Chapter 798 Friction~

When the application was submitted to the highest level, after a lapse of one day, the secret base that received a reply resumed its isolated life again.

In order to fight against the aliens who "definitely" exist, everyone is working hard.

Even if human beings are just an ant in the eyes of aliens, human beings have to bite hard so that aliens can remember human civilization.

Without the threat, Mo Jingchun found that his life didn't seem to have changed much.

After continuously observing the asteroid that split into two halves for one day, the zero-confirmation trajectory was 108,000 miles away from the blue star, and after leaving an early warning program, I didn't pay much attention.

In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly. Candy, who had just woken up, smelled the fragrance and ran downstairs in her pajamas.

The little guy didn't see his brother. In the kitchen, only his sister, who was also in pajamas, bent over and didn't know what she was cooking.

"Sister, cook something delicious, it smells so good."

Suddenly someone spoke from behind, Zhou Yaling was taken aback.

Seeing the candy, Zhou Yaling patted her chest while letting out a sigh of relief.

"Scared me."

"Why do you make no sound when you walk?"

Hearing this, Tang Tangdi glanced at the slippers on his feet.

"These fluffy slippers are silent when walking."

"Sister, you haven't told me what you cooked?"

Zhou Yaling stretched her neck and looked outside to confirm that her brother was not there, so Zhou Yaling whispered:

"Don't tell brother, I cooked instant noodles."

"Instant noodles???" Candy's eyes widened! Do you have instant noodles at home?

"Shhh, keep your voice down."

Smelling the fragrance, Candy touched her growling stomach and looked at Zhou Yaling pitifully.

"Sister, I want to eat too."

"This..." Zhou Yaling showed a troubled expression.

"Brother won't let you eat."

"My brother still doesn't let me drink milk tea! It's okay to have it once in a while."

"Isn't it, Zero." Candy turned around and shouted at Zero outside.

Zero, who was teasing the dog, turned his head and said calmly:

"It's okay to eat instant noodles occasionally, but it's better to eat less."


"Sister, did you hear that, it's okay to eat instant noodles once in a while."

Zhou Yaling shrugged and said indifferently:

"I'm casual. My brother will find out after a while, and he won't talk about me."

"It's okay." Candy, who was already looking forward to see through, swallowed her saliva.

It's so fragrant that you can satisfy yourself with a mouthful of soup.

In the yard, Mo Jingchun, who was renovating the flower garden, knew that Zhou Yaling was cooking instant noodles.

Instant noodles, a kind of fast food, smell very good, and when you eat it, one or two bites are okay at first, and any more will not taste good.

At least that's how Mo Jingchun felt.

After a long time, Mo Jingchun, who finished the flower garden, came back to the house with a small shovel and saw Tangtang and Zhou Yaling sitting in the living room watching TV.

Looking at the two people in pajamas, Mo Jingchun was a little surprised.

Normally, Candy seldom went downstairs in her pajamas, what happened today.

"Have you eaten? Want to eat something?"

"have eaten."

Um? Mo Jingchun's sharp eyes noticed that the corner of Tangtang's mouth was not wiped clean.

"Are the instant noodles delicious?"

"Delicious!" Candy subconsciously nodded.

The next moment, Candy was stunned.

What did she just say!

Looking at his brother's half-smile eyes, Candy smiled politely and awkwardly.

"Brother, you're talking to me again."

Mo Jingchun rolled her eyes at Candy, and said, "There's no need for me to talk to you, you haven't even wiped the corners of your mouth clean."

Hearing this, Candy touched the corner of her mouth, her face full of regret.

"Oh, I was careless. Sister, just remind me."

Watching the TV series, Zhou Yaling lay innocently on the gun.

Touching the dry skin on her face, Zhou Yaling said indifferently:

"I remember someone said it himself, it's all right."

Candy's eyes widened instantly.

Mo Jingchun on the side shook his head, this kid fell into the pit again.

Just when he was about to put the small shovel into the storage room, Mo Jingchun saw the steamed stuffed bun tied to the door of the storage room sliding on the spot.

That movement, that posture, as if the ground under your feet is not a floor, but a treadmill.

Rubbing rubbing, is the devil's pace.


Mo Jingchun couldn't help giving a thumbs up to this small slippery step.

Fat body, but so flexible.

Zhou Yaling and Candy, who noticed Mo Jingchun's abnormality, also came over curiously.

Seeing Baozi walking in place, Candy, who had never seen sliding steps, was stunned.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow! Baozi can walk in place."

Glancing at the fussy candy, Mo Jingchun performed a slide on the spot.

"Brother is fine."

The next moment, Mo Jingchun and Candy looked at Zhou Yaling in tacit understanding.

Being watched by two people, Zhou Yaling was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

"This is too simple, my sister was on the high school stage back then."

With that said, Zhou Yaling performed a very chic slide.

Seeing that Zhou Yaling was still moving, Mo Jingchun asked in surprise: "You have been on stage in high school, why didn't I know."

"Senior year, you are already in college, of course you don't know."

At this time, Candy interjected: "It's my turn, it's my turn."

Mo Jingchun and Zhou Yaling looked at Candy quietly, waiting for Candy's performance.

Ten seconds passed, Candy bit her finger and stood there motionless.

"It's your turn, you should start."

Candy smiled awkwardly, "I remember, I don't know how, and I haven't learned it before."

Seeing this, Mo Jingchun had a bold idea in his heart.

Under Zhou Yaling's astonished eyes, Mo Jingchun pointed at Baozi and said:

"Baozi's sliding step is the best, you learn slowly."


In the capital city, in a biology laboratory that begins with the Chinese characters, three old men with white hair are wearing presbyopic glasses and looking at the cage.

The trembling white rabbit in front of him is like a rare treasure.

Around the three professors, more than a dozen assistants wanted to take a closer look, but there was really no place for them.

As a student, you can't compete with the teacher to see a big white rabbit.

"Young people are awesome, young people are awesome!"

"I can't see any sense of incongruity."

Another professor sneered and said, "Is the appearance important? Anyone can know bionic technology. What is amazing is how to connect neurons and send correct signals to the nerves."

"Among them, two technologies are the most important. First, neuron connection technology, and second, signal analysis technology, both are indispensable."

"But you're right about one thing, young people are formidable."

"I've known that kid's power for a long time, and I really saw it today."

As he said that, the old man couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I have to talk to him if I have a chance."

"Okay. You two have been arguing for half your life, aren't you tired?"

"Let me tell you, how about removing the bionic eyes and seeing what happens?"

"It's not that good!" The two said in unison, unanimous in their opinions.

Professor Wang took off his reading glasses and said with a smile:

"You really dare to think, how many times have the things you dismantled been restored to their original state."

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