Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 487: Layout of Israel, the calm before the financial battle

After hanging up the phone with Zhang Miao, Chen Xing drank a sip of coffee on the table and then made another call.

"Beep beep--"

After several busy tones, the call was connected.

"Everything is arranged, right?"

Wang Shan's full voice came out.

Regarding the "leak" of state secrets, Chen Xing could not say that he acted on his own initiative. He had already reported his plan to Wang Shan in advance.

"Well, both sides are settled."

Chen Xing responded.

Wang Shan heard this and said with a hint of amazement: "Xiao Zhao and I underestimated you. I didn't expect that you have already reached out to the United States and planted a pawn in the core circle of the Rothschild family. This is not something that ordinary people can do."

As a representative of Jewish capital, the Rothschild family does not need too much explanation for its glory, because the US Federal Reserve will speak for it.

Being able to plant a pawn in the core layer of such a behemoth as an insider, let alone Zhao Chenguang, Wang Shan was shocked when he first knew about it. You know, this is something that even he couldn't do.

"Thank you for the compliment, old leader." Chen Xing smiled calmly and continued, "There is one more thing, that is, the equipment of Longke Institute has been delivered. Thank you for your timely assistance."

"You're welcome, we are all family."

Wang Shan waved his hand.

For him, no matter whether the cat is black or white, the one that can catch the mouse is a good cat.

Longke Institute is not sure that it can develop room-temperature superconducting materials within three years, but the research and development group of Longxing Group has guaranteed that it will be within half a year. Who will be given priority in experimental equipment? Anyone who understands the overall situation can make a decision.

"By the way." Wang Shan thought of something and asked for an explanation: "Since the next step is to secretly collect chips from the Israeli stock market, do you have enough manpower? Do you need me to contact Xiao Gang and send some people to you?"

"That's not necessary. If the national team's established traders go out, the target will be too big, which is not conducive to our secret collection of chips." Chen Xing declined Wang Shan's kindness.

The purpose of revealing the "Stock Market Integration Plan" this time is to attract the attention of the top leaders of the United States, or the attention of Jewish capital and Ansa Capital.

The stock markets that Chen Xing is targeting publicly now are the Japanese stocks of the neighboring country and the American stocks of the United States across the ocean.

The Japanese stocks have been harvested by the United States in the wave of interest rate hikes in the United States, and the domestic economy has been in a sluggish state.

If there were no Jewish capital to mess up, Chen Xing would have completed the harvest long ago.

As for American stocks, let's talk about the Nasdaq Technology Index first.

Apple, one of the seven sisters of American stocks, has halved its mobile phone sales, and Nvidia has announced the transfer of its core business, including finance, and now only has an empty shell left in the United States.

Secondly, the performance of Qualcomm's chips and network communications has declined too seriously, and it has been removed from the seven sisters of American stocks. The newly entered Tesla has suffered a Waterloo in the Longguo market and has been chased and blocked by Longguo's new energy vehicle companies.

Microsoft and Google's operating system business was impacted by Tianxuan OS, Facebook lost users to TikTok, and finally Amazon could not escape either. The discoun online shopping platform jointly established by Longxing Group, Alibaba and Wang Dong Group has been on the right track and has become the online shopping platform with the best service and the fastest delivery time in the West, second only to Amazon.

Some died, some were injured, and some escaped. This is the current situation of the seven sisters of the US stock market.

If there were no capital intervention, it is not an exaggeration to say that Nasdaq would have reproduced the crash of the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2000.

With the left hand supporting Japanese stocks and the right hand supporting US stocks, Chen Xing no longer believes that the news of the "Stock Market Integration Plan" is released now, and the Israeli stock market is secretly laid out. The Rothschild family has unlimited bullets.

He feels that the current Jewish capital and Ansa capital only have one breath left. As long as this breath is extinguished, the building will collapse instantly.

Seeing Chen Xing's refusal, Wang Shan did not bring it up again, but changed the subject and said, "Okay, there are less than ten days until the Dragon Rises, I hope everything will be in time."

