Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 494 Armor, open the door!

"Brother, I'll just take a look, I won't go out."

"It's so hot outside, you'll get tanned."

Seeing the little guy's serious explanation, Mo Jingchun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Will not go out yet.

If you weren't sitting here by yourself without anyone restraining you, would you run out?

I'm afraid the little guy doesn't believe what he said.

As a child, when you have a new toy, the first thing you do is not to play, but to show off.

Today's kids may not be able to do this, but like when he was a child, the first thing he did when he got a new toy was to show it off to his friends.

After breakfast and lunch, Mo Jingchun picked up the vegetarian meat stuck between his teeth with a toothpick.

"Go out at one o'clock in the afternoon, don't oversleep, be careful I will deduct your salary and bonus."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun deliberately shouted zero in front of Zhou Yaling.

"Zero, put what I just said in my memo."

"Boss, it has been recorded in the memo."

Opposite Mo Jingchun, Zhou Yaling stared at Mo Jingchun dumbfounded.

As for it! Memo!

That's the memo my brother used to record various major events in the company!

Zhou Yaling thought in her heart, how can I, Zhou Yaling, He Dehe, be on my brother's memo.

Just like in ancient times, what virtue can make the list.

Thinking about being able to sleep again, Zhou Yaling immediately felt relieved.

How nice it is to be able to sleep on the bed, unlike in the company, she can only sleep on the table.

Occasionally, I can rub against the sofa in my brother's office.


When Mo Jingchun came to the office, Mo Jingchun glanced and found that there was no one in the office.

It's just that Xia Xiaomin's computer is on, but he doesn't know where he is.

Behind him, Candy pushed the bicycle with a smile on his face.

"Brother, can you really ride a bicycle outside at four o'clock?"

"Hmm! This is the third time you have asked me."

"Hey, brother, Guo'er is worried."

Mo Jingchun sat on the office seat and said with a smile:

"So you can feel relieved by asking one more time?"

Putting down the bicycle, Candy tilted her head and blinked innocently at her brother.

"No, brother."

"I'm just doing it for recording."

Mo Jingchun frowned, such a high-end operation, who did Candy learn from?

He didn't believe that Candy knew this at such a young age.

"Who did you learn from?" Mo Jingchun asked directly.

Guessing, it is better to ask directly.

Anyway, candy didn't dare to hide it.

It seems that Candy didn't expect his brother to ask suddenly, and Candy blurted out without thinking.


The next second, Candy covered her mouth, but it was too late.

What should be said, what should not be said, everything has been said.

"Oops!" Candy stomped her feet angrily, feeling regretful in her heart.

Sitting in the office, Mo Jingchun looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"It's a crime."

The two little guys have learned to partner up to trick him.

At this time, Xia Xiaomin came in from outside holding a folder.

Looking at the boss's look of lovelessness, Xia Xiaomin looked puzzled.

And candy, what are you doing in the corner.

"Boss, this is the material application submitted by the aerospace research and development center."

Mo Jingchun glanced at it, and said lightly: "In the future, people from the aerospace research and development center will directly submit this kind of information to Zero."

Xia Xiaomin didn't have any objections to the boss's arrangement, nor did she have too many thoughts in her heart.

That's right, Xia Xiaomin also knew that the boss was guarding against her.

It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

"Okay, boss."

Mo Jingchun nodded, and said again: "Xu Pengfei and Li Wanning are going on their honeymoon this week, so you and Su Wenyan should pay more attention to the big and small things in the company."

"If you can't solve it, find me to solve the problem in time, don't press down."


Mo Jingchun stood up and looked at the candy hiding in the corner, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm going to the laboratory, look at the little one."

"Don't let her ride her bicycle out before four o'clock."

Uh... Xia Xiaomin looked at the boss, and then at the corner of the wall, covering her eyes and peeking at the boss's candy through her fingers.

Xia Xiaomin pursed her lips and smiled, "No problem!"

Just when Mo Jingchun raised his foot and was about to leave, the little guy suddenly said:

"Brother, in fact, Guo'er can go to the laboratory with you!"

Mo Jingchun turned around and took a look, Candy covered her eyes again in fright.

Mo Jingchun clasped his hands together, he could tell Tangtang's little thought at a glance.

Where did he want to go to the laboratory with him, he was clearly thinking about the armor in the laboratory.

No matter how fun a bicycle is, it is not at the same level as a battle armor.

Under the peeping of the little guy, Mo Jingchun walked to the door of the office, and suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

"What are you still standing there for? Come here quickly."

"If you don't come here, brother will really leave."

"I'm coming."

Candy looked at the bicycle with some reluctance, and the next second, the short legs were running fast.

"Brother, wait for Guoer!"

Seeing the disappearing treasure, Xia Xiaomin shrugged with a smile.

How many people would not envy her working environment.

In the laboratory, Candy rushed ahead of Mo Jingchun.

Looking at the big armor standing there, Candy's eyes lit up.

"Battle armor, here I come!"

"Battle armor, you open the door!"

Candy slapped the battle armor vigorously.

Behind him, Mo Jingchun quietly watched Candy perform there.

Ling, who was hiding in the supercomputer, was trembling, the boss didn't speak, and it didn't dare to open the armor.

Just made a small mistake, better be careful.

"Battle armor, you open the door!"

"If you don't open the door, how will Guo'er get in?"

After shouting for a long time, the battle armor stood there motionless, not even blinking his eyes.

"Brother, please open it for me."

There was no response for a long time, Candy pushed his brother to the side of the battle armor.


Mo Jingchun just coughed twice, and the two eyes of the battle armor lit up in a flash.

"Zero, call out my Dabai project."


The little guy stood on the small bench and crawled into the battle armor. Mo Jingchun sat in front of the computer and continued to study the Dabai project.

On the moon, four astronauts delivered a mysterious box to the middle of two wells according to the order.

"Base, the transportation team has arrived at the destination according to the order, please instruct."

After a burst of noise, a voice came from my ear.

"The box has been unlocked remotely. Open the box and there is a button inside. Press the button and you can go back to the base."

On the wasteland, the four astronauts look at me and I look at you.

Is it that simple?


According to the prompt, one of them opened the box and lightly pressed the red button.

After waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

PS: Thanks to Hongmeng Zilian and May827 for their rewards and support.

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