Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 653 New Milestone

In the evening, Xiao Huihui, who had gone through a day of hell training, finally tasted a little bit of sweetness, and added two chicken legs to dinner.

Just feeling three pairs of pitiful gazes, Xiao Huihui felt uncomfortable anywhere.

Mo Jingchun shook his head slightly while eating. Dogs are hard to mess with these days. The trainer said that if you continue to train for a week, the effect will be obvious.

This means that Xiao Huihui will have to continue tomorrow.

"Brother, why don't you forget? Xiao Huihui looks so pitiful."

Mo Jingchun grinned, "You signed up for the name, how can you give up halfway."

"Oh, I just mentioned it."

Zhou Yaling on the side thought to herself, as expected of two brothers and sisters, cheating people and dogs are the same, and they never discuss it.

For the next week, Xiao Huihui spent the night sleeping with nightmares.

Staying in the same storage room with Xiao Huihui at night, Dabai can always see Xiao Huihui twitching for no reason in the middle of the night. Look at the muscles on that dog's leg, it's okay to understand.

On Sunday, there is nothing to do all day, and the boring candy can only watch TV with her sister. Candy finds that the TV series are not so ugly. It's just a little bit worse than the cartoon.


"Okay, come out and get it right away."

Hanging up the courier brother, Zhou Yaling, who was about to put on her shoes and go out to pick up the courier, had a flash of inspiration and sat down again.

"Xiao Huihui, go outside to get the courier."

Xiao Huihui who was lying on the ground stood up reluctantly and walked out, her little eyes were full of resentment before leaving.

This woman will do her best to find trouble for her. Let's just say, it is a dog who graduated from a regular school anyway.

Outside the villa, the courier brother was already uncomfortable enough being stared at by a few strong bodyguards. When he saw that the one who came out to pick up the courier was a dog, he felt even worse.


Little Huihuipa pulled his paw, signaling to the courier brother not to groan, and quickly deliver the courier to it.

Biting the courier bag, Xiao Huihui entered the house without looking back, wagging her tail.

The bodyguards are already familiar with it. The courier brother who had seen similar videos on the Internet didn't think much about it, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Although he knew that he was handsome, but being stared at by several big men, which man could bear it.


After getting the courier, Zhou Yaling gave Xiao Huihui a pat.

But Xiao Huihui was disgusted and wanted to tilt her head, but when she thought that whether she could add chicken legs would depend on the woman's face, Xiao Huihui gave up resistance.

Candy stretched her head and bent over, with a curious expression on her face.

"Sister, what did you buy again?"

"What is another?" Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes and continued to unpack the package.

Candy blinked, "But, the express delivery you receive every month is yours."

"My brother seldom buys things online, even if he buys things online, they are all sent to the company."

Zhou Yaling thought about it carefully, and it seemed that such a thing really happened.

"Ah~" Candy exclaimed, "It's a skirt."

"Does it look good?"

Zhou Yaling gestured at her skirt, unable to hide a smile on her face. A skirt, but it cost her nearly a day's wages. Rarely has she been so extravagant.

When I was in college, I rarely bought more than 100 yuan online.

"Hey, sister, do you have a love partner? Recently, I dress up every day and wear lipstick."

"What do little brats know?"

"Who said, I'm the first to know who my brother is talking about!"

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Zhou Yaling refuted with her mouth, but sighed in her heart.

It would be great if there were handsome guys chasing her, so that the old man wouldn't tell her.

When I didn't graduate before, I still had an excuse, but now that I have graduated, it is difficult to find an excuse.

I don't know what the older generation thinks. The marriage of children is like a task, waiting to be completed.

In the company, how many people don't know that Zhou Yaling is Mo Jingchun's cousin who played with her since she was a child, and she and Candy are more like sisters. With this relationship, she has become the most difficult person in the whole company to get out of the order people.

Not to mention college classmates, the relationship is not very good.

Chinese New Year blind date? It's scary to think about it.

Every time this happens, Zhou Yaling will comfort herself, she is still young, not yet thirty, so there is no rush.

In July, all over the country, no matter how big or small the middle schools are, basically have summer vacation, and the hottest season is coming.

Walking on the black asphalt road, it feels like walking on a steamer.

Mo Jingchun, holding an umbrella, looked at the rolling heat waves and lamented how hot this summer was. Wait, why say this year again? It seems that every summer is said to be the hottest year ever.

From the office building to the No. 2 laboratory building, nearly a mile away, Mo Jingchun was already sweating.

Once inside, the cool breeze blowing against your face is simply not too comfortable. It's no wonder that the followers are unwilling to come out, blowing on the air conditioner in the office, drinking watermelon juice, and watching cartoons, doesn't he want to?




"En." Mo Jingchun nodded in response, looking at the aerospace engine in front of him that looked the same as it was a month ago, and said, "Have you checked everything?"


"If it's a mule or a horse, then continue to pull it out for a stroll."

"I have asked someone to arrange a transport vehicle, and I have communicated with the transportation department, and it will be transported tomorrow morning."

"Check again, I'll go to the other three groups to see."

After Mo Jingchun left, no one took Mo Jingchun's words as wind in their ears, and went in one ear and out the other.

If you say check, check it, no one dares to be vague. After getting along for such a long time, everyone knows the boss's temperament.

You can refute opinions in person, but the instructions after you give them must be completed as required, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

For more than an hour, Mo Jingchun, who came down from upstairs, stood at the entrance of the hall and did not go out. Turning around and taking a bottle of refrigerated drink, Mo Jingchun quickly walked all the way to the office area.

"Boss, this is the financial statement that Manager Su sent back from Anyang."

As soon as he sat down, Xia Xiaomin took a report and put it on his desk.

Looking at the report, Mo Jingchun drank the iced black tea in the hall of the No. 2 laboratory, and said, "Remind Su Wenyan that you must pay attention to the safety of the laborers, and the work of heatstroke prevention must be supervised in place. The heatstroke prevention work I have dialed down The special funds must be put in place.”

"Okay, boss."

"Brother, is the iced tea good?"

Mo Jingchun is too embarrassed to expose her little sister's carelessness.

"Get it yourself."


The next day, Beijing time, 16:50.

In the observation room 300 meters away from the test platform, Candy tightly covered her ears with her hands.

In the next second, a huge roar came from the platform.

"The thrust is 410 tons, and the engine is working normally."

"60 seconds, the engine is working fine!"

Everyone waited anxiously, staring intently at the light blue flame.

"300 seconds works fine!"

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