Li Xuanyu was in a good mood, if it weren't for the fact that there were still students defending, she would have wanted to hum a song.

Even so, Li Xuanyu couldn't hide the smile on Li Xuanyu's face.

On the other hand, Mo Jingchun was much happier than Li Xuanyu, without any pressure at all.

Originally, Mo Jingchun was ready to humbly ask the elders for advice, but in the end, Mo Jingchun thought too much. There must be many problems in the domestic academic research environment, but they are as bad as he imagined.

There are six people in a team, and one of them is an academician, which Mo Jingchun never expected.

Mo Jingchun was lucky, but these graduates who participated in the defense were really miserable, even before it was their turn, they were already trembling.

An academician, and a Nobel Prize winner for medical students, two top bosses sit in charge.

After eleven o'clock, Li Xuanyu's defense has ended, and the results of the defense will be announced in the group in the afternoon. For students who have not passed the defense, there is still a chance to participate in the second defense.

On Mo Jingchun's side, there were still four students who did not reply.

Mo Jingchun touched his already hungry stomach, and secretly sighed.

very hungry.

The change of expression on his face happened to be seen by Academician Chen.

"What's wrong?"

Not to mention academicians, the students who were demonstrating the system on the podium at this time felt a lump in their hearts when they saw Mo Jingchun sigh.

I want to be cold, I want to be cold!

This is the most real thought in the hearts of students at this time.


Mo Jingchun didn't speak loudly, only a few people sitting together heard him.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment Academician Chen said with a smile:

"Just hold on for a while longer."

Mo Jingchun nodded. He also knew that there were only four students left, and it was impossible to wait until the afternoon for the defense. That would be unrealistic.

While the other defense teachers were asking questions, Mo Jingchun sent Feiyan a message, asking them to bring candy and eat first, so they don't have to wait for him.

After dinner, take the little one to take a nap.

Mo Jingchun didn't want the little guy to fall asleep while standing up when taking graduation photos in the afternoon, and then be recorded forever by the photographer brother.

Li Xuanyu, who walked out of the teaching building with a schoolbag on his back and humming a little tune, originally wanted to wait for Mo Jingchun to report his achievements.

Thinking of what the counselor said in the morning, Li Xuanyu had no choice but to give up.

"I don't know what time it is. Sister Na is still in the office, maybe she has already eaten and taken a nap."

"Call and ask."

After finding a cool place, Li Xuanyu dialed Sister Na's number.

"My sister is the queen, confident and crazy..."

Astonished, Li Xuanyu's face was nothing but astonished.

When did Sister Na change the ringtone of her cell phone? It's still in this style...

Obviously yesterday, the ringtone of the mobile phone was still beep~beep~beep~


"Sister Na, my defense is over, are you in the office?"

"Mo Jingchun also came out?"

Li Xuanyu glanced back at the teaching building, and said uncertainly: "It should not be there yet, and I'm not sure."

"Well, you go directly to the cafeteria, we will meet there, chat while eating."

"It's cooler in the cafeteria, too."

"Mmm Good."

In just a short while, Li Xuanyu's forehead was already sweating.

The position she was standing in was a vent, but at noon, the wind blowing over her was also a heat wave.

Taking out her beloved pink parasol, Li Xuanyu walked quickly towards the cafeteria.

"Auntie, I want two glasses of watermelon juice, thank you."

"Do you want more ice?"

"Yeah, yes!" The relatives had already left, and in such a hot day, it would be comfortable to drink iced ones.

But the aunt is really careful, she will ask every girl if she wants to add ice, and the boys will add ice uniformly.

"Girl, your two glasses of iced watermelon juice are ready."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Holding a glass of watermelon juice in one hand, Li Xuanyu scanned the entire cafeteria. Seeing that there was no one in the corner, Li Xuanyu's eyes lit up and walked over.

Take a sip, a cool feeling comes down from the mouth, it is not too comfortable.

"Ha~ Ba Shi."

Summer is very annoying, but when drinking iced juice, it is really refreshing.

With a click, Li Xuanyu took a photo and sent it to the counselor.

"Sister Na, I'm in this corner."


Having nothing to do, Li Xuanyu sent another message to Mo Jingchun.

"Goofy, my graduation defense went very well."

After waiting for a long time without replying, Li Xuanyu knew that Mo Jingchun's defense should not be over yet.

Li Xuanyu, who had read the list, was not surprised at all. Academicians + Nobel Prize winners are in charge, and the defense requirements will definitely be stricter.

The same number of responding students takes longer.

"Sister Na, this way!" Li Xuanyu raised her hand and kept shaking it from side to side.

"What do you want to eat? I'll treat you today." Li Na who came over said with a smile.

The dishes in the cafeteria are not expensive, Li Xuanyu did not refuse, and said with a smile:

"Mushroom shredded pork noodles, I haven't eaten noodles for a long time."

"In the past, every morning, my favorite food was shredded pork noodles with shiitake mushrooms made by my aunt in the cafeteria."


There were not many people eating noodles at noon, and after a minute of queuing, the two got their number plates.

Drinking the watermelon juice Li Xuanyu invited, Li Na smiled and said:

"You should guess what I asked you to say."

Li Xuanyu nodded, took a sip of watermelon juice, "I guess, for the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Now that you know, why don't you spend two more years and go to graduate school?"

"Actually... if you want, you can go to graduate school or even do a Ph.D. with Mo Jingchun. He has a quota."

Um, this wave of operations was never expected by Li Xuanyu.

That's right, as Mo Jingchun is a Nobel Prize winner, as long as Mo Jingchun nods, the school can't send him a hundred or eighty students.

This is the strong.

But ah, Mo Jingchun being her graduation thesis advisor is enough to make her collapse, plus two years or even don't know how many years, she still has to drive herself crazy.

Shaking his head, Li Xuanyu said: "Sister Na, no, I am different from Mo Jingchun, he is a scientist, and I am a technician."

"And, didn't he not take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"You guys are different, eh? No?"

"Oh, anyway, you are very different. He can easily skip graduate school and get a doctorate because he is a Nobel Prize winner."

"I know, but I don't care about graduate degrees."

"Even if Candy Technology goes bankrupt one day, with my ability, I can still live well."

"Sister Na, thank you for your concern."

Li Na still wanted to say something, but in the end she could only sigh. It could be seen that Li Xuanyu was determined to fight to the end in Candy Technology.

Moreover, as an outsider, Li Na could clearly feel that Li Xuanyu had fallen in love with Mo Jingchun.

PS: Thanks to Zi Ayou, Hongmeng Zilian,

Don't look for me when you fall asleep, Fy cliff, and the reward and support of the mouse-loving cat yml.

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