road information, the on-board unmanned intelligent driving system quickly draws the three-dimensional structure of road objects through the built-in algorithm and identifies the information of the objects.

After the 2-minute principle video ended, Chen Xing continued, "After watching the video, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of unmanned autonomous driving technology. In order to dispel everyone's remaining concerns, I will say a few more words and systematically explain its principles to everyone."

After a half-second pause, he casually said to the content he had memorized: "The principle of our millimeter-wave laser radar autonomous driving mainly involves laser ranging technology and complex information perception and processing processes."

"What is laser ranging?"

"It is generally divided into pulse ranging method, phase ranging method, and laser triangulation ranging method."

"Let's talk about the pulse ranging method first, which uses the laser radar to emit a very short laser beam. Light pulses measure the time difference between the laser pulse being emitted and reflected by the target object and received, and then apply the formula, distance = speed of light × time difference / 2. "

"The pulse ranging has a long coverage range, but the accuracy may be limited by the pulse counter working frequency and the pulse width of the laser source, so we only use it to roughly measure the distance of the object. "

"For roads with high accuracy requirements, such as underground parking lot entrances, shopping mall underground entrances and other scenes, the Linghang 001 vehicle-mounted intelligent frame system will simultaneously enable phase ranging and triangulation ranging, allowing the three ranging methods to run simultaneously. "

Speaking of this, Chen Xing suddenly raised his mouth slightly, got out of the main driver's seat, and looked at the car company bosses in the stands.

"Perhaps everyone has no concept of the three ranging methods running simultaneously. Let's put it this way. This requires a mature algorithm model and super-high computing power support. At present, there is only one company in the world that can do it. "


There was a constant uproar at the scene.

The only one in the world?

What a big tone!

However, the fact is that only Longxing Group has covered the fields of semiconductor chips, artificial intelligence, information and communications, and automobiles.

Do you want to surpass?

Sorry, it's as difficult as climbing to the sky!

The faces of the car company CEOs on the scene were different, but no one dared to stand up and say that their own unmanned autonomous driving used three ranging methods, including Tesla founder Masick, who has been deeply researching autonomous driving for several years.

The audience in the live broadcast room listened to Chen Xing's tone and witnessed the changes in the expressions of the car company CEOs in the stands, and they all woke up.

"Fuck, far ahead again?"

"You are far ahead in your field. How can other car companies survive? Mr. Chen, you are my god!"

"I finally understand why Mr. Chen proposed the concept of artificial intelligence at the "5G Network International Negotiation Conference". It turned out that it was for today. This is the vision and judgment of the CEO of a trillion-dollar company!"

"I have to say that this vision is too sharp. Who would have thought that three laymen could make a car to this extent?"

"No more words, far ahead!"

"Far ahead!"

"Far ahead!"

Countless "far ahead" were posted. This time, even the black fans had nothing to say, because they could not find any points to refute.

Since Nvidia's core business returned to China, even if other technology companies want to study artificial intelligence, they must purchase corresponding GPU graphics cards as a source of computing power.

Of course.

If you have money, you can use CPU.

But for the construction of computing power in the field of artificial intelligence, the efficiency of GPU is far greater than that of CPU. The latter is equivalent to using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes. It can kill them, but the cost is several times or even dozens of times that of GPU.

This is also the fundamental reason why there is only Longxing Group in the field of artificial intelligence.

Apple, Microsoft, and Google want to go deeper into the field of artificial intelligence, just like the chip crisis encountered by Longxing Technology Company two years ago. There are restrictions and barriers everywhere, and there is no way to make a big move.

This time, the "far ahead" is not only recognized by the whole network, but even the Western forces who are watching the live broadcast have to admit that Chen Xing, this man, has really built a high technical wall for them.

Do you think artificial intelligence is useless?

What about now?

Who else can do L3 level unmanned driving except the pilot 001 car?


Chen Xing is not playing tricks. After announcing the specific technical principles, he continued to express his position:

"Those who are familiar with my press conference style know that I usually adhere to the concept of practice to find the truth. Then let our photographer be the first witness and experience the unmanned automatic driving in person."


The photographer in the car was stunned.

No one told him that there was such a process.

The photographer who was shooting outside breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't go in to shoot just now, otherwise he would have come to experience it.

"Xiaolong, Xiaolong."

[I'm here.]

In the photographer's horrified eyes, Chen Xing called out the intelligent driving assistant and gave an order: "Go around the No. 1 track of the Shenzhen International Speed ​​Racing Circuit, and then come back here."

[Okay, please close the door. 】

"Relax, trust our quality control." Chen Xing comforted him while closing the door neatly and retreating to the outside of the track.


