Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 235 The Expected Pressure

In recent days, as long as there is a physical store of candy science and technology smart myopia glasses, there is no owner of an optical shop, who has a good face.

Frowning is the truest expression of the owners of various optical shops these days.

Those suppliers of spectacle lenses and spectacle frames may not feel that something is wrong because of the lag of the impact.

As an optical shop that directly faces customers, it has already felt the horror of Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses.


"Chairman, you asked me to pay close attention to the latest data on the sales of Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses."

In the not too big office, the walls are covered with various calligraphy and paintings.

Judging from the handwriting, it doesn't come from any famous masterpiece, but the strokes and strokes give people a comfortable feeling.

In front of the thick mahogany desk, the person who had just spoken and reported saw that the chairman was still there practicing calligraphy calmly, and did not make a sound.

She stood quietly aside, waiting quietly.

From the path of the expelled predecessors, let her understand that it is better to keep quiet at this time.

Words will be lost!

After Chen Zhimin finished writing the last word, he put down the brush, looked at the words he wrote, shook his head, and sighed.

Before Xiao Wang came in, the handwriting was as good as ever.

But when Xiao Wang came in, the handwriting seemed to be written by another person.

"Oh, I'm restless."

The employees holding the documents at the side didn't dare to say anything after hearing the chairman's sigh.

He lowered his head in time, not looking at the calligraphy on the table.

"bring here."

Xiao Wang hurriedly took a step forward and handed the document to the chairman.

A minute later, Chen Zhimin threw the document on the table.

"Heh!" There was a slight joy on his face, and he was cold and angry in an instant.

Soon he regained his composure, without any emotions.

"I see, you go out and notify the board of directors for a meeting."


After Xiao Wang left the office, Chen Zhimin took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Although I expected it, I didn't expect it to come so fast."

With a wry smile, this kind of dimensionality reduction blow is really a headache.

There are associations in every field, and the glasses industry is no exception.

A day later, the large conference room in a high-rise building in Shanghai was full of people.

At this moment, the people who can sit in this meeting room are all big suppliers in the glasses field.

It can be said that as long as it is in the field of glasses, those who are capable are sitting here.

Being able to gather together in such a short period of time shows that everyone present is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do?"

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? With so many of us, it's enough to oppress Candy Technology to share the patent of smart myopia glasses."

"Don't forget, once our business is not doing well and our income drops sharply, the leaders will be more aware of what it means to our respective cities."

You say yours, I say mine, Chen Zhimin has a headache after hearing it.

Chen Zhimin, who really couldn't listen anymore, knocked on the conference table, and said helplessly:

"Everyone, have you read the information on hand?"

"If not, please open page 15. After reading it, you won't be so confident talking big here."

For a while, the meeting room fell silent, and many people were flipping through the information on page 15 in their hands.

Soon, everyone's face was livid, and Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses production factory turned out to be a supplier for the military.

When I think of what Xu Pengfei said when Candy Technology and Smart Myopia Glasses were launched, I understand.

Smart myopia glasses have become special equipment for the military.

"Then what should we do? We can't just sit and watch Candy Technology gobble up our share."

In the conference room that had been quiet for a long time, someone finally couldn't help but speak out again.

"Everyone, Samsung sells mobile phones, but it is also a supplier of other mobile phone manufacturers. Can you understand what I mean?" Chen Zhimin looked calm, without any panic.

"Old Chen, what do you mean?"

"That's right, Candy Technology sells smart myopia glasses so expensively, which shows that it only wants to occupy the high-end market."

"Then shall we come directly to seek cooperation?"

"No!" Chen Zhimin shook his head and said:

"We have to put some pressure on candy technology, otherwise what will we use as a bargaining chip?"

"Candy technology is sold to everyone, so why sell it to us."

"We need leverage."

Two days later, it was Friday.

After the cooperation and coordination of Xia Xiaomin and Su Wenyan, the production capacity of the smart myopia glasses production factory has finally increased.

In a short period of time, there should be no need to worry about the shortage of supply.

After a month, the sales volume will decline and eventually level off.

In the office, Mo Jingchun was researching various types of industrial software in the industrial field, thinking about where to start.

Since you have to do it, do it well.

Study one by one, one category is done well, refined, and then proceed to the next category.

Mo Jingchun has already asked Xia Xiaomin to deliberately leak the rumors below. The company's next goal is to develop industrial software that makes developers feel scalp-numbing the most in the field.

The effect is still there, at least when Mo Jingchun occasionally inspects, he can often see one or several high-level mathematics books on the employees' workstations.

If you want to develop industrial software, you can't just develop code.

There are also people who can't understand various formulas and know how to convert formulas into codes.

Even sometimes you need to master the corresponding physics knowledge.

This is also the reason why Mo Jingchun asked the personnel department to recruit doctoral students majoring in mathematics for the first time, and even hired university professors.

Professional things still need professional talents.

When Mo Jingchun was concentrating on looking at the industrial software materials that were classified into zero categories, he was interrupted.

And this person was the secretary Xia Xiaomin.

"What's wrong?"

As a result, when Mo Jingchun looked up, not only did he see Xia Xiaomin, Xu Pengfei was also standing beside him.

Seeing the serious expression on Xu Pengfei's face, Mo Jingchun frowned.

"Old Xu, what happened?"

Every time Xu Pengfei made this expression, usually something happened.

"Boss, the leader of the county contacted me just now."

"they said……"

After listening to Xu Pengfei's report, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth rose slightly, and he wasn't worried at all.

Everything is expected, isn't it?

When the Candy Think Tank meeting was held, today's scene was already anticipated.

Mo Jingchun smiled and said: "Old Xu, don't be so serious, I thought something serious happened."

"You contact the county leaders, and they say that a cooperation meeting for Z_001 lenses will be held next Monday."

"We, Candy Technology, welcome all interested companies."

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