Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1193 Dream and Reality

Su Wenyan, who looked like she was crying, was trembling all over.

"Boss, stop talking. The more you talk, the more scary it becomes."

Mo Jingchun on the side smiled slightly, and it could be seen that he was very calm.

The latest generation of space planes are safer than their predecessors.

Even if the anti-gravity engine fails for unknown reasons, there is no need to worry, because the latest generation of space planes retains the original power of the previous generation of space planes, the plasma engine.

It can be said that for the sake of safety, the designers of the Department of Space gave everything they could.

"Hold on tight, I'm going to fly the plane."

Without giving Su Wenyan much time to react, Mo Jingchun used his high-intensity mental power to concentrate and gently pulled back the manual mode control lever. The next moment, the space plane took off into the sky with a whooshing sound, heading straight into the sky.

The next second, the space planes parked at the airport carrying the 2006 students and instructors from Candy University took off one after another under Zero's control like dumplings.

Soon, the news that Candy University’s military training has a space project quickly became a hot search topic.

Freshmen from other universities who are also freshmen enrolling this year were filled with envy after seeing the news.

Although space tourism has gradually become popular among civilians in recent years, there are still only a few people who are willing to spend money to travel to space.

In addition, they have been preparing for the college entrance examination for three years. Among the freshmen of the same class, there are only a handful of students who have experienced space.

Sure enough, every year's military training is the most interesting when it comes to other schools' military training.

Most schools are more about getting things done.



Amid Su Wenyan's scream, the space plane arrived safely in space.

Taking off from the ground into space may seem safe, but it is actually very safe.

Even manual driving is safe.

The new generation of space plane uses anti-gravity technology and can completely take off vertically. From taking off to entering space, all it takes is to pull the joystick.

"Zero, activate artificial gravity."


Feeling the feeling of returning to the ground again, Su Wenyan opened his eyes in shock, looked at the blue star under his feet, and swallowed.

For the first time, I experienced firsthand the insignificance of human beings.

It was also the first time I realized that Blue Star was really too small. In the context of the universe, it is so insignificant.

"We have entered far-Earth orbit." As he said that, Mo Jingchun asked Zero to unbuckle his seat belt, stood up and stood on the ground in the cab.

"This is the Blue Star we rely on for survival!"

Su Wenyan, who had regained his composure, also unbuckled his seat belt and looked down at the blue star at his feet.

Mo Jingchun, who was standing aside, hummed and said, "However, on such a small planet, more than a hundred countries are still fighting among themselves."

At the same time, students on each space shuttle lined up in an orderly manner to watch the blue star beneath their feet.

At this moment, they were enjoying themselves and had no idea how exciting the military training content would be.

An hour later, all 2006 students finished watching Blue Star and were waiting for the instructor's next arrangement.

Except for Mo Jingchun's space plane, other space planes suddenly experienced violent turbulence, followed by piercing sirens.

The few students who guessed something looked pale and kept mumbling nonsense.

Unfortunately, in dangerous situations, there is not much reaction time.

"Alert, all crew members are preparing for an emergency landing. The spaceship engine is on fire. The hatch will be opened in three seconds for the crew to escape."

"Attention, this is not a drill!!!"

When the students were confused and unprepared, after arriving at the designated area, the space planes opened the hatches without hesitation and threw away the students wearing armors. go out.

Seeing the fire caused by the friction between the armor and the atmosphere like dumplings, Su Wenyan shivered all over.

Crazy, so crazy.

"Boss, what if someone is killed?"

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun said calmly: "Don't worry, they can be admitted to Candy University because all the indicators in the college entrance examination physical examination are normal.

Just in case, the school also organized an entrance physical examination. The physical examination results have come out a long time ago, and no one has heart disease.

The armor is similar in appearance to the fourth-generation combat robot, but in fact it has been updated to ensure the safety of students to the greatest extent.

As long as it detects that the student has fainted, the armor will automatically slow down and bring the student back to the ground at a gentle speed. "

Su Wenyan didn't know what to say for a while, but he secretly thought that after this military training ended, there might be a wave of dropouts.

However, after experiencing different military training, will they really choose to drop out of school out of fear?

Su Wenyan didn't know.

At this moment, a first-level alarm sounded in Mo Jingchun's spaceship, and the red warning light kept flashing.

Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment by the sudden change.

What's the situation? He didn't arrange to experience a forced landing by himself?

The next moment, the alarm was lifted.

Mo Jingchun breathed a sigh of relief, he just said, there must be a mistake. When Mo Jingchun was about to ask Ling what he was doing, Ling's voice sounded first in the space plane.

The tone was unprecedentedly serious.

"Boss, the natural wormhole came out again three seconds ago. In just one second, a wormhole with a diameter of 103 meters was formed. A triangular spacecraft from an unknown civilization jumped out of the wormhole and launched a direct attack. One blow destroyed the defense circle established by the global joint operations center around the natural wormhole.

From video analysis, the attack resembles a gravity bomb.