The photographer swallowed his saliva.

He was the official photographer of Longxing Group hired by Chen Xing at a high price. If he got off the car now, he would lose his job, and if he didn't get off the car, his life might be in danger. After making a decision, he chose to trust the scientific research and technology level of his own group.

After a while.

Pilot 001 started itself.

The photographer sitting in the back row aimed the camera lens at the main driver, and the entire network audience could clearly see through his lens that the steering wheel was moving by itself.

Gradually, the vehicle began to accelerate.

20 yards.

30 yards.

50 yards.

The speed of the car was kept in a stable range of 50 yards. Although the photographer was terrified, he felt the magic of technological progress.

Ten years ago, if someone said that cars didn't need people to drive, and that artificial intelligence alone could drive better than many old masters, many people probably wouldn't believe it, and might even curse.

But what about now?

Autonomous driving has really been realized!

"It's amazing."

The photographer couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Xing, who returned to the podium, was full of confidence. He continued with his eyes: "Next, we have set a challenge for autonomous driving to see if it can pass it successfully."

The director was also very sensible and switched the live screen to "main and sub-screens".

While not affecting the viewing of the pilot 001 test of autonomous driving, the audience can also see Chen Xing in the sub-screen in the lower right corner, and the sound on both sides can be heard.

"The speed is 55-60 mph, which should be the normal speed of most people. Let's see what L3 driving can bring us."

Chen Xing kept it a secret.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the pilot 001 lens on the main screen. A blue pilot 001 was accelerating and overtaking in the right lane and squeezing into the left lane.

"Beep, beep--"

A warning sound came from the car.

The photographer had overcome his fear. He aimed the camera at the center console screen, which showed a pop-up danger signal.

When the blue Linghang 001 on the right squeezed hard and broke the safety limit, the test version of Linghang 001 that the photographer was riding in immediately slowed down and let the other party squeeze into the left lane smoothly.

Before the photographer could breathe a sigh of relief, more and more Linghang 001s appeared on the road, basically driving at a snail's pace, but leaving room for overtaking.

At this time, Chen Xing on the podium said calmly: "When you go out, I believe everyone has encountered the scene of snail-speed driving on the road. Many novice drivers are afraid of overtaking and can only follow behind them and eat exhaust gas. Let's see how the intelligent driving system Xiaolong will judge."

Under the gaze of tens of millions of people, the Linghang 001 that the photographer was riding in suddenly turned on the right turn signal after following for a while, and then overtook on the right like flowing water.

In an instant.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

"Overtaking on the right? Is it still possible to overtake on the right? It seems that Subject 1 and Subject 4 say that overtaking on the right is not allowed!"

"A novice driver has appeared. Listen to my advice. You really need to buy a Linghang 001. Robots can drive better than you!"

"A ten-year veteran driver has spoken from his own experience. Let's put it this way. Traffic rules are to help you drive better and pay attention to driving safety, rather than to let you drive blindly according to the rules."

"I remembered that during my internship, I honked the horn when I encountered a curve, and hurriedly switched from high beam to low beam when I encountered a car. Although this is correct, driving will be very tiring. In general, it depends on personal driving habits."

"A twenty-year veteran driver said, young man, you must know how to adapt to circumstances when driving. Not everyone in society abides by the rules!"

Just based on the action of overtaking on the right, the intelligent driving system of Linghang 001 car has made many veteran drivers give a thumbs up.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. As long as you drive often, you can really meet "good kids" who dare not overtake and eat exhaust gas obediently at the back.

"We'll upgrade the difficulty." Just when everyone thought the test was over, Chen Xing announced again.

"Still testing?" BYD CEO Wang Fu was not calm. He had never expected Chen Xing to throw out the trump card of unmanned autonomous driving.

Not only Wang Fu, but also the CEOs of domestic car companies showed fear. This time the technology reshuffle came too fast, and they didn't have any time to prepare.


Chen Hong smiled bitterly.

He understood how much of a clown he was. He actually wanted to strike back and make targeted mass production based on the configuration of the Pilot 001.


How to target now?

L3 level intelligent driving, leading the world.

Let alone SAIC Group Chen Hong, Tesla founder and CEO Masike was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Unmanned driving has been realized, and smart cars have really been realized. This is his layout for more than ten years. He didn't expect that it would be ruthlessly surpassed today, and it was still by Longxing Group.

Brain-computer interface, satellite network, unmanned driving, Masike's plan was completely disrupted. Now his thoughts are extremely confused, and his breathing has become rare and frequent.

Why is this happening?

The reason is simple: it’s a bet agreement.