"It will be in time, but before that, I have to do one more thing."

Chen Xing suddenly changed the subject.

"What is it?"

Wang Shan's curiosity was aroused.

"L4 unmanned autonomous driving SUV models and mobile phones equipped with solid-state batteries should also continue to increase pressure."

As soon as Chen Xing finished speaking, Wang Shan could not help but ask, "This L4 unmanned autonomous driving, can it really replace manual labor?"

"In theory, 99% of roads and 99% of sudden situations can be handled. If you encounter that 1% of tricky situations, Longxing Group also has special experienced drivers to take over remotely."

Chen Xing explained patiently.

"When will it be mass-produced? I'll order one."

"Linghang 001 also supports L4 unmanned automatic driving. If you want to change your car, old leader, I'll send you a customized version."

"Customized version?"

"With a 300-kWh Thor solid-state battery, it's not a problem to run 2,300 or 2,500 kilometers when fully charged."

"How can I be so embarrassed?"

"It's just a small token of my appreciation. Besides, Linghang Car can be your car, which can save me a lot of advertising fees. After all, you are a living sign."

"Then I'll customize one. As for the price, we'll be fair and just. It's what it should be, so as to avoid gossip."


Chen Xing paused and could only agree: "Okay, when the car is built, I'll have someone send it to you directly."

"Well, thank you for the trouble."

"It's all small matters."

The two chatted for a few more minutes, exchanged a few polite words, and hung up the phone.

Chen Xing didn't give Wang Shan any favors. As soon as he hung up the phone, he sent a WeChat message to Hua Ming, the chief engineer of the automobile manufacturing company, asking him to customize a Pilot 001 car with a 300-kilowatt-hour Thor solid-state battery.

After doing all this, Chen Xing put his phone back in his trouser pocket, then picked up the coffee cup on the table and took a sip of coffee, then stood up and walked straight out of the office door.

The eighth floor of the office building is the securities and financial business trading area.

Li Daxiao, Yang Delong, and other collected hot money traders are all studying how to collect enough chips without anyone noticing.

If you go to an institution to borrow stocks, people will know instantly that you are going to sell them.

Therefore, you need to collect funds in the early stage, fill up your bullets first, and then go to a financial institution to borrow stocks, so that you will have enough chips to sell and increase the probability of success.

"Teva Pharmaceuticals has already raised 40 million shares, with the cumulative amount reaching 2.7 billion. If it raises more shares, I feel that the bookmaker may notice something abnormal and have to change its target."

Li Daxiao analyzed.

Perhaps many people have never heard of Teva Pharmaceuticals, but it is an Israeli pharmaceutical company in the fields of central nervous system, respiratory diseases and oncology.

Founded in 1901, it is one of the world's largest generic drug manufacturers, with more than 35,000 employees worldwide and operations in more than 60 countries and regions, with a product line covering more than 1,000 drugs .

Even in the Longguo market, Teva Pharmaceuticals has actively deployed, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Sinopharm Holding Group, and launched the innovative drug deuterated tetrabenazine tablets.

Deuterated tetrabenazine tablets have been widely praised since their launch. It is a drug that inhibits vesicular monoamine transporter 2, reduces neurotransmitters, and slows chorea related to Huntington's disease and adult tardive dyskinesia.

To put it bluntly.

It's neurological drugs.

However, with the advent of brain-computer interfaces, neurological drugs are gradually being replaced. WuXi Group has announced that brain-computer interfaces may be a treatment solution for all neuropathies.

Due to the impact of the brain-computer interface, Teva Pharmaceutical's stock price also began to fluctuate. It fell by 30% in three months, falling below the daily, monthly, and annual lines.

Since Chen Xing issued an order to engage in the Israeli stock market, economics professors Li Daxiao and Yang Delong found after research that Teva Pharmaceuticals, which is currently in a downward trend, can intervene without anyone noticing.

No matter which country they are in, stock market leeks have a habit, that is, the more they fall, the more they buy.