I have activated the most advanced plan. "

Inside the space shuttle, the quiet sound of a needle dropping can be heard.

Both Mo Jingchun and Su Wenyan were filled with shock.

Under Zero's reminder, Mo Jingchun, who came to his senses, immediately returned to his seat and prepared to return to Blue Star.

It took less than a second for a spacecraft of an unknown civilization to destroy the defense circle built by the global joint operations center around the natural wormhole.

What's even more frightening is that the enemy's attack method has not been discovered.

If it is a gravity bomb, how can it be dropped to the entire defense circle at a speed exceeding the speed of light?

At the same time, after receiving the news, countries around the world immediately organized all fleets to prepare to encircle and suppress the alien triangular spacecraft that broke into the solar system.

Soon, humans were horrified to discover that the fleet they had just sent out had lost contact with the ground.

Mo Jingchun, who had just returned to the Blue Star ground, turned pale after hearing Ling's report, feeling powerless for the first time.

Mo Jingchun, who thought of something, raised his head and shouted loudly: "Zero, immediately destroy all content related to the interstellar immigration fleet, everything!"

The next second, Zero said in shock: "Boss, I received a message from this civilization."

"What?" Mo Jingchun said subconsciously.

"Insects, you are blocking the construction of the cosmic highway by the ancient Three-Eyed Civilization. The insects should be eliminated."

"Fuck! We are not bugs!!!"

Facing Mo Jingchun's anger and roar, what greeted him and the humans was a white light.

In the white light, all life consciousness dissipates.

At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, Mo Jingchun vaguely heard the sound of the system.

"The system has insufficient energy,..."


"Monitor, the exam is over, are you still sleeping?"

Mo Jingchun, who was woken up by his classmates, raised his head in a daze and glanced at the grinning face in front of him.

"Xue Tan?!!!"

Mo Jingchun exclaimed, which scared Xue Tan, who was smiling all over, so that his whole body trembled.

The fat man was about to say that the monitor was ignorant, but in the next second, Mo Jingchun stood up and looked around.

Then he held the fat man's shoulders with both hands and asked tremblingly:

"What day is today, and what year is it?"

Seeing how crazy the monitor was for the first time, the fat man swallowed his saliva and said cautiously: "It's April 1st. Didn't you say that your sister is one month old today? It's a pity that you can't go home for dinner."

"April 1st...April 1st..."

Mo Jingchun laughed and cried for a while. The fat man was so frightened that he ran directly to the class teacher and said to himself that he was done. The class teacher was stupid.

Faced with Mo Jingchun's request for leave, this time, the head teacher approved it happily and insisted on driving Mo Jingchun back home safely.

Mo Jingchun knew what the head teacher was worried about, but Mo Jingchun desperately wanted to know an answer, so he didn't refuse.

"Mo Jingchun, don't put too much pressure on your studies. Isn't it just the second place in the province? It's good that we can always maintain the second place."

"Teacher, I'm fine. I just had a dream."

"That's good, that's good. You can rest at home for two days and then go back to school after you have rested. By the way, this is your mobile phone.

The teacher thought about it and decided not to meet your mother, so as not to put too much pressure on you. "

Watching the class teacher drive away in the shabby Hyundai, Mo Jingchun couldn't wait to go inside and see her mother.

Is it a revolving door before death, or is it really just a dream? Mo Jingchun desperately wants to get the answer.

Just when Mo Jingchun was about to go home, the mobile phone in his hand automatically turned on without any operation.

"Boss, where is this? It looks so familiar."

"Huh? 2021?"

After analyzing the data collected briefly, Zero said in disbelief: "Incredible."

"have no idea."

Mo Jingchun was pleasantly surprised that Zero was still there. If this were reality, the information carried by Zero contained medical technology that could completely cure liver and ascites.

It's April 1st now. It's still early before my mother gets sick and passes away, and there's still not enough time.

Along the way, Mo Jingchun called out to the system, but unfortunately, there was no response.

But now Zero actually appeared in front of him.

Is it because of lack of energy?

When he walked into the house, his eighth aunt and seventh aunt were all there. When he saw his mother lying on the bed in confinement, Mo Jingchun felt a sore nose.


Zhou Wan, who was lying on the bed, was stunned for a moment and asked with concern: "Why are you back?"

Seeing her son shed tears, Zhou Wan immediately asked: "Were you bullied at school?"

"No, I just miss you."

"Hey, mom, what do you have in mind?"

Zhou Wan was talking about her son, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Looking at Candy lying next to his mother, staring at him curiously with a pair of bright eyes, Mo Jingchun reached out and pinched Candy's chubby face.

Yes, it still feels the same.

The next second, Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment and calmly retracted his hand.

"The system has insufficient energy to continue predicting the longer-term future..."

It turns out that the system really exists, and Candy is the real system host.

Yes. No wonder Candy's luck has been so good.

This is reality!

Mo Jingchun's greatest gratitude to the system is that his mother is still alive.

My only regret is my father.

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