He has signed a "Gambling Agreement" with the Magic City on behalf of Tesla. If it cannot be completed, he will owe a huge debt and will have to sell off his property to repay the debt.

Chen Xing had actually been staring at Masike. The moment he saw his panic expression, he finally felt a lot more comfortable.

When he came to Longxing Group to cause trouble on behalf of the Angsa military-industrial complex, he silently took note of this grudge. Now the time for revenge has come. He will not only destroy Tesla, but also destroy all Masik's industries!

And on the other side.

Dragon Kingdom Treasure Island.

In the conference room of a certain summer resort, Wang Shan looked at the test screen on the display screen and secretly said with joy: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that autonomous intelligent driving has really been realized. This is an extra bargaining chip for me in negotiations."

Although he was ecstatic in his heart, he remained calm on the outside. He looked at the sixty-year-old man in front of him, took a sip of tea and said:

"You have also seen the Jockey Club. We are full of sincerity. Not only did we get Nvidia back, but now Longxing Group is also willing to act as an economic pioneer. If the three stock markets merge, it will only benefit us and there will be no disadvantages."

Ma Zhengliang watched the live broadcast of the Pilot 001 press conference, his brain working rapidly, weighing the pros and cons.

If the time went back three years, he would definitely not agree to Wang Shan's request to merge Baodao Weighted with Hong Kong Hang Seng and mainland Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The reason is also very simple. The technology leaders three years ago were American Silicon Valley companies.

But things are different now. Longxing Group, Kunpeng Company, Alibaba, Penguin Company, Frontier Technology Company, Qihoo Technology Company, and ByteDance have become benchmarks for technology companies around the world, especially Longxing Group. It is a well-deserved leader.

Once the "Stock Market Integration Plan" proposed by Wang Shan is actually implemented, if these technology companies take the lead, it may really drain the international investment funds of Silicon Valley technology companies.

The Nasdaq bull market of rice stocks has been supported by the "Seven Sisters" for more than ten years. Now the seven sisters are tortured by Longxing Group and are in agony. Ma Zhengliang is also trying his best to weigh the pros and cons.

After thinking for a long time, he still asked the question he was most concerned about: "If you agree to the stock market integration plan, how will you deal with TSMC, UMC, Foxconn, and MediaTek?"

TSMC, UMC, and Foxconn all have inextricable ties with the United States, and their major shareholder lists also include Bailey Group and Vanguard Group.

The most critical thing is that the first two chip foundries still use lithography machines assembled and produced by the Dutch company ASML. He is afraid that if he participates in the "Stock Market Integration Plan", the United States will directly cut off the use of lithography machines.

High-end equipment and software such as lithography machines, high-precision machine tools, EDA chip design software, and operating systems are all capable of being shut down remotely in the West. Especially lithography machines and high-precision machine tools will be locked if you move the position and there is no way to continue. use.

"If they are sanctioned for this, we will provide corresponding technical support."

Wang Shan made a promise that what he has to do now is to do his best to dismantle the right-hand man of the United States and then suck it dry.

"Lithography factory?"

Ma Zhengliang narrowed his eyes and asked.

"I can go to Longxing Group to act as a lobbyist." Wang Shan did not give a definite answer, but made his attitude clear.

He is very clear about Chen Xing's idea, which is to form a national united front to overthrow the economic hegemony system established with the US dollar.

Once TSMC "betrays", the U.S. chip foundry orders will be choked.

You must know that the reason why TSMC can obtain 67% of the world's chip orders except the Dragon Country market is largely because its chip production technology is extremely mature.

Gaotong Company once thought of abandoning TSMC and embracing the chip foundries of Korean Star Group. However, the yield rate of less than 60% severely woke up Gaotong Company.

At present, the six largest chip foundries in the world are TSMC, UMC, GlobalFoundries, Korean Star Group, Loongson International and Longxing Group. Among them, Loongson International and Longxing Group are the only two. The top four chip foundries are already slightly inferior. , the reason lies in the use of the most advanced photolithography technology.

"Then it's better to wait until there is a result, and then we can sit down and talk slowly." Ma Zhengliang was still thinking about pulling the strings to strive for the best interests of his own company.

But the next second, Wang Shan couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes widened in anger, and he said in a deep voice: "We can't talk anymore. If you don't join the "Stock Market Integration Plan", then we will have a price war, and whoever will destroy which company will No matter who you are, listen to whoever you want.”


Ma Zhengliang was silent.

Wang Shan is still as irritable as ever, even though he is over seventy years old.

He has every reason to believe that Longxing Group is capable of defeating TSMC, UMC, MediaTek and Foxconn. The reason why he did not take action was because of his brother's concerns.