What does it mean to buy more when it falls?

For example, if a stock with a total value of 10,000 yuan falls by 30% in one day, and the total value is only 7,000 yuan, Xiaobai Xiaobai will think about making up the 10,000 yuan to amortize the cost. At this time, the drop will instantly become 15%. , he only needs to rise by 15%, and he can make back his original investment. If it rises by 30%, he can still earn 15%. This means that the more it falls, the more he buys.

Of course.

It’s not that this method doesn’t work.

It's doable, but it's too risky.

Because stocks don't tell the bottom, the bottom you think is most likely at the waist.

Top hot funds will also cover their positions in stages, but they will generally judge whether to cover their positions based on the company's performance and industry trends. If they still fall after covering their positions, they will either wait patiently and wait for the bottom signal to be clear, then add up and share the cost, or they can all Just cut the meat and leave immediately.

Since they are all about covering positions, why do you say that Xiaobai uses leeks?

This is because many novices rely on their feelings and do not look at historical increases, company performance guidance and market economic conditions. They feel that a 20% loss should be the end, and they immediately go to make up for it, but the result is that it falls again and again. To make up, fall and make up again, just like gambling, you will use up all your funds.

Li Daxiao and Yang Delong let top hot money players such as Li Yan, Lu Xiaobao, and Cai Jimin act as novices in the stock market. They would double their positions if they lost 10%, and operate dozens of accounts together.

Once this method came out, it really worked.

Teva Pharmaceutical's stock price showed no signs of rising. Instead, it fell more and more fiercely. The largest one-day drop reached 12%, but correspondingly, the trading volume doubled.

Someone cuts the flesh.

Someone covers the position.

The energy comes out naturally.

It is worth mentioning here that there is a banker in any stock.

What is a stock market maker?

The "capital" harvested by manipulating the rise and fall of stock prices.

For stocks with small market capitalization, there are often only one or two market makers. For stocks with large market capitalization, such as Apple, there are at least hundreds of market makers.

In addition to trying their best to harvest retail investors, these bookmakers also need to maintain consensus on their actions, such as promoting prices, inducing bullish prices, and smashing the market, etc.

If there are disagreements about actions, and two or more companies do not give in, the stock price will jump up and down, competing to see who has the deepest foundation, which ultimately determines the stock price trend.

The bookmakers sitting on Teva Pharmaceuticals would not have thought that the funds of Longxing Group had quietly intervened as "leeks".

Upon hearing this, Cai Jimin looked at Li Daxiao and asked: "Teacher Daxiao, which stock should we change to continue to accumulate funds?"

"I have compiled a list. You can provide me with your opinions." Li Daxiao had just opened the document when two dry coughs attracted their attention.

"Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

Everyone came forward to greet him.

"Didn't I disturb you?" Chen Xing looked at the crowd and asked.

He had just heard that this group of top hot money wanted to change stocks and continue to accumulate funds to prepare for future market crashes.

"No, Mr. Chen came just in time to serve as a reference for us."

Li Daxiao made an invitation gesture and asked Chen Xing to go to his work station.

"Okay, let me take a look."

Chen Xing moved to Li Daxiao's workstation.

Li Daxiao sat at his workstation and quickly opened the documents he had compiled. Chen Xing, Yang Delong, Cai Jimin and others were behind or beside him, waiting quietly.

When the document was opened, Li Daxiao looked at Chen Xing beside him and said: "Teva Pharmaceuticals has collected 40 million shares. In order not to alert the snake, we plan to change to a heavyweight stock and continue to accumulate funds. This is the list of Israeli heavyweight stocks I compiled."


Chen Xing nodded slightly in response.

Li Daxiao moved his mouse to the name of CheckPoint Software Technology Company and explained: "This is my preferred company. It is a network security solution provider, which is a network security company similar to Qihoo Technology."

