Technology empire starts from industrial manufacturing

Chapter 182 Chen Fan's Second Goal (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

What Chen Fan said made everyone present laugh and shook their heads. To be honest, they naturally thought about what he could think of, and even had the same ambition at the beginning, and some people still thought about it. put into action.

But after being ruthlessly hit by reality, all the business leaders present understood a truth. If you want to go abroad and grab the international market, you can’t just shout slogans. All aspects and difficulties involved in it will be like a bottomless pit. For your cost, you don't know when it will take to fill this black hole.

Therefore, the vast majority of private enterprises failed to hold on, and returned to the domestic market before they were finally sucked up and went bankrupt.

"Chen Fan, you want to enter the international market?" Seeing the silence of the crowd, Ma Huateng answered Chen Fan's words.

"Well, this is my strategic goal for this year, so regardless of success or failure, entering the international market must be tried."

Chen Fan nodded and admitted, not to mention anything else, it is the mission requirement of the black technology shop, which is to release the black technology products globally, let alone whether it can be successful or not, this task must be completed.

"Your foundation is not solid enough, so don't rush to enter the international market, stabilize first, and then try again after the domestic foundation is solid, so that you can advance and attack, and retreat and defend."

Cai Dongqing frowned slightly, and began to comfort her.

"That's right, Chen Fan, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go, don't be so eager for success."

Guo Youkang was also not optimistic about Chen Fan's decision.

"Young people are still motivated. You are a future science and technology city and you are entering the international market. Can you hold on?" Ma Yun curled his lips, disapproving of Chen Fan's decision.

This kid is bad, he said so many high-sounding words in the early stage, what is unity and sentimentality, and then wants to pull a so-called partner to lie down with him, isn't this a typical risk transfer?

"It's because I can't hold on, that's why I'm so aggressive!" Chen Fan answered such a sentence confidently, but everyone was stunned by what he said. To be honest, they didn't understand.

"A future science and technology city project, I found that it is not so difficult for me to deal with it. If so, it has not reached my limit, so add more fire, isn't there such a sentence, without going through a bit of cold, how can I do it?" It smells like plum blossoms.”

Chen Fan's free and easy words made many people present a little bit moved, whether they are optimistic or not is another matter, but at this age, reaching such an achievement is not satisfied, and they don't want to enjoy it, but want to experience a bone-chilling experience. , Even if you are frozen to death, you still think of the fragrant plum blossoms.

There is reason for this person to be able to achieve success in a short period of time.

"Chen Fan, how do you plan to cooperate?" At this moment, Ma Huateng suddenly asked such a sentence, which made everyone present look surprised.

Tencent's pony brother interested?

No way, the last time I suffered such a big loss, I haven't learned my lesson yet?

"Strategic alliance and cooperation, resource sharing, commodity complementarity, risk sharing, break the card five-five!"

As soon as Chen Fan's words came out, Ma Yun almost couldn't laugh out loud.

Sure enough, this little fox has made this calculation. In fact, the first two sentences of resource sharing and commodity complementarity can be ignored. The focus is on risk sharing. You must know that too many private entrepreneurs, before entering the international market, were almost sucked into the process of entering the card in the initial stage, leading to the final abandonment.

"Are you planning to use the ordinary generation of smart phones to open up the international market?" Ma Huateng ignored the gazes of others, but continued to ask very seriously.

"That's right!"

"You use your smartphone to enter the international market, and I am a virtual product of the Internet. If we cooperate, it will also be a breakthrough?"

Chen Fan shrugged and replied without hesitation.

"Of course, we are a strategic alliance and cooperation, so naturally we have to split 50-50, otherwise I will be your deputy, brother Ma, would you like it?"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ma Huateng couldn't help rolling his eyes. He was too lazy to complain, so he didn't answer the conversation, but bowed his head to eat.

You think I'm an idiot, you are a smart phone, you sell one, you can get money back in a short time, and I am an Internet virtual product, there is no revenue at the beginning, so if you can't open it in a short time In this situation, he will face the last predicament, which is the breakdown of funds.

Ghosts will play with you!

Chen Fan found that following Ma Huateng's silence, the rest of the people also gradually became silent. Judging from the situation, if he didn't skip this topic, he would be remiss as the host tonight.

But this topic cannot be turned over so easily, otherwise it will not be so easy to find such an opportunity next time.

To enter the international market, Chen Fan is determined to win, but as Ma Yun said, what he is now is the construction of the future science and technology city, the establishment of the group, and the strategic goals of each company for this year, and finally the plan to enter the overseas market. The project, although Chen Fan's ability to attract money, is also a drop in the bucket, and the risk is too high.

But he didn't want to give up the strategic goals of each company set this year, so just in time for today's situation, Chen Fan considered making some mistakes, it was money.

"Well, I think it's not that you guys don't want to enter the international market, but that you are not sure about the risk control. So, I have a suggestion, you can think about it again, and then we will turn over this article and stop talking about it If you are interested, you can contact me in private."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, everyone looked over with great interest.

"It's a very simple VAM agreement. It will last for one year this year. If a person who is willing to join the strategic alliance fails to develop overseas markets this year and wants to withdraw from the strategic alliance in 2004, he will have to do so in this year." I, Chen Fan, are willing to bear half of all the losses from overseas defeats!"


Everyone couldn't help but gasped, shocked by Chen Fan's courage, playing so big?

"Of course, by next year's day, if you are an ally who successfully develops overseas markets, your company will unconditionally move into my future technology city, not only your headquarters, but also your core technology industrial factories! "

Chen Fan naturally wants to maximize the benefits of the gambling agreement.

As for today, one year later, if there is really an idiot who failed to open the situation, then Chen Fan will also admit his compensation. He can earn the richest man in China in half a year, so why can't he make another rich man in China in another year? Where is the richest man?

In this way, Chen Fan can advance to the overseas market at the minimum cost in the early stage. Not only that, if everything goes well, when the Future Science and Technology City is officially put into operation a year later, he can also use the minimum cost to promote the technological development of various industries in China. Enterprises have been dug over to achieve his second goal.

Establish a real Huaxia Future Science and Technology City!

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