Even if force is used, softness should also come into play. Wang Shan calmed down his expression and softened his tone a bit: "Our ancestors have been the center of the world for thousands of years. Don't you want to return to the glory of the past?"


Ma Zhengliang is still weighing.

In fact, he also wants to integrate the stock market, build Longguo into a world financial center, and let the whole world come to Longguo to invest. In this case, there is no need to fear the harvest of US dollars.

But he was thinking, can he really overthrow the hegemony established by the US dollar?

After being the "World Boss" for nearly a hundred years, he really wasn't sure about America's heritage, and he was also afraid of being on the wrong team.

"Hesitation means rejection. Please inform TSMC and UMC. Longxing Group and Loongson International will manufacture chips at twice the price, including 7 nanometers and below."

Wang Shan stood up and thought about leaving.

At this time, Ma Zhengliang understood that he could not remain neutral. This would offend both sides, so he simply said with a heart: "Okay, I hope we can revive the Dragon Kingdom."

"That's right."

Wang Shan smiled, took something out of his pocket, put it on the tea table and said, "I came in a hurry, so I didn't bring you any greeting gift. I'll make up for it next time."

"You're still a guest with me..." Ma Zhengliang finished speaking. He was stunned for half a second when he saw the items on the table. Then he looked up at Wang Shan's bright eyes and said in a deep voice: "Danggui..."

Shenzhen International Racing Circuit.

The pilot 001 that the photographer was riding in was changing lanes back and forth on the racing track, constantly overtaking other vehicles, which was comparable to the driving skills of an experienced driver.

"Holy shit!"

"Holy shit!"

"Holy shit!"

Photographers often have national quintessence.

For a person who doesn’t know how to drive, autonomous driving is a blessing. There is no need to learn to drive in the future.

When Pilot 001 returned to the finish line, Chen Xing had already come to the track to greet him.

When the car stopped, he opened the car door and interviewed the photographer: "How about it? What is it like to experience driverless driving?"

"Two words, awesome!"

The photographer gave a thumbs up.

No one expected that Linghang 001 Automobile would lead the world in releasing L3 level driverless technology.

On the other side of the ocean, in the United States, the Angsa military-industrial complex has become restless, and differences of opinion have gradually emerged.

Cars represent the industrial level, so what level do driverless cars represent?

Now that driverless cars can be realized, can we also realize unmanned tanks, unmanned warships, and even unmanned fighter jets?

Perhaps many people don't understand the value of "unmanned". You must know that when war comes, weapons and armaments are not the scarcest, but talents in the corresponding fields are the most important existence.

For example, for a pilot, training a qualified fighter pilot costs a conservative estimate of 25 million dragon national coins. If there is no pilot, how can a fighter jet take off to fight the enemy?

But now...

The concept of unmanned technology appears...

Just imagine, tens of thousands of unmanned bombers follow intelligent procedures to clear the corresponding targets. This scenario would be doomsday.

The emergence of the concept of unmanned driving has caused some internal forces in the Angsa military-industrial complex to change their minds.

Not only the Onsa military-industrial complex, but also the Jewish consortium composed of Jewish families are now examining the unmanned autonomous driving in front of them.

Although autonomous driving has long had a set of evaluation criteria, no company has yet truly achieved driving levels above L2.

Chen Xing looked at the photographer's thumbs up, smiled and said: "Being far ahead is not a slogan, we still have the most important test."


The photographer was stunned.

Just when he thought Chen Xing would ask him to participate in the test again, Chen Xing looked to one side and said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

The moment he finished speaking, everyone looked at the middle-aged man in his forties who was slowly approaching while controlling an electric wheelchair.

"What...what do you want to do?"

"With both legs amputated and one arm, Mr. Chen wouldn't want him to drive, would he?"

"A person with this kind of disability may not even be allowed to take the driver's license test for a disabled person, but don't tell me that he is allowed to go on the road!"

"Could it be purely automatic driving?"

"No, I checked. The L3 level cannot completely replace manual labor. Particularly complex road sections still require manual control of the car."

Uncle Zhang's appearance not only surprised the car company bosses, but also caused tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room to talk about it.

There are examples of disabled amputees driving cars, but they are extremely rare, probably no more than 100 nationwide.

"Mr. Chen."

Uncle Zhang said hello.

“Yes.” Chen Convenience changes their daily lives.”

"Although today is a car launch conference, I still want to announce here that the brain-computer interface 2.0 jointly developed by Longxing Group and WuXi Group will support the connection of all smart products of Longxing Group, including connection and driving Pilot 001 car."

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