"The reason why I chose it is because it accounts for a large weight in the Israeli stock market and is also in a downward channel. Its stock price fell by 50% in just one year. I checked the information and found that its stock price decline may be related to us. "

"Is it related to us?"

Chen Xing was puzzled.

Although Longxing Group has a network security department, it does not provide services to the outside world. To put it bluntly, it does not accept business orders.

Since it does not accept business orders and does not enter the commercial market to make profits, how can it affect Israeli network security companies?

"It's a long story." Li Daxiao smiled and patiently explained:

“Although our network security department has not placed orders for external business, the Trojan virus developed by Master Jiang Ce is so perverted that technology companies that provide network security services use the gimmick of preventing and killing his Trojan, and CheckPoint Software Technology Company For those companies that are lagging behind, their stock prices will naturally fluctuate.”

The "Reaper Trojan" developed by Jiang Ce greatly embarrassed the West. If it were not within his control, it is estimated that 70% of the computers in the world would have been turned into chickens by him.

This is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of every Internet company, and it also urges technology companies that provide network security services to provide solutions as soon as possible.

Microsoft updated the system patch, Qihoo Technology announced a victory, and most Internet technology companies that provide network security have provided solutions to deal with it, but CheckPoint Software Technology Company still has no solution.

Not only was there no solution, they also infected all the company's computers because of testing Trojan viruses. In the end, they had to ask Microsoft for help to restore normalcy.

After this incident, the share price of CheckPoint Software Technology Company began to fall, which also led to the decline of Israeli network technology companies.

"So that's it." Chen Xing understood and drew inferences: "Since we caused the stock price to fall, we can completely control its stock price through news."

"That's right!"

Li Daxiao affirmed.

The source is Longxing Group, and the rise and fall of CheckPoint Software Technology Company is a matter of one sentence.

For example, Chen Xing asked Jiang Ce to announce to the public that he would develop a more powerful Trojan horse virus and invite the world's top network security companies, including CheckPoint Software Technology Company, to come to Longxing Group headquarters to participate in anti-killing.

Invitations are sent out, but you still won’t come?

If you are here, you must have the skills to defend the barrier. If you are invaded, you will be severely humiliated in front of the whole world.

If you don't come, then let the world know that CheckPoint Software Technology Co., Ltd. has no ability to prevent it.

In both cases, CheckPoint Software Technologies' stock price will fluctuate.

Of course.

There is a third situation.

That is, if CheckPoint Software Technology's network security engineers resist the Trojan virus, the stock price will naturally soar, but the possibility is almost zero.

Therefore, how the stock price of CheckPoint Software Technology Company fluctuates and the trend is under the control of Longxing Group.

"This stock is okay. We are equivalent to a hidden big banker, and we can definitely make a lot of money."

"That's right, that's okay."

"It feels like I can make more money by accumulating this stock than Teva Pharmaceuticals."

"We should also be able to control the stock price of Teva Pharmaceuticals. After all, Mr. Chen and the CEO of WuXi Group have a strategic partnership."

"Don't say it yet, this reminds me."

Everyone was talking about it.

"This stock can attract funds. When the time comes, I will ask Jiang Ce to cooperate with you. What about the other stocks?" Chen Xing looked at Li Daxiao and asked again.

When Li Daxiao heard this, he immediately listed the potential stocks he had collected from top to bottom, as well as the direction in which to attract funds:

"BLMIF Bank, founded in 1902, is the oldest financial institution in Israel. We all know that banks and gold will rise in a bear market because these have value-preserving properties. If we really bring them a financial crisis, Israeli funds will definitely be lost. into bank stocks.”

Having said this, he pushed up his rimless glasses and said with a sinister expression, "Let's continue to confuse them."


All hot money traders were shocked.

What is cunning?

This is called a cunning old man! !

Not only does it list the stocks that can be manipulated, but it also clearly lists for you the movements of Israeli liquidity after the market is broken.

This is a bit like Jin Wengong setting fire to the mountain on three sides, leaving only one side to force the meson to push out, so that you can clearly calculate the movement.

The difference is that Jie Zitui would rather die than escape, while capital hot money would not rather die than escape. They are like parasites that will "die" if they don't add value!

"It has to be Teacher Da Xiao."

"Awesome, Teacher Daxiao!"

"This is a series of tricks. I feel like I'm going to make them cry, haha!"

Listening to the admiration from those around him, Li Daxiao glanced sideways at Chen Xing and found that his eyes showed admiration. He continued:

"We have a three-step plan. First, we will panic the market, and then we will panic bank stocks. If we want to panic the market, it is not enough to have Teva Pharmaceuticals and CheckPoint Software Technology. We also need to attract these companies..."

CYBR, like CheckPoint Software Technologies, is a network security service provider.

NICE Ltd's main business is to provide enterprise software solutions based on cloud platforms and local infrastructure. It has 20 years of experience in helping various agencies to digitally transform in the fields of public security and criminal justice.

MNDY company's main business is the development of cloud visual work operating system, called Work OS work operating system.

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (Israel Chemical Group), Israel's largest listed chemical company, is among the world's top 500 companies and is inextricably linked to national defense.

After looking at the list compiled by Li Daxiao, Chen Xing looked at him with admiration.

This is simply Zhang Song from the Three Kingdoms. He sent the most precious map of Western Shu and used this list to attract funds. Once the market starts to be smashed, it will probably make the Israeli stock market dark and cry for father and mother!

"What do you think, Mr. Chen?"

Now that the decision-maker is Chen Xing, Li Daxiao naturally wants to seek advice.

"Very good." Chen Xing affirmed, and then continued: "The day of smashing the market is not far away. You try to collect chips as much as possible, but don't make too much noise. Whether you succeed this time will directly determine the outcome of the confrontation. hand."

The Seven Sisters of Migu and Nikkei 225 were all tortured by the Longxing Group, but they were all supported by Jewish capital.

This is a bit like a god. Before the blood bar appears, humans respect you. But when the blood bar appears, you are waiting to be beaten to death!

Now Chen Xing wants to determine whether the funds of Jewish capital are unlimited and whether this fire can burn out their health bar.

"Understood, secretly building positions, this is our professional skill."

"Yes, don't worry, Mr. Chen."

"I don't dare to say anything else. I'm the best at opening positions."

Hot money traders such as Cai Jimin and Lu Xiaobao spoke one after another.

They can become hot money and have attracted much attention. How to secretly build positions and buy in batches has long been their daily practice, and mistakes are basically impossible.

"I have something I want to ask Mr. Chen." Yang Delong, who was standing on the other side and watching silently, suddenly spoke.

"you say."

Chen Xingjing waits below.

After receiving permission, Yang Delong expressed his thoughts: "This is it. Suppose we short the Israeli stock market and cause a global financial crisis. How should we deal with this?"

The relationship between Israel and the United States forced him to consider this issue.

In fact, he just wanted to know if Chen Xing had any back-up plans.

Based on the vulnerability of A-shares and Hong Kong stocks, if a financial crisis strikes, stock investors will probably be furious if they learn the truth.

"I have a back-up plan, but I can't tell you until the time comes."

Chen Xing gave him a suspense.

The specific contents of the "Stock Market Integration Plan" should be kept secret if possible. If too many people know about it, it will affect the progress of the plan.

"Okay, as long as you have a back-up plan." Yang Delong didn't ask further. He just needed to know that there was a back-up plan so he could go ahead and do it boldly.

If they have no backup, if they really set off a financial crisis that sweeps across Asia or even the world, with the current domestic economy, they will injure their enemies by a thousand and lose themselves by eight hundred.

Everyone else also understood that they could go to death this time.

Israel in the Middle East, the United States on the other side of the ocean, and the top leaders of the island country next door would not have thought that Chen Xing would actually play the art of war and not short the Nikkei 225, nor the Nasdaq and Dow Jones Index, but focus on The Tel Aviv index of Israel has been reached, and there is a secret plot to attack the east and the west!

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